Is Eve gonna kill DAoC ?

  • Thread starter Repent Reloaded
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Brannor McThife

If you want to check numbers... do a check at 20H00 GMT for the Euro servers, and then at 04H00 for the American servers.

You'll find that Excal for one, is NOT the biggest, that the Germans have 1 sever filled to the max and 2 others at around 3K+. And there are quite a few Americans on their servers.

I'm searching for something to play right now...played Freelancer for a few days, and I'm bored already. MP sucks. I've made 5 Million credits and can buy anything I want, bribe anyone I want and have the best weapons. :(

So much potential...

Anyway, I don't know Eve, but I will say, that as Klav's sig says, a lot of people are playing because DAoC is addictive...society evolved games always snag people and keep them because you feel you're "loved", that you're "part of something bigger", that your "friends" just couldn't carry on playing if you left.

Hell, when I stopped DAoC, I went back to a MUD I had last played before DAoC came out, and people still rememberred my pocket-healer gnome. Fact is, people will get bored of DAoC, and when something else comes along that offers a good community based game many of you/us will go try it, and if we find friends there, we might stay.

<rambles on aimlessly.>



Whatever, play what you wanna play. It's your freaking time an money

I'm gonna try out Planetside, mindless shooting in a persistent virtual world has to be fun.

Gonna be a Hib (Vanu) there if you wanna know, gimped unless zerging, so noone sees i have no skill in playing



i certainly do not want a world where the same space station is copy-pasted 15000 times, just so they can put a sticker with "15K+ space stations to visit" on the box.

boy you're in for a surprise...

edit: and since most people here tried to compare EvE and DaoC, here's my bit:

Nottmoor = Blendrake = Bledmeer = Hlidskiaf = Arvakr = Glenlock = Fensalir, same gfx, different names.

think i dont need to list alb or hib keeps...

Character design:

Daoc - roughly 8-10 faces to choose from, and the incredible height argument ! boy that rocks.

EvE - oh yeah, I can do just about anything to my char looks.

katt, i think somewhat high of you. I don't expect you'd care about it, but your last posts show nothing but adverse stances, just for the sake of it.

Repent Reloaded

Made by Katt
sure. but they will also lose players to the release of ANY_NEW_FPS_RPG_RTS_ETC. and they will also lose players due to .. nothing.


My point is this ..... you blow.


Bah, who cares? PlanetSide will own everything.

Repent Reloaded

anyone noticed that the last few posts katt has made r annoying or is it just me ?


Originally posted by Repent
anyone noticed that the last few posts katt has made r annoying or is it just me ?

Nope, just you.

Tank Init

played eve for about a hour then deleted it, biggest pile of shit ive ever seen for a space game even jumpgate is better than that rubbish


lol, get to know the game first.

its a very deep game with a huge steep learning curve, did you finish the missions etc because that would have helped. but after that first bit ill agree atm its just a nice loking mining simulator with other bits of fluff, but its in beta, things can and will change.


Tank Init

from what i played you cannot fly the ship in real time therefore space combat is all about levels and equipment and nothing to do with skill

take my advice if u want a real space game that plays on line dont bother with eve and wait for the real thing ELITE on line


When I was younger and playing Elite I always wondered what it would be like to have other people playing the same game at the same time. Thinking it would be so much better to have that element in that kind of game. I loved that game from the mining to the assassination missions. Played it for days on end.

Now I see EVE and yeh it reads and looks like a Online Elite. Perfect I will certainly give it a go, I mean come on it can't be worse than Camelot's exp grind/ boredom.

I like the idea that when I buy sunglasses for my character or a cyber implant it actualy shows on the avatar and with the implants they will actualy give me skills/ abilities in relation to them. Yeh I want my character to get scars/ tattos. And them be shown.

Even UO had the ability to make a character look different with hairstyles, beards and clothing where as Camelot does not. You line up 40 Albion Minstrels and they all look the same. You line up 40 UO bards and each one is different from the other. In looks and skills.

I am a role player and Camelot to me is like Quake is but without the big guns. There is no role play in the game and also no variation to it. In EVE I can actualy be a space pirate or trader or assassin or any other type of persona I wish to take up. And my character will not look like anyone else as I can modify him/ her to be different as we all are in real life.

Since christmas I have found myself playing Camelot less and less, and now I am bored with it. There is no substance there to keep me interested in the game. The classes are not balanced and never will be due to Mythics inability to sort things out as they should be. The RA's that are about make some classes overpowered. And if I dont like EVE there is always Dragon Empires to look at or Warhammer.

I know for a fact that if EVE does not keep me then Warhammer will, as that is where I started my role playing with on the table top version of the game and would like to see the Empire brought to life on screen. :)

The Aboriganies (sp. native Austrailians) say " that if you travel long enough you will eventualy meet yourself." Meaning Warhammer could be my last stop on the Online game circuit.

I played beta shadowbane and I must say that yes exping was easy due to the mobs not baffing you. But a few weeks from release they put in the release version patch to check for bugs and exping became harder and the mobs baffed. Makeing it more of a challange. So to those that say EVE is all about mining and gets boring quickly. It may do in beta because they ain't finished ironing out the bugs yet and wish to test the game mechanics rather than monster bashing. From what I seen though of the forums, corp web sites and in game video footage and screen shots it looks very good. When I first see a screen shot of Camelot I thought of a Walt Disney cartoon. Screen shot of EVE makes me think of Elite which is a game I enjoyed for many hours till I sold my Amiga off to buy a 3DO . ( my god I must of been drunk)


Originally posted by Tank Init
from what i played you cannot fly the ship in real time therefore space combat is all about levels and equipment and nothing to do with skill

take my advice if u want a real space game that plays on line dont bother with eve and wait for the real thing ELITE on line

ok, your playing the wrong game, because unless im vastly misenterpreting the meaning of real time you can most certainly fly in real time.

another thing, EVE has THE MOST detailed charachter creation setup/ menu i have ever seen, the options for you avatar are endless.



I like the sound of eve.

daoc looks the dogs bollacks and plays well. But mythic have shot themselves in the foot. By trying to attract new players to the game they have neglected there current customer base... Basically theres nothing left to do in the game for me. Theres no point in Pve anymore as im capped on everything. Rvr can be fun but the combat system is weak and encourages the weaker players to play in "safety in numbers" Daoc to me will always be the game that could have ruled. But i think most people that play daoc will leave it thinking it was good, but nothing special. Also I hate the DAOC in game suport. They dont respond to anything and have no power to fix things. I have tried to tell GOA about 3 or 4 serious bugs that are being exploited on our server, It got ignored with the old "you have a technical problem??". I have also reported literally 100's of over bugs related to our euro patches but each time I get the old "you have a technical problem??". Some of them are quit serious bugs to.

In summary I will leave daoc for another MMRPG
1) cuz the customer support is literally non exsistent
2) Massive class unbalance, and Mythics complete lack of understanding of this.
3) no PVE in DAOC.
4) The RVR end game is limited by a) zergs b) buffbots c) repitition d) to much travel in proportion to action.

My next mmrpg will have to be playable solo more like UO was. I hate this whole 8 man grp concept.

Eve, SWG, DE are my shortlist of 3. But ill check WoW and warhammer just in case.

Bleri McThrust

Eve is crap :(

Ok so I didnt give it much time but its still crap.

Bleri McThrust

Oh btw Dragon Empires is the one Im looking forward to :)


EVE is Elite with a paint job imo after twiddling for a few weeks with the beta, Sbane is Legend of Mir but laggier :/ Planetside looks kinda sexy and DE looks promising, hell if they free I'll play em lol


Originally posted by Tilda

another thing, EVE has THE MOST detailed charachter creation setup/ menu i have ever seen, the options for you avatar are endless.

aye, spent half an hour making the perfect avatar and went LD.



Eve will be my next morpg (I´m already playing Eve beta)


- complexity (DaoC feels like Quake, compared to it)
- atmosphere (graphics, music & characters are just stylish)
- community (compare Daoc- & Eve boards, and you know, what i mean) ;)

...and even mining can be fun - if you´re doing it in a dangerous 0.1 system, with your Corp. members, most of these fields have nice cargo items, minerals - and are heavily protected by npc pirates or other Corporations.

Heavy mining is just necessary in the beginning of the game, later on you´re free to start your Bounty hunter- , Pirate- or Engineer career.

Eve´s final version will have much more items, equipment & content, e.g. better mining lasers, which will reduce mining-time drastically ( for all you mining haters ;) )


Just to let you all know, the disc's have gone gold and May 6th is 100% landing on the shelves date.


I hope you are kidding?
I played the beta and actually deleted the thing. the bugs and crashes are horrible! not even the Neocron beta was that bad, and that's saying something...
somehow I suspect we have something on our hands that will make Anarchy Online's launch look flawless by comparison


Played daoc now for a while but only for most of that time because I've not found anything to challenge it. Didn't want to go back to UO because I played that for 2 years and wanted something new again.

Bored of daoc, lack of worthwhile content and the so called pvp is run around the same area every night, click, f6, /stick, funfunfunfunfun. XP'ing to get to the rvr level? a minimum of a month boring xping and being frustrated and treated like an idiot by kids who have no idea what they're talking about. Waiting on lists and being told that I can't join the group because I'm not some cookie cutter flavour of the month overpowered class that can *ding* them quick enough. This is fun?

I've now switched between all 3 realms, and guess what I found? they're all the same. Slight variation on looks, slight variation on how the classes work but basically the same. The people all act the same, they all zerg the same when they finally get to the holy grail level 50 rvr.

Eve looks next to be released and I'll give it a go, as it has a lot more original features than daoc. I also want to play Planetside as that looks to have the most potential for pvp than anything I've seen, but I'll believe it when I see it how they'll manage to cover any lag issues for fast paced pvp on a grand scale. WoW, SW:G and Dragon Empires are on my shopping lists aswell for the future but for now I'm stuck with daoc.

For all those that replied with one line answers saying stuff about Eve being shit, I guess maybe you just don't have the iq or ability to comprehend something a little more complicated than a troll hitting a skeleton with a hammer while spamming the same style over and over.

Maybe those people should consider Toontown instead. I'm surprised no-one has mentioned this yet as it shows huge potential :D also City of Heroes looks to be one of the most original planned mmogs, even if a bit camp and corny.


Originally posted by old.Kerosene
the disc's have gone gold and May 6th is 100% landing on the shelves date.

just to remind you that GAME supposedly has an exclusive release date and will be selling it on May 2nd:

"Please note: We have a World retail exclusive on this title for the first week of release, and a UK retail exclusive for the first month. This means that while you can buy the title from us from 02/05/03, you won't be able to buy it anywhere else in the UK until 06/06/03"

from game uk webbie


Have to agree completely with Cornell, after playing DaoC for 17 months (since start of European closed beta), it´s completely worn out for me, I´m not missing it at all, since loads of the "original" oldtimers have left this game. ;)

Supporting windowed mode now was just a final nail in the coffin for me, Daoc´s game-community is just turning more and more into a bunch of "r0x0r b0x0r - got to 50 in 12,3 days" people, but who cares, as long as Mythic/Goa are getting loads of money from all these buffbot users.

- end of whine- ;)

About Eve:

To judge it fairly, one should play it more than 2 or 3 days, gameplay changes drastically, after you´ve joined a Corp. and mined your first bucks.

The possibilities of a Corp. (guild) in Eve makes Daoc just look dull, you´re able to build Spacestations ( huge ones :) ), claim whole Solar Systems, bring out stocks, manufacture, declare war to other Corps. and..and..

and you can die, which causes the loss of your hard earned skills (they develop in realtime, some need weeks & months), a great feature, imho, since it will reduce the amount of whiners & cookie cutter players drastically ;)


Originally posted by Repent
your thoughts ?

imho Eve wont kill DAoC.... SWG, SB, DE and EvE will kill DAoC.... in a matter of months.... if they dont kill DAoC it 'will' loose alot of its players no matter what happens.



To cut out all the fanboi/anti (and balanced) debating, I would suggest a trip to to formulate your own opinions based on those that have extensive beta time and are both pro and against (yes there are those and it's no crime if the game is not to your liking) this venture.

An interesting thread is which gave all the beta testers (who were completely in the dark) an insight into areas about which we knew very little.

One thing I will say about Eve in comparison to all the other games I have played now that the NDA has been rescinded. You can't "power-level" in the traditional sense. Your progression in terms of char development is based on real-time training whether you are in-game or not, meaning those who do have time constraints (2 hours a night or whatever) arent left behind by those who play 23/7. You got a week's holiday? You activate a skill level which takes a week to learn. Or log in before you go to work/college/whatever to make sure you are training something worthwhile while you are afk for the day.

DaoC took 3 months from release before it started becoming serious fun, when enough people were at a level to make RvR worthwhile. Eve will be no different, but those who actually start at launch will have one hell of an advantage over the late-comers who want the server to mature before they come on board, simply by virtue of the fact that skills acquired and trained in those first three months put you a hell of a long way ahead - whether you play non-stop or not. In terms of longevity, you will NEVER achieve maximum skills in all areas - there are just too many in too many diverse areas for that to happen (160 that I know of but more are added regualarly). To give you an idea, it would take me six - nine months to max the 25 skills I currently possess and these are mainly base level (higher skill levels take a lot longer).

In DaoC your first month is spent whacking mobs for exp - in Eve it will be mining/trading/pirate-hunting/manufacturing (or a combination of all of the aforementioned and others besides) your nuts off to earn the cash you need to buy the necessary skills and equipment required for the career you choose. Are the two above scenarios actually that much different?

As an aside, any present beta testers who are currently unaffiliated to a corp but are grabbed by the game (no doubting Thomases please) can email me at if they want to team up in the early days. I do have a long term hidden agenda which may not be to your taste (no surprise there to those who know how I operate ;) ) & I am renowned as a completely despicable black-hearted bastard, but mutual assistance early on would stand everyone involved in good stead whatever they chose to do in the future (about 10 is the max I was thinking of).



Originally posted by old.camillo
and you can die, which causes the loss of your hard earned skills (they develop in realtime, some need weeks & months), a great feature, imho, since it will reduce the amount of whiners & cookie cutter players drastically ;)
You think that harsh penalties for in-game death is going to reduce whining? :eek6:

Then again, perhaps it will. More players losing their ship, all their skills and itamz and packing in the game will mean fewer people whining, to be sure...


advanced clones (that let you come back without losing much) are coming in very soon after release (say the devs); likewise for advanced insurance.

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