Hebrew word for disproportionate?


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Trem said:
I ain't seen Bin Laden with a backpack full of explosives yet, I didn't see him on one of the planes that blew up.

indeed, and perhaps just that is what pisses me off about the old goat every time. I wonder how he gets the new guy on the team to carry the satchet of home grown HE every time? "Here Ali, hold this for a sec will ya, my piles are killing me"

as to money being a motivator, tbh I think that's a load of cack. I've just come back from a third world country and while you may get your watch nicked if you sport your rolex down some dark alleyway the people there just wanted to watch the footy on the village's single tv and were not really into preparing a world wide bombing scheme or shooting rockets at the neighbors.

the motivator is a quasi-religous type telling you you're going to be carried through the pearly gates by your alotted 40 virgins and you'll live in a palace, and comparing that to looking out the window and seeing shit that's been pulverized by 50 years of strife. :(


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
TdC said:
indeed, and perhaps just that is what pisses me off about the old goat every time. I wonder how he gets the new guy on the team to carry the satchet of home grown HE every time? "Here Ali, hold this for a sec will ya, my piles are killing me"

as to money being a motivator, tbh I think that's a load of cack. I've just come back from a third world country and while you may get your watch nicked if you sport your rolex down some dark alleyway the people there just wanted to watch the footy on the village's single tv and were not really into preparing a world wide bombing scheme or shooting rockets at the neighbors.

the motivator is a quasi-religous type telling you you're going to be carried through the pearly gates by your alotted 40 virgins and you'll live in a palace, and comparing that to looking out the window and seeing shit that's been pulverized by 50 years of strife. :(

There is a flaw in your logic, the suicide bombers want to blow themselves up to get a hundred or so naked virgins to serve them in the afterlife.

Bin laden just bought a hundred naked virgins and decided after a few weeks he'd knacker his back so he decided not to bother blowing himself up.

He still really really hates us all though.


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
ECA said:
He still really really hates us all though.

Thats because hes an angry little man with a shit beard and a crap hat, and hes a cnut.


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
ECA said:
Jeeesus, Bin Laden is small at 6'6"?

He is to me ;)

Didn't realise he was that tall, just shows how actions can make a person seem small.

I am only 6'4" btw, mere midget.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
You just didnt feel anything when he bumsexed you so you just thought he was small in body as well as in penis.

PS: I'm 6'5".

You fucking shortarse Trem!


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
I have really small feet though, only in size 10's

What size do you take?

I think I may be a bit foot retarded for my size.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Trem said:
I have really small feet though, only in size 10's

What size do you take?

I think I may be a bit foot retarded for my size.

I don't take _any_ size :p

I do wear size 11's though. ( 12s in trainers ).


Part of the furniture
Jan 2, 2005
A bit off-topic:
throdgrain said:
Not always true though. After all A-Quaida comes a lot from weathly Egyptians with too much time on thier hands.
As far as I understand it, Al Qaeda is a different kind of terrorism. However, thanks to the Bush government and their terrible term "war on terror," all terrorism is now considered the same and as a result, the force of terrorism has increased.

Anyway, the terrorism in Gazah (and I suppose Lebanon too, though I admit that I'm far from an expert when it comes to this) has a very explicit political goal, which makes it attached to a territory (partisan terrorism). Al-Qaeda terrorism has no (achievable) political goal. It just exploits the weaknesses of the Western world. As a result of this, it isn't bound to a certain territory and it becomes a lot less predictable. In Gazah, Chechnya, Basque (sp?) you know what the dangers are, whereas we can't reallisitically estimate the dangers of Al-Qaeda (global terrorism).

More on-topic:
I find fighting terrorism with war a silly idea. Terrorism should be fought with counter-terrorism, not with war. Terrrorism is far too undefined to be the target of a war. This is the case for partisan as well as global terrorism. However, after 9/11, the term "terrorism" has got such a pejorative connotation that Bush couldn't just declare that he would invest heavily in counter-terrorism, as that would associate him with the terrorists. Therefore the US chose for the 'cleaner' term "war".

Edit: I just noticed I came across as if all my statements were facts. This is of course not the case. Most of this theory (possibly all of it, can't be bothered checkingl) comes from the book: G. Borradori, Philosophy in a time of terror, Dialogues with Jürgen Habermas and Jacques Derrida.


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
Nice intelligent post noblok.

What size shoes do you wear?


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Thing I can't understand is why aren't the Lebanese Army hunting down the Hesbollah rockets? If you let a bunch of foreign terrorists use your country as a staging post for attacks on Israel of all countries, you know what to expect (its not like Israel haven't made their stance on this kind of thing extremely clear). The only reason I can think of why they're not doing that is threats from Syria to leave them alone.

This whole current situation looks like a Hesbollah recruitment drive to me; fire a few rockets and kidnap a few soldiers, wait for the usual Israeli response, get a new generation of soldiers for the cause. Can't have Lebanon at peace now can we?


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I had a brill game on the ST where you play as Isreal in a middle-east conflict. I almost always invaded Lebanon ASAP because the other Arab states didn't really care about them :) Easy pickings too.

Anyone remember the name ?


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
DaGaffer said:
Thing I can't understand is why aren't the Lebanese Army hunting down the Hesbollah rockets?

Because Hesbollah are the Lebanese army. They outman and outgun the pitiful forces Lebanons government commands, so Hesbollah get to do what they want. In the same way Isreal gets to do what they want to their neighbours.

Cal your views are very over the top IMO, you aren't Jewish are you?


Dec 26, 2003
Hmm some weird stuff in this thread so here goes:

1st whos wrong and whos right - answer nobody - its all cyclical - anyone who says its hesbollahs fault for firing the missiles is ignoring all previous history in the area and the ongoing struggles in Gaza.

2. Why dont the Lebanese Army crack down on Hesbollah - answer is multi-part - first the army was already in tatters and dispirited from decades of invasion/occupying troops and no cash - second the Isrealis have targeted what little there was of a lebanese military - thirdly how on earth can they clamp down on Hesbollah while their country is under attack from Israel - the masses support Hesbollah against Israel - to suggest they can now round em up is nonsense. Finally even if there was the political will (which there isnt) its not that easy to finish off a guerilla style organisation particularly if they can flit over the border with Syria.

The reality is that the lebanese people are going to pay with their lives whilst Syria/Iran fight an arms length struggle with Israel - theres nothing Israel can do to prevent this - the more civilians they kill merely makes them more hated and Hesbollah more attractive to the populace.

The best that can be hoped for is an early ceasefire.


Dec 26, 2003
noblok said:
A bit off-topic:

As far as I understand it, Al Qaeda is a different kind of terrorism. However, thanks to the Bush government and their terrible term "war on terror," all terrorism is now considered the same and as a result, the force of terrorism has increased.

Anyway, the terrorism in Gazah (and I suppose Lebanon too, though I admit that I'm far from an expert when it comes to this) has a very explicit political goal, which makes it attached to a territory (partisan terrorism). Al-Qaeda terrorism has no (achievable) political goal. It just exploits the weaknesses of the Western world. As a result of this, it isn't bound to a certain territory and it becomes a lot less predictable. In Gazah, Chechnya, Basque (sp?) you know what the dangers are, whereas we can't reallisitically estimate the dangers of Al-Qaeda (global terrorism).

Al-Qa'eda is a boogie man - it doesnt really exist as the US government would like people to think - but wherever folks are strange or disagree with the US it see's the work of Al-Qa'eda - its largely a paranoid fantasy - it hurts the US ego to think it was stung so badly by a bunch of nutcases so it has to imagine a huge global conspiracy - if the US were a person it would be the kinda guy you see late at night on the tube talking to himself and twitching a lot...


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Al Qaeda is basically a network of Islamist terror groups, its not one huge uber group.

Its like the internet of terror groups.

Which as we all know runs on tubes and you just cant dump stuff in them tubes.

Just this morning I got an internet that was sent two days ago!.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
DaGaffer said:
Thing I can't understand is why aren't the Lebanese Army hunting down the Hesbollah rockets?
Probably because the Israeli army destroyed them a few years back and they are less well equiped than the Hezbollah militia (who get their equipment from syria and Iran...)
Lebanon has only ust put itself back together after israel pulled out after years of occupation. THat's the saddest thing, their civilians are being killed as pawns in someone elses war.


Part of the furniture
Jan 2, 2005
rynnor said:
Al-Qa'eda is a boogie man
ECA said:
Al Qaeda is basically a network of Islamist terror groups, its not one huge uber group.
I agree. I simply used the term Al-Qaeda terrorism for a certain type of terrorism. However, I see how I might've come across wrong. I introduced the term global terrorism too late in my post, but now the edit timer's run out, so I'll have to live with a confusing post.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 10, 2004
How many of the innocent Israeli civilians killed by Hezbollah were under 18 or over 51? 'Cause anyone within these age ranges (for men - upper range is less for women) is a member of the Israeli armed forces. Now how many of the Lebanese victims were civilians? Almost all!

As for the kidnappings of the soldiers in both Gaza and Lebannon - first initial reports on the 2nd one where that the Israeli soldiers were on the Lebanese side of the border and were arrested. Secondly, these attacks and kidnappings were well-planned raids against purely military targets - I think the Israelis are just a bit pissed off that they suceeded. Reminds me of the kind of raids the UK used to carry out during WW2. Commandos would head over to France at night in boats, bag a couple of squareheads and be back in time for a full fry up.

Israel is using the kidnappings as an excuse to solve it's Arab Problem. They's negotiated prisoner exchanges with Hezbollah and Hamas many many times in the past, even being (relatively) happy to exchange live arab prisoners (who are held Guantanamo stylee without charge in poor conditions) for the bodies of dead Israelis.

This time they seem determined to drag the USA, the UK and anyone else stupid enough into a final showdown with Lebanon, Syria and Iran.... and that's just for starters. If Israel or the USA attacks Iran, just wait and see what happens in Iraq. It will make the present situation look like a picnic.

I've not anti-semitic, but I am anti-Israel. What gives them the right to pre-emptively use force to defend herself, while denying other countries the same right?

Their current level of response is akin to the the British government in the late 60s and early 70s bombing the shite out of Dublin because of the actions of the IRA. Collective punishment is what fucking Nazi Germany used to do in occupied countries.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
ECA said:
Just this morning I got an internet that was sent two days ago!.
I apparently have to spread it around a bit before giving it to you.

Mofo8: My thoughts exactly.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
BBC said:
Even though Hezbollah is operating from Lebanese territory and the militant group has two ministers in the Lebanese government, central government is almost powerless to influence the militant group.

It is the Hezbollah militia that is deployed in southern Lebanon, not the Lebanese army.

The group is also very popular in Lebanon and highly respected for its political activities, social services and its military record against Israel.

Most Lebanese may believe that Hezbollah's capture of the two Israeli soldiers is deeply irresponsible. There is anger that the country is again being pitched towards war, but this is unlikely to translate into widespread anger towards Hezbollah.

Just read this on the beeb. What's wrong with this picture? Hezbollah are represented in the Lebanese Government and yet that government is "almost powerless to influence the militant group". Well, duh. These fuckers are acting as a proxy Lebanese army, so its hardly surprising that Israel is ignoring the fiction that they are 'militants' (whatever that means anyway) and treating it as an act of war.

Israel is surrounded and the Arab world has tried three to times to strangle it through conventional war and failed. Now it tries through proxy armies and we all wring our hands about how rotten the Israelis are. Answer me this, if it was conventional Syrian or Iranian troops doing the rocket attacks would you feel Israel were justified in their retaliation?

Oh, and Israelis and Arabs are both 'semitic'. Anti-Zionist would be a better description for most of you lot. Personally I don't have much time for Israelis, I've only met one or two I liked, but I've got even less time for Arabs and I wish we were energy-independent so we could leave them all to rot.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I think you are way off base there DaGaffer.

Hesbollah and the Lebanese government cannot "strangle" Israel via Hesbollahs poxy missile attacks, this is Hesbollah acting off its own bad.

Would any government really want to invoke the ire of the USA and its bully boy equip with all the latest military hardware?

As for leaving them to rot, you are ignoring a long long history of the western world fucking in their business and being majorly responsible for the state of the middle east.

You whip a couple of dogs into a frenzy and then act surprised when they fight?


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
This is by no means a new conflict, Israel have been defending their borders since the inception of the Israeli state. I spent several years in Israel when they were being shelled by Syrian backed malitia in the Golan. This was never to my knowledge mentioned or reported in the Western media.

The situation Israel is in is unique, surrounded on all sides by religious enemies who seek any excuse to invade and eliminate Israel. Israel can not be seen to be weak like the US, UN or the UK, so-called "disproportionate" response is the only response available to them and the same for their enemies.

AL Qaeda blow up a few aeroplanes and the US invade and annex Iraq...is this a proportional response? By association the UK are equally as guilty.

War is war, someone hits you, you hit them back but twice as hard. Israel are the proverbial "big kid" in the playground, the second they don't respond to a threat and produce the kind of force necessary to deter their enemies from all-out conflict is the second the entire playground will jump on them (ever hear of the Yom-kippur war?).

There is no peace for Israel, the surrounding Muslim countries see them as invaders (and it can be argued, with very good cause). This will only change when religion is abandoned by the planet, when a true peace is accomplished or more likely once one side has obliterated the other.


Mar 11, 2004
Tallen said:
War is war, someone hits you, you hit them back but twice as hard. Israel are the proverbial "big kid" in the playground, the second they don't respond to a threat and produce the kind of force necessary to deter their enemies from all-out conflict is the second the entire playground will jump on them (ever hear of the Yom-kippur war?).

Sorry for slicing up your post Tallen but i thought i shoudl add a link about this particular war for further reading about the history of the region.



Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
ECA said:
I think you are way off base there DaGaffer.

Hesbollah and the Lebanese government cannot "strangle" Israel via Hesbollahs poxy missile attacks, this is Hesbollah acting off its own bad.

Would any government really want to invoke the ire of the USA and its bully boy equip with all the latest military hardware?

As for leaving them to rot, you are ignoring a long long history of the western world fucking in their business and being majorly responsible for the state of the middle east.

You whip a couple of dogs into a frenzy and then act surprised when they fight?

The point is none of the Islamic states would dare confront Israel directly anymore (because they get a kicking every time they try) so they use outfits like Hezbollah. If you think Hezbollah are doing this without the approval of their paymasters, you're nuts. They can't win outright but they can keep the pressure on, and because they know the Israeli response will be hard, they can play the PR game effectively. They also know they're pretty safe from a direct US response right now, and even if the US launched a few airstrikes (which they won't) why should Hezbollah care? They just hide in the civilian populaton and score more PR points.

I'm very well aware of the West's history in the region, and you know what? I don't care, and I certainly don't feel guilty (go back far enough and everyone's got imperial dirty linen, including the Arabs). The West used to be in the region to protect the oil and fight proxy wars with the Soviets (and before that, each other), now its just the oil. If we were energy independent, the funds of the Islamic world would dry up and it would become another flyblown backwater we wouldn't have to worry about, and it would be their fault.

Instead of investing in their people, their industry and economic development, they're too busy pulling irrelevant shit like this. The Palestinians lost their country 60 years ago, and despite PR hype to the contrary, they were nothing unusual (ask a Volga German or a Thracian Greek or any of the other millions of people relocated between 1914 and 1950) and they should fucking get over it. The biggest irony is that if a Palestinain tries to relocate to the lands of their Arab brothers, like the Gulf states or Jordan, they're treated like shit, and they get far better treatment in the 'interefering' West.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
DaGaffer said:
The point is none of the Islamic states would dare confront Israel directly anymore (because they get a kicking every time they try) so they use outfits like Hezbollah. If you think Hezbollah are doing this without the approval of their paymasters, you're nuts. They can't win outright but they can keep the pressure on, and because they know the Israeli response will be hard, they can play the PR game effectively. They also know they're pretty safe from a direct US response right now, and even if the US launched a few airstrikes (which they won't) why should Hezbollah care? They just hide in the civilian populaton and score more PR points.

I'm very well aware of the West's history in the region, and you know what? I don't care, and I certainly don't feel guilty (go back far enough and everyone's got imperial dirty linen, including the Arabs). The West used to be in the region to protect the oil and fight proxy wars with the Soviets (and before that, each other), now its just the oil. If we were energy independent, the funds of the Islamic world would dry up and it would become another flyblown backwater we wouldn't have to worry about, and it would be their fault.

Instead of investing in their people, their industry and economic development, they're too busy pulling irrelevant shit like this. The Palestinians lost their country 60 years ago, and despite PR hype to the contrary, they were nothing unusual (ask a Volga German or a Thracian Greek or any of the other millions of people relocated between 1914 and 1950) and they should fucking get over it. The biggest irony is that if a Palestinain tries to relocate to the lands of their Arab brothers, like the Gulf states or Jordan, they're treated like shit, and they get far better treatment in the 'interefering' West.

Ditto. I'm just too hot to type :)


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
ECA said:
As for leaving them to rot, you are ignoring a long long history of the western world fucking in their business and being majorly responsible for the state of the middle east.

Bollocks. They've had years to sort it out. Its not our problem.

Frankly, I wish they'd all just fuckoff. I'm sick of hearing about it.

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