Dorimor1 said:Oh - you run as a 6, if you are balanced ofcourse you are likely to take out the mini rog zerg. When TS ran 6 we could kill 2fg but that doesn't count for anything. If you were defending the keep than ofcourse you'd beat 1fg+ mids, any matter cabalist with AE dot, nearsight and decent lifetaps can take out a whole attack force if played right.
TriggerHappy said:and you are.........o wait ur that random druid rite....
ill break this down for ya mater, no.1 runnin a fg is gah, pointless, everything is cannon fodder wen u do, really leet mate, i used to play in ronso's chemical seven and we pretty much owned all, Fg's + zergs, np, but if u want skillz look at the real grps 3-4 players that kill FG's
TS,eeek&fiii,thid blitz wen they only ran 4 near the end, and ofc latuvuu captainhook,polza and myself on eld, or just me and latuvuu ripin up grps<3
these are empressive, they own and without overkill, just skillz, so get a clue, mate farking noob
I think it's kinda clear who he isGrafenburgMerc said:Let me start with 1 question - Who the feck are u?
TriggerHappy said:thid blitz wen they only ran 4 near the end,
Garaen said:What's wrong with my quickbars![]()
Garaen said:I'm really not sure, i downloaded it about a year ago. Have a look around since that is where i got it from.
Staffzor said:We used to perma run as a 3 but more and more people wanted to join, and then groups started to become bigger roaming around thid (which is a good thing fg action would have rocked). We have been TB or TBRedux on alb, mid and hib, unfortunately we rarely ran into any trouble (epeen flex?). Never really seen anyone out there that stayed around, was that blue alb group when we played mid that seemed to dissapear very fast, think Dorimor was in that. Bane of Thidranki used to annoy us as whenever we went hib they would go hib as well, and if we went mid they would play hib for 1 or 2 runs, die and never return. So all in all nobody in Thid is any good really.
Chemical Seven - Seem to remember them running as a fg a few times when we played hib and did very little used to die a lot.
BoT - Ganked soloers then when we used to meet them with equal numbers they would sit down and give up then relog.
FSR - Started playing jsut as we left, we died to them once iirc cos we were already mid fight with hib zerg.
Thunder - Or a mixed bag, they killed us lots of times one night on non=keep island, that was fun frustrated the shite out of my group but we were outnumbered it made a fun challenge. Had some fun fights with these tbh, maybe they are the good group
There was some other hib guild that can't remember their name (wore grey emblemed cloaks), they ran as an 11man team once and ganked everything and anything, logged in mid and kept killing them over and over.
So less arguing, everyone in thid sucks but that doesn't matter have fun!
Ridje said:we died and relog'd because u wer a fg and we had like 4 ?
as if a fg takes skill to kill anything
i also like the way u tried every realm but stuck with mid (hi we have instants wanna see? ) u left alb quick caus i remember ev used to beat u everytime
id appreciate if u left us out of this thx.![]()
Jorof said:And Thidranki Blitz would take you down with 3 members, no wait, i could prob take you all down with my Zerk
Also what's this about e-peen? I only say what i think, if im confident prove me wrong, i wont run out there thinking im going to get owned or beaten to the mezz, i wouldn't bother going out.
Ridje said:staff dont make me laugh mate i dont remember at all being beaten by u on alb
mid yes but thats a diff thing entirely
Dorimor1 said:Haha, thats what I mean about e-peens the size of Mount Everest, I bet you could take us on with your Zerk. You know having a good sc and buffs doesn't make you good. Your positioning is crap, I've killed you more times than you've got me. I don't really care if Thid Blitz could beat us really, we've only had one battle (in which we won) so I doubt you could tell so much about us, though I was merely talking about FSR, never had any problems with TB.
GrafenburgMerc said:Let me start with 1 question - Who the feck are u?
Also, FSR dont often run fg, you talk as if we roll 8 man all the time and do nothing but kill soloers, thats total crap. Often its bard,druid,bm,caster.
We do from time to time invite others to form a group of 8 for a ck take etc. In fact a Hero of Chemical joined us for this recently for this, it was a lot of fun. When we took ck and he disbanded he said "Thanks for the group guys, its good to group with people that know what they are doing". A nice comment coming from an experienced Player.
You resort to personal insults calling me a noob when you dont know me and have never grouped with me. If this is the sort attitude you have it makes me quite sad that you play/played HIb.
No matter how you "break it down", you post is total rubbish and completely pointless.
Donlaise - 24 Druid of FSR
TriggerHappy said:Mmk well matey i am Invy, the SB who killed you,
my RL mate was in FSR..crucial the bard and celuduz the banshee,and i know u always run FG's, many a time i have been amnesia'd and ganked by an FG, even wen i /beckon ur tanks, but o know that just wont do, ye mite not be quite as OP without a FG,....
and wen u are not a FG u bridge camp, quite dispecable imo, 2 anis, pdq (who i actually respect <3) at top mezzin, mufufufu runnin down gettin DB and just alot of death...leet, and ofc the 1-2 banshee's,
and frennzy does run unbuffed, i occasionally spare him buffs wen i get a bb but 50% of the time i see my conc come back and him run out /salute, good palyer, also killerpenguin, very tight nit grp was ts very good together and always a step ahead of me on the top 20 db's![]()
noblok said:Bleh, I don't like it when people I like get in a hostile argument with other people I like. Stop the war please, you make an ickle dwarf sad.
Blokkie, who mumbles something about exams and disappears behind a tower of books
Jorof said:Have you ever seen my Zerker buffed ? Has anyone ? Like i said you dont have a clue.
My SC isn't all that great either, could be better.
Postioning ? I have 5 styles - Taunt, Parry, Backstyle and Anytime followed by Snare style.. I dont quite understand what your talking about here, im a zerk i run into the enemy and hit them with what style is appropriate.
You've killed me more times than i've killed you ? Are you sure? or did u get the last hit in while the zerg was attacking me, coz that dont count![]()
Besides, buffed vs unbuffed you shouldn't have much problem.
I take underpowered Mid characters and play them well, i could have rolled a Skald/Thane for instants and no caster would beat me. Also could have rolled a BD/Warlock, even Spiritmaster's have that overpoweredness with pet interrupts and lifetap, Cave Shaman's are pure evil. I would get so much more whine if i had rolled one of those characters, but no, I've rolled a Zerk, Runemaster and a Pac Healer, these i would call the "underpowered" in Thidranki and i've attempted to play them well, even run unbuffed vs buffed enemies that always outnumber me and you have no respect? I dont really care anymore![]()
Heartless^ said:lol fuck off we always run 6+ in FSR... tonight there must of been more than
2fgs of albs and we was running as 5 FSR .. yes we got killed a few times.. but so did the alb zerg, and a little while ago we just met a fg of albs who got the mezz off.. but sadly didnt assist each target which ended in there down fall, didnt see them after that. and tbh when we did roll a 8 man grp .. was because, well how would you feel if you joined a thid guild and wasnt aloud to join becuase of ppl crying on FH about it, and when has FSR ever said they were FOTM.. we dont make posts about our guild.. you guys do. imo get over the fact albs cant make decent grps
PdqMezzin <Forward Slash Rude>
Dorimor1 said:I have seen your zerker buffed many times, I won't bother reading your whole lecture. 'Try hit harder than me, I dare you' I know alot of people who can xD
Fyi Ashton I'm not the one boasting my skillz - just look at the posts these idiots have made, infact I am the one giving them a kick up the arse because they are boasting about skills which the never have and never will.
2 - I have never seen FSR lower than 6, most of the time you run as a FG or FG + others from my experience and many other peoples.
4 - I have never seen you anywhere else apart from around bridges and sometimes camping APK.
5 - You always gank soloers, always have - I have not once seen you spare a soloe when I was playing Mid and Alb.
I find it really harsh that you don't show respec to any Alb group out there who tries to compete with not only your zerg but the OPness of your realm (see avatar), describing them as cannon fodder when we all perfectly know that you've been beaten by numbers, even less than yours many times.
Despite the fact I could hardly understand what you said, I can see a bit of it which says albs can't make decent groups. Well tbh no better than any Hib or Mid random group. - tbh you guys are close to random, zerg, camp and try to avoid other GGs - which is probably why you get little respect as the only way you can win is by killing the rog zerg.
Sarusu said:This is my final reply, im not going to waste my time on killerpenguine anymore.
I try to put a point over thats valid and just get flamed by killerp who to be quite honest believes he is leet and his opinion is the ONLY opinion.
Yes i said the enemy is cannon fodder, its called taunting and spices up the battle a little, the crap you come out with is just insulting.
M8, you are a loser, and you have proved it tonight in thid with you silly alb zerg caster around you.
Good riddance....
Dorimor1 said:there is the a difference believing that you are leet and saying that you are not leet and the best. You were saying that you were, and I was saying that you were not. Who was right? Me. Why? Because you're not, and thats a fact.
When have we said that we are l33t and the best??, well... go on! prove it!![]()
Heartless^ said:Dorimor1 said:there is the a difference believing that you are leet and saying that you are not leet and the best. You were saying that you were, and I was saying that you were not. Who was right? Me. Why? Because you're not, and thats a fact.
When have we said that we are l33t and the best??, well... go on! prove it!![]()
'Pleanty of cannon fodder for our Hib Group'
'besides i've not played my bard in ages, was too easy, almost never got beaten to the mezz.'
'lol FSR just took ck again'
'i could prob take you all down with my Zerk'
I could take extracts from other thread, not to mention the countless times you've talked about wiping the alb zerg (even though you failed miserably earlier on)
Dorimor1 said:'i could prob take you all down with my Zerk'