Grats mids with Merlins Staff! :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Flimgoblin said:
If your raid descriptions had been a little bit less "omfgz suxxor alarmclock albs haxxor the relics out of the keep!" and "Ardamel with wind-swept hair leads a crack team of 3 and a half mids to defeat the mighty 10,000 alb army and runs off with 14 relics." they'd have stayed ;)
ROFL, indeed. :D If you want clear-headed objectivity, you don't go for Xajorkith's view on things, I was remarking on this fact way back when he started on that relic raid chronology. :rolleyes:


Loyal Freddie
Oct 18, 2004
Mids had two choices, 1. go add on alb relic raid; 2. go strike hib land

They decided for the easiest ofc, very nice of you mids, and NO you dont deserve a gratz for taking relic, Hibs deserve Big Gratz for the hard work, too bad you didnt make it.

Death to warkocks :twak: either im playing exc or hib, you dont deserve that 10% bonus.

As stated before, mids or hibs can outzerg Albs anytime, with cluster old rules no longer apply.

Albs couldnt defend 2 relics at same time, it happened in the past and we lost one relic too.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Argante said:
Mids had two choices, 1. go add on alb relic raid; 2. go strike hib land

They decided for the easiest ofc, very nice of you mids, and NO you dont deserve a gratz for taking relic, Hibs deserve Big Gratz for the hard work, too bad you didnt make it.

Death to warkocks :twak: either im playing exc or hib, you dont deserve that 10% bonus.

As stated before, mids or hibs can outzerg Albs anytime, with cluster old rules no longer apply.

Albs couldnt defend 2 relics at same time, it happened in the past and we lost one relic too.

thanks to mids you didn't lose your str relic so better be happy we actually attacked the hibs and not like all those brainless alb morons who think there was a hibgard alliance.

and no realm can defend versus 2 other, where was the time when mids had 0 relics and albs & hibs were day in day out in our frontier.

too bad you couldn't blame it on a ml raid like last time so you just blame hibgard?

oh and i think flim is a pretty objective mod :p (he forced me!)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
Argante said:
Mids had two choices, 1. go add on alb relic raid; 2. go strike hib land

They decided for the easiest ofc, very nice of you mids, and NO you dont deserve a gratz for taking relic, Hibs deserve Big Gratz for the hard work, too bad you didnt make it.

Death to warkocks :twak: either im playing exc or hib, you dont deserve that 10% bonus.

As stated before, mids or hibs can outzerg Albs anytime, with cluster old rules no longer apply.

Albs couldnt defend 2 relics at same time, it happened in the past and we lost one relic too.

Albs arn't the best people to moan about adding.

When i did my relic raid on mid/prydwen, we totally destroyed hibernia, taking about 5 keeps on our own, and when mids went to attack hib there was a massive hib zerg at relic gates, we beat them off, and moved to the relic temple to find another hib zerg inside the temple. Albs then added on us from behind with their own zerg and stole the relic from the mids, which they then kept in renaris till i think servers reset.

So moan alll you like about mids adding since i don't think anyone cares.
Albion deserves it to be honest.:cheers:


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Jess said:
But this is a discussion board ... You can hardly expect people to have a 'neutral' stance here.. Especially in a RvR section.

Editing the wording of a person's post is not entirely 'ethical' in my opinion .. Instead contribute to the discussion by pointing out the places where you disagree with the wording or make an alternative version ... But do not edit an existing post.

He'd posted it as an information resource - not a discussion.

I'd not edit out someone's opinion in a discussion.

Probably should have just made a new thread with a cut and paste of the info and without the stupid descriptions in retrospect but 20/20 hindsight etc.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Calo said:
oh and i think flim is a pretty objective mod :p (he forced me!)

Good boy Calo, your loved ones will be safe this christmas .... mauhuahuahuhauhaa! etc.

I'm sure I have slightly rose tinted glasses :) but if I see anything that needs moderation that also makes me think "grr" I take a step back and think about whether it really does need moderation.

e.g. "all you albs are retards and should <do something that it'd be bad to post on FH>" - that'd be modded whatever the realm but I'd stop myself from instanuking it just because I know I could be being biased.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Grats mids

Only bad thing since clustering is that albs no longer have the numbers (mids numbers = alb numbers atm) to fight against OP'd classes and balanced groups....will be hard for albs the next few patches...oh well :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
Flimgoblin said:
you do know mod baiting is a bannable offence ;)

But I'll be nice.

If your raid descriptions had been a little bit less "omfgz suxxor alarmclock albs haxxor the relics out of the keep!" and "Ardamel with wind-swept hair leads a crack team of 3 and a half mids to defeat the mighty 10,000 alb army and runs off with 14 relics." they'd have stayed ;)

(that's hyperbole above btw... look it up)

ardamel did have the wind blowing his hair around , there was 10k albs and mids did look a bit like the spartans in 300 defending against em , how do i know ? , because it was written down and preserved in this scroll:)

the weird thing is that we from this period only have the uneducated mid sages runecarved description of the migthy battles , where as the notoriosly more advanced hib and alb civilization hasnt a single parchment preserved that contains notes of these events.

history belongs to the troll that carves it in the stone.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
dub said:
ardamel did have the wind blowing his hair around , there was 10k albs and mids did look a bit like the spartans in 300 defending against em , how do i know ? , because it was written down and preserved in this scroll:)

the weird thing is that we from this period only have the uneducated mid sages runecarved description of the migthy battles , where as the notoriosly more advanced hib and alb civilization hasnt a single parchment preserved that contains notes of these events.

history belongs to the troll that carves it in the stone.

your a wise man , dwarf.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
dub said:
ardamel did have the wind blowing his hair around , there was 10k albs and mids did look a bit like the spartans in 300 defending against em , how do i know ? , because it was written down and preserved in this scroll:)

the weird thing is that we from this period only have the uneducated mid sages runecarved description of the migthy battles , where as the notoriosly more advanced hib and alb civilization hasnt a single parchment preserved that contains notes of these events.

history belongs to the troll that carves it in the stone.

Lol that was pretty good :D


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 17, 2004
Baldrian said:
Since I havent played that long I wonder, when was the last time hibs did an RR on Mid? and vice versa? I might have a short memory but kinda feels like its pretty much mostly albs that gets hit, at least the last year or so.?

Some time after NF hibs launced a couple of successful raids I remember. I think they had the mid powerrelic + strengthrelic(and/or)the alb powerrelic if I'm not totally mistaking.

Mids tried to get it back countless times, but we could'nt do it. Even when we tried alarm clock raids after failing several prime time raids, they managed to beat us. The hibs were just too fast, and always "atleast" as many as we could summon even with a planned raid. I remember people was very angry about shrooms back then too (it was a big issue), if it helps anyones memory.

Then there was the other raid which I think Bradlex mentioned (which resulted in albs getting the relic), and after that I think there has been no relic raids resulting in a relic being captured, until now (pryd).

It has been quiet about relics for quite a while on Prydwen up until recently afaik. But maybe someone remembers better than me =)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
Belomar said:
ROFL, indeed. :D If you want clear-headed objectivity, you don't go for Xajorkith's view on things, I was remarking on this fact way back when he started on that relic raid chronology. :rolleyes:

Really nice to see you return to flaming me again.

Obviously your memory is failing you as it was Herbal who started the comments and not me, I never changed Herbals comments at all, and of course Herbal isn't a Mid.....

All Mids and Hibs understand completely why Albs are embarrassed to have the comments stand, so don’t worry about it.

Was wondering if you had read this Dub :)

Dub said:
history belongs to the troll that carves it in the stone.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Nice to see Midgard and Hibernia still feel incompetent despite having the most OP toons in the game.
They feel so incompetent they have to gang up on Albion 95% of the time.
And despite realm numbers in all 3 realms being pretty similar in the border, the Hibbies and Middies will keep believing that they are being severely outnumbered. This because it makes them feel more l33t.
Just like a gaylock wtfpwing an Alb makes feel l33t, or a chanter being l33t with their l33t stun.
Basically, Midgard and Hibernia are OP and all players in the realms think they own, but in reality they suck donkeyballs and cannot hack it in hardmode.
Regards, Glottis


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Albs got what they deserved. Those that dont realise this, should go hump Glottis' leg imho


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
Glottis said:
Nice to see Midgard and Hibernia still feel incompetent despite having the most OP toons in the game.
They feel so incompetent they have to gang up on Albion 95% of the time.
And despite realm numbers in all 3 realms being pretty similar in the border, the Hibbies and Middies will keep believing that they are being severely outnumbered. This because it makes them feel more l33t.
Just like a gaylock wtfpwing an Alb makes feel l33t, or a chanter being l33t with their l33t stun.
Basically, Midgard and Hibernia are OP and all players in the realms think they own, but in reality they suck donkeyballs and cannot hack it in hardmode.
Regards, Glottis

And the Hardmode for Albs is ????? well Alarmclock Raids against NPC guards like the Taking of Crim this morning that was really HARDMODE lol no wonder albs get Fucked time and time again with they HARDMODE.

It took Mids to start on Crim in Primetime and OH NO Albs came in and took it oh no the irony of it sounds like last relic raid where you HARDMODE Albs been whinging about Hibs/Mids in a Hibguard alliance this must of been Albguard alliance Oh the indignity of it all.

Glottis as per usual you posts make me laugh keep it up.




Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Hardmode for Albs is not having LA abusing zekers and SB's, healers abusing asf, instants, etc. Not having some retarded class like Bonedancers or warlocks, or some SM pet intercepting 90% of your arrows....
Hardmode for Albion is not having instant mezz on the same range as Hib bards, and getting QQ'd at when sorcs get 1850 range mezz (which is still owned by speed 3+ and instant...), not having castable stun on a toon that can debuff its own damage. Or not being able to have the same utility in a fg that a hib group can have in 3 toons...
Hibs play easy mode, Mids play retarded mode, and Albs play nightmare mode.
And even if Albs beat all those odds, middie and hibbie tarts QQ non stop.
Regards, Glottis


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
Glottis, I'm going out in like 10 mins, but please give me something to read tomorrow at work mate, you make my day, please... seriously... I'll buy you a beer :)

PS: If Ironhearth could contribute to this I'll be a happy man :p


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
the funny thing is he actually believes it :)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
Glottis said:
and getting QQ'd at when sorcs get 1850 range mezz (which is still owned by speed 3+ and instant

Mezz range 1850 +10% TOA bonus = 2,035

As for still owned by +3 speed and instant, this is rubbish.

Speed doesn't come into it at keep/tower sieges, Sorcs are awesome here. To acheive the same in Mid, we'd need a Runemaster and a Pachealer and we'd still have much less range....

Which is why I suspect Warlocks were born :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Xajorkith said:
Mezz range 1850 +10% TOA bonus = 2,035

As for still owned by +3 speed and instant, this is rubbish.

Speed doesn't come into it at keep/tower sieges, Sorcs are awesome here. To acheive the same in Mid, we'd need a Runemaster and a Pachealer and we'd still have much less range....

Which is why I suspect Warlocks were born :)

Oh yes, cause siege is what all l33t groups do...
Tests showing I'm right where done by Pin I believe, a long time ago (sorc mezz vs speed 3 or higher)...
Gaylocks where born cause Mythic only plays Midgard now...
Regards, Glottis


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
Glottis said:
Oh yes, cause siege is what all l33t groups do...
Tests showing I'm right where done by Pin I believe, a long time ago (sorc mezz vs speed 3 or higher)...
Gaylocks where born cause Mythic only plays Midgard now...
Regards, Glottis

The tests were done before the TOA +10% range, +10% cast speed, +10 Spell Duration and uncapping of dex, this makes the tests worthless.

Sorry mate but not all RvR is 8 leetists wandering Agramon, seems to be far more Siege in the Modern Cluster NF, especially considering tonights action in Hib. 100 people turn up for a keep fight so who gives a fook about the three 1fg roaming Agramon….

One thing I detest is inactive people still thinking they know how the game works.

On every single US ToA server Midgard has been branded as "Realm Needing Help".

Mythic still plays Alb and you're still full of shit. Nothing changes.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Xajorkith said:
The tests were done before the TOA +10% range, +10% cast speed, +10 Spell Duration and uncapping of dex, this makes the tests worthless.

On every single US ToA server Midgard has been branded as "Realm Needing Help".

Mythic still plays Alb and you're still full of shit. Nothing changes.

The 10% range was included, do not worry, and so was the 10% speed.
Even if it was not, it is still not very hard to understand that instant with speed 5 wtfpwns a sorc...
And Gayguard needing help... lol.. Does being too OP get boring?
Regards, Glottis


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
dub said:
ardamel did have the wind blowing his hair around , there was 10k albs and mids did look a bit like the spartans in 300 defending against em , how do i know ? , because it was written down and preserved in this scroll:)

the weird thing is that we from this period only have the uneducated mid sages runecarved description of the migthy battles , where as the notoriosly more advanced hib and alb civilization hasnt a single parchment preserved that contains notes of these events.

history belongs to the troll that carves it in the stone.

Lol :)

We had some parchment stored in the relic keep but someone pinched it at 7am a few years ago and rewrote our history...

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