Nah - he hit a rock further out and then guided the boat to shore to enable easy rescue...
[The captain] also denied claims by prosecutors that he left the Costa Concordia before evacuation was complete. "We were the last to leave the ship," Capt Schettino said
They do seem rather adamant to pin the blame on the captain!
And, as quite a few different sources have said the ship was way off course, unless something extraordinary happened (which you think he might have mentioned by now), it's on him.All persons on board, including officers and crew, other shipboard staff members, passengers, guests and pilots, are under the captain's authority and are his ultimate responsibility.
The captain is ultimately responsible, under the law, for aspects of operation such as the safe navigation of the ship, its cleanliness and seaworthiness, safe handling of all cargo, management of all personnel, inventory of ship's cash and stores, and maintaining the ship's certificates and documentation.
I got the feeling of "blame the cap" from that article too, could be he is guilty as said, but wouldn't the alarm sound on off-course? Even if some nutty get in and changes the course manually?
Is the whole ship under marshall law by one man? I highly doubt it.
It's Martial,
Not quite the Captain and the rest of the command structure should find and fire anyone who would fuck about. Also the black box will show who had command of the Bridge when the course correction was made, if its the Captain it is his responsibility to check the Navigators course and make sure its suitable. If it was not the captain then I assume he has a responsibility to check the course and heading periodically anyway.Ooh ladidaa
On the rest, it's stupid then. Everyone else can pretty much lollygag around and the cap takes the blame.
It's outdated.
And yes, it's his responsibility. It always is when a ship goes down, as callous says, the buck stops with him.
You either understand this in regards to the sea or you don't I guess. There's no point in trying to change your views.