News Iran car explosion kills nuclear scientist in Tehran


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
I'm a troll because you don't like my argument, I just report facts, not beliefs.
Radiation is good for life, it encourages mutation, you know like two paracetamols cure headache, twenty kill you.
Job, seriously. Tell you what, book a trip to Japan and take a tour of the melted reactors in their fucked power plant. You are only allowed to wear your normal clothes. Once you start to "mutate" from a little radiation exposure, ie your internal organs shutdown, your hair falls out and you have a constant pain from your mutating cells aka cancer, tell me it is a good thing.

If you read that article you linked to, this is the only bit that stands out:
They say low-dose exposure to radiation, such as through x-rays and other medical scans, could have a positive effect on the body, in addition to diagnosing diseases.
That is quite a bit different to the levels of radiation output by nuclear weapons.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Its isreal toht, dont derail the thread with that bollocks please. The us cover for every wrong isreal does, can we just leave it at that?

I disagree with that sentiment, we can leave it at that.

I'm not derailing anything though, it's quite on the topic.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
That is quite a bit different to the levels of radiation output by nuclear weapons.

Yup - and scientists still can't agree that small-dose radiation is in any way good. Most agree that the ALARA principle should apply (as low as reasonably achieveable) - and the majority of scientists who want that principle scrapped tend to have funding links to the nuclear industry at some point...


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
We should antagonise Iran more, they know why. If they stop trying to develop nuclear weapons, then they'll get left alone, possibly. If they go threatening and indeed, antagonising the worlds largest superpower, they will be looking for more than a punch.

Some of you make me laugh with your simplistic ideas of life :)


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
Scouse said:
And the US doesn't antagonise Iran?

The fact is - Iran has a right to peaceful nuclear power. They say that's what they're doing and nobody has been able to come up with definitive evidence that they're building a bomb. Yet their scientists are getting killed by the nuclear armed US/Israeli coalition and their country is getting bombed.

They were offered more modern nuclear power facilities which could not be used to generate weapon grade material. They refused. They want the bomb!

Scouse said:
The fact is - there's hypocricy on both sides. Iran more than likely wants a bomb (and who can blame them). We've already got bombs, but don't want anyone else to have them - especially people we don't like. As for Iran becoming a militant nuclear power run by batshit crazy muslims - anyone looked at pakistan recently?

I agree totally that there is hypocrisy on this issue but I personally do not want Iran with a nuke. I don't agree regards Pakistan. They are not in same league as Iran with regards to their fundamentalist ideology and desire to see the west burn.

Scouse said:
TBFH - Iran is playing the hand its been dealt. More sanctions? Time to retaliate. Do we honestly expect them to just lie down and take it forever? I'll state it again, as I don't think your post offered any answers to the point I made:

Whilst I can somewhat sympathise with Iran on the subject of Sanctions which never work. They play the same game over and over again, they are a 2 yr old toddler throwing a tantrum. I would much rather see them engage the west and sit down to work these issues out. Instead they make threats. Most of the Middle East wants the UN/US to sort this out, if that means another Iraq, so be it. Personally I don't want to see that, just reasonable discussion to the benefit of the Iranian people. Most of the Iranians I have ever talked to don't agree with their Government and the way the country is run.

I can see your point I just don't happen to agree with it. I live 100 klm from Iran's SW Coast which has some influence on my decision :)[/quote]


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Furry muff, Hawkwind.

*post liked for joining in the new fad of posting your entire post in a quote ;)


If they stop trying to develop nuclear weapons, then they'll get left alone, possibly.

Lulz, throd. It's funny when you don't really believe what you post :)


Dec 26, 2003
Scouse said:
Yup - and scientists still can't agree that small-dose radiation is in any way good.

The major killer from fallout is breathing radioactive dust so that it starts attacking your lungs.

Thats in no way comparable to an x-ray when it comes to health effects.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
The major killer from fallout is breathing radioactive dust so that it starts attacking your lungs.

Thats in no way comparable to an x-ray when it comes to health effects.

Yup. We're talking irradiated material being a source of regular radioactive emissions in your lungs there (strontium-90 or caesium-137), rather than a 1-off quick x-ray dose. And it's not just lungs - it pollutes aquifers etc. etc.

Edit: And, just for Job, this is what happened to radioactive carbon in the global atmosphere from just bomb tests - until the partial test ban treaty took effect:

Edit edit: Goddamn formatting. Here's a link.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
One thing that does seem to be exaggerated with regard to "the bomb" is how long the land is uninhabitable, compared to Chernobyl the affects of the bomb on future living in Hiroshima is small.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Yup. We're talking irradiated material being a source of regular radioactive emissions in your lungs there (strontium-90 or caesium-137), rather than a 1-off quick x-ray dose. And it's not just lungs - it pollutes aquifers etc. etc.

Edit: And, just for Job, this is what happened to radioactive carbon in the global atmosphere from just bomb tests - until the partial test ban treaty took effect:

Edit edit: Goddamn formatting. Here's a link.
Not only did you mess up the chart (which you have no control over, svg's are always pushed out as transparent png's) but you gayed the link up too. :D


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
Not to mention the lack of food and sunlight! And the fact that virtually nobody knows how to live without gadgets and provided services.

I suggest you go and watch Threads (an 80s BBC documentary/film) which paints a rather grim picture of what happens when nuclear weapons get dropped. It is probably one of the most depressing films ever made though.

Baba Coming Baba ! :cry:


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
One thing that does seem to be exaggerated with regard to "the bomb" is how long the land is uninhabitable, compared to Chernobyl the affects of the bomb on future living in Hiroshima is small.
A little bit of reading tells me the difference is Air Burst vs Ground Burst. And that Western Nukes are Air Burt (bad for buildings). Russian Nukes are Ground which is bad for future life.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Not only did you mess up the chart (which you have no control over, svg's are always pushed out as transparent png's) but you gayed the link up too. :D

I tried to change it but hadn't checked early enough. Edited and then clicked submit and got timed out :)


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
OHMIGOD I've just read the last 2 pages or so.

Why had no-one told me Job had turned "even more mental idiot" mode to 11?

And why did no-one highlight his claim that living in Cornwall means you get radiation levels that equal that of health-threatening levels in plants?



FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
So as usual it was him completely misunderstanding something very, very basic. :D


Identifies as a horologist.
Dec 11, 2003
I suggest you go and watch Threads (an 80s BBC documentary/film) which paints a rather grim picture of what happens when nuclear weapons get dropped.

"rather grim" - talk about understatement :) I remember been shown that at school and it's probably still the most horrifying thing I've ever watched.


I read some interesting speculation a number of the Iranian scientists killed over the past few years were actually murdered by their own government when they discovered they were spying for foreign powers. The fact they could then blame it on those same powers is just a bonus.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
What do you mean 'don't understand?'
The background radiation in Cirnwall is higher than is allowed inside a nuclear plant, a worker in Sellafield gets more radiation exposre on his Cornish holiday than years at the plant.
If he wore his exposure badge on holidaym they wouldn't let him back in abd would recommend he stays radiation free for several months, in a lead box I presume.
They just set the limits so low to be safe, which relates back to the 'assumption' danger levels that quite eminent scientists point out, are probably sensible, but the actual real life effects don't bear out.
Which is actually 'don;t know' but a theory that it's actually good for you is not conspiracy nutjob, it's a mainstream idea.
An average jet flight exposes you to the equivalent of a chest x-ray, so airline crew are getting levels WAY outside guidelines in hospitals, if adoctor x-rayed you every day for a year he would end up in prison, but easyjet get away with it for all kins of reasons, including most people don't know or care.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Bless. It's hard to take anything you say seriously with punctuation and spelling like that, Job.

It seems that you take as much care and attention with regards to "research" as you do grammar :)


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
He is after all the guy that said that nobody needs to do any research any more, they can just copy/paste existing work.


Dec 26, 2003
What do you mean 'don't understand?'
The background radiation in Cirnwall is higher than is allowed inside a nuclear plant, a worker in Sellafield gets more radiation exposre on his Cornish holiday than years at the plant.

I do like your nonsense :)

There's always a core of a reason in there but its been twisted horribly by your lack of understanding into something silly.

Rip - table of Radiation Dosage is found here -

Sellafield lifetime workplace radiation dose 92.7 mSv
Yearly dose in high Radon area (not just cornwall) 7mSv

Which would mean it takes 13.22 years living in cornwall to equal his industrial exposure - thats a long holiday! Its also complicated that in the highest areas houses are modified to vent Radon gas so the real exposure levels much lower than it would be.

Bear in mind he was getting at least 2-3mSv a year just living anywhere in the UK so in those 30 years of working hed get another 60-90mSv anyway - half of the UK (and the whole of wales) has elevated Radon levels. If he lived in the unlucky half of the UK (or wales) he'd be getting 280 mSv over an average 70 year lifetime.

From studies you can take 1000 mSv in a single dose and get a bit sick but have no chance of dieing.

Airline crew on the worst possible route get an annual exposure of 9 mSv a year.

No statistical increase in cancers until 100mSv per year level.

CT Scan up to 16 mSv (over 2 years cornish exposure).

Chest Xray 0.1 mSv.

Edit - oh and if theres an incident at the plant you can be looking at multiple years of radiation per hour - jap workers were exposed to rates as high as 50 mSv per hour... I'd stick to Cornwall...


Dec 26, 2003
Damnit cant edit anymore - did i say 50 mSv per hour? it was actually 400 mSv per hour at the worst bits...


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
The locals at fukushima are sneaking in journalists through the 20km exclusion zone apparently... :(


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
If you go over a certain threshold in any one incident, they put your in 'quarantine', till you are safe to go back, it's just a super safe precaution, which is exactly what I'm saying. If the background levels in Cornwall or wherever suddenly appeared inside a plant, it would be evacuated and the workers would be scrubbed down.etc..etc.
This all stems from my ex's brother who worked for BNFL, his job was to bury low level waste, gloves, tools etc. The shit they went through to find sites, local objections, hippies throwing themselves in front of the diggers, endless checks.
The ground they were digging out was more radioactive than the stuff they were burying, so technically they were doing the locals a favour.
And FFS , when I'm talking about raised background levels, it's hardly a comeback to say
'Job you tit, if you stood inside Chernobyl, you woud die in week'
Radiation from ALL the nucleat test accounts for 7% of the background average we are all exposed to.
Our own bodies produce equal half of the total man made , from the potassium inside us.
Read that wikipedia page, then read what I write.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
You haven't actually understood A SINGLE WORD anyone has said in response to you.

This is both amusing and sad.

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