I always read about nerf Midgard!



Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I always read about nerf Midgard!

Originally posted by old.Nol
FYI sorc's do not need quickcast, with sc template and good RA's plus dex cap Sorc's cast mezz at 1.6 ish seconds, which is faster the quickcast(2 seconds) if the sorc QC's it, it will take longer then a normal cast.

How about, you get mezzed, then you can single purge and heal mezz, like twatty(zoldot) expects hibs and albs to do against mids? 2-3 healers in group should make it easy enough...</sarcasm>

It's a lot better then having to start a drum pulse to play endurance, as well demezzing and be expected to mezz at the same time too...

then bards with insta lull will dominate
(sorry, i edited my previous post)
i have 250 dex and mota2, and if i dont have insta up i cant outmezz sorcs

i didnt say bards have easier time than healers
i didnt say hibs have easier time than mids


Originally posted by old.Nol
It's at this point I am wondering what the 4 mid tanks are doing?

trying to kill the bard inside pbae box of two-three chanters


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I always read about nerf Midgard!

Originally posted by old.anubis
then bards with insta lull will dominate
(sorry, i edited my previous post)
i have 250 dex and mota2, and if i dont have insta up i cant outmezz sorcs

i didnt say bards have easier time than healers
i didnt say hibs have easier time than mids

Never said you were, my posts were addressed at parienthingy and zolwotchamacallit. even 5 second lull is not going to help you get into range to cast a 3 second mezz vs' corcer, but I would rather insta were not in the game...


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I always read about nerf Midgard!

Originally posted by old.Nol

4 tanking clases plus a decent skald. Only need that many to one shot practically every support class in Hibernia

If they are running after the druid, how will a bard mezz stop them, you are presuming that they have not yet been mezzed? Pretty lax bard IMO. Yes the druid could probably root if they're all chasing the bard, and hope that none resist. Besides the fatc that there are at least 2 zerkers that now can pull off back styles on the party running away.

reserved for special occasions ...yes yes


1. You can do the same can't you? get 5 hib tanks and a hybrud and 1 shot a support class of midgard.

2: If 5 hib tanks running after a shaman hwo will the healer stop them? by using stun yes. and hib magicans can also stun! if they after the healer the shaman can root.

3. LOL nice comment^^ WHATEVER! haha


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I always read about nerf Midgard!

Originally posted by Zoldot
2: If 5 hib tanks running after a shaman hwo will the healer stop them? by using stun yes. and hib magicans can also stun! if they after the healer the shaman can root.
Healers the only one with AE-stun and insta-AE-stun a hibernia caster would have to individually target each of the tanks and do them each individually and a hib's stun is 2 seconds shorter than a healer's


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I always read about nerf Midgard!

Originally posted by acei
a hib's stun is 2 seconds shorter than a healer's

Except of course when baod is up - then hib stun is 8.5 seconds longer than a healer stun


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I always read about nerf Midgard!

Originally posted by Zoldot
2: If 5 hib tanks running after a shaman hwo will the healer stop them? by using stun yes. and hib magicans can also stun! if they after the healer the shaman can root.

well, healer can root too
healer can cast ae stun if its really 3+ tanks, then start to root em 1 by 1
shaman can pbae disease and sprint for infinity
shaman can use moc and root by himself
shaman can drop ichor if shit is really too hot
and one important thing, if enemies are assisting on shaman, then two healers can heal him; if enemies are assisting on one of the healer, the other healer and shaman will have troubles to heal him


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I always read about nerf Midgard!

Originally posted by acei
Healers the only one with AE-stun and insta-AE-stun a hibernia caster would have to individually target each of the tanks and do them each individually and a hib's stun is 2 seconds shorter than a healer's

Well lets start this thing over once more :)

Insta AE stun is by healers called "grant immunity button" relly most healers dont stun with the AEinsta spell unless they dont have any other instas up.

Almost in evry case u get stunned by a healer its gonna be a casted single target (with lower resist rates) or an casted AE.

And to ure suprise many healers (except true PAC healers) dont even have the insta AE stun spell.

And back to the mending part, if u wanna mend then 20 aint gonna cut it, I couldent do it for real with 27. U need to break 30 at least.


So much fun reading 'nerf this, nerf that' from people that have no clue whatsoever of the class they're crying nerf about :D


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I always read about nerf Midgard!

Originally posted by old.anubis
cut the crap, will you
i have 22 + 18 mend, best single heal is ~260, group heal is 128
battery of life heals for ~1050 (150 per person, excluding you) once in 30 minutes, very nice add for 10 rsp (moc, purge, pr, mcl, aom2 = rr6l5, you can take bol only at rr7l5)
dear mister Crap... kinda strange to me =) my clerik have 21+11+ rr rejuv n heal for 400 :) with spec heal not base wich r random n crap...

battery of life maybe isnt a must but help...

Originally posted by old.anubis

there are 0 healers on all the servers with 50 pac
you should a bit learn your enemy

i play mid too ... know how it work... again... zerk 1200+ dmg every 2 sec... if u dont have any 50 pac healer... trust me u still have the time to smash down lot ov ppl before it goes off

n btw do not jerk of with others spec u can't know...

n if with 22 mend you are using group heal... maybe u r the one in need to learn how to play Ur own Char :)


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I always read about nerf Midgard!

Originally posted by Silenzio
n if with 22 mend you are using group heal... maybe u r the one in need to learn how to play Ur own Char :)

sure, tell me how should i play, please

ps. i have a choice, 295 spec heal with 3.4 sec cast time and 250-280 base heal with 2.8 sec cast time
and you can heal for 400 _only_ if you have 3 power relics
cleric rej != healer mend, you have lvl 19 heal (delves for 263), ours is lvl 17 (delves for 236)


No you won't SoS and run like a chicken you will AE Stun and run like a chicken.

Bring on the nerf cry some more you have been overpowered far too long.

Blazor Meneth

i play mid too ... know how it work... again... zerk 1200+ dmg every 2 sec... if u dont have any 50 pac healer... trust me u still have the time to smash down lot ov ppl before it goes off

Yeah we always hit ppl for 1200+ never less then that, couse that would be crap dmg, no really stop talking so much BS. you've maybe been hit by soruzi[troll] once and then he got a nice crit off. But also always swings under 2 secs does he?!?!
Well I think my highest dmg EVER is about 1100+dmg.. that happend ONCE, listen again ONCE!!! it happend and then I got a high crit. According to the albs zerks always hit for 1200 or more, BS!!!!! :wall:


Originally posted by Blazor Meneth
Yeah we always hit ppl for 1200+ never less then that, couse that would be crap dmg, no really stop talking so much BS. you've maybe been hit by soruzi[troll] once and then he got a nice crit off. But also always swings under 2 secs does he?!?!
Well I think my highest dmg EVER is about 1100+dmg.. that happend ONCE, listen again ONCE!!! it happend and then I got a high crit. According to the albs zerks always hit for 1200 or more, BS!!!!! :wall:

none is talking about A HIT but Damage Over Time

n pls if u spent most or ur skill ponint tin parry instead ov weapon
n ur 30 starting sta point all in int... dont blame me :)


Berserk Available only to Berserkers, this skill morphs the player into a beast and allows each hit that lands to critical at the cost of any defensive abilities.


Originally posted by zalaz
Well this is a usual line in so many posts.. Nerf Midgard....

How about Nerf Albion and that blasted DF...
I have a lvl 50 zhadowserk that will be nerfed and utterly destoyed with the upcomming patch. I guess that many albs are so darn happy about this. But Im not.

And DF is one style that need a huge nerf.. And dont let it chain of a evade like it does.. The sb have no stun style to chain as nr 1 after a evade but albs do... :( The stun we use is nr 2 after evade and is hard as hell to hit with.. And the DF so darn easy...

SO Nerf Albion and DF.. Nerf I tell you NERF......

And yes Im sick and tierd of ppl whining... And guess what... its mostly albs.. Cuz they cant fight like men they only zerg.....

1 sb against 1 fg albs that is rvr from albs... How brave you are tiny albs.... And then you scream about nerf.. LOL... How about this you cant have 6 wizzards and 1 tank and 1 mini... You will get killed... Cuz mid tanks will beat the crap out of you.. And yes cloth sucks as armor.. SO dont whine casters.. You cant take a hit from a tank, and you are not suposed to.... Learn and live with it.

Guess I will get tons of lame albs screaming in here now.. But so be it.. I wont Sos and run away like a little chicken.

If you call one FG a zerg then you need to go back to packman.

Sorry for the rude answer but you were asking for it :cool:

Blazor Meneth

Originally posted by Silenzio
none is talking about A HIT but Damage Over Time

n pls if u spent most or ur skill ponint tin parry instead ov weapon
n ur 30 starting sta point all in int... dont blame me :)


Berserk Available only to Berserkers, this skill morphs the player into a beast and allows each hit that lands to critical at the cost of any defensive abilities.

you seem o be a person who judge all over one,becouse you've been hit once by a quick/debuffed troll zerk.

Thanks for the idea, I got all my points in mastery of water and saved up for Thundra (or what the name is)

n pls u n int ov sta, don't know the whole words or want me to teach you? :chortle:


Originally posted by Blazor Meneth

n pls u n int ov sta, don't know the whole words or want me to teach you? :chortle:

Clearly show how ur brain works bad =)

INT = Intelligence not hard

STA= just missing a T cuz fast type but a well brained ppl whould have guessed that...

streght= str

Guess u r new to the game =) (pls dont negate it, otherwise it would meen ur n idiot :) )

n btw no debuffed zerk or so.... a shadowzer hit normaly for 300+
bearzerk have more str n weap skill hit for more n have crit...

now i stop... kinda waste ov time talking with u

Blazor Meneth

Originally posted by Silenzio
Clearly show how ur brain works bad =)

INT = Intelligence not hard

STA= just missing a T cuz fast type but a well brained ppl whould have guessed that...

streght= str

Guess u r new to the game =) (pls dont negate it, otherwise it would meen ur n idiot :) )

n btw no debuffed zerk or so.... a shadowzer hit normaly for 300+
bearzerk have more str n weap skill hit for more n have crit...

now i stop... kinda waste ov time talking with u

Yeah just lvled this char, started yesterday night, and now hes 6L6, and btw started a critblade this morning to, hes 4L4 now. so yes quite new, not! :moon:

Btw how do you spell strength? like this ?
streght= str

Oh well nevermind, it's not like you'll learn anything :p


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I always read about nerf Midgard!

lol edit: just read page 3 and im lmao at the people talking about hibs using these 30min timer RAs

can someone tell me how long the recast timer is on

ae ins mezz and ae stun for midgard please!


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I always read about nerf Midgard!

Originally posted by -Nuked-
lol edit: just read page 3 and im lmao at the people talking about hibs using these 30min timer RAs





ok just purge :p

reread the edit btw .. how long are middy ae ins stun and ae ins mezz recast timers?


yes and ?

Hibs also has isnta Mezz.

And compare GPurge wiht PR, witch gives the most for the points, or BAoD to the "BIG bag of Poo" or to skalds dmg add or anything mid has...


imo GP is used/needed alot more then PR. its level of instants and how many you have available on what timers.on top of with the dmg that savage/zerkers are doing vs everyone that is the problem. you have tanks that by far out dmg most casters and all our regenration on 1 class that shows up like a xmas tree. even if you dont 1 hit kill the target you have permi sprint. its a series of doors that close in your face.
bards dont use instant mezz for the simple reason that it starts to flash as soon as its applied.


nothing more 2 say, we all type this same crap 2 often.


doublefrost damage is the attack that does lowest damage on my quickbar. My styles are: doublefrost once to make the caster flee, then snowsqual + followup till he/she is dead. or i have to give up because sos (talking about GvsG).

the after parry chain does almost double damage (but not that usable in rvr)

Snowsqual (backstyle) + (the followup if needed): for running away casters is the attack that one shots casters in rvr.

but albs don't know that, albs hop on the winewagon and whine along. most albs don't know shit about mid classes.

I know i get ganked by alb chars alot. but do i whine about them?

if my zerker is in a duel with a friar and i loose 4 out of 5 times, i am like: "WTF cool. nice class to try that out if i am playing alb someday". i like hard hitting players. if i get ganked by a hard hitting player i am interested in that class and gonna try it on an another server.

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