Halo 3


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
Name me a modern day FPS singleplayer that stands up to more than 3 days of solid playing? Sadly those kind of games don't get made anymore, we get fancy graphics and 10 hours of gameplay instead because that is what the developers think we want and they are partly right. 50% of the gaming public can't see beyond the eye-candy, they will try and tell you that 'Heavenly Sword' is a great game with it's fancy visuals and 7 hours of gameplay but neglect to mention to horrible bow controls you are forced to use for 3 of those 7 hours.

God of War, now that is a great game. It has the visuals, the story, the sound and most importantly is plays like a dream.

Metal Gear Solid will last at least two weeks... thats just the bastard cut scenes you can't feck off.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
I think an FPS going over 15 hours gets boring and you just want it to end atleast thats how i felt with Bioshock on my first play through and i did not play it again when i finished it.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I think an FPS going over 15 hours gets boring and you just want it to end atleast thats how i felt with Bioshock on my first play through and i did not play it again when i finished it.
I felt the same about Bioshock, but that says more about Bioshock than FPS's in general. Half-Life 2 lasted longer and I've replayed it loads of times.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
sort games i like, simply coz after werk i dont have much time so its suits me fine.

as for heavenly sword bow controls, i to thought they were shit at first but in fact the first but i grew used to it no probs after a bit.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
I felt the same about Bioshock, but that says more about Bioshock than FPS's in general. Half-Life 2 lasted longer and I've replayed it loads of times.


I hated Bioshock because it was so dark and every corner was another 'bad guy come running at you and you kill him'


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
anyone else have thier 360s crash when ever your playing and you get msg from someone and you try to reply?

and wtf is A.D.D?


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2005
Am about 45 mins in to Halo on Heroic.. its okay.. I guess and hope it'll grow on me.

Personally, I loved Bioshock and Halo thus far does not match up to its polish, intelligence, beauty and atmosphere.
To be honest, in Halo thus far its simply been a case of "every corner was another 'bad guy come running at you and you kill him", except in very bright environments.. Personally I think the darkness looks cooler :x Bioshock was definitely prettier too.

Also.. I'm not sure Bungie fully understand difficulty.. Higher difficulty should require and encourage more skill, not simply force you into using tardish and boring "Shoot shoot shoot, duck to cover and wait for shield to recharge, shoot shoot shoot" ad infinitum tactics.

The AI I have encountered thus far is absolutely awful, thus allowing the aforementioned tardish tactics. I am never chased or pursued. In some cases I've been shooting guys from 20ft away and they just look at me (Brute with the Grav Hammer).

And what is with all the guys with the stupidly powerful sniper rifles? Taking them out is not a challenge its just irritating and requires more patience than skill.

But, I've not played the singleplayer a lot yet.. so it may improve (I hope). The multiplayer meanwhile I imagine should be very fun. Unfortunately I can't get on live until Christmas lol :x

Conan here I come!


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
agree on the AI, its nothing like what we were promised at best its just like the unreal ai, hide when shot only to jump out an look into thin air.

im playing over vga and some of the gfs one the earlier levels didnt impress me at all. still having fun playing it tho, quad bikes rawk. team mate ai is preety shit at times too no longer do they jump up onto the rear gun of the jeep and fire away they just ran about shouting mumbo jumbo


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 22, 2004
haha i was just going to post about the AI. its actually terrible lool they are totally stupid on heroic atleast, u got them standing there doing nothing all the time, sometimes not even shooting back when ur clearly visible. the snipers are just wank like the other guy said, the guns a bit strong, u can kill loads and then move into the open with a bit of shield gone and die in one hit, som guns dont even seem to hit them from range so theyre just annoying. also.. the second mission, defending the base.,. it looks exactly the same as the base in 1+2 missions, its the same idea again?! using the same idea in all 3 games is brass, clearly. my brother came in and was liuke... it looks exactly the same as halo 2 :s
Apr 13, 2006

I hated Bioshock because it was so dark and every corner was another 'bad guy come running at you and you kill him'

Hardly going to be a 'bad guy comes around corner and you leave him' is it. :mad: Just like every other game really.


Resident Freddy
Dec 30, 2003
anyone that wants to buy my halo for £30, send me a PM, only opened the box twice


Loyal Freddie
May 13, 2004
Finished it aready

Not a very long game then

its a game just like GoW that should be doable in one super long session in co-op if you have enough time.
took us two nights (6->10pm) to complete. probably take much longer on legendary.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 22, 2004
anyone else addicted to multiplayer? i can't stop :| loving the whole matchmaking system with the rankings, always got nice even games, even better is the party up thing, its proper bo i tell thee


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
anyone else addicted to multiplayer? i can't stop :| loving the whole matchmaking system with the rankings, always got nice even games, even better is the party up thing, its proper bo i tell thee

Yes probably the best multiplayer game ive played on the 360 so far.

Just love everything about it from the all out action you can have to tactical gameplay with a decent party.

I love that big sand map with the mobile bases you can move around looks very good when you are afar and can see both teams duking it out in Warthogs/Banshees etc.

Awsome game.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
It's now official:

Halo 3 is rendered at 640p then upscaled
Halo 3 has no anti aliasing at all

how is this acceptable? if it was a PS3 game ........


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
It would be exactly the same.

why bother putting extra effort in when they know its going to sell by the bucket load anyway (and has done) Its an old game dressed up. Multiplayer isn't really about the graphics though its about the playability.

Its like what they tried with Halo 2 on the PC, a shoddy old game dressed up for Vista, in that case it fell flat on its arse because there are far to many other multiplayer FPS games on PC that are better. in the case of Xbox its only got a small amount of competition.

There are more poor sequels on Sony consoles than any other platform, baring the three tricks (MGS, FF, Gran Turismo) playstation exclusive sequels tend to be piss poor.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
It's now official:

Halo 3 is rendered at 640p then upscaled
Halo 3 has no anti aliasing at all

how is this acceptable? if it was a PS3 game ........

Imagine how much shit it would get if it was ps3 some people wouls say its the end of the machine and Sony ;)

It would be exactly the same.

why bother putting extra effort in when they know its going to sell by the bucket load anyway (and has done) Its an old game dressed up. Multiplayer isn't really about the graphics though its about the playability.

Its like what they tried with Halo 2 on the PC, a shoddy old game dressed up for Vista, in that case it fell flat on its arse because there are far to many other multiplayer FPS games on PC that are better. in the case of Xbox its only got a small amount of competition.

There are more poor sequels on Sony consoles than any other platform, baring the three tricks (MGS, FF, Gran Turismo) playstation exclusive sequels tend to be piss poor.

Halo is meant to be MS flagship game says alot when they can't be arsed and release a game just for the fanbois to blindly buy and make Bill Gates enough for anothr boat this christmas :p

Thats enough baiting though.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 28, 2003
My mate wasnt impressed with halo3, reckons gears is better. My brother can't play his copy of halo3, it comes up with "disc not readable" errors. Works in his mates xbox though and the disk isnt scratched.

My copy of halo3 is unplayable because my xbox red ring of deathed shortly after i ordered it on thursday.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 2, 2004
Just had a friend over for a couple of days and we played through this amongst a few other things and i have to say it came out better than i expected. Combat is fun and challenging, if not quite on par with gears, Enemy AI on the harder settings is unrivaled really and the feel of the game along with fighting with others is very well done. Its not perfect by any means but i dont think it warrants the hatred some are giving it.

Best last level in a game ever too :)


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Had the lads around last night till well erm 3.45am this morning, we played 4 player split screen all night long, a good 8 hour session with a bit of booze and lots of snacks. Was fucking great and probably the most fun I have ever had playing an FPS.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Just finished the SP. Great game. Dunno why but I really love the Arbiter, fantastic character.


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
Played all the way through now, really enjoyed the story but I kinda wished there were some levels as you playing as the arbiter, kinda missed that.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
I'm glad you don't have to play as the Arbiter, it really ruined the 'You're the Master Chief!' immersion type shite.

This system of him playing alongside (but not constantly following you) is much better imo.

There are some awesome moments in the game that aren't scripted. Vehicle scraps are always fun and usually the main contributor to said moments. I managed to make two enemy 'choppers' kamikaze into each other which was just brilliant.

And i may have just been tired or something but i swear i heard a marine who sounded just like Johnathan Ross :|


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 28, 2003
Oh btw, they excuse the 640p cause its got "two framebuffers so your blah wah wah" I still say they should have had two 720p buffers :p

and gears would probably still kick its ass


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2005
I'm not impressed with the singleplayer.. but I wasn't impressed with Gears either. I've heard playing it coop is much more fun though.

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