Grats mids with Merlins Staff! :)


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 20, 2005
I'll say congrats hibs you nearly got the str relic a few times but the bulk of albs defence was there.
Mids managed to steamroll the 2fg albs who were at the power relic after taking advantage of the situation so gratz in a way i guess for being able to kill 2fgs albs with what 8-10fg mids ,I think if you'd just left it to your 2fg warlocks in that zerg you could have done it without breaking a sweat :p

Edit :sorry I didnt mean to offend mids"massRvR" cos we all know mids never,ever zerg and hibs just happen to be hugging the same tree at the same time ;)

Aran Thule

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Well done to the mids for getting the power relic.

Big congrats to all the hibs that were on my MARR, was a very nice /bg and it went well.
i suppose a well done to the albs that defended the str relic although its a bit disappointing for my lot as in the end we didnt manage to get the relic.

Reading these hibgard threads makes me laugh, there is no pre planning, i dont speak to mids.

For the mids that wouldnt know we made two attempts at the str shrine but it was very heavily defended.
we were regrouping after a wipe to hear that albs were about to take eras so we went and killed them, then you took the power relic.
Given where we were and reports that most of the albs were still at str shrine we tried to intercept the power relic.
No i dont fancy meeting warlocks with +10% damage unfortuneately they escaped our force and got it back so well done to them.
can any mids tell me how close we came to the carrier.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
Abouts 20 metres tbh. Hib zerg came and sojik run through, while mids sacrificed them selves to try and slow you down :p.

Half the zerg died when both albs and hibs were trying to get it back, but we just carried on, and just said keep delyaing everyone that tries to get to the rest of the mids.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 18, 2004
Not very close mate I got reports you were heading for the passes between Surs and Hurbury too intercept us so i too a detour into the river round the hill and into surs from the north. Relic carrier was me. I didn't even get touched by a mezz on the way back the mid force did a good job keeping me and the relic secure.

I was actually inside the relic gate before hibernia arrived soon as I saw Eras burning, i knew what would happen.. I was semi afk making dinner at the time. I watched first fight, mid forces were a bit all over shot with bg leader afk, so suicided out as you came for second assult. Unavailable pointed us towards Bold rest was history as they say. Was a good tactical day. Feel sorry you guys didn't get everything after your hard work. Keep it up, you'll do ok. I was tempted to turn midgard loose on you zerg to crush the raid, as for the most part you had the upper hand on albion. I don't like the though of chanters and banshee's with bonuses spell dmg as much as you'd like warlocks and sm's.

Was a good day for midgard the few who turned out fought hard.

See you all ut there.



Loyal Freddie
Oct 11, 2004
swifteagle said:
I'll say congrats hibs you nearly got the str relic a few times but the bulk of albs defence was there.
Mids managed to steamroll the 2fg albs who were at the power relic after taking advantage of the situation so gratz in a way i guess for being able to kill 2fgs albs with what 8-10fg mids ,I think if you'd just left it to your 2fg warlocks in that zerg you could have done it without breaking a sweat :p

Edit :sorry I didnt mean to offend mids"massRvR" cos we all know mids never,ever zerg and hibs just happen to be hugging the same tree at the same time ;)

What a crapload U were not 2 fg U where around 3 and mids where nowhere near 10 fg not even the 8 U stats we were 89 in bg with 2 fg in savauge and 2 roaming snow and then some bb's at best there was 50 mids at relic temple, and then albs come to try and stop us. What do U expect ? ofcause we will kill U even if it was 1 fg we would still kill U. Do U expect us to leave U alone when U attack us ?

And another thing before clustering albs outnumbered mid+hib combined on excal dunno what it was like on pryd (lvl 50 population), but they could defend against both realms at the same time and outnumber the enemy both places. I guess it's not so massive but alb should be enough to defend 2 places and only be slightly outnumbered.

That said I think U did well defending 1 relic and not loosing both.


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2004
Udgaardsloke said:
sorry, but i really dont know what that merlins staff is? :p can anyone tell me? :)

/roleplayish mode on

Merlin's staff is obviously the Albion power relic, the staff Merlin left behind when he mysteriously disappeared after the death of King Arthur.

If you're not an alb then you might not know that Merlin was head of the academy of camelot (they train wizards and sorcerers :p) and trusted advisor of Arthur.
/rp mode off



Loyal Freddie
Oct 11, 2004
Comos said:
/roleplayish mode on

Merlin's staff is obviously the Albion power relic, the staff Merlin left behind when he mysteriously disappeared after the death of King Arthur.

If you're not an alb then you might not know that Merlin was head of the academy of camelot (they train wizards and sorcerers :p) and trusted advisor of Arthur.
/rp mode off


Hehe Nice one :drink:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Comos said:
/roleplayish mode on

Merlin's staff is obviously the Albion power relic, the staff Merlin left behind when he mysteriously disappeared after the death of King Arthur.

He actually got banned for cheating,it's an well known fact.

If you watched King Arthur movie you can see Arthur also crossrealms with mids since he has savage on his group,bunch of cheaters if you ask me.


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
Downanael said:
He actually got banned for cheating,it's an well known fact.

If you watched King Arthur movie you can see Arthur also crossrealms with mids since he has savage on his group,bunch of cheaters if you ask me.

He is allied with Celts, which would be hibs? :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Aran didn't speak to any mids and would refuse any kind of xrealm info if given the option. He lead this raid very nicely, the only reason albs lost a relic so 'easy' was because their defence was all over the place. Slow, sloppy, weak.

After an hour or two albs actually got their stuff together and brought a nice zerg to clear us out at boldiam, at which time the mids took advantage and took surs.. It's just taking advantage by mids, just like most realms in most situations would do really. But blaming hibs for doing a nice raid is so very, very sad ;)

The raid was fun and mids adding in was only a nice twist to it really, our zerg catching up to theirs trying to intercept the relic and barely missing it was just fun. Then our group chased the mids down to fensalir and just as we arrived there the relic was captured, was a matter of maybe one or two minutes we were too late to put up a fight.

This raid was about as good as they get, because of the NF it takes long to capture all the keeps so its fine to start a bit early. And ye I agree the relicbonus is overpowered, thats why I hope this one will be retaken soon. The raids themself are fun though, I really don't understand why many albs whine so much. Guess its just that they're bitter, which many hibs and mids would be when the same thing happened to them :p



Fledgling Freddie
Apr 9, 2004
xRedfieldx said:
Actually i will clear things up being a mid and in the thich of the days action from dinnertime onward.

We were running a fg pug, then albs hit glenlock area at about 1pm gmt with big bad alb cups, must have been 8fg+ easy, and an obvious raid.

Albs then all of a sudden drop their raid and run back to their land, we look at realm war map and there is big hibs attacking.

We think ok lets go farm some, and them mids say ok they raided us lets take surs and see what happens.

Str gate opens, we go and farm hibs at that relic gate. Power then also opens when mids take boldiam, so we go and take power.

Hibs then jump us on the way back to the river (why did hibzerg leave str relic to try take power from us??) but we escape and the relic gets home safe.

That is the story so any hibguard etc can go screw themselves, hibs even tried to take it from us.

Grats for midgard on the relic, was the pwnage.

Thats interesting.

That "raid" on glen was our little gimped grp with a lvl 43 cleric trying to get some mids out to play since things was pretty dead.

Since there was a Bledmeer tower taken and no mids there we took our little rams and thought that we´d take towers at glen until you guys woke up.

We found some from Synergy already messing about there so they joined us and we took 2 towers before some more albs showed up.

But I tell you, there were never more then 2FGs plus some random people there.

After taking the third tower and hearing about the numbers on Berks we suicided on the main keep and went to assist.

If I dont recall all that wrong the initial hit on Berks was just below 70. Later once you hit Beno it was a bit more then 100. Then again, I guess that includes both mids and hibs in that area.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 9, 2004
Bistrup666 said:
What a crapload U were not 2 fg U where around 3 and mids where nowhere near 10 fg not even the 8 U stats we were 89 in bg with 2 fg in savauge and 2 roaming snow and then some bb's at best there was 50 mids at relic temple, and then albs come to try and stop us. What do U expect ? ofcause we will kill U even if it was 1 fg we would still kill U. Do U expect us to leave U alone when U attack us ?

And another thing before clustering albs outnumbered mid+hib combined on excal dunno what it was like on pryd (lvl 50 population), but they could defend against both realms at the same time and outnumber the enemy both places. I guess it's not so massive but alb should be enough to defend 2 places and only be slightly outnumbered.

That said I think U did well defending 1 relic and not loosing both.

I was there and whatever you say the albs that arrived was heavily outnumbered.

I was at the pow relic mile gate and got properly zerged.

When we got back to the pow relic temple we saw the entire temple full with mids and we tried to just kill off as many as possible. But we knew we were doomed when even more mids arrived and came at us from behind.

Getting sandwitched we tried to circle abit to the SE around the temple but it was no use, we did manage to come to the SE entrance and enter it keeping most mids inside at bay but we got steamrolled from the mids coming at us from behind so it was really no use.

Saying that albion has a huge population advantage is no longer true Im afraid, being able to zerg to the point of fending off two realms wont happen anytime soon.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 20, 2005
Bistrup666 said:
What a crapload U were not 2 fg U where around 3 and mids where nowhere near 10 fg not even the 8 U stats we were 89 in bg with 2 fg in savauge and 2 roaming snow and then some bb's at best there was 50 mids at relic temple, and then albs come to try and stop us. What do U expect ? ofcause we will kill U even if it was 1 fg we would still kill U. Do U expect us to leave U alone when U attack us ?

And another thing before clustering albs outnumbered mid+hib combined on excal dunno what it was like on pryd (lvl 50 population), but they could defend against both realms at the same time and outnumber the enemy both places. I guess it's not so massive but alb should be enough to defend 2 places and only be slightly outnumbered.

That said I think U did well defending 1 relic and not loosing both.

You do realise that nearly every single time someone has said albs have X amount of players and mids or hibs have X amount they are basing it on total characters lvl 50 they get from a website.

I'll give you an example of how that can make a population look outnumbered by another ,1 alb has 10 lvl 50s on his account 10 mids have 1 lvl 50 on their account looking at the numbers you'd say ok 10 level 50s each that means alb and mid numbers are equal.
In the last 2 years I cant remember a time when i looked at total online numbers for alb and saw more than a third of the total server numbers,yes there could be 50% of alb anon although I'm not sure anons are taken off the total numbers or not.
Also total numbers in a realm doesnt mean every single person in that realm is in RvR at the same time as a general rule alb RvR population unless its a relic raid seems to be about 10-15% of total population online at prime time.

As far as the actual power relic situation I only said what I did to show it wasnt the same situation for mids as it was for hibs,hibs had a much tougher time, mids in comparison walked in and walked out again with minimal opposition at the relic castle and while taking their keeps to open the relic gates.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
It's just taking advantage by mids, just like most realms in most situations would do really. But blaming hibs for doing a nice raid is so very, very sad ;)

I really don't understand why many albs whine so much. Guess its just that they're bitter, which many hibs and mids would be when the same thing happened to them :p


I'm not blaming hibs.
If a fg mids came to FH to shout OMG we just added on a hib/alb fight and killed all the albs HAHAHAHA they would get laughed at.
In comparison that's what they just did tho, so i'm off laughing at them :)

Take advantage of the situation sure, who wouldn't. Just don't expect us to turn round and say, well done you really worked hard for it when you come here to gloat :fluffle:


Part of the furniture
Mar 14, 2004
Durgi said:
Was a good tactical day. Feel sorry you guys didn't get everything after your hard work. Keep it up, you'll do ok. I was tempted to turn midgard loose on you zerg to crush the raid, as for the most part you had the upper hand on albion. Was a good day for midgard the few who turned out fought hard.

See you all ut there.


Few Mids was it? I saw bloody loads of them. Hibs will do 'ok'. Stop being such a sanctimonious prick. I will 'crush you with my zerg'. Been a while since I've seen a poorly crafted boast.

Tactically, fair play to you tbh mate, but next time arrrange your own RR and gain the plaudits you deserve there rather than claim you did it with so fewer numbers, then 'crush' us with those. :wanker:

And tbh Hibs - let's whack the buggers before they get to FF with the relic rather than after.....


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Such whineage about playing the game.

Relics are actually ment to be taken, thats the whole fricking point of them.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
mid fg with zero relics is still easy mode.

tbh just give albs all the relics till mythic sort things out.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Can't blame the hibs...they suffered when NF came out with both mids and albs hitting them. Just hope they turn their attention to midgard now that all those warlocks will be running round with a nice bonus - if ever a realm needed shafting it's them :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Was a good day of RvR. Albs had our backs right to the wall for most of it.
I don't think any realm wouldn't take advantage of the other two realms raiding each other, and if it was an Aran raid then I know there'd have been no prearranged doubleteaming.

I was in the defence at the power relic and there was no way only 2fgs of Mids there. Our 2fgs +random soloers was massacred in seconds. It wasn't even a fight. I got huge FPS lag and when it cleared I was dead and all I could see were mids all across the temple. I wasn't counting but there were easily 40 mids there that I could see and probably more outside watching for inc.

After the loss of the relic we Albs started to pull it together more. Favail and Aadia ran a good retake/defence BG which was doing well until we got to Beno and people stopped listening. We had everything we needed to retake that keep, we had siege, we had numbers but people hung back and fed themsleves to the defending Hibs 2 and 3 at a time - even though the leader was yelling at the zerg to charge the hibs down - so that was the end of that.

Was a fun day though and I'm glad the relics are still moving around even after Agramon.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 24, 2004
Grats to the mids on relic, was nice profesional adding at its finest. Not really hard since not many defenders.

Sorry hibs for doing all the work and get nothing. :( (yet)

Since I havent played that long I wonder, when was the last time hibs did an RR on Mid? and vice versa? I might have a short memory but kinda feels like its pretty much mostly albs that gets hit, at least the last year or so.?

But at least you can stop whining over the alb zerg, you have both pretty much proven for some time now that you can easy outnumber us anytime you want.

Lets hope no one runs and takes relics during the night.
Had a lot of fun mostly and thanks Favai/Aadia for doing the ungrateful job of defending against 2 realms.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Gratz all involved on all 3 sides :)

Had a really good fun few hours defending Albion :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
aye i was on my tic arod and it was a fun raid although with clustering i generally dont care where the relics are they will help no matter what im doing :D

and it was a good fight although in some instances i just wanted albion to zerg back the keeps taken but i wasnt leading (else you would all be crying) :D

peeps made choices and stuck to them although tbh albion could have done better if the 4fgs of albs stood afk at castle sauvage had actually helped. Although albion was outnumbered and that surprised me a bit :)

anywho good fighting i prefer it when relics change hands makes the game less static :)


Loyal Freddie
Oct 11, 2004
swifteagle said:
You do realise that nearly every single time someone has said albs have X amount of players and mids or hibs have X amount they are basing it on total characters lvl 50 they get from a website.

I'll give you an example of how that can make a population look outnumbered by another ,1 alb has 10 lvl 50s on his account 10 mids have 1 lvl 50 on their account looking at the numbers you'd say ok 10 level 50s each that means alb and mid numbers are equal.
In the last 2 years I cant remember a time when i looked at total online numbers for alb and saw more than a third of the total server numbers,yes there could be 50% of alb anon although I'm not sure anons are taken off the total numbers or not.
Also total numbers in a realm doesnt mean every single person in that realm is in RvR at the same time as a general rule alb RvR population unless its a relic raid seems to be about 10-15% of total population online at prime time.

As far as the actual power relic situation I only said what I did to show it wasnt the same situation for mids as it was for hibs,hibs had a much tougher time, mids in comparison walked in and walked out again with minimal opposition at the relic castle and while taking their keeps to open the relic gates.

Lvl 50 population is counted as lvl 50's online at a certain time on all 3 realms so doesn't matter if U have 10 or 1 lvl 50 still only count as 1.

Yes anon is not included when U se how many is online at a given time typical anon is anywhere between 20-30% though thats hard to calculate ;)

Doc's: Thats what I'm talking about, U pretty much state what I saw too at relic we prolly outnumbered 2-3 to 1 and U got zerged. But what I'm saying is ofc U did and whining bout getting zerged when U attack em yourself is just bull. Wasn't U that whined and I find your responce nice as it fits what I experienced just from alb view, and nice to hear alb population has gone down abit ;)

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