How to scare the crap out of pallys..



i get some bs when i click that link.

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He had under 10% spirit resist and a little over or less crush/slash resist.

Try it on a full SC'd target :(


I tried it on a SCed 50 Merc and was basically the same result.. he came out of stun with 5% health


afaik you tested on Vermillon aswell, didn't you vestax? ><


Originally posted by old.SadonTheGrey
afaik you tested on Vermillon aswell, didn't you vestax? ><

Yup beat him with 100% health left doing the same thing


Originally posted by vestax
Yup beat him with 100% health left doing the same thing

Ok, I'm not even going to think about accepting your duel challenges :p


yes and i also beat a RR8 pally (sced) without getting hit but i didnt take a SS, ask Gelid for proof.. he witnessed it.

Im not boasting.. its just that i get hundreds of /tells in game from lowbie reavers. I created this thread because for them to see my spec (which i believe is the best reaver spec) and how much damage I hit for.

The amount of people who nearly gimp themselves from speccing flex + slash/crush ><

So here goes

Q) What is levi damage like?
A) Its pretty good, highest hit in RvR was 824 damage with a crit on a caster (died in 1 hit)

Q) Whats your spec?
A) 50 Flex, 42 Sheild, 36 SR, 16 parry

Q) Whats your unbuffed stats @ 50?
A) 190 dex, 135 Con, 170 Str, 1305 HP - Saracen

Q) How do you do in duels?
A) Since i have been using my SC setup i have had 25 duels with Paladins/Armsmen/Infiltators/Friars/Mercs. 24 won 1 lost (was a Friar)

Q) Are Reavers usefull in Groups in RvR?
A) I think so, Slam is allways usefull and the 13% PBAE Abs debuff i have is handy as it makes everyone in my group hit harder (2 handers hit much harder). It doesnt break mez.

The PBAE dd is good for interupting chanters/bards/druids after GP as well as finding stealthers. I can also dish out as much damage as a merc if i can get behind a target (which is easy with practice).

Now i can just tell them to visit the thread :p


If you really wanna scare us paladins just say there is a Bonedancer behind us, it always scares me to death :)


Lol Najwa doesnt know jack shit about playing a paladin, anyone could beat him.


So you won against a RR8 Fully SC:ed Pally... without getting hit... dueling ppl while they go LD does not count =(
Seriously RR8 and not even Determination1 ?
You do know that he should be able to parry/block your slams a few times, and you don't have that many tries since you'll run out of end.

Did this pally you dueled even twist his chants right? Hello Spirit resist +20% 4 teh win vs. reavers :< Since he was RR8 he should have Avoidance of Magic, so that would take his resist way over 50%.

And did this pally ever use the old Engage->Healchant combo?
And this pally buy his account from eBay?

I've got nothing against reavers, they are a nice class, but this thread kinda tricks all 'newcomers' that "slam+levi. > all" actually works all the time, which it sure as hell don't :)


Originally posted by Torvarg
So you won against a RR8 Fully SC:ed Pally... without getting hit... dueling ppl while they go LD does not count =(
Seriously RR8 and not even Determination1 ?

Pallies can't get Determination and what would it do against slam ?

You do know that he should be able to parry/block your slams a few times, and you don't have that many tries since you'll run out of end.

Did this pally you dueled even twist his chants right? Hello Spirit resist +20% 4 teh win vs. reavers :< Since he was RR8 he should have Avoidance of Magic, so that would take his resist way over 50%.

And did this pally ever use the old Engage->Healchant combo?
And this pally buy his account from eBay?

I've got nothing against reavers, they are a nice class, but this thread kinda tricks all 'newcomers' that "slam+levi. > all" actually works all the time, which it sure as hell don't :)

Engaging is kinda lame in duels because... well... ermm... sure it's a class ability but what's the point? If a paladin engages my friar (if not agreed on forehand) I just stop fighting, no point in dmg my stick against his shield :)


and slam in rvr will be evaded/blocked/missed most likely :\


Either way, she did beat him with 100% HP left.

Torvarg is just bitter :>


Me big bitter man :<

Wrote it kinda wrong there, was suppose to say that it was strange that none of the mercs you dueled had any determination.
But still as I said, did this pally twist anything?
And was he infact LD? :p

- Pathfinder -

Determination does not affect melee stuns - do your homework :p

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