How many balanced Ald FG's do you ever see?



Originally posted by Gahldir
didn't say they where bad. I know very well what they have up thier sleeves and what they don't have. Tho I'd rather pick another tank then a mage. One lesser to protect, more hp etc etc..

True a tank might be better but 4 tanks should do enough damage to brin a BAoD bot into the group.


Originally posted by Gahldir
They day annihalation hits for 500 dmg when BoF is used is the day it strongly needs a nerf ;)

He wasnt talking about BoF, it was about the ablative chant minstrels get.

BoF is a very very very powerfull RA BUT would u hibs be happy if u could kill a group that didnt use ANY active RAs once every 30 mins and thats it ?
Rest 30 mins get farmed over and over.


Originally posted by Sharp Thing
i have exactly 3spells of utility value, being my debuffs, my attack speed debuff (wich i have 3of :rolleyes: ) and my stun. wizards have allot more utility (and no a pbae and DD is NOT utility)

u know u got a pet and speed?

fire wiz got root and hm thats it.

Carlos Bananos

Originally posted by Sharp Thing
i have exactly 3spells of utility value, being my debuffs, my attack speed debuff (wich i have 3of :rolleyes: ) and my stun. wizards have allot more utility (and no a pbae and DD is NOT utility)

Chanter >>>>>>>>>>> Wiz as far as most things go.

The fact that they're not an albion class alone puts them miles ahead.


imo, take instas away......if peeps like instas, add them as heal

no insta mezz, stun, (what ever ) AOE .

if only albs have QC, then take that also away.

only style faster, mezz, stun (what ever) AOE only calculating with speed ( DEX buffs, RA's )


so no insta shit, until it aint heal, anything else whats based on movement of different kind of targets its fucking same.

mezz/ stun can last like 3 mins when casted, but with purge u can get it off, or determination it lowers down .

with those argumements u really can make RVR skill based more, what imo it should be atm.

now those will win what have most insta shit which takes movement down...

make this game to work by skill and reaction not more than "can i know how to click this button" game

Qte Eth

if u dont have sorcs no skill or reaction would make enemy messed ,sadly


Originally posted by sorusi
only need RR5 and thats 2 weeks or rvr..
Yes, sure, Sorusi. Let me tell you, very few (of even the so-called leet players in Nolby Pride and other RvR guilds) earn 250k RPs every week, especially when they start off at RR1. In addition, very few have the luxury of being able to join perfectly balanced guild groups 90% of the time they want to go RvR. So get off your elitistic horses and join the rest of us -- I finally got RR5 with my Cabalist a few months after hitting level 50, and I am quite happy about that.


Originally posted by sorusi
only need RR5 and thats 2 weeks or rvr..

So we need to be RR5 to compete with baseline stuff?

Let's think, 2 weeks for 500k RP, that's 35k RPS/day if you play all days.

Or, 250k / week..

Now look up on the rankings of the world to see who earns 250k / week.

You had the last week Duskwave was active 12k / week. Kallistor had 31k /week. Optical had 11k/week

Sure DW was bugged in that week. Perhaps... But even if Kallistor made those 31k on 1 day he wouldn't get RR5 in 2 weeks.

So your theory is flawed.

And it's wrong someone needs to be RR5 to compete.

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