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- #91
Got fook all :| Perhaps getting a large TV will help me play them more :
Jurassic Park 3 (only bought because it had the trailer for the Back to the Future trilogy box set DVD on it)
Back to the Future Trilogy Box Set. (
The Complete BlackAdder Box Set
Blackadder goes Back and Forth
Mike Basset England Manager (was only a fiver)
Star Wars episode 1 (tsk)
True Lies (I like most Arny films, there are worse out there)
Deep Blue See (quite fond of the sassy blonde, until she's eaten.)
Bottom : Guest House Paradiso (Bottom owns you.)
The Naked Gun (Fantastic, still laugh EVERY time
That's it :| Poxy collection, but enough to last me for a year of repetetetetetetive viewing.
Jurassic Park 3 (only bought because it had the trailer for the Back to the Future trilogy box set DVD on it)
Back to the Future Trilogy Box Set. (
The Complete BlackAdder Box Set
Blackadder goes Back and Forth
Mike Basset England Manager (was only a fiver)
Star Wars episode 1 (tsk)
True Lies (I like most Arny films, there are worse out there)
Deep Blue See (quite fond of the sassy blonde, until she's eaten.)
Bottom : Guest House Paradiso (Bottom owns you.)
The Naked Gun (Fantastic, still laugh EVERY time
That's it :| Poxy collection, but enough to last me for a year of repetetetetetetive viewing.