xanir said:can I ask how the people who don't like porkbelly and co are hypocritical shites Flim? or are you just assuming that zomgoose everyone adds and zergs and that everyone who doesn't play the game like little zerglings standing up to defend the proud realm of albion are actually lieing scum who love to run stealthzergs?![]()
Flimgoblin said:it's not "the community"
it's a small group of arseholes turning this forum into somewhere very unpleasant.
Nuxtobatns said:Most if not all stealthers (especially the soloers) know the quality of those 3 ... and they know that peeps like these dont really deserve a public gratz from the community.
U made it rr6 or rr7 like Kilsimba...but dont except a gratz for it when u havent offered a decent fight to justify what has changed from your rr2... imo u all 3 have the same skills since then...never developed since then..and thats quite sad. /\
Flimgoblin said:Not liking them doesn't necessarily imply hypocrisy but whining about adds sure doesthey might be all high and mighty and follow some "moral" code now but they'll have zerged with the best or added on someone or flattened them with a full group at some point.
Hypocrisy for dummies: "Do as I say not as I do".
xanir said:Except that quite a lot of the people who get zerged by Porkbelly and co haven't zerged added or fged? Like I said in my last post, you believe everyone must originally have been a little zergling just because you personally were at some point.
Marc said:I have no idea who you are, but you rival Coldbeard in the "talking as much horseshit as possible" stakes. I find it very hard to believe that "quite a lot of the people" who have been zerged by porkbelly & co, have never added, nor stealth grouped themselves.
ye, sorryBallistixxx said:oO what bout me , i was there too![]()
Twinky said:to be perfectly honest.. i do belive almoust all have zerged once or twice.. and tbh to get zerged makes u a bit angry some times, and u get weak and lower ur own morals to the same lvl and zerg urself, thinking of nothing then a nice and sweet vendetta.. and so the dark circle has began..
(posted in a soloers point of view)
Brite said:speaking to these zerg guys tonight after them whining after i laughed at them attack kratos on ml8 and all die, they seem to think its a massive achievement to get whine threads and they seem to have massive egos about being whined at and they think they are mega famous and also think they are better known than top rvr guilds
i still thinks its funny...... but yet feel sorry for them, how sad
xanir said:Except that quite a lot of the people who get zerged by Porkbelly and co haven't zerged added or fged? Like I said in my last post, you believe everyone must originally have been a little zergling just because you personally were at some point.
Brite said:speaking to these zerg guys tonight after them whining after i laughed at them attack kratos on ml8 and all die, they seem to think its a massive achievement to get whine threads and they seem to have massive egos about being whined at and they think they are mega famous and also think they are better known than top rvr guilds
i still thinks its funny...... but yet feel sorry for them, how sad
Flimgoblin said:Not ever, never in your daocing career?
Even if I did believe you the RR ding is for getting RPs - this shows some sort of dedication especially if they are "zerging adding twats" or whatever who get all of 3 rp per kill.
It's not an "oooh you don't play the game I want you to!" thread, it's a grats thread. Last I checked FH wasn't run by the International 8v8 Commission and didn't hand out grats threads or gold medals depending on how much someone paid attention to some jumped up pricks with a warped idea of what game they're playing.
Feel free to not like these people (personally I'd never heard of them before this stupid thread) but keep your Personal attacks, flaming and whining about adds out of the grats threads.
If you do want to create some sort of "adders hall of shame" feel free to set up your own forum somewhere else.
xanir said:I never objected to FH enforcing their own rules of no add whines etc, what I objected to was your blanket labelling of people as hypocritical shites just because you can't believe some people actually have some care for others while playing.
Flimgoblin said:
I should probably prune this thread but I'll leave it as an object example of what people shouldn't be posting in grats threads. If you don't like someone - don't post a grats in their grats thread.
If you really really must go "wah wahh wahh! adding coxxor!" at someone who dinged an RR gtf off of FH you hypocritical shitesome 3 day suspensions should hopefully get this point across.