swords said:And it was said, do not get on Pups bad side, for he will shear you and giggle.
Ging said:yus, i have a weakness of men in beards and WMD's! dont tease me with your balamorphic disguises.
Chronictank said:too bad for grun but its his merchant with a scammer having access to it
No, scamming people is the lowest form of abuse in this game and people doing it deserve everything they get.toxii said:explain to me why it's a scam ?
considering that
a) you are responsible for your actions, if you dont shift+i its your fault you clicked buy
b) point i mentioned in my earlier post above
RNing a person for griefing is like RNing a person for abusing you on irc which iirc has happened once or twice, and ofcourse lower than emote spam RN's
wikepedia said:Griefer is the term for a player in an online computer game who deliberately sets out to discomfort other players.
acherfotm said:well chronic, first of all there are no full barrels on the house as far as i know. he sells barrels with 1 pot left and thats it ;D and altho i do not consider selling 1 pot for this high overprice nice, i do not consider it to be a scam since they are on a cm for sale and you are not being tricked into buying them. the other day i bought a shield for 5p and noticed it had 7dur left which kinda sucks but i just didnt check so it was my own fault. the one that had it wanted to sell it and considered 5p to be a decent price for it so he puts it on his cm for that price, then its up to the buyer to buy it if he thinks the price is ok.
Chronictank said:if you have 10 barrels, you check the first 6 they are all full.
But the guy has put the remaining 4 barrels with 1 pot inside
How can you say that is not purposfully trying to con someone?
Chronictank said:Griefer is the term for a player in an online computer game who deliberately sets out to discomfort other players.
Darzil said:Hmm, so selling off barrels with 1 charge at the cost of one with 100 charges isn't an attempted scam ?
Sorry, come back to the real world. He's trying to sell stuff that looks valuable unless you look closely for a price far above what it's actually worth. That's attempted scamming.
Not being the only person out there attempting to scam others isn't a defence.
1 pot is the price of aprox~3-4g. Having one pot in a barrel is just to try hiding this. Also puting the price around 800g-1p is just done to make the buyer think he's going to get a barrel with 100 pots.acherfotm said:well chronic, first of all there are no full barrels on the house as far as i know. he sells barrels with 1 pot left and thats it ;D and altho i do not consider selling 1 pot for this high overprice nice, i do not consider it to be a scam since they are on a cm for sale and you are not being tricked into buying them.
Ronso said:He isnt doing anything wrong against the coc ..
Ronso said:he has chosen to sell 1 power pot for 700gold and if ye buy it its yer own bad really .
psyco said:why would you need to buy 10 at a time?
still your fault for not checking tbh
acherfotm said:well chronic, first of all there are no full barrels on the house as far as i know. he sells barrels with 1 pot left and thats it ;D and altho i do not consider selling 1 pot for this high overprice nice, i do not consider it to be a scam since they are on a cm for sale and you are not being tricked into buying them. the other day i bought a shield for 5p and noticed it had 7dur left which kinda sucks but i just didnt check so it was my own fault. the one that had it wanted to sell it and considered 5p to be a decent price for it so he puts it on his cm for that price, then its up to the buyer to buy it if he thinks the price is ok.
I'm not gonna suggest you should kick him from guild or that people who get caught don't have themselves to blame in part but...acherfotm said:well chronic, first of all there are no full barrels on the house as far as i know. he sells barrels with 1 pot left and thats it ;D and altho i do not consider selling 1 pot for this high overprice nice, i do not consider it to be a scam since they are on a cm for sale and you are not being tricked into buying them. the other day i bought a shield for 5p and noticed it had 7dur left which kinda sucks but i just didnt check so it was my own fault. the one that had it wanted to sell it and considered 5p to be a decent price for it so he puts it on his cm for that price, then its up to the buyer to buy it if he thinks the price is ok.
toxii said:what makes him lame ?
just shift-i newbie and you wont have any trouble with it
dont forget this is a mmorpg, its not rl life, this person has any right to roleplay evil character, and its your fault if you get burned
Zede said:You are a fuckin tit, and your leet guild can all go to hell.
Darzil said:Hmm, so selling off barrels with 1 charge at the cost of one with 100 charges isn't an attempted scam ?
Void959 said:LOL. It's the very definition of a scam.
Wikipedia said:A confidence trick, confidence game, also known as a con, scam, grift or flim flam, is an attempt to intentionally mislead a person or persons (known as the "mark") usually with the goal of financial or other gain
necromania said:cant be hard to shift+i really..
Zede said:You are a fuckin tit, and your leet guild can all go to hell.
Not a scam ? You and all people with your attitude ruin mmorpgs.
psyco said:lol, its not a scam, scam's in rl tend to require 2 people, on the job, one 2 sell and one to buy it, next weeks lost repristents this well
also pyramid scemes give FALSE infomation in order to take your cash
its listed as a barrel with 1 charge left, how can this be a scam?
there is no way he can mislead you, as necromania said
if he went to CS, for egsample, and said 'WTS full power barrel for 800g' this would constitute a scam
using the CM you cannot be scammed, and its your own fault if you buy it, and theres nothing you can do except asking the guy for a re-fund, weather or not he will refund you is a differant matter
Sharaft said:dont put everyone under 1 comb bud.. he said he didnt know, and its his desicion if he wanna kick the scammer or not, not everyone outside.
And btw, the GM havent done anything, its one of his members. So i think you should just start to NOT flame anyone with accusations..
Zede said:Its up to GM to do something about it, which wont happen cause they think its "funny" and "cool"
not that is pretty irrelevant isnt it?psyco said:why would you need to buy 10 at a time?
still your fault for not checking tbh
dont see how this reflects on the rest of the rvr community, most people play for the fun of the game not to make other people feel bad. I say most people, but as with everything there are a few bad eggs and he is obviously one of them.Andrilyn said:So everyone that goes to RvR and kills a person is a griefer? wow never knew this game had so many griefers![]()
a guild's members are a reflection of the guild, the guild has done nothing to stop him repeating it... that is what reflects on the guild as a whole, so its pretty obvious what image the guild is happy withSharaft said:people need to learn that the whole guild aint responsable if 1 gy does something that offend players..
read the rule of conduct "noob",duact said:Haha banning for griefingIf that would happen this game has reached a new low for sure :/
And whats wrong with scamming lazy noobs who cant be arsed to shift-i.![]()
Rules of Conduct said:Rules of good conduct
sers are expected to show respect for one another, to contribute to the cordial atmosphere of the game.