Halo 3


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
I've avoided all the hype as much as it's possible to do so far. To be honest, all I'm after is an entertaining experience. I'm not expecting to be blown away like the Simpson's piss take of the THX trailer, but if I can get a good, solid gaming experience from Halo 3 then Bungie will have done their job in my book.

Also, I know Aada is a flaming tard, but stating that something must be awesome because millions buy it is just short sightedness.

You say you can't compare it to the music charts, well that may be, but you sure as hell can compare it to the games charts at times. Christ, I remember a recent time when the top 3 slots on the all format chart were taken up by The Sims and its expansion packs ;)

Anyway, hopefully my copy will arrive today or tomorrow and I can give you all a frank and honest opinion. As someone that has played an awful lot of FPSs on both PC and console, I think I can be of some help to the undecided among you. But for the out-and-out Halo Haters, I'm afraid I will probably not be able to being you into the fold of the Covenant ;)

God of War 1 and 2 rock!!


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
I've avoided all the hype as much as it's possible to do so far. To be honest, all I'm after is an entertaining experience. I'm not expecting to be blown away like the Simpson's piss take of the THX trailer, but if I can get a good, solid gaming experience from Halo 3 then Bungie will have done their job in my book.

Also, I know Aada is a flaming tard, but stating that something must be awesome because millions buy it is just short sightedness.

You say you can't compare it to the music charts, well that may be, but you sure as hell can compare it to the games charts at times. Christ, I remember a recent time when the top 3 slots on the all format chart were taken up by The Sims and its expansion packs ;)

Anyway, hopefully my copy will arrive today or tomorrow and I can give you all a frank and honest opinion. As someone that has played an awful lot of FPSs on both PC and console, I think I can be of some help to the undecided among you. But for the out-and-out Halo Haters, I'm afraid I will probably not be able to being you into the fold of the Covenant ;)

God of War 1 and 2 rock!!

People that don't like Halo will still buy into the hype and buy it then post how much they hate it.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 22, 2004
haha, i love how everyone jumps on aada at every oppertunity.. seems like the perfect time to say your a bunch of tards, but anyway just because theres so much hype around doesnt mean it will automatically be shit, i really enjoyed halo 1, halo 2 was average.. but theres no reason this cant be a fucking great game, been waiting for a good live game for ages, this could well be it mates


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
People that don't like Halo will still buy into the hype and buy it then post how much they hate it.
You always say things like this and they're always complete and utter tosh. I could be classed as a Halo "hater" and I've absolutely no intention of buying it because it looks rubbish. Why the hell would I buy it if I thought it was going to be crap? As I said, I'll be waiting for a demo, I expect most other Halo "haters" will be too.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
You always say things like this and they're always complete and utter tosh. I could be classed as a Halo "hater" and I've absolutely no intention of buying it because it looks rubbish. Why the hell would I buy it if I thought it was going to be crap? As I said, I'll be waiting for a demo, I expect most other Halo "haters" will be too.

Theres always some idiot that has abit of spare money but no games out this week that he wants but he starts getting interested in Halo 3 and thinks 'what the hell i'll give the game a shot'

Said person buys game gets home loads up 30mins later he still hates it and goes on a forum and has a moan.

You think people haven't done this before?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Devil May Cry 2 has sold 1.7 million copies.

It's a really, really bad game. Really bad.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Halo hate how very original, great scores + millions in sales = crap game - who knew? :clap:


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Don't be stupid. It is called an opinion. We are all entitled to one, and mine is that halo is not a good game. This is based on playing 1 and 2. I have seen nothing of 3 that looks good.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Loved Halo, never finished Halo 2 and by judging from quick test of Halo 3 the game is quite dull (and looks like shit, almost as bad as Resistance on PS3) :S Ah well, coop is always fun and this time it will be with 4 people, guess that's something :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
People that don't like Halo will still buy into the hype and buy it then post how much they hate it.

Theres always some idiot that has abit of spare money but no games out this week that he wants but he starts getting interested in Halo 3 and thinks 'what the hell i'll give the game a shot'

The way you structured your sentence suggested that it would be a trend. Of course there'll be the odd fuckwit who buys it just to moan, but you seemed to be suggesting the majority of Halo haters would buy it anyway.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Who cares ? I like Halo - millions of others like Halo. Some people don't, not a crime though is it.


Resident Freddy
Dec 30, 2003
Got Halo3 yesterday. I have never played the game before, as i only got an xbox 360 about 3 weeks ago. But played it last night for about 30mins, and tbh. The gfx aint too hot and it just seems like every FPS game I've played before...

And FPs games on a joy pad suck also, give keyboard and mouse, takes like 10secs just to aim at 1 thing. :< Might try and ebay it already


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
My Legendary Edition arrived 30 mins ago and I got the two separate discs. No screw up for mine. Besides, Microsoft will be happy to send out the extras disc if you haven't received it.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
is it true that Halo 3 has no AA at all? that's what I saw written. I thought MS had a policy of 2xAA required on all titles.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Picked up my copy of H3 for only £34.99 thanks to my local Blockbuster - bargain


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Got Halo3 yesterday. I have never played the game before, as i only got an xbox 360 about 3 weeks ago. But played it last night for about 30mins, and tbh. The gfx aint too hot and it just seems like every FPS game I've played before...

And FPs games on a joy pad suck also, give keyboard and mouse, takes like 10secs just to aim at 1 thing. :< Might try and ebay it already

it cant be like every other fps game you've played then, as you haven't played fps games on a console before halo3.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 22, 2004
got it today! whoop. quite like it ;) online is really good fun, not impressed by the graphics though in the slightest.. so jaggedy.. but doesnt stop it being quality online. played about 45mins of single players, it was damn good.. though i kinda got raped on heroic :S im a newb


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Not touched the single player yet as have been online doing slayer and team matches.

Damn that gravity thing is fun had a warthog coming straight at me laid that down in front of it and it flew right over me and smashed into the mountain behind me.

Oh and that HUGE laser weapon is cool in MP blew a Banshee right out of the sky :D

Graphics aint great though but they aren't bad either.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
well got me legendary box set,


flimsy card board boxset, with each cover stickered on, removing em either leaves residue or tears the box

while playing i got a few invites to the game, pressing the dashboard button crasshes the game and i have lost me saves a couple of times like this


i quite like the sp side of the game

and stupid question but is this game co-opable?


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
I got the LE version and the disc was rattling around when it arrived in the post, noticed one mark but the game seemed to work fine, then it crashed followed by the stupid 3 red lights on the 360 then it worked fine and then crashed at the same bit. Looks like im guna have to get a replacement disc and eventually another replacement console, I might take it into GAME tonight and part exchange it for the Elite.

But from what I played it was quite enjoyable, played a bit of Co-op with one of my mates who came over to play it, liked the new weapons and firing like a mad man with the detached turret lol.


Loyal Freddie
May 13, 2004
and stupid question but is this game co-opable?

4 player co-op campaign under multiplayer

finished it on normal with my little bro on normal last night, tried legendary w/ friend over live and the jackals are still evil shots with their beam rifles. :touch:

Edit:BTW GT is Cuuldarach UK for anyone that wants a blaze at legendary, normally play between 5:30->10pm GMT


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
4 player co-op campaign under multiplayer

finished it on normal with my little bro on normal last night, tried legendary w/ friend over live and the jackals are still evil shots with their beam rifles. :touch:

Edit:BTW GT is Cuuldarach UK for anyone that wants a blaze at legendary, normally play between 5:30->10pm GMT

Finished it aready

Not a very long game then


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Finished it aready

Not a very long game then

Name me a modern day FPS singleplayer that stands up to more than 3 days of solid playing? Sadly those kind of games don't get made anymore, we get fancy graphics and 10 hours of gameplay instead because that is what the developers think we want and they are partly right. 50% of the gaming public can't see beyond the eye-candy, they will try and tell you that 'Heavenly Sword' is a great game with it's fancy visuals and 7 hours of gameplay but neglect to mention to horrible bow controls you are forced to use for 3 of those 7 hours.

God of War, now that is a great game. It has the visuals, the story, the sound and most importantly is plays like a dream.

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