Honorable players....



I think Lathoniel's post is the most true thing i have ever read on this constant flow of random whines, that is called BW.
I come to realize that i agree with each and every point that he made, and most important being that of having fun, for no one else but urself.

We all dedicate extremely big ammounts of time into this game, and it would really suck if u think about it, and after 1 or 2 years of hardcore gaming , no good thoughts, memories or feelings have come from it.

I feel grateful for those who have answered truthfully and with some purpose in one of my few posts in BW, since i think it helped me realise some things even better.

(and to those who have flamed it and said bs for no reason - its ok, i love u all).
Hope same happens with all my co-gamers in all realms.



Originally posted by P0werslave
I think Lathoniel's post is the most true thing i have ever read on this constant flow of random whines, that is called BW.
I come to realize that i agree with each and every point that he made, and most important being that of having fun, for no one else but urself.

We all dedicate extremely big ammounts of time into this game, and it would really suck if u think about it, and after 1 or 2 years of hardcore gaming , no good thoughts, memories or feelings have come from it.

I feel grateful for those who have answered truthfully and with some purpose in one of my few posts in BW, since i think it helped me realise some things even better.

(and to those who have flamed it and said bs for no reason - its ok, i love u all).
Hope same happens with all my co-gamers in all realms.


Does that mean you will stop using lag exploits, or is it required in NP to cheat ?


i guess its too hard to think about it (for u at least) , so ill remind u that in battle u can just press forward and then stick

now go wajn somewhere else daftboi


Originally posted by jox
Lets face it; honour amongst stealthers is a myth.

Assassins, even all stealthers are based on a dirty play-style.

If you want honour; go and play some pally. But then again; where is the honour to zerg.

Its all comes down to one thing; To beat your enemy. To play a better class, have better buffs, have better equipment, have the relics... and if you dont; outnumber them.

Where is the honour to be a rr 10, maxbuffed infil and jump unbuffed garbage below mtk?

We have all stod there thinking; shall I add or not? Then suddenly your realm mate insta-dies from a pa.

Evryone that whines about zerglings are hypocrits, including me(I am prolly the biggest of them all).

where is the honour to be rr9L5+ and sprinting to hit stuff when they allready have 4 others sbs on them?


Tbh why shouldnt hunter be able to leech of fg fights?? cmon i mean u fg's kill every solo u meet, and we cant attack a fg fighting another? pure bs tbh
and yes, leeching of fg fights can be pissannoying, but its great rps



Funny that so many ppl has started to talk about honour in a place like this.
It's true what jox says that "assassins is a dirty job", yeah it is, but the fact is that this is a game and not real life. If i wanted to become an assassin irl wouldnt i like... (as jox said), go for the best equipment etc, wouldnt really wanna die now would I? But the fact remains, its just a silly game.
Myself for example, Ive tried out all three realms, SB, Ranger and now an Infil. Can't say Ive seen that big a difference between the realms and the attitudes of the players playing there. In mid we always whined about dragonfang being overpowered(wo df 90% of the infils out there is kinda dead), in hibernia we mostly whined about thrusting damage and overpowered infils and SH SBs and hunter zergs(wo a haste boof 90% of the hibs out there are kinda dead), here in albion we mostly whine about zerging this and zerging that. I wasnt playing albion back before DF etc, but truthfully, all three realms has changed. It started with HoL on midgard and has just ascended into a major whine mecka. So, whats the point? All three realms has different advantages and different dissadvantages, its the rules of the game, and we all have to live by them. But we're also the ppl making this game possible arent we, and thereby we're also the ppl setting the rules. As most of you guys already said, play the game in the way you think/feel is the most fun since games are meant to be fun.

Saw a pally and dracul fight at amg this morning in Odins, really nice fight. Pally won after like 2minutes of fighting, 4-5 alb stealthers just went by and cheered for the pally(our cheers mustve been why he won :O ), fun to see them thing happen. Both of the players bowed before starting to fight too :)

Saw an SB and a NS fight on amg S wall yesterday morning, went up the stairs and cheered for them both. SB won eventually.

Saw a minstrel and an infil fight two shadowblades at mmg a day or two ago, they were also left alone, by both passing SBs and Infils.

Saw myself fight a rr7 NS on amg today, 5 brehon ranger/ns added and i ran away(quite luckily 1% hp o_O).

Saw myself add on a rr7 savage vs a scout and a shadowblade vs a scout today at amg.

Quite a few things go thru ur head when thinking "add or not add... hmm... ". The main thing im thinking about is like
If im gonna add i gotta do it quick... dont wanna be stamped like a lamer.. hmm should i really? its just like 150rp worth.. and no fun either hmmm..." I add a 1vs1 fight if either the realmate asks for help.. or I see him gett wtfpwnd.

I duo a few times, but in emain or odins i go around solo 90% of the time. Ofc if you see "luri zerg inc hmg-> amg" u tend to stay with the rest of the stealthers at amg, least i do. And after uve either died or won the fight successfully with ur realmates, I continue on to htk or something. In a keeptake i stealthzerg(ofc?). And Ive probably been in a few back when i played sb, but since im such a lamearse and always hide the instant i see an enemy i wasnt of that much use in a grp while playing a stealth class :p

Ive camped amg quite alot lately, mostly due to that, 18:00+ you cant get past mmg solo without having to run away from tonnes of mids or trying to trick urself past them. Roaming around emain on all the hills etc, adding on FG fights doesnt really catch my fancy. Trying to go to odins after 15:00+ is a fatal misstake since theres always 4+ NS/rangers at hmg or a 3fg+ hibs camping amg(again, u need to sneak past them, guess its part of the trade?).

About hib guys at amg also, saw all three little Finnrankeri Finnkiller Finnblabla(cant remember his name). First time i sat resting after a major battle at amg, sat down with aprox 5% hp, one of them TSs me and shoots me to dth(oh well.. like if i was to add or do any good in the fight coming?). Port back and head straight to hmg, see one brehon luri on N wall, 2.... 3 ... ops two more incoming. Survived that fight and got my revenge on the finnster brothers.
About mids. I fought this elven chanter rr6+ or soemthing, he mocced and started to pb me(these guys die in a few blows as u know, but if u dont stun them its hell...). I see this nice little sb... no two.. boom. Both of them PAs me and then kills the chanters whos luck has run out...
About albs. I fought a lurikeen at hmg stones hibside down the slope. We're both at about 60% hp when i see this dude come running from htk towards us. Its an infil he adds and steals my kill(or myself, as in the luris kill). Afterwards I say to the infil that he really shouldnt leech. My response was "there is no leeching in RvR noob kthx :pPP"... great...

Everybody does things they regret or things they think is right. Everybody has added a fight, nobody is perfect.. nobody.

Well on an on... etc etc... Ill go on and get flamed for being a lamearse or whatever, I play a game called dark age of camelot, think its kinda fun.. its making my rl kinda crappy, but frankly i dont care cause i have fun while playing it, and if you arent having fun in life, whats there to do ?

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