Item restorations in last 3 weeks

When did your Items get restored?

  • No items ever lost

    Votes: 78 27.2%
  • Items restored previous to last 3 weeks

    Votes: 54 18.8%
  • items restored in last 3 weeks

    Votes: 9 3.1%
  • items still missing

    Votes: 146 50.9%

  • Total voters
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It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Vautrin said:
This poll shows something else - they are 25% of the way through the list - or maybe it is my bad english?

this poll is just of FH users which are a small minority of daoc players and is therefore liable to be entirely skewed.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
this poll is just of FH users which are a small minority of daoc players and is therefore liable to be entirely skewed.

damn statistics!



Loyal Freddie
Mar 31, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
this poll is just of FH users which are a small minority of daoc players and is therefore liable to be entirely skewed.

If this minority hasnt lied in this poll, results might be few per cent not accurate. It still shows how this situation looks in general.


Dec 22, 2003
Vautrin said:
If this minority hasnt lied in this poll, results might be few per cent not accurate. It still shows how this situation looks in general.

Or it could be that 1/4 of the people still missing items decided to come to FH and whine, and thus see the poll.
If i'd had my items back, I wouldn't bother voting in a poll like this, i'd be busy playing.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
i havent gotten any mails yet from GoA about my artis...but i have updated my req alog with new info on more chars...maybe thats why i havent gotten a reply or refund


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 7, 2004
Tilda said:
Or it could be that 1/4 of the people still missing items decided to come to FH and whine, and thus see the poll.
If i'd had my items back, I wouldn't bother voting in a poll like this, i'd be busy playing.

I voted before i got my items back and still visit this thread to see how things are going. Keep defending the poor effort by GOA to keep people updated.

Of course, 90% of the people who lost items and haven't had them returned might not know about FH or it's poll, making the situation look even worse. But then i would just be guessing to skew the arguement my way, much like you did.


Loyal Freddie
Mar 31, 2004
even if people who got their items back dont want to vote here, there are at least 117 people (at the moment) who after over 2 months havent received their items back! What the hell they are paying for?!


Dec 22, 2003
Takitothemacs said:
and didnt Requiel post that same number outstanding on October the 17th?

Am pretty sure he did!
Because there were around 500 to go then, however, did it ever occur to you that perhaps, just perhaps, reports were still comming in? So goa have 500 to go, get down to say 400 and then ohh look, another 99 in our inbox?
People are still sending in reports, its not like they've said, ok we're not going to accept more reports.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 8, 2004
Tilda said:
Because there were around 500 to go then, however, did it ever occur to you that perhaps, just perhaps, reports were still comming in? So goa have 500 to go, get down to say 400 and then ohh look, another 99 in our inbox?
People are still sending in reports, its not like they've said, ok we're not going to accept more reports.

I have no actual proof, but it does seem to me rather doubtful that 2 months 27 days later people *still* hadn't noticed missing items on their characters :p


Loyal Freddie
Jan 22, 2005
xanir said:
Yes, it's another poll but there did seem to be some actual support for this one :p

Following lack of any sort of estimated timescale/amount of reports left, and as GOA missed their last 'deadline' (they didn't actually post a date, but some basic maths indicates when they would finish if they kept working at the same pace). Voting options are self explanatory I hope :p

wont even let me log into RightNow .. so i cant even report the items missing let alone have had em back yet :(

p.s yes i did put right details into rightnow login thing :)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 2, 2004
xanir said:
I have no actual proof, but it does seem to me rather doubtful that 2 months 27 days later people *still* hadn't noticed missing items on their characters :p

:( I submitted a new one yesterday after a char I hadn't logged in for ages turned out to be all nakid. I'd assumed that if one char was naked, every alt on that account was (as was the case with my second account). But it turns out that just any char can be stripped - so even though 7 out of 8 were fine the last was stripped (they look fine on the login screen - its only when you actually log in that you see them nakid).

GOA closed my request straight away again saying they know about the problems and I'd receive further information when they get around to it. Oh well I'm still waiting for the other account too. :(


Can't get enough of FH
May 14, 2004
GMs see if you can get the powers that be to agree to some kind of proper compensation for accounts aside from just restoring the items and cash - lets face it some people have had unplayable main characters for months now.

Personally im not amazingly fussed i just lost low level stuff - some people lost 400-500 plats worth of kit - cant just replace that by going out and farming again easily...
Apr 20, 2004
TheBinarySurfer said:
GMs see if you can get the powers that be to agree to some kind of proper compensation for accounts aside from just restoring the items and cash - lets face it some people have had unplayable main characters for months now.

Personally im not amazingly fussed i just lost low level stuff - some people lost 400-500 plats worth of kit - cant just replace that by going out and farming again easily...

GOA don't care :( theres probably a fat guy reading these that works for them saying "Oh ho ho ho fuck you oh ho ho ho! you will accept the aurulite and shut your slimey mouth little daoc peoples!"


Can't get enough of FH
May 14, 2004
I'd like to emphasise this bitching from me isnt aimed at the GMs.

Sadly the people on the front end usually know what it takes to make a company/policy/service work and are prepared to put the effort in, all the while being hamstrung by the policy makers sat behind them who've never done the job...

Get it sorted or start giving out MUCH better info yeah? Playerbase is fresh out of patience with all the problems lately.


Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
oh well - looks like GOA are doing their best to ignore this issue - and mods dont flame me - simply read the news

quote -

all our efforts are concentrated on the next expansion for which the English tests already began a little time ago

so ppl who lost stuff on pryd your fooked!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 8, 2005
I lost alot of items even armor

I did a full report of my lost items

none of it is back

GOA is a shit corp with no brains :puke:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
It took some time, I got angry frustrated blablablabla but now I do have gotten my itams on those 2 that was stripped, felt so sweet when I got it so forgott my frustration:) Might take some time for some like it did for me. Keep the faith eventho its hard:)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
after being inactive for like 4 months I've activated 2 days ago and logged on prydwen yesterday night, my Skald was naked. So I've sent a rightnow report yesterday night and I can understand there are still reports comming in from people who were inactive for some time. My Skald was just lvl 31 tho so not a big deal (altho had full crafted suit) but I can't play naked :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 26, 2003


I sent in a report to rightnow awhile ago (as I just reactivated)...

Today I logged on rightnow for no particular reason, to check the status of my request... request/question is not there.... (atleast i cant find it) I went back to check the confirmation email I got when I submitted...

And it does say something about assuming the issue being resolved if I dont reply.... So...should I file another report or is this as it should be?

Recently you requested personal assistance from our on-line support center. Below is a summary of your request and our response.

We will assume your issue has been resolved if we do not hear from you within 48 hours.

Thank you for allowing us to be of service to you.

[===> Please enter your reply below this line <===]

[===> Please enter your reply above this line <===]

If your issue remains unresolved, please update this question here.

Missing items Hibernia/Prydwen - Character: xxx

Discussion Thread
Response (CM_EN) 11/28/2005 05:56 PM

Thank you for the report. We are aware of the problem on Prydwen and we will be looking into it as a matter of urgency.

We will be working to restore as much of the losses as possible however we ask for your patience while we work to fix the problem. You will be contacted again when we have more information for you.

Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Community Manager


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 22, 2004
Well i have an idea that will force them to respond to this issue, as they seem to no longer care. If everyone that has items still missing posts several rightnow questions per day on this issue - this will flood them until they do something. Ok i know this is petty and silly but as we seem to have no other option as they seem to have forgetten us.

They respond that they are all working as hard as they can on this issue, and it is top priority -however since then they have patched the servers, clustered and set-up classic servers - doesn't really seem top proirity does it.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 25, 2004
Just something I really only noticed recently, quote from the reply from my report "We will be working to restore as much of the losses as possible" too me that sounds very much like the people still waiting could just get screwed tbh.

After 3 months of waiting I've given up on getting stuff replaced/compensation and marked it down as another bad experiance with GoA things like this generally make certain decisions IE: playing another game hosted by them/quiting or renewing accounts etc that little bit easier, Certainly if armed with this information when I starting playing DAoC I would have either played US or just not played it at all. :(


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
Wimp said:
Well i have an idea that will force them to respond to this issue, as they seem to no longer care. If everyone that has items still missing posts several rightnow questions per day on this issue - this will flood them until they do something. Ok i know this is petty and silly but as we seem to have no other option as they seem to have forgetten us.

They respond that they are all working as hard as they can on this issue, and it is top priority -however since then they have patched the servers, clustered and set-up classic servers - doesn't really seem top proirity does it.
We are still working on the restorations, no-one has been forgotten. Resending your request multiple times again or spamming us with additional rightnows about it will only slow down the process further. We also won't respond to updates on existing messages as we explained in the news a couple of weeks ago. If you submitted a request and have not had an answer yet, it is still in the queue to be done and you don't need to update it or send in a new one unless you have new information that we need to work with.
It is still the priority for the GM teams. The other things you mentioned - patches, clustering, new servers etc - are done by different teams of people who are nothing to do with the GMs who are working on restoring lost items.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 3, 2004
Requiel said:
It is still the priority for the GM teams. The other things you mentioned - patches, clustering, new servers etc - are done by different teams of people who are nothing to do with the GMs who are working on restoring lost items.

than kick them in the butt, because its not that hard.. okay there have been like 1000 ppl. come on, they read a sent-in description of the problem, check some log before that patch day, and if its ok they send him the money(as a gm they should know what worths how much, or just ask me :p ) - done in maximum 5 minutes... if 1 man works on the prob, he can solve 5*12 minutes=60 /hour, so 60*10=600 problems /day... you mentioned the ppl working on them in plural form so there must be at least 2 ppl doing this.. thats 2*600=1200 lost item problem/day... so are you sure its top priority? if it would been you could finish the restoration in less than 10 hours...

...and not 5 months!!!

goa worst support ever.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
october 17th.... 500 items... recent reports 500 items... restoration basically stopped from what I have read... Requiel you only need reread the threads on (which you have given up on as they were coming a bit close to the bone) and here to see how annoyed the community are with the level of support that you are... or in this case NOT... providing.


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
Takitothemacs said:
october 17th.... 500 items... recent reports 500 items... restoration basically stopped from what I have read... Requiel you only need reread the threads on (which you have given up on as they were coming a bit close to the bone) and here to see how annoyed the community are with the level of support that you are... or in this case NOT... providing.
It hasn't stopped at all. The number outstanding has stayed constant despite the fact that many new reports have come in as people reactivated accounts for clustering or the classic servers - proving that the restoration process is continuing. This has been explained to you before and yet again you choose to ignore inconvenient facts in the pursuit of cheap points.

I stopped posting on, not because they were 'coming too close to the bone' but because the signal to noise ratio reached a level where it really wasn't worth the time or effort to continue posting there.

I understand entirely that people are upset about the length of time the proces is taking. As the person primarily responsible for resolving it I know exactly how people feel - are you honestly trying to suggest that these threads are telling me something I don't know? Once again, we are still working on the problem, there isn't a faster way of doing it unfortunately no matter how much I wish that there was. We are working flat out on resolving the problem and frankly you are causing further problems and making my job harder by deliberately spreading information that you know to be untrue.

Righthandof said:
than kick them in the butt, because its not that hard.. okay there have been like 1000 ppl. come on, they read a sent-in description of the problem, check some log before that patch day, and if its ok they send him the money(as a gm they should know what worths how much, or just ask me :p ) - done in maximum 5 minutes... if 1 man works on the prob, he can solve 5*12 minutes=60 /hour, so 60*10=600 problems /day... you mentioned the ppl working on them in plural form so there must be at least 2 ppl doing this.. thats 2*600=1200 lost item problem/day... so are you sure its top priority? if it would been you could finish the restoration in less than 10 hours...

...and not 5 months!!!

goa worst support ever.

A couple of things.
1: There were many more than 1000 reports. Somewhere in the region of 4000 so far, many dealing with multiple characters and often multiple accounts.
2: It takes about 45 minutes to fully replace an average template (i.e. one not made mostly of rogs or crafted gear).

So that's 4000 reports with - let's say - an average of 6 characters per report which is 24000* characters each of which takes about 45 minutes. I'd say that looks like more than 10 hours work.

*This is an estimated number, it's not possible to say exactly how many characters have been affected, I do however know how many reports there have been.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 12, 2004
Got my stuff back a couple of days ago.
ref: 050907-000248

Can maybe give som hope to those still waiting.
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