How tall are you?


One of Freddy's beloved
Oct 6, 2013
6'1" if I stand up straight. Lose about an inch usually to slouching. ;)


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
I just added it all up and the mean height in this thread is 6' 1/4" or 183.4cm
I've not bothered to segregate by gender as there's so few women :p


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I'm 6'1", the correct height. Those of you that are shorter than me are midgets and those that are taller are freakish giants :p


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I'm 6'1", the correct height. Those of you that are shorter than me are midgets and those that are taller are freakish giants :p

Actually, I'm the standard imperial unit of correctness. In every measurement - height, weight, looks, opinions held, anythingelseyoucanthinkof.

You, however, are one-point-zero Gay.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
I had back problems like a motherfucker until I started the exercise. Had to go through all the pain at the beginning. In all the areas - back was a liability, ankles and knees were terrible (especially after my ankle surgery), aerobically it was really *really* hard.
But everything feels so much worse when you first start. I have been seeing a personal trainer trying to sort out exercises that don't destroy my foot. He keeps promising me I will feel better eventually but for now he should be running a concentration camp. And I actually put weight on last week but I have not sorted the diet part yet and there has been a lot of muscle work so it is to be expected.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
But everything feels so much worse when you first start....He keeps promising me I will feel better eventually but for now he should be running a concentration camp.

This. Exactly this.

I feel for ya man. I was carrying pain from major surgery on both my ankles, debilitating upper and lower back pain and medial and posterior cruciate injuries and my body couldn't carry the extra weight.

Feel great now. Would never go back :)


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
I am 6'4" a big hunk of sexiness, and my cock size? It is really small compared to the size of the rest of me, obviously another one of life's little jokes that was played on me :( I can reach the tip of it with my tongue if I try really hard though so maybe it isn't that small, because, you know, my tongue isn't big. Hmmmmm. *measures*

Edit - Before anyone asks or wonders, no I don't know if I'm serious or not either. Oh, and I'm 16 stone 5 lbs.
Last edited:


Is now wearing thermals.....Brrrrr
Apr 21, 2008
In your dreams... Same dream as mine being a size 8!
Ok, 5'6 and a half

I thought I was taller, but then I only look myself in the mirror before I go out on a Saturday night when I am wearing 6 inch heels


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
6'3" (190.5 cm) and 112kg. That puts me borderline obese, which I am, but I'm on my way down. Was 160kg just over a year ago.

This is what I may be getting wrong, all these BMI labels.

I'm a stone and a cake overweight which does actually put me in the "overweight" category which I agree with. No problemo.

Now take someone who runs 5km a day on a treadmill so has virtually no body fat BUT does loads of weights so has a shed load of muscle. Muscle weghs more than fat (yes?) so someone with a to die for body could be clinically obese according to BMI. Eh?


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
Have you lot actually measured your cocks then? It's probably been about 8 years since I have.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Yes...but that clearly isnt you fatass.

Anyway Im proud to announce I'm the world's tallest dwarf


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
Most ppl :cry: fit on the chart



Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Now take someone who runs 5km a day on a treadmill so has virtually no body fat BUT does loads of weights so has a shed load of muscle. Muscle weghs more than fat (yes?) so someone with a to die for body could be clinically obese according to BMI. Eh?

It covers 95%+ of the population. It's massive outliers that don't work.

Put it this way - the guys on the tour de france, who you'd think would be outliers - aren't. A typical climber and a typical sprinter have BMI's that differ from 21-23.

People look for excuses when a "ready reckon" tells them they're fat and attack the tool rather than themselves.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
When I got my mortgage I had to have a medical to get life insurance. He took my height and weighed me and told me I was Obese and like I have said before I have never been a runners build so yeah I had some extra weight but I though Obese was a bit harsh. The Doc measured my shoulder width at 21-22 inches (national average is 17-19) so basically I carry more weight than the average 6ft tall person. But there was no where to put on the form that at that point me and the other half were going to the gym a lot we were running and riding regularly and honestly my fitness and health was good. So because BMI said I was Obese I had to pay a fortune extra for high risk life insurance from £6-£30 a month or similar. So I hate BMI.

I am interested to keep the gym stuff going just to see what the lowest weight I can get will be. I do not think I will ever be under 14st.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 30, 2003
Have you lot actually measured your cocks then? It's probably been about 8 years since I have.
Mine is 1 guinea pig long, but you've got to catch them while they're sleepy. If they get angry you're better off with a pint glass full of hot dog sausages.


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
This BMI chart stuff really pisses me off, it winds me right up, more than @babs does....and that is a lot :eek:

So say a woman has big boobs, say her boobs together weigh a stone but the rest of her is really skinny but her boobs push her into the obese side of things? That could make that girl go all spazzy and diet or throw up after food or do all other sort of needless things. What about a rugby player, what about the England rugby team for example, I bet most of them would show up as obese, the BMI thing does not take into account the build of people, like I said I am 6'4" and roughly 16st5lb but I aren't fat, I have chunky legs and wide shoulders and big arms, I guess I am built like an unhealthy rugby player and I suppose babs is as well. Last time I did the BMI thing I was borderline obese, I kicked off, she then took my waist measurement (35 inch I think) which she said fell into the normal side of things so I was ok. I mean what the fuck! Apparently I think I am meant to be about 13 stone or something, honestly I would look like I had cancer of the AIDS if I was 13 stone.

Stupid fucking country with it's stupid fucking rules. It should fuck off and leave us the fuck alone to live and die how the fuck we want. They don't care, THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT US! They just want to save money, or justify taxing unhealthy food, smoke and mirrors people, smoke and mirrors.



FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
When I got my mortgage I had to have a medical to get life insurance. He took my height and weighed me and told me I was Obese and like I have said before I have never been a runners build so yeah I had some extra weight but I though Obese was a bit harsh. The Doc measured my shoulder width at 21-22 inches (national average is 17-19) so basically I carry more weight than the average 6ft tall person. But there was no where to put on the form that at that point me and the other half were going to the gym a lot we were running and riding regularly and honestly my fitness and health was good. So because BMI said I was Obese I had to pay a fortune extra for high risk life insurance from £6-£30 a month or similar. So I hate BMI.

I am interested to keep the gym stuff going just to see what the lowest weight I can get will be. I do not think I will ever be under 14st.

Similar issue here, wide shoulders and 48" chest but 36" waist, try buying a suit with a 12" drop :( Have to get all mine tailored. I got the shoulders from swimming and waterpolo, used to swim train every morning from ages 12-24. BMI is shit and has not been updated for far too long. Christ even M&S adjusted their sizing years ago as everything was based on measurements taken in the 50's or sometime around then. Remember them making a big thing of it. The issue of online and store clothing sizes needs some control. Massive issues with the measurements and I understand it is even worse for women. Recently purchased 3 pairs of shorts from Debenhams online, only 1 pair fitted properly but they were all the same siz, bloody wierd.

On the insurance side, they are just taking advantage of the system to charge more. I bet only a small percentage actually meet all the requirements for the lowest rates.


One of Freddy's beloved
Oct 6, 2013
BMI is idiotic. According to my BMI I'm obese. I am 6'1" and weigh 17 stone. I can tell you that I most certainly have a belly, but there's more or less not an inch of fat on the rest of me. Yes, I'd be the first to tell you I'd rather be slimmer and I could certainly be more active and lose some weight. However, I am not obese.

Here's me (on the left):



Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
The issue of online and store clothing sizes needs some control. .

You have no idea. Clothing manufacturers actively work against anyone who tries to normalise the data for clothing fit. Its a fucking nightmare (its actually even worse for kids clothing). We've been trying for years to get to a solution, but you've got manufacturers who deliberately undersize clothing (because it makes women feel better about their size) and you've got manufacturers who use non-standard or even proprietary sizing (looking at you Ted Baker). There are people like trying to come up with solutions, but there's a big cost and process overhead for retailers to make it work, and as I said, a lot of manufacturers actively hinder the process.


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
I was over 18 stone when I got married, yes I was too heavy then but when I tried to get a suit the taylor complained about me not having a belly so he couldn't make the suit fit right. I looked like a right mong (more than normal) on the pictures. I wished I hadn't bothered at all and just wore bloody trousers and a shirt. I lost the weight by walking more and drinking less but now I am losing about 2 lbs a week because of the migraine pills I am on (Topramate) which are anti epilepsy drugs but fuck me you simply can't eat or drink as much beer on them no matter hard I try :D


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
This is what I may be getting wrong, all these BMI labels.

I'm a stone and a cake overweight which does actually put me in the "overweight" category which I agree with. No problemo.

Now take someone who runs 5km a day on a treadmill so has virtually no body fat BUT does loads of weights so has a shed load of muscle. Muscle weghs more than fat (yes?) so someone with a to die for body could be clinically obese according to BMI. Eh?

Personally, I think BMI is almost correct for me. I'd put myself down as significantly overweight rather than obese, because I'm carrying a great big pile o muscle from six months of lifting weights. I do have plenty of flab to get rid of, still, and I reckon my ideal weight is about 90kg (so about 22kg away, which is almost 3.5 stone). I will have a fair amount of excess flabby skin, though, which might have to get the snip to shed the last stone or so.

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