Item restorations in last 3 weeks

When did your Items get restored?

  • No items ever lost

    Votes: 78 27.2%
  • Items restored previous to last 3 weeks

    Votes: 54 18.8%
  • items restored in last 3 weeks

    Votes: 9 3.1%
  • items still missing

    Votes: 146 50.9%

  • Total voters
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Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
ZukeSB: You doubt it? I think Requel and co still immagine borders in middle of paris, to make non ot network outside of france, with this solid grasp of reality, they can ban immagined threats. You say they aren't that dumb and know about non OT routers in france? Then they are just liars. Can you trust their motivies then?

The momement when it changes, the moment I will beging to believe in anything said by Requiel.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Esselinithia said:
ZukeSB: You doubt it? I think Requel and co still immagine borders in middle of paris, to make non ot network outside of france, with this solid grasp of reality, they can ban immagined threats. You say they aren't that dumb and know about non OT routers in france? Then they are just liars. Can you trust their motivies then?

The momement when it changes, the moment I will beging to believe in anything said by Requiel.

And you just whine and make up shit half the time with your half baked assumptions you say are fact....

I can see the restoration taking well into next year, what you want them to do? Hirer 10 people just to do the restoration then fire them? oO Sure they will love that....

If you think you can do a better job then apply for the fucking GM position that is open at the moment and do so.. if not just let them get on with it.

Yes they make mistakes, yes information they originally give is sometimes wrong because the situation changes later... but it happens to everyone. Anyways, i cant really say much as i hardly play now because i needed a break from the game as nothing new to do, so i leave you to whine esse.

I will keep an eye out in the shops next time i out, maybe if im lucky i see you laying in a corridor crying/screaming while bounding your hands and feet into the ground!


May 27, 2005
Corran said:
And you just whine and make up shit half the time with your half baked assumptions you say are fact....

I can see the restoration taking well into next year, what you want them to do? Hirer 10 people just to do the restoration then fire them? oO Sure they will love that....

If you think you can do a better job then apply for the fucking GM position that is open at the moment and do so.. if not just let them get on with it.

Yes they make mistakes, yes information they originally give is sometimes wrong because the situation changes later... but it happens to everyone. Anyways, i cant really say much as i hardly play now because i needed a break from the game as nothing new to do, so i leave you to whine esse.

I will keep an eye out in the shops next time i out, maybe if im lucky i see you laying in a corridor crying/screaming while bounding your hands and feet into the ground!

Most people agree what esselinithia said on the other post or they making up shit to?

scorge said:
account sharing is against the CoC, unless they banned teh accounts because they were linked to the same subscription details. then again goa can do what they like with the accounts :mad:


Never shared my account, true they can do what they like but they are useless


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
scorge: Lets see it from another perspective for a moment. GOA said many many things, like they don't have backups (how theywould roll back? And every sane company has several different backups even months old ones. And all transactions from log done again on a 2 months old backup would mean... See why the backup issue is important? If they don't have backups and a working policy for backups all the daoc data can go poof anytime.

With all the problems, I think they decided it is easier to cover up their tracks with lies than to do anything properly. If there is abuse, and in RVR a duo benefits from it, or some people uses ill gained items as gifts, or sells plat/items online, but forget to tell friends who were invited to farming runs as help, etc. it is hard to determine who done what. From what you see from GOA, do you honestly believe they would do a proper investigation, ask all related parties check how it happened, or just ban all and if needed cover the story with lies?

Also they can ban miltiple members of the same family, they can ban all who play from same netcafe / company network, etc.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 7, 2004
Esselinithia said:
ZukeSB: You doubt it? I think Requel and co still immagine borders in middle of paris, to make non ot network outside of france, with this solid grasp of reality, they can ban immagined threats. You say they aren't that dumb and know about non OT routers in france? Then they are just liars. Can you trust their motivies then?

The momement when it changes, the moment I will beging to believe in anything said by Requiel.

Please direct this rambling to Requiel or even GOA since i don't really think it has any bearing on my comment. The fact that i doubted Sentimos and his comments for banning doesn't mean it WAS, IS or WILL BE the actual reason.

Of course, i'm assuming your just guessing too? Or basing your input on something Sentimos has told you?

I await the info Sentimos is going to post. Not that it will help him, probably.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Esselinithia said:
scorge: GOA said many many things, like they don't have backups (how theywould roll back? And every sane company has several different backups even months old ones.

Sane and GoA shouldn't be used in the same sentence.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Corran: Hire and fire? You know companies can hire people for specific time when they tell exactly how much time people are hired for in advance? Yes, the world has a valid answer to this problem, and it isn't a new answer, but GOA and a few lackeys live in their imagined "perfect world" tm. Maybe you born with this problem so I can't blame you for it.


May 27, 2005
ZukeSB said:
Of course, i'm assuming your just guessing too? Or basing your input on something Sentimos has told you?

I await the info Sentimos is going to post. Not that it will help him, probably.

Waiting for reply in RN, witch is taking them days to respond, as other stuff


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
Sentimos today at 2:11 pm said:
Waiting for reply in RN, witch is taking them days to respond, as other stuff
Sentimos today at 12:50pm said:
Yeah i just RN'ed it, i'll post on fh later since this is perfetic.

1hr 21 minutes = days?
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