I am sorry, Medea

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Sichama: exactly !

Feel the force of strong roleplaying, this weeks favorite "in-character": member of the equality council !

^^tho that was not "invented" at the time of King Arthur etc etc bla bla :rolleyes:


If we're talking roleplaying then all the women would be back in camelot/ludlow/humberton/etc. tending the house while the men went out to war. Women had basically no rights in Arthurian times, they'd have to rely on their husband or brothers/father for protection. :p


If I went up to a man irl and said ”oh my god your balls are sexy” he would either take it as a joke, as a compliment, as a light come on, as a hard come on or as a violation – all concidering my tone of voice, my body language and on which words I chose to stress. In game, you can only rely on your words, a smiley can at any point be decieving and used as a method of shielding yourself. If confronted with a comment like “oh my god your balls are sexy :p” I could at any point claim this to be a joke “didn’t you see the smiley?!” My point is, once again, this goes beyond one thread, it goes beyon Medea, who states that she tries to take them as compliments because this makes her life easier. Why do you insist on making it difficult in the first place?

I am trying to show you what should be obvious and what is obvious to quite a few that sexual herrassment takes place in DAoC as well as any other place and that this is a serious problem we need to do something serious about. However, you claim that this makes me responsible for men not taking women’s reports of sexual herrassment seriously. So let us see, if I advice women to report sexual herrassment I am a bad person – according to some men at least.

You point out that I used the phrasing “strong and beautiful women” and claim my act of superiority through my attempt of saving the other women. Could it be possible that every woman has her own strenght and beauty? I mean, if you stop searching for Helena Christensen beauty and try to look beyond?

For the record, I have not saved anyone by advicing women to report sexual herrassment, for by the time they can actually report it, the offence has already been made.


For a start, I fail to see what relevence the individual's roleplaying experience has on their opinion of sexual harassment, whether it's intended jokingly as a compliment or not. So stfu please Hardbein, and come back when you can actually reply with a semi-eloquent, relevent response to the issues raised by this thread.

Ziera: I know you take issues like this to heart in a lot of ways, but please appreciate that the original comment made by myself was intended as a light-hearted compliment, nothing more nothing less. I complimented Medea's cooking to her face after the meal, I complimented it here.

Linnet: Not once have I publicly commented on anyone's physical appeal on these boards. Well, I may have said Flesh is an ugly bastard but go figure. If you read the original post, my comment was along the lines of "Regardless, she's a great cook!". Note the "Regardless" - regardless of how she looks, the one thing I really enjoyed about visiting her flat with Dorac, Fishi and Artful was her cooking :D

Soulfly/Ardrias: As the main spammers on the original thread, but to the rest of you participating in the drooling too - Please ask yourselves: Is it really necessary?


IMHO Helena Christensen is an ugly cow..... got no idea if she can cook...



Drooling? I said she looked nice.

I usually tell a woman I find goodlooking that she is. Maybe because I'm stupid, I dont know. I dont see the how that could harm anyone. And I am talking both over the internet and real life here.

I dont see where I said something like: omfg m8 u sexy sleep with me plz!1!11!1!!
Nor did I send her any pm, nor have I sent anyone else any.

So please... :rolleyes:

Maybe you're jealous she gets compliments and you not Roalith?


Originally posted by Ardrias_Mid

Drooling? I said she looked nice.

I usually tell a woman I find goodlooking that she is. Maybe because I'm stupid, I dont know. I dont see the how that could harm anyone. And I am talking both over the internet and real life here.

So you often walk up to women you have never spoken to before or never seen before at all in your life and inform them of your opinion of how good looking they are?

I dont see where I said something like: omfg m8 u sexy sleep with me plz!1!11!1!!
Nor did I send her any pm, nor have I sent anyone else any.

So please... :rolleyes:

Maybe you're jealous she gets compliments and you not Roalith?

I never said you did send her or anyone else a PM. I never said you said something like "omfg m8 u sexy sleep with me plz!1!11!1!!". Although I'm pretty sure I've seen you say that before :D

And as for me getting compliments... I aer fat bastard and am used to not getting them :p


Don't think I've offended any chicks in the game, that I know of.. :p

Hi Loch!!!1 :kiss2:


Originally posted by Roalith
For a start, I fail to see what relevence the individual's roleplaying experience has on their opinion of sexual harassment, whether it's intended jokingly as a compliment or not. So stfu please Hardbein, and come back when you can actually reply with a semi-eloquent, relevent response to the issues raised by this thread.

What do u expect, to such a thread? A serious thread gets a serious answer from me....this post however gets what I just posted...nothing more.

But I will try to fulfill ur request....

However, I do respect women and their values and I do stand for equality between sexes. But as Sichama posted, this is beeing based on a _bit_ thin agruments imo....and blown out of proportion.
If modern men/women cant take witty comments about their looks/cooking/whatevah, well then its just a proof of no humor and should take a look into the real world imo.
I play with irl-girls ingame and even my GF played DAoC....this senario is absolutely remote for me. The answers to this famous BW post were totaly harmless, if u ask me.

I think this post is based on ppl beeing a bit "tight-assed" and sore around the sexist-subject.

Just my 2 cent


Originally posted by old.Hardbein
I play with irl-girls ingame and even my GF played DAoC....

:eek2: I tought you were a girl!!


Close this thread before someone says: 'Cry rape n00b' or some such crap.



yes i believe that sexual herrassment does take place in DAoC as well as any other place, and yes although it is not as dangerous as some cases of sexual herrassment, i believe its as annoying, insulting, and frustrating as anywhere else, i would say a bit more as one aspect of this game is to leave behind all the problems of reality.

I admit i was offensive against you but that was because you where also, from your first post, you used strong and insulting words towards alot of people because of what you perceived was sexual herrassment towards Medea, i understand it is a very sensitive subject, especialy for women, but sinsearly now, is any comment made in that thread even remotly near sexual herrassment? Granted some are blunt and some rough, but personaly i failed to see something seriously insulting.

The point i try to make is that although sexual herrassment is a sensitive matter it is also a very serious one, and in an enviroment that as you say is very dificult to judge the real intention of what is said and why, it is very important to be absolutely sure, and can back up, your accusations against others.

As if you are a bad person or not? no i don't believe you are a bad person...and this was wrong of me..

Originally posted by Sichama
Frankly it is people like you that have caused society to look upon sexual herrasment accusations with sceptisism, and women that report them as overeacting bitches, giving the oportunity to sick people to make the lives of others hell, by sexuall herrasment, or sexuall blackmail.

I have edited it as it was plain and simply wrong to label you as one of these persons, please accept my sinsear apologies.

But for the rest i stand firm, you came out to strong and patronizing, believe it or not women of all ages have coped with sexual herrassment for ever, granted the majority of cases are handled in the way Medea described, you ask if that is fair, no it isn't but it is not the only thing in life that is not fair, and not the most serious one either.

There was a time when women had to be shaked, shouted at and guided to stop them accepting the shit they got from men, not today, its the turn of society to stop breeding such ideas, through family, religion and education, and its there, women should focus all their effort and energy.

Women know their place in this world, at least most of them in the "civilized" world do, and if they intent to take it a step further they must stop shouting "Wolf" when there is no wolf around only to check if someone listens, and as strange as this might sound, you will find plenty support from men.

SoulFly Amarok

Originally posted by Coren
Ingredients: 1 phone, cash

Step 1: Call kebab delivery service and order kebab
Step 2: Wait
Step 3: Open door and pay delivery guy





You are right, I was too aggressive in my post and I would like to appologize for that as well. This is a very unpleasant topic to dicuss and though I admit using a concrete example was wrong and unsucessful in my intent to open a serious debate on the matter, I wonder if any other ways would have worked better.

About a month ago, a woman was raped in my home town. The rapist had not only taken her with force, he had cut her open from rectum to vagina with a broken bottle, he had bit off half of her ear and tried to squeeze out her eyes with his thumbs. When the police found her one of the officers threw up by the sight of her state. The following night, the same guy raped another girl, but was disturbed in the process of his molesting her.
What happened after that, you can imagine, was that just about every woman in the city was horrified of meeting the same guy, everytime they met a lone man on the street, everytime someone looked at them in the bus, the fear started building in these women. Of course the men felt accused by this, it is not very pleasant knowing the girl on the seat next to you is afraid of you sitting there when all you wanted was to not sit next to the smelly alchoholic who looks like he is about to throw up. I dont know if you see my point in this, but what I am trying to say is that I understand why men get deffencive when talking about stuff like this, because you would never even think of hurting anyone like that.

However, some ppl would, and I think the line between play and herrassment has been moved too far on the internet towards the playful side. I feel very uncomfortable when guys ask me if I am a rl girl because of the string of questions that mostly follow - harmless questions, but personal questions, like "oh, you're a girl?! Age? Loc? Social status? Height? Haircolour? Eye colour?" things that weren't interesting when they thought I was a guy suddenly becomes the center of our conversation. As I said, these are little innocent things, I have experienced a lot worse and I have chosen up until now to ignore it, tried to get used to it and all the other advices you have come with here. I am not going to do that anymore, so if nothing else, this thread has helped me realise a lot of things.


Righty righty...
enough already.. we all know that the key words is:
Make Love :kiss2: , Not War! :mgwhore2:


Serious issues require serious words, and serious posts to discuss them. If some of the posts here stop some of the hormonal boys chasing after females in game then it's all good.


imo you owe me an apology for having to go through this shit post.

you _know_ that when you are (semi )attractive and the community consists of 90% male hormones, that if you put your pics online you _will_ get this sort of things.

ps : if you want to wear pants like a man you can as well take crap like a man as well


Originally posted by klavrynd
ps : if you want to wear pants like a man you can as well take crap like a man as well
Please elaborate this. Do you think I should read the newspaper while crapping, you think I should take other ppl's crap with a readied brawl (yes this is generalization, but bear with me this time) or you think I should go back to wearing skirts?


wow this is even worse then the soaps on television :rolleyes:


Originally posted by old.Ziera
actually, the keyword is respect. :)

respect is earned, not demanded

the /respect command GOA wrote about havent been implemented.

on a bit more serious note
1. I think the bit that havent been mentioned yet, is that not everyone are strong/secure enough to stand up for themselves and ask people to stop. There should also be room for those people.

2. About comments of a sexual explicit nature, first reply should be "please stop", and or report it to GOA, and if it piles up like described here, make a public post saying "please stop".

3. In my opinion anyone that freaks out about compliments should be ashamed. (take screenshots, save them for a rainy day when you feel lonely, and maybe then they can make you feel better about yourself)

(ps. Cush is teh bomb!, and avon.. lub ya long time.. hell even bring zapsi for a 3some!)
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