I wanna tell a story too, so:
Once upon a time there was a little Luri NS wandering around excal desperately trying to level and getting annoyed at barely being able to solo blue cons
. So he decided to take a break and try out this new PvP server.
On I logged and rolled an Eld and started to lvl around Ardee. I saw many grps of purples ganking everything in sight 'WaR LeGenDz' were the most common with what seemed like 50 chanter pets in tow. Anyway I managed to lvl to about lvl 10 on mobs around Ardee/MM (/safety on) then after lvl 10 safety was off automatically. I tried to kill a couple of ppl which is when I realised my spec of 5 light 6 void (or sommat) was totally gimped. I then re-rerolled a chanter and got bored by lvl 6 and went back to Excal.
My little Luri NS battled the evul blue cons and eventually dinged 50 about the time SI arrived. While waiting for my brand new SC gear to arrive I went to camlann a little wiser. I rolled a BD (before fotmdom), killed a couple of times by an inkle savage called Armav (red con back in them days) and kill tasked pvp'd to lvl 21 where upon I got sick of being insta killed and stupidly overpowered and went back to Excal.
My little Luri NS then got a little (well slightly bigger) Druid friend designed as BB but also to be active Druid (40 Nurt 35 Reg spec). Low and behold I levelled and RvR'd and Camlann was forgotten. Eventually during alb zerg RRs every night the server kept dieing and I returned to Camlann for a bit.
I took the class I knew well (NS) and started to kill stuff etc (/level ofc) in and around Domnann. I then got invited to join another grp with an infil, chanter and an SM. We rocked, well kinda, the SM rocked the chanter kinda chain died and logged me and the infil just kinda hid
. After seeing the SM fight back from 10% health so many times and seeing the death spam I though, I gotta try one of them. I rolled it and started to figure it out, I got to lvl 23 before running out of cash and I returned to excal.
ToA hits and I zoom my Druid to ML6 quickly and started to pick up some arti's. I took SoM to lvl 10 on my NS and by then was sick of PvE and rolled a Luri Hero for some BG fun. Needless to say with SC'd gear and bb buffs I pwned severely and it was great fun solo or grped. It reminded me that there was a server I could do this full time rather than having to port after each death and I returned to Cammy.
Decided I needed cash and rolled a necro leveled to about lvl 30 pretty quickly, around alb SI and mid, and transferred the cash to my SM and played some more. I joined Golden Pheonix and rocked and rolled my SM to lvl 30 before again running low on cash. I then took my Necro to 50 xping in alb SI almost exclusively (1st and only 50 to grace GP thus far
) and started back on my SM and joined Core, now lvl 38. While taking my Necro to 50 I have small fortune in cash, a house and a 99% cloth suit waiting for my SM. And no I don't want to transfer it anywhere 
nerf too many images!!
Once upon a time there was a little Luri NS wandering around excal desperately trying to level and getting annoyed at barely being able to solo blue cons
On I logged and rolled an Eld and started to lvl around Ardee. I saw many grps of purples ganking everything in sight 'WaR LeGenDz' were the most common with what seemed like 50 chanter pets in tow. Anyway I managed to lvl to about lvl 10 on mobs around Ardee/MM (/safety on) then after lvl 10 safety was off automatically. I tried to kill a couple of ppl which is when I realised my spec of 5 light 6 void (or sommat) was totally gimped. I then re-rerolled a chanter and got bored by lvl 6 and went back to Excal.
My little Luri NS battled the evul blue cons and eventually dinged 50 about the time SI arrived. While waiting for my brand new SC gear to arrive I went to camlann a little wiser. I rolled a BD (before fotmdom), killed a couple of times by an inkle savage called Armav (red con back in them days) and kill tasked pvp'd to lvl 21 where upon I got sick of being insta killed and stupidly overpowered and went back to Excal.
My little Luri NS then got a little (well slightly bigger) Druid friend designed as BB but also to be active Druid (40 Nurt 35 Reg spec). Low and behold I levelled and RvR'd and Camlann was forgotten. Eventually during alb zerg RRs every night the server kept dieing and I returned to Camlann for a bit.
I took the class I knew well (NS) and started to kill stuff etc (/level ofc) in and around Domnann. I then got invited to join another grp with an infil, chanter and an SM. We rocked, well kinda, the SM rocked the chanter kinda chain died and logged me and the infil just kinda hid
ToA hits and I zoom my Druid to ML6 quickly and started to pick up some arti's. I took SoM to lvl 10 on my NS and by then was sick of PvE and rolled a Luri Hero for some BG fun. Needless to say with SC'd gear and bb buffs I pwned severely and it was great fun solo or grped. It reminded me that there was a server I could do this full time rather than having to port after each death and I returned to Cammy.
Decided I needed cash and rolled a necro leveled to about lvl 30 pretty quickly, around alb SI and mid, and transferred the cash to my SM and played some more. I joined Golden Pheonix and rocked and rolled my SM to lvl 30 before again running low on cash. I then took my Necro to 50 xping in alb SI almost exclusively (1st and only 50 to grace GP thus far
nerf too many images!!