Infiltrator Spec

war elephant

Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2005
What's the most common spec now? Or the best if there is one.

atm I'm looking at (based on RR3)

34 Env
34 Stealth
38 Thrust
50 CS
31 DW

Look aight?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Well as said time and again i guess it depends on play style.
That said my comment is that:
Envenom can be whatever you feel like, wich means odd points. Ofc higher is funnier :)
Stealth: Modified stealth should be 50, end of story(for the cunning bastards out there you can plan a template on a higher RR to save on respecstones, but the pain...the pain :p).
Thrust/CS: The CS 50 chain is sooo hard to pull off in RvR while Dragonfang is on an evade trigger and got a 5s stun and higher thrust helps your variance in damage and style damage. Suggestion is swap spec of thrust and cs.
DW: Well it's not like you will use the styles so get cs to 39 before you raise dw, then balance dw with what you feel comfortable with in envenom. See the lengthy discussions of wich is best. :) Poisoning the enemy is funnier, dw will land you more damage in the long run.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
what he said.... :worthy:

thoe the 50 thrust is almost always a winner.... compared to 50 CS :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 20, 2004
I was thinking of trying...

50 dw
34 cs
33 env
35 stealth
35 thrust

...on my infil, looks good down on char builder at least, anyone know how it is?



Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Low RR Saracen Thrust Inf should be

50 Thrust
44 or 39 CS
36 Stealth
33 Env minium for top str/con debuff (47 with +11 env)
Rest DW

50 CS isnt worth it because guarenteed the chain will be broken by evade/parry/block/strafe/run through before you have a chance to land it.

Most use DF with garotte Backup.

If your good at Swapping weaps then get battler activated and lvled for lvl10 charge as that can make the diff between win/loose against high rr.

Ofc there is mercfill spec

50 DW
50 Thrust
21+ CS
33 Env
36 Stealth

ofc with that spec you will be restricted to a certain degree what you can attack, BD's and SM's will be pretty much pointless unless you PA with mezz poisen to nurtralize the pets. Mind you SM's are generally pointless targets due to stupid fucking pet intercept rate + brittle gaurds.



Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Wyrd spec works for me atm:

50 cs
45 dw
30 thrust
30 env
30 stealth

war elephant

Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2005
But why bother with 50 thrust (DF aside) when you can max out your damage using 51 effective spec? 38+13 is no different than 50+13.

The difference with CS is that it has growth per point over 50 with no cap, so using CS styles with 50 CS adds about 12 points of damage per 1 point of CS. I play high CS on my SB, mostly cos LA and Sword styles are shite on SB now, and I've tested the damage per point out in looooong and boring tests.

So with spec, sacrificing DF, I gain a lot of damage.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Valid point about the damage.
As far as I'm concerned I would love 50 cs but if I don't get PA chain off, and that isn't all that often tbh, I can still get a stun with DF AND after that do the three styles in the cs-evadechain that I actually got since the timer on evade hasn't worn out(the sucker is stunned from df remember?). As an added bonus it is easier to hit a stunned target wich means I will actually land the three styles if I'm fast.
As I said I would love to have 50 cs but my trade off is for utility and more stun-styles. The drawback is speccing to 50 in a style where I use only one style namely DF and lower style damage in cs.
This discussion did not exsist when DF had a 9s stun too it and with 5s to the stun it is still the evil way to go. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Oh I forgot this is against melee.
Against a caster you must get PA off since they normally don't trigger your evade ;) , so i guess that makes the point about more damage even more valid. :D

war elephant

Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2005
Nice one. I'll spec like that then and as I climb the RR ladder spec out of stealth, thrurst and envenom to gain more DW.


Now, can anyone explain DW to me? :D As a SB your LA swings all the time but for little damage and a hastening effect if you use fast weapons.

How's DW work? The off-hand swings independent of the main as far as I can tell - but what effects it's damage? Thrust and DW only? Also how much DW is needed for a 100% (if possible) swing?

Cheers :D


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 16, 2004
DW-Spec increases your chances for a swing of your left hand... the formula is 25% (base chance) + 0.68 x DWspec... so you have a 59% chance of a swing at 50 spec. It does increase past 50 spec.

The check for a offhand swing is performed each time after your mainhand swings, so with DW it is optimal to have offhand/mainhand weapons with the same swing speed. If anything your offhand can be a faster, but never slower than mainhand, as the DW-chance-check will fail, if the weapon timer of your offhand isn't ready when your mainhand swings - and you don't want to wait for every second mainhand swing for your offhand to "maybe" get off...

Offhand hits unstyled.. so your chances to hit and your damage increase with weaponspec (slash/thrust).

Also check this old site if you want to get deep into it... it's still valid info as far as DW/CD is concerned.LA was "fixed" afterwards afaik...

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