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Kerith said:Albion -
These 'creatures' were once soldies in arthurs legions, but taken by howling beasts under the moon and mutilated. they returned as savage wolfen packs, during the day seemingly normal men & women, but at night transformed into hideous snarling beasts.
Armour - Studded
Weapons - Slashing weapons, Shield (between 8:00 - 20:00 game time), natural weaponry: Claws, Teeth (between 20:00 - 8:00 game time)
possible spec lines - Slash, Dual wield, Two Hand, Lycanthropy
stats increase like a vampiirs, but only if the character is specced in lycanthropy
spell/style ideas:
Maul - Lycanthropy, target is savagly attacked by the beast of the moon,
endurace cost - low
damage - high
Gaping Maw - Lycanthropy, the great hulking creature opens its drooling maw to reveal rows of glistening teeth
instant cast debuff
duration 15 seconds
RUT 30 seconds
target effect - Fear/Panic(target is overcome with fear and suffers penalty of 50% fumble to all spells/attacks)
Glow of the moon - Lycanthropy, inflicts a vile poison setting in the change of the wolf in its victim
offensive proc
instant cast
duration 30 seconds
RUT 3 minutes
target effect - Infliction (target is set down the path of becoming a lycanthrope and suffers a 25% penatly to all stats)
Illusion - target is transformed into a hybrid snarling beast
maybe some kinda abs buff too in lycanthropy, again another new-ish concept to daoc, no doubt the actual classes will be more dull straight forwardly overpowered
dont agree but rep for imagination