Item restorations in last 3 weeks

When did your Items get restored?

  • No items ever lost

    Votes: 78 27.2%
  • Items restored previous to last 3 weeks

    Votes: 54 18.8%
  • items restored in last 3 weeks

    Votes: 9 3.1%
  • items still missing

    Votes: 146 50.9%

  • Total voters
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Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Righthandof said:
than kick them in the butt, because its not that hard.. okay there have been like 1000 ppl. come on, they read a sent-in description of the problem, check some log before that patch day, and if its ok they send him the money(as a gm they should know what worths how much, or just ask me :p ) - done in maximum 5 minutes... if 1 man works on the prob, he can solve 5*12 minutes=60 /hour, so 60*10=600 problems /day... you mentioned the ppl working on them in plural form so there must be at least 2 ppl doing this.. thats 2*600=1200 lost item problem/day... so are you sure its top priority? if it would been you could finish the restoration in less than 10 hours...

...and not 5 months!!!

goa worst support ever.

Righthandof, worst mathematician ever.

1 problem every 5 minutes.
60 minutes (=1 hour) / 5 minutes = 12
12 problems solved / hour.
Average working day (9am-6pm)=9 hours.
12 problems * 9 hours = 108 problems in 9 hours
deduct 2 problems solved for 30 minute lunch break.
106 problems solved in a day.
2+ people working on the problemJ: 106 * 2 = 212 problems solved a day.

You took the number of 1000 problems.
1000 / 212 = 4+ days needed to solve 1000 problems.

If you try to be a smartass, at least get the figures right?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Requiel said:
It hasn't stopped at all. The number outstanding has stayed constant despite the fact that many new reports have come in as people reactivated accounts for clustering or the classic servers - proving that the restoration process is continuing. This has been explained to you before and yet again you choose to ignore inconvenient facts in the pursuit of cheap points.

I stopped posting on, not because they were 'coming too close to the bone' but because the signal to noise ratio reached a level where it really wasn't worth the time or effort to continue posting there.

I understand entirely that people are upset about the length of time the proces is taking. As the person primarily responsible for resolving it I know exactly how people feel - are you honestly trying to suggest that these threads are telling me something I don't know? Once again, we are still working on the problem, there isn't a faster way of doing it unfortunately no matter how much I wish that there was. We are working flat out on resolving the problem and frankly you are causing further problems and making my job harder by deliberately spreading information that you know to be untrue.

A couple of things.
1: There were many more than 1000 reports. Somewhere in the region of 4000 so far, many dealing with multiple characters and often multiple accounts.
2: It takes about 45 minutes to fully replace an average template (i.e. one not made mostly of rogs or crafted gear).

So that's 4000 reports with - let's say - an average of 6 characters per report which is 24000* characters each of which takes about 45 minutes. I'd say that looks like more than 10 hours work.

*This is an estimated number, it's not possible to say exactly how many characters have been affected, I do however know how many reports there have been.
And you remain adamant in your defence of what has been proven to be an incorrect path of action in respect to this issue.

What people rely on is others from the community posting here as has just been done to give some incling of where GOA are up to. It should be GOA who are informing the people, its PAYING CUSTOMERS about the status of the issues outstanding and any ETA.

Now while you will regurgitate the issue of "there have been more reports coming in since" I accept that and have never contested that fact however what I fail to believe is that of the 500 items outstanding on the 17th october that you cannot give us an indication of the number of outstanding items remaining from that list as personally I accept, as I have said before that more reports come in for various issues.

What I fail to accept as do others, is that from the failure of Prydwen to the 17th october there was figures of 2500 reports received, of which on the 17th october 500 were outstanding now...

5th September when the server came back up to 17th October 2000 reports have been sorted of the 2500. Fair enough.

Over 31 working days = 64.52 reports sorted per day.

From 17th October to 13th December (not withstanding new reports received after the figure of 2500 had been stated) we look at the remaining 500 reports.

If we apply the same logic... we find 40 working days.

so the rate of 64.52 over 40 days would equate to 2580 reports sorted.

Ok so GOA are a GM down so lets take a way a third of that number to compensate (even though Zen didnt leave on the 17th (see im not being nasty to you and giving you some time here) so we are down to 1700 (give or take a few)

So even with rate of incoming reports of 30 reports a day you should still be on top of it give or take a few... that is IF it is your top priority... which I dont believe it is... but thats my opinion.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 29, 2004
I reported my lost items the 9/9 (4 days after the server put back online) and I haven't got a single item. So I fail to see how you deal with this problem. How can it take more then 3 months before its my turn to get my items back??


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 3, 2004
Tareregion said:
Righthandof, worst mathematician ever.

You took the number of 1000 problems.
1000 / 212 = 4+ days needed to solve 1000 problems.

If you try to be a smartass, at least get the figures right?

just check the time of my post, 02:25 am, and i was smoking weed as well :p .. but still, its not 1 days, rather 4. wow, 4 day isnt equal to 4 months, is it ?!?!


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 8, 2004
Requiel said:
So that's 4000 reports with - let's say - an average of 6 characters per report which is 24000* characters each of which takes about 45 minutes. I'd say that looks like more than 10 hours work

Now, I fully admit not every character on an account will have a full toa template and thus take 45 minutes. Let's estimate it at 90 minutes per account.

4000*90/60 = 6000 hours. Assume 3 GMs permenantly assigned to this and working 8 hour days.

6000/3/8 = 250. That's 250 working days, and as we can assume GMs don't work weekends thats 50 weeks, or just under a *year*

Considering I've weighted the maths in your favour (e.g. it probably takes more than 90 minutes per account according to what you've told us) it's quite possibly more than this.

I'm getting less rather than more reassured by Requiel's post :x


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
My Chars on Pry were sorted some time ago and I voted to show that. However, on the subject of GOA Support my personal opinion is that it is terrible. They do not even follow the 'basic rules' of Customer Service. Such as, even if all you have is bad news tell your customers something and keep them updated. It shows your working on their issues. Silence is your worst enemy. That comes from 17 years experience working in Customer/Tech Service albeit in the Aerospace Industry.

Suggest their support teams read 'up your service!', it has a lot of good best practice ideas. Just disregard the American BS that goes with all these types of books ;)

Would have been a good idea to post a weekly update in news showing how many chars had been completed and how many reports were outstanding. Regardless of new reports it would have shown progress.

I don't agree with Tilda's stance that seems to suggest everyone complaining about GOA are just a bunch of whiners. They paid GOA good money to play this game and with chars they spent a lot of time building to compete. They are perfectly entitled to vent their frustration. Putting them down just adds to that frustration. It may not be GOA's fault this happened but it is their task to correct it and do so in a timely manner. Its clear this has gone on far too long. Regardless of time taken for each query the simple fact is that they could have taken on temps to clear the backlog.

I'm sure GOA do care, they care about the money you pay them to play this game. Without it they loose their jobs.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 5, 2005
i know this wont help you guys any but i reported mine immediately when i found out (day server went down at approx 2pm) and all my items on the chars that got stripped were returned.
im not saying this is any of your fault but in know of a few peeps (no names but you know who you are) that blatantly lied about their equipment.. mabye thas why some of it isnt back yet.. think guys.. just think


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Hawkwind said:
My Chars on Pry were sorted some time ago and I voted to show that. However, on the subject of GOA Support my personal opinion is that it is terrible. They do not even follow the 'basic rules' of Customer Service. Such as, even if all you have is bad news tell your customers something and keep them updated. It shows your working on their issues. Silence is your worst enemy. That comes from 17 years experience working in Customer/Tech Service albeit in the Aerospace Industry.

Suggest their support teams read 'up your service!', it has a lot of good best practice ideas. Just disregard the American BS that goes with all these types of books ;)

Would have been a good idea to post a weekly update in news showing how many chars had been completed and how many reports were outstanding. Regardless of new reports it would have shown progress.

I don't agree with Tilda's stance that seems to suggest everyone complaining about GOA are just a bunch of whiners. They paid GOA good money to play this game and with chars they spent a lot of time building to compete. They are perfectly entitled to vent their frustration. Putting them down just adds to that frustration. It may not be GOA's fault this happened but it is their task to correct it and do so in a timely manner. Its clear this has gone on far too long. Regardless of time taken for each query the simple fact is that they could have taken on temps to clear the backlog.

I'm sure GOA do care, they care about the money you pay them to play this game. Without it they loose their jobs.
That has to be one of the best posts I have seen on the issue.. a post that sums up all the frustration and anger that I have tried to express for the past weeks.

/salute Hawkwind


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Maybe Requiel and co won't like what I have to say, but sadly there are no better wording of the problem. GOA shown how incompetent they are and how easily they lie, and I think the E&E teams who flamed unhappy users are probably closely related to them.

Part 1: Cost and quality of support

Some say we don't pay much for the game, and shouldn't expect too much: Lets do some basic math.
Count subs with 12 euro a month, for 2 accounts, it would be 288 euro a year, and add the costs of the game / expansions to the figure you pay to GOA for their services. About 60 euro extra a year.

Now lets see what I pay for a vbulletin licence a year? Or a cpanel licence? Or how much I pay for my DSL / email? How much I pay for some co-location hosting? Even in other MMORPGs I can have 24/7 customer support, wih fast response times.

I pay less for vBulletin, yet for an officially unsupported version, when I had a problem with a feature rarely used on a bit strange server config, I aksed about it, and got a working patch for it next day. Cpanel support answers most requests, and whenever they can they offer help.

Now lets see support incidents with GOA?

Item restoration: Still waiting
Missing kill credit from dragon raid (multiple people reported): No fix, no changes, no real answer, marked solved
2 bugs regarding to ML7 group steps were reported earlier: No information about it, marked solved
A query about MLXP step (after ML3) didn't mention that ML step mobs no longer give MLXP but says, they scale for level and the MLXP I collected later looks right for mobs on ML3 (yeah right)

As I said, I pay more for DAOC than I pay for vBulletin, yet Jelsoft staff helps with unsupported versions, GOA doesn't help when they should give support. So all who speaks about the money part should know: GOA should be able to give decent support, and it isn't unusual to have decent support for the cost of a daoc account, and for people with multiple accounts there are even more things to compare this support with.

Part 2. An old topic: What a GM knows

The above MLXP question wasn't the only one when the GM didn't knew what realy happened, and gave incorrect results. When asked about ML10 portal location, some GMs gave advice others haven't but none told about patch notes, quest for the compass, etc. When I asked about legality of certain tactics, the GM who answered was suprised and liked the tactics and said he/she will use it on his/her character. When I asked what realm he/she plays in, I got an answer: not my bussiness and got flamed for wanting to know, and claiming I can "teach" something to a GM.

With providing incorrect answer, they proven they don't know too much about the game, and in all scenarios I was able to check the correct answer faster than them. When they don't know about something, they claim: I know nothing, they know everything. Nice rude people.

Part 3. Trust matters

They ask: Why I don't trust them with any information. The reason is simple: When GOA officials are caught lieing, I learned, I shouldn't trust GOA staff. It was about existence of non OT networks in france. You should check traceroute of WoW EU servers in france. Also they lied about when GOA site was updated (was easy to verify). People can make mistakes, people don't have to know everything, but flaming customers when it is the staff who is proven wrong, and being rude isn't the best way to earn / keep trust.

GMs said no ETA, etc on official site, because they post only 100% accurate info on the site, you are free to read back their news, and see how often it isn't accurate. Deadlines, priorities, etc.

Part 4. Priorities

It was promised item restoration will be the top priority for GOA and clustering won't happen till items are restored. We seen changes with battlegrounds, patches, clustering, classic server and many other things, but haven't seen our items back. Requiel speaks about "noise to voice ratio" and other stuff, but simply it is betrayed trust from GOAs part yet again.

Now it is "it is my ball and I take it home" childish attitude with "I won't post here anymore variant" instead of admiting fault. I wonder when the same childish people start banning people instead of restoring items, since if they tell friends they can't play, go pléaying elsewhere and take friend with them, that hurts the (image of / community of) game and that is illegal by their rules of conduct. I wouldn't be surprised if GOA would use such action to response to threads about their misconduct.

Part 5. What we know about the prydwen incident?

GOA and lackey will say not much and flame, but lets see a short list:
  • GOA says it can't copy data from backups since they don't exist, yet they say they check logs and backups to see what to restore. I think they just haven't paid for a tool (for mythic) that can take an old (even weeks, months, etc) old backup and import data from it.
  • GOA said they tested the server before they restarted it: Yet the database was inconsistent even after that, this caused the title bug.
  • GOA claims it affected only item database, but it fails to address the problems with the title bug
  • GOA claims they checked the servers when they restarted it on the day before the longer shutdown (how they haven't noticed the bug) but they had to fix the database, even if they rolled back a bit.
  • Since that we had another incident (guild data corruption)
  • GOA claimed they removed bugous data for equipment records and can use the list of removed records to know, who lost stuff and what was lost. Yet when the servers came back, many people had bugous items. The item database cleanup was unable to detect a LOT of corruption in item database. After weeks of checking, when they "done wverything they can" to avoid further problems due to inconsistent database.
  • Lackeys claim, it can't be related to clustering, id bugs, etc. But the severity and frequency of ID bugs, and the item dupe bugs climbed before the incident, and they are rare again since that time. And while they say no preparation was done for clustering: GOA said they clustered the french server since everything was ready for it, and it was in same state for prydwen/excal. Problems with primary keys (must be unique) can create similar problems in database applications, and extensive changes to a database (might be needed for clustering) can result in such problems (in game ID problems, further DB corruptions, mid items ending up on alb chars, etc)
  • Lackey claimed people who expect to wait weeks are morons, etc. GOA never stood up in their defense, but weeks and months of waiting are a fact now.
  • In october and november prydwen lost players at a rapid rate, so the events affacted the community badly, and can hurt the gaming experience for many players. The promised clustering and the boom with it was unable to compensate for this.
Part 6. The present
Prydwen population is was dropped significantly, and while people was waiting to see it get back to its feet as compensations are done, and GOA can re earn trust and get players back, classic servers were added to the game. The daily maximum population of prydwen dropped to around 500, and daily averages to around 150-200. For the last year: we seen over 1300 people on prydwen, and there were days when the average population were above 700.

Currently the combined population for the cluster is less than this. But it means: if the loses are evenly distributed every prydwen player lost the chance to play with about two thirds of his in game mates. Guilds went silent and almost dead, many raid leaders stoped running raids, etc.

Now it is time to fix this problem, start listening to customers and answering questions. Or this can get even worse. Now you have to do more than restoring items: Restoring trust and respect and making people willong to play and subscribe again, rebuilding the community and stopping it from falling appart is what you should do now.

And a side note: Mythic disabled rent system for problems that weren't their fault. GOA knows people don't play because of the problems they created, yet they don't care, rent is still active on all servers. Ifpeople don't play because of stripped chars and lose houses, etc, will GOA compensate for it? I don't think so.

Both GOA staff and everyone who defends their behaviour about this incident deserves the deepest disrespect. GOA proven their staff are mostly morons and liars and it would take a LOT to earn any kind of respect / trust again.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
I think everyone with more intelligence than a dog can check a few fact and knows that GOA lies.

I think people who notice that most people defending goa and flaming people who encouter problems have special status: E&E team members, etc.

Also moderators here who thinks they can solve the problems by being rude and childish.

Also these same people are the players the GOA team can point to in their defense, etc. these people tell GOA no matter how much bad you do you keep your job. There won't be any organized effort to demand quality. People gather on FH and we can stop it easily.

They are partly responsible for the problems. Maybe they do it since they fear they, or FH would lose special status.

While E&E are players (don't know if they pay for it or not) they accepted the responsibility to running events and helping customers, they betrayed this trust. They can play the game for their fun anyway, it is their game.

It is responsibility of GOA to select volunteers who do their job well. GOA failed at this job as well: No volunteer ran events for the whole time to keep people content. Tilda instead of acting as a volunteer and preparing events, etc, to keep the people who lost much happy spends his/her time flaming, trolling and making the problem a lot worse.

Sadly due to its special support (from E&E, GOA, etc) there is no real alternative to FH if you want to go to raids, etc. but if many people are unhapppy with how it acts as center of the community, that shows on thing: There is a need for professionally ran and managed forums.

But if GOA and E&E would do a good job, there would be no problem with FH. Most of the traffic, etc. they get is from the daoc forums, and they need this status and some of the mods try to do their best to keep it.

Probably they see how GOA act, they know it too well, maybe they are just as unhappy. But if they want to keep special support from GOA GMs and the traffic, etc, they have to make GOA people happy. Not us, them.

People post there, because they think the GMs will read them. But GOA closed even their own forums when the negative voices became dominant. If you choose GOA and FH and spend most of your time with them: You know what you get and it is your choice.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 7, 2004
Requiel said:
I understand entirely that people are upset about the length of time the proces is taking. As the person primarily responsible for resolving it I know exactly how people feel - are you honestly trying to suggest that these threads are telling me something I don't know? Once again, we are still working on the problem, there isn't a faster way of doing it unfortunately no matter how much I wish that there was. We are working flat out on resolving the problem and frankly you are causing further problems and making my job harder by deliberately spreading information that you know to be untrue.

A couple of things.
1: There were many more than 1000 reports. Somewhere in the region of 4000 so far, many dealing with multiple characters and often multiple accounts.
2: It takes about 45 minutes to fully replace an average template (i.e. one not made mostly of rogs or crafted gear).

So that's 4000 reports with - let's say - an average of 6 characters per report which is 24000* characters each of which takes about 45 minutes. I'd say that looks like more than 10 hours work.

*This is an estimated number, it's not possible to say exactly how many characters have been affected, I do however know how many reports there have been.

More communication like this would have gone a long way to preventing a lot of angst toward GOA and their representatives.


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
Esselinithia said:
Maybe Requiel and co won't like what I have to say, but sadly there are no better wording of the problem. GOA shown how incompetent they are and how easily they lie, and I think the E&E teams who flamed unhappy users are probably closely related to them.

Part 1: Cost and quality of support

Some say we don't pay much for the game, and shouldn't expect too much: Lets do some basic math.
Count subs with 12 euro a month, for 2 accounts, it would be 288 euro a year, and add the costs of the game / expansions to the figure you pay to GOA for their services. About 60 euro extra a year.

Now lets see what I pay for a vbulletin licence a year? Or a cpanel licence? Or how much I pay for my DSL / email? How much I pay for some co-location hosting? Even in other MMORPGs I can have 24/7 customer support, wih fast response times.

I pay less for vBulletin, yet for an officially unsupported version, when I had a problem with a feature rarely used on a bit strange server config, I aksed about it, and got a working patch for it next day. Cpanel support answers most requests, and whenever they can they offer help.
Nearly all Rightnow tickets are dealt with within 24 hours. The main exceptions are of course the restorations requests and the occasional report that requires us to liaise with Mythic or wait for additional information to become available.

Esselinithia said:
Part 2. An old topic: What a GM knows

The above MLXP question wasn't the only one when the GM didn't knew what realy happened, and gave incorrect results. When asked about ML10 portal location, some GMs gave advice others haven't but none told about patch notes, quest for the compass, etc. When I asked about legality of certain tactics, the GM who answered was suprised and liked the tactics and said he/she will use it on his/her character. When I asked what realm he/she plays in, I got an answer: not my bussiness and got flamed for wanting to know, and claiming I can "teach" something to a GM.
No, no they didn't. I can't believe you are bringing this up again. You asked Zenythe and I separately about a particular tactic that you had thought of. We told you it wasn't illegal but said that it was likely to have been thought of already as it really wasn't that hard to figure out at no point did we say we were going to use the tactic ourselves as frankly neither of us where that interested in it. You then asked where we played and no GM is going to share that information with you because it opens us up to accusations of favouritism and bias.

Esselinithia said:
Part 3. Trust matters
They ask: Why I don't trust them with any information. The reason is simple: When GOA officials are caught lieing, I learned, I shouldn't trust GOA staff. It was about existence of non OT networks in france. You should check traceroute of WoW EU servers in france. Also they lied about when GOA site was updated (was easy to verify). People can make mistakes, people don't have to know everything, but flaming customers when it is the staff who is proven wrong, and being rude isn't the best way to earn / keep trust.

GMs said no ETA, etc on official site, because they post only 100% accurate info on the site, you are free to read back their news, and see how often it isn't accurate. Deadlines, priorities, etc.
No-one from Goa has lied to you. Ever. You continue to misunderstand things and claim that because your understanding is different from the truth that youhave been lied to. In fact the truth is that you labour under many misapprehensions that both I and Erivoss have explained to you in previous threads where you made exactly the same incorrect assumptions.

Esselinithia said:
Part 4. Priorities

It was promised item restoration will be the top priority for GOA and clustering won't happen till items are restored. We seen changes with battlegrounds, patches, clustering, classic server and many other things, but haven't seen our items back. Requiel speaks about "noise to voice ratio" and other stuff, but simply it is betrayed trust from GOAs part yet again.
Item restoration is the top priority for Goa. We never 'promised' that clustering wouldn't happen until restorations were done. We made an estimate based on the available information at the time which was later revised when better information became available. The people responsible for clustering, patching, classic servers etc are nothing whatsoever to do with the GM teams who are restoring items. Not one GM has been pulled away from restoring items to deal with those other concerns.

Esselinithia said:
Now it is "it is my ball and I take it home" childish attitude with "I won't post here anymore variant" instead of admiting fault. I wonder when the same childish people start banning people instead of restoring items, since if they tell friends they can't play, go pléaying elsewhere and take friend with them, that hurts the (image of / community of) game and that is illegal by their rules of conduct. I wouldn't be surprised if GOA would use such action to response to threads about their misconduct.
No. I stopped posting there because it was impossible for me to participate effectively there. If people refuse to listen to me, I see no particular benefit in spending time and effort in trying to make them.

Esselinithia said:
Part 5. What we know about the prydwen incident?

GOA and lackey will say not much and flame, but lets see a short list:
  • GOA says it can't copy data from backups since they don't exist, yet they say they check logs and backups to see what to restore. I think they just haven't paid for a tool (for mythic) that can take an old (even weeks, months, etc) old backup and import data from it.
  • GOA said they tested the server before they restarted it: Yet the database was inconsistent even after that, this caused the title bug.
  • GOA claims it affected only item database, but it fails to address the problems with the title bug
  • GOA claims they checked the servers when they restarted it on the day before the longer shutdown (how they haven't noticed the bug) but they had to fix the database, even if they rolled back a bit.
  • Since that we had another incident (guild data corruption)
  • GOA claimed they removed bugous data for equipment records and can use the list of removed records to know, who lost stuff and what was lost. Yet when the servers came back, many people had bugous items. The item database cleanup was unable to detect a LOT of corruption in item database. After weeks of checking, when they "done wverything they can" to avoid further problems due to inconsistent database.
  • Lackeys claim, it can't be related to clustering, id bugs, etc. But the severity and frequency of ID bugs, and the item dupe bugs climbed before the incident, and they are rare again since that time. And while they say no preparation was done for clustering: GOA said they clustered the french server since everything was ready for it, and it was in same state for prydwen/excal. Problems with primary keys (must be unique) can create similar problems in database applications, and extensive changes to a database (might be needed for clustering) can result in such problems (in game ID problems, further DB corruptions, mid items ending up on alb chars, etc)
  • Lackey claimed people who expect to wait weeks are morons, etc. GOA never stood up in their defense, but weeks and months of waiting are a fact now.
  • In october and november prydwen lost players at a rapid rate, so the events affacted the community badly, and can hurt the gaming experience for many players. The promised clustering and the boom with it was unable to compensate for this.
This should really have been titled 'What I assume about the Prydwen incident', and, like most of your assumptions nearly every point is wrong.

We did not have viable backups however we did have server logs. Server logs and backups are not the same thing and are generated separately. A backup is a copy of the exact state of that database at the time. A server log tells us that something happened. For example we can check a log to see that someone bought an item in housing on a certain date. Logs were not affected by the database crash as it only affected the item database and not the logs.

The title bug and the guild data issue were caused by entirely different things and were not related to the database crash in any way.

We were working with information passed to us that later was shown to be incorrect. At the time however we believed it to be true and when we found that it wasn't we communicated this. I have since explained multiple times what actually happened.

Nobody said we made no preparations for clustering at all. In fact we said the opposite. We did a lot of work to prepare the servers for clustering prior to the crash. Where are you getting these imaginary quotes from?

Nobody from Goa has 'flamed' people who complain about waiting a long time for item restorations. It's an entirely valid complaint. It is taking too long, however as I have explained several times in this and other threads, there isn't a way of speeding it up and we are doing it as fast as is possible.

Actually in October and November Prydwen gained players. Only since the Classic servers opened have we seen any significant downturn in populations.

Esselinithia said:
Part 6. The present
Prydwen population is was dropped significantly, and while people was waiting to see it get back to its feet as compensations are done, and GOA can re earn trust and get players back, classic servers were added to the game. The daily maximum population of prydwen dropped to around 500, and daily averages to around 150-200. For the last year: we seen over 1300 people on prydwen, and there were days when the average population were above 700.

Currently the combined population for the cluster is less than this. But it means: if the loses are evenly distributed every prydwen player lost the chance to play with about two thirds of his in game mates. Guilds went silent and almost dead, many raid leaders stoped running raids, etc.
You've been playing on a very different server to me then. I've seen an explosion in the number of raids being run and a steady increase in population until last week when the Classic servers opened.

Esselinithia said:
Now it is time to fix this problem, start listening to customers and answering questions. Or this can get even worse. Now you have to do more than restoring items: Restoring trust and respect and making people willong to play and subscribe again, rebuilding the community and stopping it from falling appart is what you should do now.
Unfortunately people who pass off innaccurate hearsay and assumptions as facts make that job a lot harder. As for me 'starting to listen to customers and answering questions', I'm sorry but it's too late for that. I've been doing that since I started working here, or do you think that my several dozen posts a day here are just +1 posts and I don't actually read any threads or talk to players ever?

Esselinithia said:
...Some more nonsense about E&Es...
The E&Es are not responsible for running events as you claim, the GM team are. Currently we aren't running events as we imagine people would prefer to see us restoring items than coding and running events. E&Es help run events by playing NPC roles and helping to get players involved but they are n no way responsible for them.
E&Es are responsible for passing on problems from players to the GMs, passing on information from Goa to the community, helping to test new versions of the game and generally providing feedback both ways between Goa and the community. The team we have at present does all of these things very well. They do not get any special ingame privileges, they pay for their accounts just like any other player and they have no additional benefits given to them in return for helping other players in their own time and often getting a lot of hassle for doing so. Don't you dare to suggest that the E&Es do nothing.


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
read some random guys poor maths and thought i would add something

some people may have had mutiple chars screwed so the amount they have to fix may exceed 1k


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Requiel said:
Don't you dare to suggest that the E&Es do nothing.

Essel didnt "dare to suggest that the E&Es do nothing". I think it is you who is failing to understand what has been explained to you in multiple threads by many people.

GOA are not doing enough.

I know what the E&Es do... and I know how GOA treats the feedback given to them by those volunteers. Some people (Tilda for example) are still defending GOA for some reason which is their perogitive. I however took the step of stepping out of the E&E program because I have seen how much GOA do or do not do with the feedback and I disagree with the actions of GOA in respect of the restoration handling, poisonspike changes, cluster implementation, marketing and many other issues.

While I still respect you Requiel will you please open your eyes to the issues and stop trying to put down those who bring the issues up and telling them that they missunderstood the information. The fact is that GOA are frugal with the real facts and where it suits them to do so they will refrain from informing their customers about the progress, issues or any other information that the customers should be informed of.


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
Takitothemacs said:
Essel didnt "dare to suggest that the E&Es do nothing". I think it is you who is failing to understand what has been explained to you in multiple threads by many people.

GOA are not doing enough.

I know what the E&Es do... and I know how GOA treats the feedback given to them by those volunteers. Some people (Tilda for example) are still defending GOA for some reason which is their perogitive. I however took the step of stepping out of the E&E program because I have seen how much GOA do or do not do with the feedback and I disagree with the actions of GOA in respect of the restoration handling, poisonspike changes, cluster implementation, marketing and many other issues.

While I still respect you Requiel will you please open your eyes to the issues and stop trying to put down those who bring the issues up and telling them that they missunderstood the information. The fact is that GOA are frugal with the real facts and where it suits them to do so they will refrain from informing their customers about the progress, issues or any other information that the customers should be informed of.

How am I misunderstanding
Essenelithia said:
It is responsibility of GOA to select volunteers who do their job well. GOA failed at this job as well: No volunteer ran events for the whole time to keep people content. Tilda instead of acting as a volunteer and preparing events, etc, to keep the people who lost much happy spends his/her time flaming, trolling and making the problem a lot worse.
Everything that the E&Es bring up gets looked into, passed on etc as appropriate. Where we can't change things directly we usually tell you - for example in the case of bugs or general suggestions that need to be fixed/implemented by Mythic. Where we can fix it ourselves, it gets passed to the relevant department who work on it. With other things, like general feedback about community issues etc we give you whatever answer we are able to give you at the time with the proviso that it may or may not change in future. This has always been the case and I spend quite a lot of time every day ensuring that valid points raised by E&Es don't just get ignored or fall into a black hole of obscurity. You feel that it isn't enough and I apparently can't change your mind, you were a good E&E and I tried to persuade you to stay when you announced your departure by showing you how much we were doing that may not have been immediately visible to you. I'm sorry if you didn't see that.


May 27, 2005
Still missing items after 3 months, perfetic, they just don't give a toss.
Worst company.


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
Sentimos said:
Still missing items after 3 months, perfetic, they just don't give a toss.
Worst company.
In your particular case though item restoration is a moot point as you and all of your accounts are permanently banned from the game. People can draw their own conclusions as to your motivation in making Goa bashing posts.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 7, 2004
Requiel said:
In your particular case though item restoration is a moot point as you and all of your accounts are permanently banned from the game. People can draw their own conclusions as to your motivation in making Goa bashing posts.

Ouch, Requiel 1 - 0 Sentimos.


May 27, 2005
Requiel said:
In your particular case though item restoration is a moot point as you and all of your accounts are permanently banned from the game. People can draw their own conclusions as to your motivation in making Goa bashing posts.

Yeah i just RN'ed it, i'll post on fh later since this is perfetic. Alot of ppl complain about you. You don't care about your customers, wish we had mythic hosting the servers, not GOA. Doubt mythic would bann ppl b cus he is related to somone they dislike


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Requiel said:
In your particular case though item restoration is a moot point as you and all of your accounts are permanently banned from the game. People can draw their own conclusions as to your motivation in making Goa bashing posts.


can i have his items then, shame they are going to waste..



Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
Requiel said:
In your particular case though item restoration is a moot point as you and all of your accounts are permanently banned from the game. People can draw their own conclusions as to your motivation in making Goa bashing posts.

Damn that hurt....the company isent bad it is the support we are giving


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 7, 2004
Sentimos said:
Yeah i just RN'ed it, i'll post on fh later since this is perfetic. Alot of ppl complain about you. You don't care about your customers, wish we had mythic hosting the servers, not GOA. Doubt mythic would bann ppl b cus he is related to somone they dislike

I doubt GOA would ban you for being related to someone they dislike. This thread was worth watching before.. it just got better !


May 27, 2005
ZukeSB said:
I doubt GOA would ban you for being related to someone they dislike. This thread was worth watching before.. it just got better !

You will see when i post on FH later


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Requiel: The numbers about people playing is easy to check:

Are you sure toargue about facts?

Should I look for the Screenshot where a GM says she will use the tactic and haven't thought about it before?

Should I look up posts where GOA people say no non OT networks in france and should I post a traceroute to blizzards french servers, and show what network they are connected to?

The numerous inaccurate information you provided are posted.

It can be checked, and as more and more people are unhappy with what you do and how you do it, more and mroe will check. And if they check, they see what you say is nowehere close to verifiable truth.

Same as to what you post on / about official website.

Again: You are agressive, treat users as dumb, when it is easy to verify what you say is far from the truth. Time to learn: If you are wrong admit it. If in doubt, it is the customer who pays for your services and in such scenarios the customer is right.

How come that GOA closed old forums when they got too much negative posts? How come you left several community places for same reasons? You should realize that: You do many many things wrong.

Ohh, and back to the community falling appart should I name a few guilds that are almost empty since the crash on prydwen?

You know, when there are verifiable numbers and you claim something that doesn't match them, it is time that you should admit your fault and say sorry. Not here, but on the official page. Since with this attitude you wronged many people, on, here, or in the game who doesn't speak out about it.


May 27, 2005
Esselinithia said:
Requiel: The numbers about people playing is easy to check:

Are you sure toargue about facts?

Should I look for the Screenshot where a GM says she will use the tactic and haven't thought about it before?

Should I look up posts where GOA people say no non OT networks in france and should I post a traceroute to blizzards french servers, and show what network they are connected to?

The numerous inaccurate information you provided are posted.

It can be checked, and as more and more people are unhappy with what you do and how you do it, more and mroe will check. And if they check, they see what you say is nowehere close to verifiable truth.

Same as to what you post on / about official website.

Again: You are agressive, treat users as dumb, when it is easy to verify what you say is far from the truth. Time to learn: If you are wrong admit it. If in doubt, it is the customer who pays for your services and in such scenarios the customer is right.

How come that GOA closed old forums when they got too much negative posts? How come you left several community places for same reasons? You should realize that: You do many many things wrong.

Ohh, and back to the community falling appart should I name a few guilds that are almost empty since the crash on prydwen?

You know, when there are verifiable numbers and you claim something that doesn't match them, it is time that you should admit your fault and say sorry. Not here, but on the official page. Since with this attitude you wronged many people, on, here, or in the game who doesn't speak out about it.

Totally agree with you, they banned my two accounts permantly for somthing somone else done, because we are related they decided they will bann all three accounts even if a inncocent person has the other two. And any more accounts be made they will be closed to, perfetic. Only about 4 years of work down the drain, and given them around £600 for what? They don't deserve anything, they are shit


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Sentimos said:
Yeah i just RN'ed it, i'll post on fh later since this is perfetic. Alot of ppl complain about you. You don't care about your customers, wish we had mythic hosting the servers, not GOA. Doubt mythic would bann ppl b cus he is related to somone they dislike

account sharing is against the CoC, unless they banned teh accounts because they were linked to the same subscription details. then again goa can do what they like with the accounts :mad:

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