You just defined "truth".Tierce_ said:...got serious and made a skald.
And that's probably my biggest DAoC mistake...nerf camlann, nerf it to hell.

You just defined "truth".Tierce_ said:...got serious and made a skald.
And that's probably my biggest DAoC mistake...nerf camlann, nerf it to hell.
Ballad said:The buffbot I'm using is a shaman and I'm more than happy with it. Sure shaman has the weakest buffs out of the 3 but the endurance regeneration is so friggin' useful in PvE (And you'll do a lot of PvE 20 - 50 and in ToA after 50). If I had a fully ToA'd RR5+ character I'd prefer a cleric/druid instead but for a pre 50 unToA'd (melee) character the shaman bot is better than anything.
And yeah, cleric buffed necros are reeeaally ewul, but that's not a reason to pick a cleric over a shaman IMO.
1. Shamen are absolutely the best PvE, I repeat _PvE_ bots for melee classes. Sure the AC buffs makes you take less damage and the haste kill faster but you will still run ooe in combat and have a downtime after each fight. Endurance regens fast you can say... yes it does but it still takes around 20 seconds each time... and it stacks up over time. With end regen you won't have any downtimes between pulls plus the insta sprint makes melee pulls easier. And who gets a BB just for a necro?Lothandar said:You managed to totally miss my point.
1. I won't be using end regen to lvl , ever, necros dont need end.
2. I included why the end reg is suckier than haste, wtfsucks especially when compared to the af buff
3. The af buff is not for my necro, it is for my mincer/my brothers infil.
4. You are picking a shaman because you're xping as a melee class? Include that, as shamans are the weakest buffbots when they get over 1500 range ~~
You think the specline af buff is only good for necros?. Think again
I like you less after every reply.Lothandar said:Necros don't need end, I don't pve with melee classes.
You think saying 'téma lezárva' (means discussion closed, in hungarian) makes you right? Any infils who you ask prefer the specline af buff over a stupid, pvp useless, end regen spell. You can't afford to have a bb stuck to your ass.
WTF you run ooe in pvp fights and have downtime between fights?
Are you clueless , or something...
You are speaking to me about pve, which I clearly stated, necro> your 'amagawd no downtime and permament sprint' shaman.
Cleric buffbots are so much better for people who actually just pvp, not pve, that I can't really describe it. I mean, you are talking about perma sprint and less downtime, that means you have your bb on stick and people don't just frag it on sight? Good for you. I prefer to hide my cleric whoknowswhere and benefit from the specline af buff. Ask anyone with a clue which is the best PVP (that's right, pvp, not pve which I never questioned the shaman end regen being useful) buffbot. Definitely not the shaman.
"And yeah, cleric buffed necros are reeeaally ewul, but that's not a reason to pick a cleric over a shaman IMO."
I've read your post again, my english is terribly gimped then.
You speak like if I've chosen the cleric so I can have specline af buff on my pve bot, I didn't.
And speaking a foreign language on an english forum is just rude, so don't do it, I know a lot of people just start saying insults/etc in swedish/bla/whatever, but if I can keep myself from saying uber wisdom in hungarian, I can expect the same from you, I hope.
Yeah, you're soloing 20 - 50 in PvP, yep that's right.I don't pve with melee classes.
"Shamen are absolutely the best PvE, I repeat _PvE_ bots for melee classes. Sure the AC buffs makes you take less damage and the haste kill faster but you will still run ooe in combat and have a downtime after each fight. Endurance regens fast you can say... yes it does but it still takes around 20 seconds each time... and it stacks up over time. With end regen you won't have any downtimes between pulls plus the insta sprint makes melee pulls easier. And who gets a BB just for a necro?" That's what i said. Learn the difference between "PvE" and "PvP" please.WTF you run ooe in pvp fights and have downtime between fights?
I think you're just trying to piss me off.Are you clueless , or something...
Eh?You are speaking to me about pve, which I clearly stated, necro> your 'amagawd no downtime and permament sprint' shaman.
"In PvP where you have to hide your BB (unless you have a really good connections or 2 computers) shamen don't excel. For PvP I'd choose a bot depending on my class, most likely a cleric." <- What I said....Cleric buffbots are so much better for people who actually just pvp, not pve, that I can't really describe it. I mean, you are talking about perma sprint and less downtime, that means you have your bb on stick and people don't just frag it on sight? Good for you. I prefer to hide my cleric whoknowswhere and benefit from the specline af buff. Ask anyone with a clue which is the best PVP (that's right, pvp, not pve which I never questioned the shaman end regen being useful) buffbot. Definitely not the shaman.
I never said that. Learn to read IMO.I've read your post again, my english is terribly gimped then.
You speak like if I've chosen the cleric so I can have specline af buff on my pve bot, I didn't.
So you can't stand people who are speaking foreign languages in an english area? Then Camlann is definetly not the place for you.And speaking a foreign language on an english forum is just rude, so don't do it, I know a lot of people just start saying insults/etc in swedish/bla/whatever, but if I can keep myself from saying uber wisdom in hungarian, I can expect the same from you, I hope.
Thank god there are still literate people around. :wub:Darksword said:guys chilltbh i c where ur both coming from, Ballad makes a very good point that the end regen from shammy is absolutly amazing in PvE for a melee class but in the end game isnt that good. and yes cleric is alot better buffbot at 50 because of the AF buff and because u dont get any use out of end gen from a BB thats miles away. and yes, clerics buffs r very good for leveling a necro as it gives loads of abs on ur pet and necro doesnt really gain anything from a end gen in pve or even pvp due 2 the end gen bein 2 far away.
so just chill winston's
Hmm, you are prolly right. Time to check the popular PL spots...Aithe said:ballad, wake up. he isn't going to level to 50 by exping...he is pling
So why did you join Horde?Taniko said:Hehe guys, this is just a stupid argue, lets stick to the subject and more exciting things: How did Tani ever and ever get to L50? Tbh I can't remember but I'll try.
I started out on alb/pryd, playing a clericess. B000ring doing gobo's all the time, and L36 was my exit. Then some lame test server apeared, and I thought wtf.. Let's give it a go! Joined in with another dane, both making level 1 rogue, and he said: 'do /safety off!!'. Had no idea what that had to do with anything, so I just did it! And PANG I died from some purp mincer. We ran around just trying to slice people up without any resulsts, and then suddenly started doing some pve. Spiggarns ftwgot the same dagger as Zep, and started pwning! And that was the start of my PVP career. Anyway, I got many chars on the test server, L8-15ish and the last char I made was a skald. I was hooked on it. Then Camlann opened - yay! First char to make: 'Taniko'. Now I knew what to do, how to do it and did it as the slowest and most moaning guy there! Same procedure as Zep: Water beetles, those trees close to mm and lvl'ed quite fast. Then I started doing faeries in Salisbury Plains with a druid mate, and got to L20 quite fast, also using Keltoi as the place to exp, and get armor. Getting the armor was hard though, so I moaned at some guy I later found out was danish - and he talked to his Avalanche friend named 'Ihavenoname' and 15 mins - I had a suit of wonderfull, sexy and god damn adoreable first set of armor. I was unkillable! (That danish guy btw, that is Julle - in anyone knows him) Later on I joined British Steel together with that druid mate (Groosalug/Scathaiig, I'm sure someone remembers his). We pwned
Esp. in df. We were all like 2x, so made some succesfull raids where we got (I'm not kidding) up to 15 rp's a night!!!!!! Anyways, did a lot of pvp at those lvls and that got me some rp's and lvl's ofc. Later on, I joined Valour and met a lot of new people - who later on became my friends, close one some of them (Let them down later on, but that's another story
) Lvl'ing from now wasn't a bless, but it was so much easier with guys like Lian, Kur, Nam, Fuzzy and Kan around (Amongst many many and many others)- that's for sure. Some great Dartmoor raids I remember, still have plenty of screenies. Valour later on merged with Fear and came to be called Fear (The guild y'all know now). Can't remember this correctly tbh, but.. Oh yeah. I didn't join when Valour merged with Fear at first, I joined Lazy Gits like many else and got some fast lvl's. From 39 to 44 iirc, then later on I joined Fear and all of my friends again. LG died :s. Througout the times in Fear I dinged 50 (as one of the latest) the 12th may 2002 at 5 PM in AC. (wow, lame using brain capacity to remember such things, but I'm afraid I am) I guess that's just about it.
Can't guarantee no wrong spellings etc, but I hope you enjoyed the meaningless reading of how Tani got started.
That's a whole different other stoty that has nothing with the subject to doBallad said:So why did you join Horde?![]()
Well they helped me to do some artifacts... so... *cough*... I _partly_ agree...Taniko said:That's a whole different other stoty that has nothing with the subject to dobut, Horde pwnz
barevoose said:there are various ways to doing things in life u dont have to ask for help with everything, u have ur own brain i presume? which way do u think wud be best fro christ sake![]()
Ballad said:![]()
a) They were Requiem.
b) One of the stealthers we killed was the GM.
c) Eek has kinda harsh tone.
d) Ofc they didn't "chain" us, just tried to (we left after the second kill).
e) You either didn't read my post or have very bad sense of humour.
God I miss those times.living said:Hrash tone? :> nah i just kill whatever has a reward on it and tend to whine back way worse than what they sent me ending in me being ignored and chained by a fg :>
And after you getting L50, you might consider getting some english lessonsWirey said:started when it came out, with a enchanter Machinehead and theurg Erhy, only low levels after that made a Friar up to lvl 39 called Ctx, but from then i got chained because i was green, i've had many breaks from camlann thats why i was never 50 quick, so i decided a Nightshade with stealth and Diamondback can help and DD's to interupt ppl, i got to 21 then stopped for 1month, restarted and got to 32, then 2 week break due to acount closed then a few good guilds came around such as Rare, i got a few levels with them. and made 50 in no time big thanks to Sevalith![]()
Taniko said:And after you getting L50, you might consider getting some english lessons![]()