GRATZ albies !!!


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
gwal said:
(what alb caster grp would stand an inch of a chance vs smth like zerk zerk valkyn bd warrior).

Spot the odd one out in that group of 5 "classes".


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
1,376 lol...damn lol

gwal said:
1: congratz, u just made albs the only realm that has to rely on 2 classes to do CC
wicked alternative......

that said, wizards do have somewhat a misplaced spot in daoc. run 1 caster its sorc, 2 its sorc/theurg or sorc/cabby, 3 its sorc/cabby/theurg, u rly need to be at 4 or more casters to be able to include a wiz effectivly compared to other choices, and even then it will often be prefered to take another sorc, theurg, or cabby

2: mids have been so OP during ages through the time of camelot, other realms didnt jump ship (zerk, savage). not to mention that valkyn aint that bad, and heretic aint that huge a frekkin deal as ppl make it out to be (figure it out urselves).
vampiir gets used by, lets see... 0 rvr dedicated grps? yeah, it surely must be the silly ubah.

3: alb caster grps arent the best, it might be the best the albs can come up with, but no way its the best across realms, stop living in the past and create what can beat it (what alb caster grp would stand an inch of a chance vs smth like zerk zerk valkyn bd warrior).

Well you might have to rely on 2 chars to do the cc but you have the only char able to do the cc in the game...a caster with qc is always bigger than a char with 1 instant or moc...

anyway I do agree mid might have had the advantage in the histiries of of daoc....but you seem to have a hard time understanding the difference. Today daoc is on its holding rope of beeing deleted. Also albs have always been the realm with the most amount of players so no matter if hib or mid have some powers that are to big for the rvr scene because albs amount of players can always couple with that. But when mid or hib gets the same situation its just the death of daoc as we know it because alb is the most populated realm...


ps. Is that really that hard to understand ?...?...?....even me as a former alb undedrstand it...but really albs is it to hard to cope with ?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
charmangle said:
Well you might have to rely on 2 chars to do the cc but you have the only char able to do the cc in the game...a caster with qc is always bigger than a char with 1 instant or moc...

anyway I do agree mid might have had the advantage in the histiries of of daoc....but you seem to have a hard time understanding the difference. Today daoc is on its holding rope of beeing deleted. Also albs have always been the realm with the most amount of players so no matter if hib or mid have some powers that are to big for the rvr scene because albs amount of players can always couple with that. But when mid or hib gets the same situation its just the death of daoc as we know it because alb is the most populated realm...


ps. Is that really that hard to understand ?...?...?....even me as a former alb undedrstand it...but really albs is it to hard to cope with ?

are you seriosly saying Mid is underpowered or something? Sure albs have a slightly larger population but, if mids cooperate well they have no real problem dealing with the albs, same for hibs and also same for the albs when it comes to defend their own territory. Mids always relied alot on Iwinbullcrap and now that most of it is gone, some of you guys cry and cry and cry, and just dont stop crying. What the hell is wrong with ya. Just reroll if its so damn hard to play mid or quit the game if its so shit to do that. Endless QQing on FH is gonna take you about zero inches forward anyways.

I would say, for once, albs are up on par with both mid and hib, and it seems it is hard to cope with that fact for some people, our old RPcows are gone and now you actually have to work some for those precious RPs, either adapt to it or do like some do, QQ like hell and think that will help.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2004
Shike said:
are you seriosly saying Mid is underpowered or something? Sure albs have a slightly larger population but, if mids cooperate well they have no real problem dealing with the albs, same for hibs and also same for the albs when it comes to defend their own territory. Mids always relied alot on Iwinbullcrap and now that most of it is gone, some of you guys cry and cry and cry, and just dont stop crying. What the hell is wrong with ya. Just reroll if its so damn hard to play mid or quit the game if its so shit to do that. Endless QQing on FH is gonna take you about zero inches forward anyways.

I would say, for once, albs are up on par with both mid and hib, and it seems it is hard to cope with that fact for some people, our old RPcows are gone and now you actually have to work some for those precious RPs, either adapt to it or do like some do, QQ like hell and think that will help.

Agrd, but some people like to think they have a huge inherent disadvantage because it then makes them fell extremely skilled and superior when they beat an enemy who (in their head) has a huge advantage over them, it could also be an easy excuse when outplayed. That's the impression I get from a few people at least.


FH is my second home
Jan 29, 2004
Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the Warlock snare (which can be cast through interrupts OR at Nearsight++ range with the different modifiers) drop people from Monster mode, giving Mids the perfect tool to deal with these overpowered Heretics?

I'm also pretty sure that Healers get baseline AOE amnesia with 2.0s cast speed at 2300 range...must be impossible to interrupt 3.0s cast speed AOE mezz with 1875 range using that.

I'm also fairly sure that Warlocks (not just RMs...please try to keep up) get Nearsight, again uninterruptible or at extended range (normal is 1500).

The level 11 (that's 11 Suppression, not 50...) 2300 range RM nearsight will bring Wizard NS range down to 1500 and sorc AOE mezz down to less than DD range.

So, having read the above, do we think that;

a) Mids are an underpowered realm with no counters to the evil Alb seige zerg.

b) Mids are overpowered in 8v8 and open-field zerg fights and have the tools to counter anything Alb has in siege fights, but would rather log and whine than use their brains.

I'm gonna go with b) myself. If the Mid GGs don't want Albs to have Relics, maybe they could try, you know, realm defence? This is a brilliant tactic where you stop other realms holding towers and keeps in YOUR realm. This means that relics cannot be taken from you. Am I going a little fast here?

The tools are there, but the players are elsewhere...nothing to do with OP'd classes, now stop yer bitchin' and suck it up. Also, please take Notts back so we can have I-RvR somewhere decent. Please...


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Killswitch said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the Warlock snare (which can be cast through interrupts OR at Nearsight++ range with the different modifiers) drop people from Monster mode, giving Mids the perfect tool to deal with these overpowered Heretics?

Yes but that would mean they have to use their head and not put DD+LT in every single chamber they got when facing Albs in a keep siege, can't even remember one time I was monster rezzed and Mids used the WL snare on me they much rather use their DD+LT and do 50 damage instead of insta killing the Zombie.


FH is my second home
Jan 29, 2004
charmangle said:
Well you might have to rely on 2 chars to do the cc but you have the only char able to do the cc in the game...a caster with qc is always bigger than a char with 1 instant or moc...

anyway I do agree mid might have had the advantage in the histiries of of daoc....but you seem to have a hard time understanding the difference. Today daoc is on its holding rope of beeing deleted. Also albs have always been the realm with the most amount of players so no matter if hib or mid have some powers that are to big for the rvr scene because albs amount of players can always couple with that. But when mid or hib gets the same situation its just the death of daoc as we know it because alb is the most populated realm...


ps. Is that really that hard to understand ?...?...?....even me as a former alb undedrstand it...but really albs is it to hard to cope with ?

Sure Albs have more players, but what is the ration of competitive, active, RvR-focused 50s? And how about GGs? How do the good FGs break down between the realms.

Also, how many of the Alb RvR population also have RvR-ready Mid/Hib toons but don't want to play them coz Albs have relics or Albs are zerging or Albs are OP'd...


FH is my second home
Jan 29, 2004
Andrilyn said:
Yes but that would mean they have to use their head and not put DD+LT in every single chamber they got when facing Albs in a keep siege, can't even remember one time I was monster rezzed and Mids used the WL snare on me they much rather use their DD+LT and do 50 damage instead of insta killing the Zombie.

Maybe what we need for Warlock players on Freddyshouse is some kind of chamber system where they can write three different Alb whine posts and then just use one key to spam them whenever they get killed because they have all the DAOC-skillz of a small piece of fruit.

mithridatis :)

Fledgling Freddie
Feb 28, 2004
Killswitch said:
Maybe what we need for Warlock players on Freddyshouse is some kind of chamber system where they can write three different Alb whine posts and then just use one key to spam them whenever they get killed because they have all the DAOC-skillz of a small piece of fruit.



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Void959 said:
Agrd, but some people like to think they have a huge inherent disadvantage because it then makes them fell extremely skilled and superior when they beat an enemy who (in their head) has a huge advantage over them, it could also be an easy excuse when outplayed. That's the impression I get from a few people at least.

perhaps that has some to do with it but I really doubt it, I think its more down to that mids always have had some seriosly gross tools, like zerkers/SBs prenerf LA, savages, interrupting AE-ASD on healers, warlocks, such things are comfortable and easy to use to win a fight and doesnt really take much effort at all, getting used to those things is dangerous, since you loose all concepts of what balance actually is and once you are without those toys, you just dont know what to do anymore. Just look at what some mids actually say when warlocks rightfully got nerfed, QQ, how are we gonna compete now, waa waa... QQ.. the worst class in DAoC ever, that ruined so much on its own, and mids actually QQ when it got nerfed, stuff like that just proves my point and says alot about how many mids actually function. Many mids need those instawintoys to compete, simply because they cant play without them. At this moment mids still have alot of competative classes, and also quite a few overpowered things aswell and look at them, they still QQ. Its just silly really :/ I wish BDs instas got nerfed aswell as all instaCC in the game,

I realise this is quite provocative and please, bear in mind that I am fully aware that not all mids actually is like this, there are ofc good mids too aswell as good albs and hibs, Im just stating how it kindof looks, from the outside of that grey dull realm. Sad thing is, it aint gonna change anytime soon either since Mythic has no clue about what to do with Mid. Mids was screaming for petspam and better keepdefense, result was Warlock and a buff to Thanes and Valks, heh.

Thank god savages got nerfed, it wasnt funny to get killed from a single tank in 1.5s, according to mids, it was balanced. Thank god zerkers got nerfed, 2 shotting champs was a tad silly really, according to mids a great injustice was made when LA got nerfed, I seriosly wonder why LA did get nerfed, I mean, who doesnt 2 shot fully buffed champs.. ISNT THAT THE FUCKING NORM?! Thank god warlocks got nerfed a bit, it was getting tedious to get splatted in seconds without any chanse to do anything against it, again, this is the norm according to mids, I guess it is, for mids.

Mythic made a huge mistake with alot of things when it comes to mid, they gave them silly silly overpowered toys and let them get used to them, and then they remove them, it has to be done for the sake of the game ofc but, it shouldnt have gotten ingame in the first place. You give a boy the nicest toy in the shop and he'll play with it, when you rip it from him, he will get sad ofc and there wont really be any normal toy that will satisfy him, nothing weird in that. Giving that boy the nicest toy from the shop, while giving the rest of the kids normal stuff isnt fair in the first place, nor is ripping toys away for kids.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 19, 2006
whitelights said:
:worthy: IT WAS JUST A GRATZ THING HERE , lol just get ur ass back in the game if u'r a true Mid if not stay away so we can do something decent without being betrayed by some X realmers.
And fill my BG with 80 active instead of 50 with only 20 active , maybe that will give the fun to siege back ?:twak:
Still gratz to albs on keeping defence at nott and taking relics , HIBBYS lol all they can do is leech from siege fights where all enemys are already interupted or down power / hp arround 50 %.
So stop it all about AC / op classes or anything but try to give it a fair fight plzz .
Hope to cu there.:worthy:

Aye Gratz to Alb, well organized :drink:


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
Killswitch said:
I'm gonna go with b) myself. If the Mid GGs don't want Albs to have Relics, maybe they could try, you know, realm defence? This is a brilliant tactic where you stop other realms holding towers and keeps in YOUR realm. This means that relics cannot be taken from you. Am I going a little fast here?

i haven't RvR:ed in a while so i don't know if mids have tried at all but i don't think it's that simple. in many cases (long term) a more numbers win. and i think albs can muster up more ppl to defend nott than mids can muster up to take it.

Void959 said:
Agrd, but some people like to think they have a huge inherent disadvantage because it then makes them fell extremely skilled and superior when they beat an enemy who (in their head) has a huge advantage over them, it could also be an easy excuse when outplayed. That's the impression I get from a few people at least.

i think this indeed is quite true. at least this is excatly what i was told when i started playing daoc that mids where the underdog realm always facing overpowered enemies, having to work together as a team more and therefore being better players.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Killswitch said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the Warlock snare (which can be cast through interrupts OR at Nearsight++ range with the different modifiers) drop people from Monster mode, giving Mids the perfect tool to deal with these overpowered Heretics?

I'm also fairly sure that Warlocks (not just RMs...please try to keep up) get Nearsight, again uninterruptible or at extended range (normal is 1500).

Sorry wrong on the first one it used to do that now it just turns them into a frog instead of a skelie. They retain their ABS and the dot firing.

If warlocks use UI to fire a Nearsight the range is 1500 not 2300.

If they use extended range or powerless they can be interrupted quite easy because of the long cast time on those cast, yes they are modified by dex, but at a base cast time of 5.3 and 5sec (50/20 spec) you have time to interrupt og get out of range.
If they couple the Nearsight on a bolt, not from chamber mind you, the cast is 4 second non modified cast and range is 1875+whatever range modifier warlock has.

About extended range only those with 4 or more balls (or witchcraft atleast to 38) over their head has a longer range than 2300. The prime hex spec 50/20, 43/30 has their range from 2000 to 2250.

Hope that clearified some things. No Frog is not a counter to Monster.

But grats on the relics :)


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 7, 2004
Pfff.... Mid remember time to relax and no need to complain alb is OP as you guys have already have the time to be OP, now is our time.

So take turns, Zerg increasing size... aint mid running in zerg b4 and I though mid and hib work together most of the time, what to complain?

So really isnt the problem of alb running in zerg or OP coz of unfair or class is now OP. Tbh Warlord/ BD is bloody powerful just a bit nerf now so dont complain what firewizz have o_o....!


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 31, 2005
Shike said:
perhaps that has some to do with it but I really doubt it, I think its more down to that mids always have had some seriosly gross tools, like zerkers/SBs prenerf LA, savages, interrupting AE-ASD on healers, warlocks, such things are comfortable and easy to use to win a fight and doesnt really take much effort at all, getting used to those things is dangerous, since you loose all concepts of what balance actually is and once you are without those toys, you just dont know what to do anymore. Just look at what some mids actually say when warlocks rightfully got nerfed, QQ, how are we gonna compete now, waa waa... QQ.. the worst class in DAoC ever, that ruined so much on its own, and mids actually QQ when it got nerfed, stuff like that just proves my point and says alot about how many mids actually function. Many mids need those instawintoys to compete, simply because they cant play without them. At this moment mids still have alot of competative classes, and also quite a few overpowered things aswell and look at them, they still QQ. Its just silly really :/ I wish BDs instas got nerfed aswell as all instaCC in the game,

I realise this is quite provocative and please, bear in mind that I am fully aware that not all mids actually is like this, there are ofc good mids too aswell as good albs and hibs, Im just stating how it kindof looks, from the outside of that grey dull realm. Sad thing is, it aint gonna change anytime soon either since Mythic has no clue about what to do with Mid. Mids was screaming for petspam and better keepdefense, result was Warlock and a buff to Thanes and Valks, heh.

Thank god savages got nerfed, it wasnt funny to get killed from a single tank in 1.5s, according to mids, it was balanced. Thank god zerkers got nerfed, 2 shotting champs was a tad silly really, according to mids a great injustice was made when LA got nerfed, I seriosly wonder why LA did get nerfed, I mean, who doesnt 2 shot fully buffed champs.. ISNT THAT THE FUCKING NORM?! Thank god warlocks got nerfed a bit, it was getting tedious to get splatted in seconds without any chanse to do anything against it, again, this is the norm according to mids, I guess it is, for mids.

Mythic made a huge mistake with alot of things when it comes to mid, they gave them silly silly overpowered toys and let them get used to them, and then they remove them, it has to be done for the sake of the game ofc but, it shouldnt have gotten ingame in the first place. You give a boy the nicest toy in the shop and he'll play with it, when you rip it from him, he will get sad ofc and there wont really be any normal toy that will satisfy him, nothing weird in that. Giving that boy the nicest toy from the shop, while giving the rest of the kids normal stuff isnt fair in the first place, nor is ripping toys away for kids.
mids nerfed and other realms boosted then its all good ? try counter a monster ress whit 50 albs attacking you tbh :) aint that easy :) hibs can do it easy mide cant :( so mid have been a powerfull realm and still are in 8vs8 fights no doubt.but the game is more about seige now then ever before wich makes things diffrent dont you think ?sure some things should never been inplanted into Daoc, like LA dmg and svg dmg but was removed a long time ago wy keep brining it up every single time ??Thanes got a small boost whit some range/dmg stuff wich can be nice in keep etc.but compared to sorc/scout/monster ress uninteruptebul aoe bla bla bla pets that wreck a keep gate whitin minuts and shorooms that kills you whitin a second.if u manage to live u get a baselin stun in youre arse and die :p dno about the numbers of players rly never checkit either, but imo mids are lacking alot in seige compared to other realms.But still do wery well in roaming situations.

i dont realy care about wizzards whit nearsight im glad the got something usefull atlast,

wizzards are like staiijion a pain in the ass but something i can live whit :worthy:


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004

Shike said:
are you seriosly saying Mid is underpowered or something?

No I am not, Im saying that Albs in zerg situations are OP...huge difference.

Well I have chars in all realms. So I can just play what suits me...and I still opt to play less and less as do the alot of players and eventually in a not to long future unfortunatly I'm sure daoc will die out, party because people like you keep telling people to just quit the game instead of arguing possible fixes to problems within the game. But thats hardly the point here, even though you have a hard time understanding the concept of actually trying to see things from others point of view, doesnt mean that I have to follow your bad example.

It is not hard to see that Albs have a huge advantage in RvR numbers. That means that when they get a patch or as in this case several patches where they are made OP in the zerg part of RvR, it just gets out of hand. Now Hibs have a decent defence vs siege in their Animists, Banshees and huge amount of Pbae, but Mids have little to match the range and siege powers of the Albs.

Killswitch said:
Correct me if I'm wrong...

Ok I will...

Monster Ress vs Warlock popping:
What does that matter ? Monster ress is a problem in close quarters, the dot from the monster ress will hit everyone in that room before any warlock gets a chance to do anything about it. After that its all over, no seers can heal, no casters can cast any spells and the 3-4 alb ae casters just makes the process short with the gzillion mids. Now the albs doesnt even have to do it in minority, since they have the superior numbers too.

Boltrange aeo mess:
Sigh, you seem to be stuck in Fg vs Fg mode mate. There is no real discussion about fg vs fg RvR, simply because all realms are pretty even in that arena. We are talking about zerg mode RvR. And there are 200000 times more Sorcs than there are Healers in zerg RvR, simply because they are more fun to play since they can do damage. But you are welcome to try out a Mid healer and try to perma interrupt the zerg of Sorcs on Alb side.

Warlocks nearsight:
Bringing this nearsight up just shows that you have no clue how warlock class works. Its a secondary spell meaning that you have to throw 2 spells to use it. If you want it as instant it takes up both the warlocks chambers. Meaning he can do 1 nearsight then he has to hide for 2 minutes to rechamber for the next one. If he opts to throw it as an unterruptable then he will have to take 10 seconds casting time on it. Firewizz nearsight would be ok with me if it had a 30 sec recast timer on it too.

The RM nearsight:
Sigh, sigh, sigh, you seem to compare the firewiz nearsight with the RM nearsight, when you should compare it to the Warlock slowfo nearsight. RMs are the main nearsighters in Mid (basically the only nearsighters). So compare their nearsight to the Caba nearsight please. But after cabas albs now have another fastcast nearsight on firewizards which mid have no comparison too.

Basically you just dont know how the classes in mid work.

I agree that mids have had their time of glory with the savages in OF. But in NF Warlocks pointless OPness was the only thing keeping mid in the game. When they got nerfed to crap and Albion with the huge RvR player base advantage gets patch after patch with OP:dness its just a way of telling all others to reroll, making this a 2 realm game. And thats not good if someone missed that point.

One thing that makes me pussled is how alot of people here seem to thing that the other side always are idiots. Are you really so stupid as to believe that a whole realm somehow missed how to play their own classes ? And that you always can do it better ? Ofc there is an easy way to prove your point...just reroll Mid and go out in the frontier and show us please...I would love to see that vid.

As I said, I play all three realms and see the different powers from all sides. And I get as frustrated on mids when playing hib or albs as I get on hibs and albs when I mid. I also play both FG vs FG and Solo zerg. But I still can acknowledge the differences and those parts that just are too good even as the winning side. And atm the Alb + powers have just gotten out of hand. I always have the option to cut back on the zerg part and just go with playing FG, but I also recognize that not all have that option, and in the end that will only lead to fewer players and a dead game. Thats not what I that what you want ?



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
charmangle said:
Well you might have to rely on 2 chars to do the cc but you have the only char able to do the cc in the game...a caster with qc is always bigger than a char with 1 instant or moc...

anyway I do agree mid might have had the advantage in the histiries of of daoc....but you seem to have a hard time understanding the difference. Today daoc is on its holding rope of beeing deleted. Also albs have always been the realm with the most amount of players so no matter if hib or mid have some powers that are to big for the rvr scene because albs amount of players can always couple with that. But when mid or hib gets the same situation its just the death of daoc as we know it because alb is the most populated realm...


ps. Is that really that hard to understand ?...?...?....even me as a former alb undedrstand it...but really albs is it to hard to cope with ?

fine suit urself, since u seem determined to do so u can keep QQing while some of us go farm


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004

gwal said:
fine suit urself, since u seem determined to do so u can keep QQing while some of us go farm

Hehe...nah, Ill just go farm some too but on Alb or Hib...its not for my own sake I bring up these things!:)



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
Cylian said:
they'll be PvE'd back anyway :p

Never cylian!!!!

If i decide to come back.................Ninja time! <code name for stealing zee 1337 ubah noobness gimper relics of doom!>

One day the Albion lands will turn grey, as clouds begin to cover the sky. Soon they will see a light appearing from the clouds, and that my friend is me. :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
How excactly is sorc a strong siege class? Oo I have both a sorc and a runemaster and the runie is twice as powerful and three times as fun at sieges than sorc


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
charmangle said:
Stuff about monster rezz

So, you telling me that a decent player on WL cant target a player, fire off the snare/shapeshift before it has got to every part of the lord room?

Hell for that matter what the fuck is teh healers doing in the lord room and not in a fop above it clear of all AoE, or at the least at the back of the room. That gives about 5seconds to target and snare before it gets them interupted.

And monster dot doesnt interupt every tic, just every tic that is reapplied. So once the snare is on, the abs goes, the monster dies it should all happen before the 2nd tic from the monster hits, at worst before a 3rd.... if you all stand together then you bloody deserve to die.

And using your 70mids vs 10 albs... you want to know why you died? Because you would have to be a fool to just stand in a lord room when you outnumber the enemy 7:1 and could simply send a healer out. insta mezz/stun and just aoe the shit out them before they can even get a monster up. And if you let 10 albs get inside a keep when 70 are defending.. well i really aint gonna comment on that one.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 31, 2005
Eleasias said:
How excactly is sorc a strong siege class? Oo I have both a sorc and a runemaster and the runie is twice as powerful and three times as fun at sieges than sorc
sorc is a strong class overall... mezz interupt is a strong seige wepen isent it ?
and dont get me wrong Rm´s are nice wepon in seige´s aswell.


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
Corran said:
So, you telling me that a

No, Im not. You are telling yourself that. What im telling you is that the dots will hit before that happens because that starts the second he becomes visable in the area.

And then the next one arrives...

Stunns/healers hiding etc:
Sigh, sigh, many healers do you think there is in a mid 70 people zerg ? Try 2-4 of them total. (you have to remember that mids dont have healers as bbs as albs and hibs pratically can have). Of that maybe 1 or max 2 are pachealers. If they survive the stunning run even with instas up (which is up 1s every 15 minutes and thats the only chance you get to coordinate your attack...if your serg runs into 1 trap or a monsterress on the way down then its over...)

But im just getting tired of trying to reach people who never tried it or/and just doesnt seem to even want to consider the possiblity that other realms players might have reached even a slight idea of how to play their own chars.

Eleasias said:
How excactly is sorc a strong siege class? Oo I have both a sorc and a runemaster and the runie is twice as powerful and three times as fun at sieges than sorc

Eh, sorc is a horribly powerful char with the games longest ae cc spell as interrupt and chain ccing before others reach their range.

Ofc a RM is a powerful siege char. Its actually mids most powerful siege char. Or should I say only powerful siege char. But what your question should be is: How exactly is sorc, heretic, Firewiz and Caba together stronger than RM ?

Sorc isnt the opposite of RM its the opposite of the Darksm. Now in a siege which is more powerful: Boltrange ae mess or 1500 range ae mess ? (in a group vs group fight its another matter...there the SM steps up a step. Since its quite usual for groups to face of closer than max range and the intercept of the pet gets used)



Feb 22, 2006
zzzzzz so much whine from puppet and the hypocrit gang

talk shit all you want people know whats bullshit in this game from there own experiences, just because you tell people albion dont zerg dont mean its true, even if you do play albion now :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Eyres said:
zzzzzz so much whine from puppet and the hypocrit gang

talk shit all you want people know whats bullshit in this game from there own experiences, just because you tell people albion dont zerg dont mean its true, even if you do play albion now :m00:

Ofc albs zerg... along with both the other realms!


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 22, 2005
Golena said:
Ofc albs zerg... along with both the other realms!

Albs zerg more always have and always will, look at the dem hibbies classic vid, fg after fg running together through emain. Today its no diff 2 or 3 fg camping every bridge in sight 2/3 fg on stick everywhere, soon as flames appear on a nott tower 5/6 fg albs arrive and siege it back down. Just zerg zerg zerg everywhere and anytime with AOE class after AOE class nuking and zerging leeching and adding zZzZz no wonder theres under 200 mids online at primetime would love to know the numbers of albs on this evening i'd guess at not far off triple, but im sure hibguard will pay you a visit in the near future then we can get back to the normal alb fh whine.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2004
Triple? Lol. Obviously albs win zergs because they have the bigger zerg but it's not by nearly that amount.

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