Grats mids with Merlins Staff! :)


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Xajorkith said:
Speed doesn't come into it at keep/tower sieges, Sorcs are awesome here. To acheive the same in Mid, we'd need a Runemaster and a Pachealer and we'd still have much less range....

indeed but aoe mezz doesn't really do an awful lot at sieges either - sure you can mezz them at bolt range but nothing's gonna kill that mezzed person standing around. First hit will break the mezz and they'll be back out of los again.

What matters in keep sieges is AoE damage. I'll let you figure out how much each realm gets of that in a typical fight :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Xajorkith said:
On every single US ToA server Midgard has been branded as "Realm Needing Help".

That relates to population, not how effective the classes are in rvr. As per usual you take a basic fact, twist it arse over tit, throw in a little Xaj magic and present us with "evidence" that Midgard is hard done by. ;)


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
indeed but aoe mezz doesn't really do an awful lot at sieges either - sure you can mezz them at bolt range but nothing's gonna kill that mezzed person standing around. First hit will break the mezz and they'll be back out of los again.

What matters in keep sieges is AoE damage. I'll let you figure out how much each realm gets of that in a typical fight :)

a warlock can kill ppl who are mezzed :D
imo we get sorcs and you can have mmm valkery ;)


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
Xajorkith said:
The tests were done before the TOA +10% range, +10% cast speed, +10 Spell Duration and uncapping of dex, this makes the tests worthless.

Sorry mate but not all RvR is 8 leetists wandering Agramon, seems to be far more Siege in the Modern Cluster NF, especially considering tonights action in Hib. 100 people turn up for a keep fight so who gives a fook about the three 1fg roaming Agramon….

One thing I detest is inactive people still thinking they know how the game works.

On every single US ToA server Midgard has been branded as "Realm Needing Help".

Mythic still plays Alb and you're still full of shit. Nothing changes.
mmmmmmmmm, mayhaps read it again. and the tests are done by aussie not pin :p

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