If Mythic are going to introduce new classes...


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Kerith said:
Albion -


These 'creatures' were once soldies in arthurs legions, but taken by howling beasts under the moon and mutilated. they returned as savage wolfen packs, during the day seemingly normal men & women, but at night transformed into hideous snarling beasts.

Armour - Studded
Weapons - Slashing weapons, Shield (between 8:00 - 20:00 game time), natural weaponry: Claws, Teeth (between 20:00 - 8:00 game time)

possible spec lines - Slash, Dual wield, Two Hand, Lycanthropy

stats increase like a vampiirs, but only if the character is specced in lycanthropy

spell/style ideas:

Maul - Lycanthropy, target is savagly attacked by the beast of the moon,
endurace cost - low
damage - high

Gaping Maw - Lycanthropy, the great hulking creature opens its drooling maw to reveal rows of glistening teeth
instant cast debuff
duration 15 seconds
RUT 30 seconds
target effect - Fear/Panic(target is overcome with fear and suffers penalty of 50% fumble to all spells/attacks)

Glow of the moon - Lycanthropy, inflicts a vile poison setting in the change of the wolf in its victim
offensive proc
instant cast
duration 30 seconds
RUT 3 minutes
target effect - Infliction (target is set down the path of becoming a lycanthrope and suffers a 25% penatly to all stats)
Illusion - target is transformed into a hybrid snarling beast

maybe some kinda abs buff too in lycanthropy, again another new-ish concept to daoc :D, no doubt the actual classes will be more dull straight forwardly overpowered

dont agree but rep for imagination :)


Loyal Freddie
Mar 18, 2004
Raven said:
dont agree but rep for imagination :)

How can you not agree? I mean who wouldnt like creatures who were once soldies in arthurs legions, but taken by howling beasts under the moon and mutilated. and who returned as savage wolfen packs, during the day seemingly normal men & women, but at night transformed into hideous snarling beasts.
I would roll one for sure. Go go kerith give more!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2005
- Unsummon Pets! self-explaining. 10 min reuse timer.

Off the subject.
Make 3 keeps in agramon middle, one to each realm. Cant be taken by others. Keeps have fairly close distance. iRVR all the time!

Make an arena/instance for solo player/fg. fg vs fg or 1 vs 1. Tanks will be thrilled.

What I come up with in 10 sec :)


Apr 5, 2004
Aetius said:
- Unsummon Pets! self-explaining. 10 min reuse timer.

Off the subject.
Make 3 keeps in agramon middle, one to each realm. Cant be taken by others. Keeps have fairly close distance. iRVR all the time!

Make an arena/instance for solo player/fg. fg vs fg or 1 vs 1. Tanks will be thrilled.

What I come up with in 10 sec :)

i hate to think what youd come up with given more time then :|


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 5, 2004
jasskass said:
How can you not agree? I mean who wouldnt like creatures who were once soldies in arthurs legions, but taken by howling beasts under the moon and mutilated. and who returned as savage wolfen packs, during the day seemingly normal men & women, but at night transformed into hideous snarling beasts.
I would roll one for sure. Go go kerith give more!

<3, only doin more for albs, dont want mythic to steal my leet ideas for mids and hibs AHAHAHHAHAAAHAHAH¬!!! LOL!...


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
New expansion pack: DAoC - Revenge of the other side.

Meaning: We all have to play monsters and we have a fat aggro list on our screen which tells us who to attack. So even if we see that tasty grey con healer besides us, we're NOT allowed to kill him, cause that tank with the huge shield who blocks all our attacks is TEH target of choice atm. We get beaten up all day long for the XP we give and we drop our stuff everytime we die. Gladly enough we wake up again anytime from insta to multiple hours later AND we get to play higher than 50 chars ofc.


Fledgling Freddie
May 8, 2005
This I would love to see next:

Realm: Hibernia
Class: Diarrhea Stormer (guardian profession)

Okay so it has
*hero bonuses (passive resists and hp bonuses etc)
*vampiir buffs
*dualwields two largeweapons, styles from largeweaponry
*has instacast 4 sec recast 350radius pbae LAJFTAP value 250
*has instacast 10 sec recast 2000 range 500 radius 99% nearsight which can't be cured
*rr5 abil summons cabalist rr5 abil ml9 pets to each target in radius of 900 (8 pets max)
*sees invisible players
*tank weaponskill
*can load chambers with group spreadheal, up to 10 chambers at time with no power cost instant cast no recast timer
*gains double realmpoints
*perma charge3
*cannot be killed


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 5, 2004
Fifta said:
This I would love to see next:

Realm: Hibernia
Class: Diarrhea Stormer (guardian profession)

Okay so it has
*hero bonuses (passive resists and hp bonuses etc)
*vampiir buffs
*dualwields two largeweapons, styles from largeweaponry
*has instacast 4 sec recast 350radius pbae LAJFTAP value 250
*has instacast 10 sec recast 2000 range 500 radius 99% nearsight which can't be cured
*rr5 abil summons cabalist rr5 abil ml9 pets to each target in radius of 900 (8 pets max)
*sees invisible players
*tank weaponskill
*can load chambers with group spreadheal, up to 10 chambers at time with no power cost instant cast no recast timer
*gains double realmpoints
*perma charge3
*cannot be killed

why bother with the recast timers? and why such low radius', and 99% nearight? m8.. 100% 4tehwin, and u forgot ae zephyr. shit class tbh


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Why bother with any of them?

"*cannot be killed"


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Fifta said:
This I would love to see next:

Realm: Hibernia
Class: Diarrhea Stormer (guardian profession)

Okay so it has
*hero bonuses (passive resists and hp bonuses etc)
*vampiir buffs
*dualwields two largeweapons, styles from largeweaponry
*has instacast 4 sec recast 350radius pbae LAJFTAP value 250
*has instacast 10 sec recast 2000 range 500 radius 99% nearsight which can't be cured
*rr5 abil summons cabalist rr5 abil ml9 pets to each target in radius of 900 (8 pets max)
*sees invisible players
*tank weaponskill
*can load chambers with group spreadheal, up to 10 chambers at time with no power cost instant cast no recast timer
*gains double realmpoints
*perma charge3
*cannot be killed

LOL see hidden, way too op?


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2005
I honestly think they should stop making more useless/overpowered classes with a mix of already-used spells/abilities and start to look at some other factors of the game!

In other words: won't hope they make more classes for a long time :)


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 4, 2005
Himse said:
way to gimp mids Angel.

They only reason it gets nerfed is because people WHINE and WHINE about it, you all whine about WL's so they got changed, you whined about svg's so they got changed. etc etc

So true....


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 8, 2004
Kerith said:
Albion -


These 'creatures' were once soldies in arthurs legions, but taken by howling beasts under the moon and mutilated. they returned as savage wolfen packs, during the day seemingly normal men & women, but at night transformed into hideous snarling beasts.

Armour - Studded
Weapons - Slashing weapons, Shield (between 8:00 - 20:00 game time), natural weaponry: Claws, Teeth (between 20:00 - 8:00 game time)

possible spec lines - Slash, Dual wield, Two Hand, Lycanthropy

stats increase like a vampiirs, but only if the character is specced in lycanthropy

spell/style ideas:

Maul - Lycanthropy, target is savagly attacked by the beast of the moon,
endurace cost - low
damage - high

Gaping Maw - Lycanthropy, the great hulking creature opens its drooling maw to reveal rows of glistening teeth
instant cast debuff
duration 15 seconds
RUT 30 seconds
target effect - Fear/Panic(target is overcome with fear and suffers penalty of 50% fumble to all spells/attacks)

Glow of the moon - Lycanthropy, inflicts a vile poison setting in the change of the wolf in its victim
offensive proc
instant cast
duration 30 seconds
RUT 3 minutes
target effect - Infliction (target is set down the path of becoming a lycanthrope and suffers a 25% penatly to all stats)
Illusion - target is transformed into a hybrid snarling beast

maybe some kinda abs buff too in lycanthropy, again another new-ish concept to daoc :D, no doubt the actual classes will be more dull straight forwardly overpowered

rep for this
and would be fun with a shapeshifting class for albion as mid and hib alreday have one. But the nightime thing wodnt work to well as differant zones has differant time, so put lycomorph on a timer, maybe 2 min duration and 10min RUT


Loyal Freddie
Jun 15, 2005
what i came up with

Alb: Less zerg.
Hib: Less bug-abuse (in keeps, etc)
Mid: Less instas.

Mythic? :(


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 16, 2004
The problem with new classes is:
a) If they are good, old classes get screwed (by loosing their grp space)
b) If they are poor, why bother.
c) If they are op'd, we will whine a few month and they become b).

Possible solutions:
a) Make them special purpose, with limited use for groups, but good for Soloing or PvE or Keepsiege.
b) Make groups larger (9 or 10 slots)

And givz Werewolf!!!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Himse said:
way to gimp mids Angel.

Seriously, mid gets left behind, so they made some shitty op class, then it gets nerfed to hell and mids do crap, then in the next expansion mids get somit else OP then it gets nerfed, because they are behind.

They only reason it gets nerfed is because people WHINE and WHINE about it, you all whine about WL's so they got changed, you whined about svg's so they got changed. etc etc

Hmm, how is for example bonedancers, spiritmasters, warriors, healers, warlocks, runemasters and shamans not on par with the other realms?


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 16, 2004
rure said:
Hmm, how is for example bonedancers, spiritmasters, warriors, healers, warlocks, runemasters and shamans not on par with the other realms?

You forgot Zerkers and Savages tbh...


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
The main problem with warlocks and other OPed classes midgard have been given in the past is that a lot of the realm end up rolling them. The sudden influx of savages during their bugged period, then in turn (to a lesser extent) BDs and now warlocks, was huge.

The reason warlocks have had a worse effect on midgard is that it's a class which does very well on its own, out of group. People rolling savages or BDs were still viable in groups but warlocks tend to solo as it has a better RP income.

In order for the next FoTM in each realm to have a good effect, it will have to have good group viability.

Midgard don't really lack anything as their realms abilities are well condenced on their classes apart from pet spam. Maybe an alternative to the healer would be a good thing?

A leather wearing caster/healer hybrid which has a pbaoe 'wolf pack' spell which will summon 4 wolves around the user which will in turn attack the closest enemy around them. The wolves can be green con tanks. This would help push them up closer to the other realms for larger raids.

Hibernia already have 3 solid healer classes as well as a good few 'different' classes in their ranks (Vampiirs, bainshees and animists to name a few). they don't need anymore casters really and their tanks are pretty solid and varied. Not really sure what to give hibernia...

Albion lacks a shapechanger of some sort so I'd propose the 'Shifter'.

They have access to leather armour, cannot be buffed and use 'orbs' as weapons. These orbs can change to particular weapons, dependant on what state the user is in.

One line would give access to different forms which the user can have at their discretion. Lets say the forms all have the same recast timer of 1 minute but are instant cast so they can't just change endlessly to just become overpowered in all areas but can be changed at the beginning of a fight.

Zealot form could be a frenzied tank holding 2 weapons and is able to deal damage fast but drops very quickly in melee. Resistant to magic.

Behemoth form could be a very defensive character which holds a sword and shield, has low damage output but can take a lot of hits. Will block for all nearby allies as if specced at around 40sheild.

Fly form could be a swarm which has a large resistance to melee damage but drops fast to magic damage. They give off a pbaoe DoT to all those they are around, like the pulse in monster form. They can also cast a lowish DD on enemies.

Rider form can call a gargoyle mount which the user sits on to move fast. They can move at Mach3 whilst in combat and their attacks are all anytime, using the gargoyle itself to 'bite' the enemy :p User cannot go underwater whilst in this form.

Their second skill line can be access to more variety whilst in these forms and the third is to improve the shifting damage.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 12, 2004
Jeah make 4th realm The French. With frog like creatures that smell of blue cheese and talk in a languege not even themselves can understand... Maybe this wil bring the current realms closer toghether so we can all sit at a campfire and sing cumbaya whilst we drink all the plundered wine...


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
Class Name - Melodist
Realm - Albion
Spec Line: Mind, Instruments, Thrust.
Base Spec: Rejuvenation, Matter.


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
Phooka said:
Jeah make 4th realm The French. With frog like creatures that smell of blue cheese and talk in a languege not even themselves can understand... Maybe this wil bring the current realms closer toghether so we can all sit at a campfire and sing cumbaya whilst we drink all the plundered wine...

Im sure requiel doesn't want to be implimented to the game :( or his personal life fyi :<


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 12, 2004
Infanity said:
Im sure requiel doesn't want to be implimented to the game :( or his personal life fyi :<

Bah i was thinking of a race that was basicly a smelly armpit smelling on evryone... guess thats out of the question then 2 :(


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
I wouldnt add any new classes, but i would change the following:

Mid: Hunter
Granted the ability to summon lvl 24 wolves to come to his/her aid.
Casting time: 3 seconds, interuptable
Recast timer: 1 sec
Powercost: 5% power per pet

Alb: Friar
Grp end buff (max blue end at lvl 35 rejuv)
Casting time: 3 seconds uninteruptable
Duration: 10 mins
Stacks with paladin chant

Remove the end reduction inc in next patch

Hib: --
No idea, they have pretty much everything atm

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