I'm French


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 18, 2004
Ronso said:
I can stand up and admit that it is seen as lame to watch wrestling on tv but I watch it when I wake on sundays cause its early and like to see other people pwning other people back and forth -

ever notice how there is always a bad guy in it that says ' I hate america' etc and he is always waving a french flag ?

mebbe im alone in this - just a random coffee break thought - bubye

Errr, I dont remember anyone saying anything about wrestling meight ;x


enkor said:

we are playing on the english pvp server, i dont speak finnish to people and i dont expect them to speak french to me. i went through grades 1-4 in america and am in an english language high school, but still, its not THAT hard to learn fooking english better than 'why me kill no rp'
You're so hawt Skold. :eek:


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 30, 2004
Lothandar said:
Eldunidolurilorelulola I guess? :eek:

Who else :eek: ?

Got inspired and am startin to level my Necro today ;o
Need a PL hoe... Not just a salvage hoe.


Saigean said:
Touching Skold is like licking a street-light at -10 degrees celsius, tbh :)
Talking to you is like training a baboon tbh. :twak:


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 30, 2004
Ballad said:
Talking to you is like training a baboon tbh. :twak:

What makes you think I'm not? I might be a trained baboo from some really advanced experiment :x

EDIT: What's your Necros name Lothandar, want to know whom not to kill when I am PvEing in the most common necro spots ;p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
Tsabo said:
Well the most spoken language in the world is Spanish, how about we just make it fair on us all, and say everyone has to speak Spanish, that way we cant get mad at the French, Germans or English ;)

no it's mandarin chinese


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
BTW I'm quite happy to post a troll in the morning and then come back after school seeing 5 pages of replies :drink:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Some facts:

Manderin Chinese is the most spoken language in the world
Spanish is the most wide spread
English is 2nd in both, but it's english so it wins anyway :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
with latino invasion, Spanish will be the official language in the USA in 100 years. They refuse to speak english and in southern States, official documents are already written both in English and Spanish.


Kicks said:
Some facts:

Manderin Chinese is the most spoken language in the world
Spanish is the most wide spread
English is 2nd in both, but it's english so it wins anyway :p
Spaniards are strange.

Jajajaja :-D ^^


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
its jejejejjejeje xDDDDDDD

noob ballad ><


Dec 22, 2003
Ning said:
BTW I'm quite happy to post a troll in the morning and then come back after school seeing 5 pages of replies :drink:
I'm also quite happy to read a troll post in the morning, ban the poster and remember who you are 2 weeks later when you come back...
Cut out the stupid posts, especially ones the violate the CoC.



Fledgling Freddie
Sep 2, 2004
Kaj said:
What he said.
People who wont make an effort or take the time to learn how to communicate with other people wont come far. You would probably reply something like this: "They have jobs in german and france, they dont need your jobs outside their own countries, so stfu you noob". I agree, i dont mind them staying there and working. But the point is: THEY ARE PLAYING ON CAMLANN, THE ENGLISH SERVER. AND THEY NEED TO SPEAK ENGLISH TO COMMUNICATE WITH THE OTHER PLAYERS TO MAKE EVERYTHING MORE FUN. It's really annoying when your trying to tell a french guy not to attack someone cos they are in the same guild as me, or dont pull wait for power, or your not the puller the other guy is. I think i made myself clear.

EDIT: Not to mention the /broads in main cities, cant they just keep it in English? I always see some french/german guy spamming something there.


i am french.(lol it sounds like : hello i am an alchoolic)

i play on European PvP server and i use english when people speak english, spanish when they speak spanish, french when they speak french.

this is very funny to think about what you just say between "quote" : in fact, you blame french and german people to use, most of the time, their native langage instead of YOUR native langage ? and you think that they doesnt make any effort to communicate with other people ?

what about you ? will you speak french if you are in a french xp group ?
hum !

i take one minute to explain to you and to "the hungarian guy" how work school in french country.
you have to go to school till 16 year, it's a minimum. no matter what you do, you have to go there till 16
when you go in "collège", about eleven year old, you have to choose one foreign langage and two years later you chose another one (eventually 2 years later you can chose a third one) :

- the very best at school choose ............ german ;) (because english it's easier to learn, so you have two more year to learn German which is a difficult langage) in first foreign langage, english in two
- the great part choose english because it's an 'international" langage, spanish or german in two
- another small part take italian or spanish cause they are french and love not to do like other people :clap:, russian in two (for the same reason)

so it is very unfair to say that french dont speak english !!
there is a lot more french speaking 2 or 3 European langage than english speaking 2 european langage (by the way, a lot of french speak their "coming from" langage in adition : turkish, algerian, marroco, african langage and so)

well ........... and in a game like Daoc on Camlann ?

most of time, Guilds are "langage oriented", so people speak french, german or english (their native one).
but when someone group, and he cant understood german or french : then we speak english, not a good english (like me, sorry) but we TRY !
for the moment, i havent seen any englih speaking people trying to speak french .......... even if he is the only one in a 34 people battlegroup

so please, dont make generality (dont know if it's correct) with ten or twenty french or german guys ! there is almost 350 french 400 german and only 250 english playing on PvP European server : we all are players, trying to communicate at our best

If you want to reply : use french on this french forum (there is a Camlann section with a message about this post, or the other that was closed)


this is the biggest forum about Daoc in french, and you will show me that YOU make an effort to communicate :wub:

see you all in game.

Vomn Hyppartout skald , RanaFoutz, neutral guild.

PS : the original poster of this topic (Ning or Laverole) is french BUT, he doesnt speak well french and is very agressive even on french forum :eek6:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
vimn said:
PS : the original poster of this topic (Ning or Laverole) is french BUT, he doesnt speak well french and is very agressive even on french forum :eek6:

I'm not active on any french forum under this nickname.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
vimn said:

i am french.(lol it sounds like : hello i am an alchoolic)

i play on European PvP server and i use english when people speak english, spanish when they speak spanish, french when they speak french.

this is very funny to think about what you just say between "quote" : in fact, you blame french and german people to use, most of the time, their native langage instead of YOUR native langage ? and you think that they doesnt make any effort to communicate with other people ?

what about you ? will you speak french if you are in a french xp group ?
hum !

i take one minute to explain to you and to "the hungarian guy" how work school in french country.
you have to go to school till 16 year, it's a minimum. no matter what you do, you have to go there till 16
when you go in "collège", about eleven year old, you have to choose one foreign langage and two years later you chose another one (eventually 2 years later you can chose a third one) :

- the very best at school choose ............ german (because english it's easier to learn, so you have two more year to learn German which is a difficult langage) in first foreign langage, english in two
- the great part choose english because it's an 'international" langage, spanish or german in two
- another small part take italian or spanish cause they are french and love not to do like other people , russian in two (for the same reason)

so it is very unfair to say that french dont speak english !!
there is a lot more french speaking 2 or 3 European langage than english speaking 2 european langage (by the way, a lot of french speak their "coming from" langage in adition : turkish, algerian, marroco, african langage and so)

well ........... and in a game like Daoc on Camlann ?

most of time, Guilds are "langage oriented", so people speak french, german or english (their native one).
but when someone group, and he cant understood german or french : then we speak english, not a good english (like me, sorry) but we TRY !
for the moment, i havent seen any englih speaking people trying to speak french .......... even if he is the only one in a 34 people battlegroup

so please, dont make generality (dont know if it's correct) with ten or twenty french or german guys ! there is almost 350 french 400 german and only 250 english playing on PvP European server : we all are players, trying to communicate at our best

If you want to reply : use french on this french forum (there is a Camlann section with a message about this post, or the other that was closed)


this is the biggest forum about Daoc in french, and you will show me that YOU make an effort to communicate :wub:

see you all in game.

Vomn Hyppartout skald , RanaFoutz, neutral guild.

PS : the original poster of this topic (Ning or Laverole) is french BUT, he doesnt speak well french and is very agressive even on french forum :eek6:

Thats all well and great but not the point.

For the record Schools in UK are less flexible in language in most areas you get French (usually forced) from around 11/12 through to 16 and mebbe the option of German or Spanish a couple of years later for GCSE's. I personally took Spanish simply to do less French ;) and so have a basic grasp of both languages.

The point is that Camlann is an English Language server and as such ppl should be using it in in /br and as a first option. 99% of French and German on the server DO NOT do this. An English person on an English server should not be forced to speak/learn French simply because there are French ppl playing.

How would you feel if 40% of a French server you played on all spoke and spammed English everywhere? To be fair its not just the French its ze germanz aswell, and there are ppl that do make an effort.

I object to get a insult or sommat in French, I send something rude back in English and get an English response. So why bother speaking French to me????

Sit in any major city for a while and see how much French/German spam you see and then understand a little why we moan.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
vimn said:

lmao at some of this stuff, translate some of these posts they are teh funneh!

random frenchie said:
Camlann est un serveur Européen où il est conseillé de parler en Anglais sur les canaux publics... mais ce n'est pas obligatoire.

Quelques Anglais n'aiment pas les Français... mais c'est vrai qu'il ne faut pas généraliser.

Par contre il y a "certains" anglais qui nous haissent veritablement et anormalement.. Doivent être frustrer de quelque chose mais je sait pas de quoi.. on fait quoi de mieux qu'eux?? à part de jouer mieux au football bien sur

Roughly translates to:

Camlann is an European server where it is advised to speak in English on the public channels... but this is not obligatory.

Then something about disliking and generalising the french.

Couldn't work the rest out even with babelfish something about abnormal harrassment and them being better at football (so daoc related eh).

Thats the problem though, taking the rule and bending it to suit them. *sigh*


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
Kicks said:
lmao at some of this stuff, translate some of these posts they are teh funneh!

Roughly translates to:

Camlann is an European server where it is advised to speak in English on the public channels... but this is not obligatory.

Then something about disliking and generalising the french.

Couldn't work the rest out even with babelfish something about abnormal harrassment and them being better at football (so daoc related eh).

Thats the problem though, taking the rule and bending it to suit them. *sigh*

You're just completly wrong in your translation.
Actually he was defending the English people by saying the french should not generalise the few xenephobic people bashing the french on these forums. At the end of the message he asks (with humor) what the french do better than the english to generate such hate and say it's maybe because of football.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 31, 2004
Tilda said:
No, mandarin chinese, then english 2nd.
(English #3 and Spanish #2 ;) )

You can't blame people to speak in another language when they don't talk to you, and argue that most of French people only speak French is quite stupid because English is teached at school no matter what you do ;)

I've been living in the UK for my studies so I don't care of using English or French, but while we easily answer in English I've never seen somebody trying to speak me in French :)
(I only sometimes got sends in German while in Req :D )


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 2, 2004
You want to know why french or german use more often their own language instead of english ? It's just because of their number. There are a lot of french and german in camlann. It gives them the feeling that a lot of people can understand their own language so they often dont make the effort to speak english.

But, there are some finnish or swedish posting here and playing in camlann right? in camlann they are few in number but believe me if they were 50% swedish or finish or whatever ( no matter ) you will see a lot of swedish or finnish on /b chat in camlann... i mean it's not a question of folk but only of number.

Every people with the feeling of being majority would do the same. If english were majority on a french/german server they would simply act the same way.

Some of you here should open your eyes a bit and see that hate has no frontier...

... as love and friendship :fluffle:


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 31, 2004
Kicks said:
I think we have to import some irony from France :fluffle:

Btw no need to generalyze about the minority of French not speaking English while most of them on Camlann know this language, and about the stupid minority of racists :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
HaveMe said:
You want to know why french or german use more often their own language instead of english ? It's just because of their number. There are a lot of french and german in camlann. It gives them the feeling that a lot of people can understand their own language so they often dont make the effort to speak english.

But, there are some finnish or swedish posting here and playing in camlann right? in camlann they are few in number but believe me if they were 50% swedish or finish or whatever ( no matter ) you will see a lot of swedish or finnish on /b chat in camlann... i mean it's not a question of folk but only of number.

Every people with the feeling of being majority would do the same. If english were majority on a french/german server they would simply act the same way.

Some of you here should open your eyes a bit and see that hate has no frontier...

... as love and friendship :fluffle:

Well said!


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
As someone rightly pointed out I have recently closed 2 threads for their generally distasteful xenophobic attitudes. I'll leave this one open with a warning that I see several users posting here (and you are too late to remove or edit your posts) who are flying very close to a holiday from FH boards, courtesy of Jup Airlines PLC.

FH boards are open to anyone who wishes to use them. We don't harbour prejudice of race, religion or nationality nor are we about to encourage users to do so either. Several of you have asked for a trading forum to be set up for Camlann, a request currently under discussion, but with many of you abusing our standards of conduct here, despite our warnings, why should we?


Last warning.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 26, 2004
vimn said:

i am french.(lol it sounds like : hello i am an alchoolic)

i play on European PvP server and i use english when people speak english, spanish when they speak spanish, french when they speak french.

this is very funny to think about what you just say between "quote" : in fact, you blame french and german people to use, most of the time, their native langage instead of YOUR native langage ? and you think that they doesnt make any effort to communicate with other people ?

what about you ? will you speak french if you are in a french xp group ?
hum !

i take one minute to explain to you and to "the hungarian guy" how work school in french country.
you have to go to school till 16 year, it's a minimum. no matter what you do, you have to go there till 16
when you go in "collège", about eleven year old, you have to choose one foreign langage and two years later you chose another one (eventually 2 years later you can chose a third one) :

- the very best at school choose ............ german ;) (because english it's easier to learn, so you have two more year to learn German which is a difficult langage) in first foreign langage, english in two
- the great part choose english because it's an 'international" langage, spanish or german in two
- another small part take italian or spanish cause they are french and love not to do like other people :clap:, russian in two (for the same reason)

so it is very unfair to say that french dont speak english !!
there is a lot more french speaking 2 or 3 European langage than english speaking 2 european langage (by the way, a lot of french speak their "coming from" langage in adition : turkish, algerian, marroco, african langage and so)

well ........... and in a game like Daoc on Camlann ?

most of time, Guilds are "langage oriented", so people speak french, german or english (their native one).
but when someone group, and he cant understood german or french : then we speak english, not a good english (like me, sorry) but we TRY !
for the moment, i havent seen any englih speaking people trying to speak french .......... even if he is the only one in a 34 people battlegroup

so please, dont make generality (dont know if it's correct) with ten or twenty french or german guys ! there is almost 350 french 400 german and only 250 english playing on PvP European server : we all are players, trying to communicate at our best

If you want to reply : use french on this french forum (there is a Camlann section with a message about this post, or the other that was closed)


this is the biggest forum about Daoc in french, and you will show me that YOU make an effort to communicate :wub:

see you all in game.

Vomn Hyppartout skald , RanaFoutz, neutral guild.

PS : the original poster of this topic (Ning or Laverole) is french BUT, he doesnt speak well french and is very agressive even on french forum :eek6:

Well mate, good for you. But your missing the point. I dont know if that has anything to do with you not understanding English, or not wanting to learn it. I never told you to speak SWEDISH or ARABIC, which are both my native languages, i said we should all speak the internationall language called ENGLISH. And for your information, when i came to sweden 18 years ago, i couldn't speak a single word of Swedish, none the less, i took the effort and learned it so i could be able to communicate with other people, even though i had my family with me and i could of just spoken Arabic for the rest of my life.


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
Jupitus said:
Several of you have asked for a trading forum to be set up for Camlann, a request currently under discussion, but with many of you abusing our standards of conduct here, despite our warnings, why should we?

because its for the good of the board, regardless if ppl are idiots on here the trading part is essential.

dont be all "dont be naughty or mummy wont buy you sweets"

this is a great idea to help the board, you guys must of seen this and think the same or you would not of considered the idea. tbh if you ban me for this post then fair enough but we gave a good idea for this forum and it hsould not be stripped away cause of what/how we post. this directly affects the good posters on here as well. why should they miss out?

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