News Iran car explosion kills nuclear scientist in Tehran


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
Franky, I think talk of a "first target" is bordering on madness. Yep, the nukes would be aimed at Israel just like Israel has it's many nukes aimed at all of the arab states. But not as a first strike option. Iran wants nukes to make itself uninvadeable.

Israel still worries me more.

Israel has had the bomb for over 40 years. Personally the thought of Iran with a nuke is considerably more worrying. The Iranian Revolutionary Guard have sponsored/trained most of the terrorists in the Middle East. They were paying 10k USD to families of suicide bombers in Israel. They are the only country with rulers mad enough to use a damn nuke!

Just last week they were showing off their military in the Arabian Gulf and making statements to the effect that they would close the Strait Of Hormuz if threatened. They keep pushing and pushing the limits of US patience with their actions. No other country in the Gulf would be sorry to see Iran be the next Iraq, possible exception being Syria.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Lets hope they'll get the other ones as well. Iran has no business owning anything with the letters n, u, c, l, e, a and r in it.
You simply don't mess with the Zohan.

Why not, you can't have MAD without both sides holding the same level of weaponry. Why should Israel get everything, yet the so called 1st world powers be so against other nations developing? Either every nation destroys it#s nukes, or they stop the hypocrisy about 3rd world nations developing in the same way.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004

Yawn all you want, but regarding using nukes, US has f*ck all to stand on.

If anyone, THEY should be stripped of the nukes first.

It's honestly more propaganda bullcrap to keep the big boys on top, failing to see that is proof of the concept really.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
I see, Job needs to do some research when you'rs is clearly based upon..'OMGZD NUKES, we all gonna die'.
The blast radius of a nuke at best 20 miles, so forty dropped on the UK is hardly going to render all life vapourised.
Most nukes now are in the 50-300kt range, the megatoners are rare, you can do more damage with a precision strike low yeild weapon.
The Earth is HUUGE, unless the worlds nuclear powers started on a joint mission to destroy as much as possible, vast areas of the Earth would be untouched, Australian outback, South American and North American widerness, 90% of Canada, not to mention all the Pacific Island states, Greenland, Mongolia, The WHOLE of Africa.
Russian wilderness. No-ones pointing nukes in those areas and there is a decent enough population to organise surving the climatic catastrophe i.e. nuclear winter.
The blast radius is not what does the most damage over time, it is the fallout blown over a wide area by the weather. Trust me, 40 nukes would wipe out life in the UK. It is not that a big country when comparing it to the overall fallout damage that 40 nukes can do.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Fallout radiation is highly over rated, it's relatively simple to avoid being poisoned and it decays very quickly, also initial blast injuries are easily limited by the shape of the ground, you will survive a 500 kiloton blast from just few miles away if there's a hill between you and it, or you can get shelter.
I'm simply saying there would be a good percentage of the population who would survive even a full scale attack from a major power, their biggest problem would then be poisioned water, plus the inevitable
small firearms wars that followed.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Fallout radiation is highly over rated, it's relatively simple to avoid being poisoned and it decays very quickly, also initial blast injuries are easily limited by the shape of the ground, you will survive a 500 kiloton blast from just few miles away if there's a hill between you and it, or you can get shelter.
I'm simply saying there would be a good percentage of the population who would survive even a full scale attack from a major power, their biggest problem would then be poisioned water, plus the inevitable
small firearms wars that followed.

Not to mention the lack of food and sunlight! And the fact that virtually nobody knows how to live without gadgets and provided services.

I suggest you go and watch Threads (an 80s BBC documentary/film) which paints a rather grim picture of what happens when nuclear weapons get dropped. It is probably one of the most depressing films ever made though.


Dec 26, 2003
Job said:
Fallout radiation is highly over rated, it's relatively simple to avoid being poisoned and it decays very quickly, also initial blast injuries are easily limited by the shape of the ground, you will survive a 500 kiloton blast from just few miles away.

I think your confusing the initial blast with fallout. Fallout is a problem for many years after the event. If you are living in an area thats full of radioactive dust only a full body suit with class 1 face mask will protect you from inhaling it (which is the most deadly thing you can do).

You also need to decontaminate your suit whenever you come back to your home or you will bring dust back on your clothes.

Additionally you need to avoid any gamma sources from the blast - modern nukes dont produce this muvh but older ones can be pretty dirty.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Fallout radiation is highly over rated, it's relatively simple to avoid being poisoned and it decays very quickly, also initial blast injuries are easily limited by the shape of the ground, you will survive a 500 kiloton blast from just few miles away if there's a hill between you and it, or you can get shelter.
I'm simply saying there would be a good percentage of the population who would survive even a full scale attack from a major power, their biggest problem would then be poisioned water, plus the inevitable
small firearms wars that followed.
Read this to become educated in the effects of radiation fallout. Hiding behind a hill will not protect you.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Or just copy and paste it onto a separate page and then delete it.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Its nice to see that Saudia Arabia has bought loads of military gear to keep up with Iran, and even better, they bought it off us! :p


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Drop 40 bombs across the UK and you can pretty much state that life, apart from the cockroaches and Scouse, will be wiped out.


I cannot be killed by conventional weapons, but I fear I may be suceptible to nukes. :(

Anyway - Job - the reason we have a nuclear test ban treaty is that nuclear testing alone resulted in deaths because of the amount of ambient radiation in our atmosphere.

Are you really dumb enough not to understand that or are you a nuclear Toht in disguise?


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997

I cannot be killed by conventional weapons, but I fear I may be suceptible to nukes. :(

Anyway - Job - the reason we have a nuclear test ban treaty is that nuclear testing alone resulted in deaths because of the amount of ambient radiation in our atmosphere.

Are you really dumb enough not to understand that or are you a nuclear Toht in disguise?


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Well as we only have two ACTUAL nuclear attacks to go on, it would be prudent to use the statistics from those events, people survived and lived to a normal age in ordinary bomb shelters only half a mile from the blast epicentre at Hiroshima, OK it was small bomb, but the survival rates were much higher than people think, just like Chernobyl, the urban myth of death is hugely overstated. Just a foggy day can reduce the blast/heat damage by 50%.
Considerably more people died in the firestorm attacks on Dresden and Tokyo and numerous factors reduce the contamination, the fine particles that you would breathe in stay in the upper atmosphere for weeks.
All those bomb tests , including the 12 megaton Tsar bomb and not single death can be attributed to radiation fallout, in fact I would stick my neck out as usual and say, that radiation is good for life on Earth.
There are many studies that show increased radiation levels are good for the general population, living in Cornwall exposes you to radiation levels that would get you 2 years off work in a nuclear plant.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
No, it really wouldn't. The bombs used in WW2 were nothing compared to what we have now. Also a nuclear reactor explosion is not the same as a warhead explosion.

Actually fuck it. You are either a troll or parody, I am not sure which.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I would stick my neck out as usual and say, that radiation is good for life on Earth


Neck stuck out = exposed yourself as the sort of conspiracy nut that thinks that hydrogen peroxide is a cure for cancer :)


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Just last week they were showing off their military in the Arabian Gulf and making statements to the effect that they would close the Strait Of Hormuz if threatened. They keep pushing and pushing the limits of US patience with their actions.

They said any more sanctions they'd close the Strait of Hormuz.

I.E: Punch me again, and I'll punch you back.

Seems fair enough to me.

Edit: And who gives a fuck what the US thinks?


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I think I just prolapsed.

Oh. It's OK. My radioactive mutant arse just fixed itself :)


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Oi :eek: I may be annoying, disagree on weird things, or even an outright dick at times, but i'm not a conspiracy nut!


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
They said any more sanctions they'd close the Strait of Hormuz.

Mute point as they know they are under threat of imminent sanctions due to not complying with UN Resolutions on refinment of nuclear material. UN threatened further sanctions and this was Iran's reply. The UN threat is regarding oil from Iran so their threat was to cut off a large percentage of the worlds oil supply from other Gulf counties. Iran also boasted about new nuclear facilities in Iran, several build underground that cannot be bombed from the air..

Worrying state of affairs considering Iran's response only antagonizes the UN/US further, their usual modus operandi.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Worrying state of affairs considering Iran's response only antagonizes the UN/US further, their usual modus operandi.

And the US doesn't antagonise Iran?

The fact is - Iran has a right to peaceful nuclear power. They say that's what they're doing and nobody has been able to come up with definitive evidence that they're building a bomb. Yet their scientists are getting killed by the nuclear armed US/Israeli coalition and their country is getting bombed.

How many times have the Iranians bombed Israeli nuclear targets recently?

The fact is - there's hypocricy on both sides. Iran more than likely wants a bomb (and who can blame them). We've already got bombs, but don't want anyone else to have them - especially people we don't like. As for Iran becoming a militant nuclear power run by batshit crazy muslims - anyone looked at pakistan recently?

TBFH - Iran is playing the hand its been dealt. More sanctions? Time to retaliate. Do we honestly expect them to just lie down and take it forever?

I'll state it again, as I don't think your post offered any answers to the point I made:

Punch me again, and I'll punch you back.

Seems fair to me.

And who gives a fuck what the US thinks?


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Oh no Toht. It's Syria. Or Afghanistan. Or Qatar. Or Egypt. Or Turkey.

Definitely not Israel, who've openly told the world they intend to start bombing Iran the minute they get a sniff of an actual bomb and have lots of form for assasinations in other countries...

I knew it was a mistake to take you off ignore, a few seconds ago :(


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
No need to be like that, i simply asked if you had proof of US involvement.

Afterall, i do like to support your lifestyle of non-conspiracy, all-fact, no-belief.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Its isreal toht, dont derail the thread with that bollocks please. The us cover for every wrong isreal does, can we just leave it at that?

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