How much longer till all characters have their equipment returned?


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 7, 2004
Tuppe said:
valkyrie still stripped, thou gimp class but wanna play it.
whats funny, billing is working fine, even many still suffering near 2 month old stuff.
longer this take, longer it takes to me get char back up to date, 1/2 year?

Yea, my valk got owned too, gimped as it is and even worse as a rog nubbins of doom. Give Gear Back !!!!!!!!!!!!!11111!1!!!! kekekekekkekekekekek etc


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I still don't have equipment on one character, and I can't even log a Rightnow report on the second because I am still unable to log into Rightnow.



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Got off relatively lightly with losing stuff but my scout is still missing its equipment and its now like 5-6 weeks later, really is getting silly now. Not that is an often played char but still irritating that ive no idea whats gonna be returned, whats not etc

Can only assume that now the majority are sorted, the remaining restorations have a much lower priority. No blame attached to GMs in anyway, it just seems not enough people were brought in to fix this situation for it still to be dragging on.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
the french GMs are off to le monde de jeu, the english ones are still slaving away :p


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 4, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
the french GMs are off to le monde de jeu, the english ones are still slaving away :p

Pleases me to hear. Guess noone envies you your play-games-and-get-paid-for-it-dreamjob now ;)

How far have you progressed now? Filed my ticket early tuesday morning, the day after the server came up again.
2 weeks ago I asked on RN, and got the answer that you expected to get my toons restored in 1-2 days, but still nothing.

Do you have any qualified guesses to make? :>


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Falukropp said:
Pleases me to hear. Guess noone envies you your play-games-and-get-paid-for-it-dreamjob now ;)

How far have you progressed now? Filed my ticket early tuesday morning, the day after the server came up again.
2 weeks ago I asked on RN, and got the answer that you expected to get my toons restored in 1-2 days, but still nothing.

Do you have any qualified guesses to make? :>

I'm not a GM :p I'm just an odd forum moderator (and an E&E/Volunteer thing)

so answer to these: not at all coz I don't do them!

no idea :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
i had some stuff go missing, and while the server was down i tried the us servers,
what i want to know is is there anyway to check all my accts (only had one or 2 open when i looked at the ones who were missing kit) or do i have to reopen all 6 just to see if all my characters are missing things.
also will things be returned in time anyway or will i HAVE to report them? it's just as i started on the us and am having a laugh, i cant see any point coming back to this mess, but it would be nice to know that should i fancy it i can pop back and have a play and meet up with my old mates.
if anyone could answer that would be great.
cheers all, and gl to them still missing stuff


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 30, 2003
So after Requiel's update, can we expect all items to be returned to all characters that reported incidents to be returned by next Friday ?

I.e 6 weeks = 80% of the reports sorted, then 500 reports left = 20%.

So 2000 reports and these have been completed within 6 weeks, so can we expect the last 500 to be done in 1.5 weeks ?

Or due to the lack of people working on the issue now in comparison to how many they were when the issues were initially reported, will it be longer :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 7, 2004
8 weeks is too long to start with and waiting a further 1.5 to 2 weeks is, in my opinion, unacceptable. Not only have we lost a vast amount of items but in the mean time we have had to temporarily replace them at some cost.

I know this is just a game etc etc etc, but i'm paying for the pleasure to get home from a hard days work and be totaly frustrated by this situation.

Rather than sending all the GOA workforce to a "show" why not get them all onto a customer service course, because after all the customer is keeping them in a job.

Yours in frustration.

EDIT: Removed swearing images of onions being crushed.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
My hopes are raised by the fact that its a monday morning, so hopefully they'll be getting on with the restoration requests, and the fact that they can't have that much longer to go can they?

Another update would be nice giving us an idea of how many more accounts they have to sort. Presumably the deadline for this is clustering on Friday?


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 19, 2005
this has been posted on today

GOA Staff

Rate Post

Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 110

Originally when we got the list of affected characters from Mythic, we anticipated 2-3 weeks to deal with the issue, by then we'd have had long enough to make sure that Prydwen was stable and there'd be no complications for clustering.
When the server came back up and we started gettting the reports, it was clear that the list we had bore no resemblance to reality at all and the problem was much bigger than we'd been led to believe. Our original announcement was based on the estimate of 3 weeks or so to clear the majority of reports. Now obviously we're a month and a half on and there are still quite a few to do. However there's no technical reason not to cluster and it's something the community of both servers have been looking forward to for some time. It will make no difference to the people who are still waiting and will make a lot of people happy as it's been postponed twice now. We have done the majority of the item replacement requests and it doesn't seem right to me to keep around 20,000 people (which is approximately the number of active English players) waiting because a couple of hundred of them still have characters that need to be restored.
English Servers GM
EU DAoC Community Site
EU DAoC Website

Today, 06:23

I will be cancelling both my accounts till they finally get roiund to sorting my stuff out.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
I agree it sucks that its taking so long to replace everything, but then again I think its unfair to thos who didnt loose items, that everything else should be on hold til Prydwen Database is fixed.

Tho I feel the ones who still havent gotten their items back should be compensated with more days, even tho its not their main that have lost items


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
hmm waiting friday news where goa post they are concentrating next patch, thou theres still several hundreds chars whitout items etc.
guess this is now effecting so minor ammount players? our stripped chars can be slowly swipe some dark place.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
2 month for me now and still no word....they have to put all efforts in to getting the restoration complet before patch work


Dec 26, 2003
Dwali said:
2 month for me now and still no word....they have to put all efforts in to getting the restoration complet before patch work

If you believe GOA they only had a few hundred left several weeks ago - thus they have re-deployed the monkeys onto other tasks - only one poor monkey doing the lost gear investigations now and boy is he bored ;P

Like you I'm still waiting...


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 7, 2004
For the benefit of MesS :-

Firstly, i don't recall saying anything should be put on standby till all the restorations are complete. I stated, quite clearly, how unsatisfactory the situation is. Yes, i made flipant remarks regarding "shows" and in another thread (possibly this one) "Clustering".

Secondly, if i choose to put my hard earned cash into i anything then i have the right to question the service i get. Wether this is to your satisfaction or not. You pay to play, if you want to keep quiet when something isn't to your liking then that is your business.

Finaly, if you read my edit in the previous thread (before it was locked :D ) you will see that i am more than happy with the game itself, however i am not happy with the service and in some instances the communication.

Should you happen to take the time to read this thread then no doubt you will see i am not alone. The poll that is also in this forum gives a good indication that a lot of people are frustrated.

I await your witty comments... knock yourself out.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
ZukeSB said:
For the benefit of MesS :-
Thanks you make me feel all spechul, and thanks for the PMs too. :D
ZukeSB said:
Firstly, i don't recall saying anything should be put on standby till all the restorations are complete. I stated, quite clearly, how unsatisfactory the situation is. Yes, i made flipant remarks regarding "shows" and in another thread (possibly this one) "Clustering".
Erhm thats prolly because i was replying to Ixnay?
ZukeSB said:
Secondly, if i choose to put my hard earned cash into i anything then i have the right to question the service i get. Wether this is to your satisfaction or not. You pay to play, if you want to keep quiet when something isn't to your liking then that is your business.
Im not trying to tell you where you should put your mommys hard earned cash, im just telling you have alternatives if you arent happy.
As a side note i might mention that FreddysHouse probally cant solve any of your problems. You could try GoA, and if that dosent help Mythic.
ZukeSB said:
Finaly, if you read my edit in the previous thread (before it was locked :D ) you will see that i am more than happy with the game itself, however i am not happy with the service and in some instances the communication.
Wich is why i was educating you about the fact that you can actually play DAoC without having to put up with GoAs service. (read: US Server).
ZukeSB said:
Should you happen to take the time to read this thread then no doubt you will see i am not alone. The poll that is also in this forum gives a good indication that a lot of people are frustrated.
As would I be, as i stated erlier i would probally delete and find another hobby. The point is you dont see everyone else crying in random treads around the forum, now do you?

That said feel free to post or pm me again if you have anymore conserns. :D

Edit: corrected about 50% of my spelling error's


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 7, 2004
MesS° said:
Thanks you make me feel all spechul, and thanks for the PMs too. :D
Erhm thats prolly because i was replying to Ixnay?
Im not trying to tell you where you should put your mommys hard earned cash, im just telling you have alternatives if you arent happy.
As a side note i might mention that FreddysHouse probally cant solve any of your problems. You could try GoA, and if that dosent help Mythic.
Wich is why i was educating you about the fact that you can actually play DAoC without having to put up with GoAs service. (read: US Server).
As would I be, as i stated erlier i would probally delete and find another hobby. The point is you dont see everyone else crying in random treads around the forum, now do you?

That said feel free to post or pm me again if you have anymore conserns. :D

Edit: corrected about 50% of my spelling error's

If your responding to another poster at least make it clear.

If you took the time to read this thread you will realise various GOA employee's responded within it, it did some good at least (kinda).

Why would i go to a Mythic server when all my friends IRL or otherwise are on the Euro servers?.. i pay for the service surely i have the right to get frustrated when something is not right (perhaps not in the world you reside).

Further more, you will find me "whining" in specific threads (of which there are 2 i think) regarding my frustration... hardly random i think you'll agree (or maybe not). In fact the only person i see sticking their nose into threads with useless comments is you, e.g. the now closed thread. Perhaps get your own house in order before you start spouting poop all over place.

OH, and one last thing... my "Mommy" asked me to pass this message on "STFU tard !11!!!!1!! kekekekekekek"


Can't get enough of FH
Aug 25, 2004
Who the fuck is this MesS guy?

You are obviously living in a dream world if you think 3 going on 4 months of unplayable downtime for Zuke is acceptable service.

I was extremely pissed just having to wait 2 weeks, the people who are still waiting must be going nuts.



Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
Zedenz said:
I was extremely pissed just having to wait 2 weeks, the people who are still waiting must be going nuts.

Amen to that...i´m really getting bored here since i have put 1.5 years since i got back from 1 year on hib/pryd to kit up my chars i wanna play in RvR...getting artis...lvling them etc etc...and then get them taken away over 1 night!!!!


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 7, 2004
As a matter of intrest how many restores are outstanding and how many GOA operatives / employees are actualy working on them? Not an unreasonable question, although some smart ass will chime in no doubt.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 8, 2005
I personally feel quite forgotten about, even though they keep saying they havent forgotten about anyone :p


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 30, 2003
Thank you for the comments. We are working on the list of missing items on Prydwen with all available resources. We are sorry that it is taking a long time however we ask for your patience while we work on this. Everything that can be done to speed up the process has been done and we are working as quickly as possible to restore the last of the missing items.

Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Community Manager

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