Good bye camelot

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Surely it isn't good to point the finger here?

Some people like Mcfly, some people don't. Its the way of life and as far as I know the dislike of 'Fly was not universal (I love ya, hehe) in the same way the dislike of SoTL is not universal. I like some members, I dislike others. It happens and thats life.

Going on and on about it isn't going to change anything. SoTL is an easy target for dislike because they are the most influential guild around, and mixed feelings about them is something they're going to get and have to put up with. Its the price of being prominant, think of it like the arguments over the Monarchy in the UK.

Human nature, gentlemen (and women) is not going to change even though its a game. And no amount of name calling or complaining is going to change that.

<reads Boney's post, trying to make heads or tails of it>

If I get the point of that post wrong, feel free to correct me. Without swearwords or cussing if possible.

Let bygons be bygons!

Personality clashes are normal. No need to go tearing up what (little) cohesion this realm has.

I hope I made some sense,


well i dont know you that well but i aint seen a bad side of you untill i read some of this stuff in here. anyawayz thanks for the advise on paladiness and ive become 2handed :)

p.s. if you still got that ravenclan sword i could gladly use it :D need to start ganking middies soon.

since you dont like goodbyes and stuff, your a git. happy now? :p


I never played with you in game or talked to you (although I did hear some of the rumours), but bubbye. :sex:

Oh and please try to think before you post, I don't understand half of the stuff you have put on here without a repeat read.


aye..he does rush it..put it in paragraphs Mckfly laddy! coming back to alb then? or did me just read that a little wrong there? Aye, got any o those weapons spare? ya'know the big flashy ones? if yoo delieted em along with teh character i murder yooooo (***Edited because of extrime misunderstanding***) but then i murder yoo!!


offcorse im comeing back :)

under a different name mind you

mckfly the level 1 fighter in camelot hills dident seem as good as mckfly the level 50 paladin in emain

but yes level are nothin with u have lotz level 50s by your side and i iknow who stands with me i dont give in that easy guys servents you will never win i have a score to lay down



Welcome back Mckfly my friend, aye..wount take long to recognise its you eh? I will be fighting in the barrows one day and some season 1 fighter maniac will come along and run into the hardest mobs, pull them all, and i die as well as you, aye....i can visualise it now heh...



what level are you now - tell ya what ill get level 50 with you and my new starter with u say asap - leveling really isent hard when u know where to go at what levels
my alt is in a good guild now started him this morning b4 work hunting is the most fun and i will show ya i can be wicked armsman


Mckflyyyyyyyyy, i have a season 5 Scout if ye wanna team with him til yera good enough to team with Ociros, waddya say? I aint had much chance to team with you before and now seems is a good time, please say ye still round season 5 aye?


LoL MckFly,

Not sure where you get the idea that the entire SotL hates you. Its more a case of a few members thinking you are a NOB ( and seems a few people from other guilds too) and prolly a few more now after reading your kinda insane drivel :)

Personally, I can't remember us even meeting so i had no axe to grind with you. However, you don't really do yourself any favours with this thread ;)

It's a game, have fun, stop talking crap. That's what my mum always used to say, bless her :p




erm curien or wotever i dont hate your guild, but i hate its attitude and i know im not alone on this matter.and u want and example of this matter, i'll jusr say BARFOG!!!!! there u go coren, THATS YOUR EXAMPLE, there was 1 occasion when our intire party was wipeed out and your so called great guild, refused to rezz us even tho u were right next to us, am i lying????? i dont think so ask Genius, theador and threron even amirder. so dont act like im in the wrong 4 saying wot i did, u know as well as i do sotl need to change their attitudes.

---=== ROFL im sure there r alot of people out there with bad experinces too ===---

---=== Lets share them with coren as he seems to think hes in a guild of angels ===---

well theres your example, wheres my reply smartass???


Punctuation is your friend Mckfly. I can't feel insulted if I can't understand what you've written :)

Here is a big --==%% LOL HEADSHOT! That will slow him down! %%==-- for Tieris as well.


By the way gideon one of your guild members insulted a great friend of mine and made him leave the game last night i am real dam angry now because i could only talk to him through game i didnt know he left til late last night as i was using alts or asleep.I may not hear from him again ever and i am so fucking angry i didnt realise someone could be so nasty and hurtful to such a nice guy over a little mistake which was so dam childish:(


<gets out popcorn>

This I gotta hear...... enlighten us please Matt.


Well if u wanna know who it was msg me in game it has really pissed me off totally.


I'm sorry to hear about your friend Matt. Do you think I should quit because people keep saying nasty things about me though?



What i am trying to say he should be sorted out!!!he wasnt nasty to just him he was nasty to 30 odd ppl.By the way irl he would of sorted him out himself :p just that i cant beleive one person who i thought was ok could be such an asshole.


Well explain what happend then. I'm none the wiser because I wasn't even online last night due to watching the opening ceremony of the Commonwealth Games.


I dont wish to say on here but i will in game,anyway if my friend ever does come back which i really hope so i will tell him to msg u and speak to him.I dont hate anyone in the realm i respect every single player and like basically every player nearly but this player made me start to hate him now i thought he wasnt like that at all oh well i will tell u in game or my friend will if he comes back.


I'm sure everyone is eagerly waiting for you to dish the dirt and since you are telling anyone who asks in game you may as well put it here...

Might as well get all the misinformation into one thread.


Well i am working atm and its quite long so not yet.


Gideon, why does it necessarily have to be misinformation ?

The are prats in every guild, and even sensible mature individuals can have a bad day at the office ! We all have a bit of 'prat' desperately trying to get out. Of course, with some, it's a lot closer to the surface :)

I think Matt is right though, better to handle this matter privately surely? If someone had a problem with me I'd much rather my GM dealt with it privately and not on some public forum !!


For starters if you got the number of messages I get a day about horrible things my guild/members have done you would be more than sceptical as 99% turn out to be either outright lies, nothing more than hearsay based on what a "friend of a friend" told them or a distortion of the truth.

Secondly Matt seems to be telling anyone who will ask him in game about it. It's not as is if he has emailed me, PMed me on these forums or anything else about it so he obviously isn't interested in sorting it out sensibly between the two of us. In fact there was no need to even metion it here (is it relevant to the topic??), unless of course he just wanted some attention.


hums hums hums...

Personally I don't judge a guild due to one of there members. I'm sure there are people in every guild I dislike - there are also people on every guild I DO like so I s'pose it's better to judge the persons themselves and not an entire guild. [/rant]

About SOTL, the every so often hot-topic. I respect several SOTL's even tho I never actually grouped with them in-game and at the same time I have had bad experiances with a few.

It's kind of sad that sotl's are so 'guildy' tho. I have grouped with members from every other guild (PL, MoA, LoE and so on) but never with any sotls. Feels like you cut yourself off from the rest of the realm a bit :mad: I have been on a few raids lead by 'ol Pyro tho - seems to be a great guy - and I even have two of my old guildmates in sotl that I know are great guys *point Derric and Qemar*.

Uhm, so ... to sum up: rant :)

Had nothing better to do (edit: except work .. ugh)


No i wish to tell an officer of sotl thats all not the whole of dam albion and btw i get shitloads of msgs mainly invites i am a very very busy player and well respected.I didnt do this to get attention at all i just said it so an sotl officer(you) would read it and can come up with something when i tell u what happened.


Also members of disciples of aldur will know about what happened.


lol headshot?? how old r u again gideon 12?? i brought up a serious matter with your guild and i get a childish response? very nice to c sotl have a GREAT leader, whos attitude and metallity is the equal to a 12 year old.

---=== hmm still havent got a reply 4 y my whole group in BARFOG didnt get rezzed by the almight sotl ===---

---=== i wait with anticipation 4 your justification of this matter ===---

old.Gombur Glodson

all the hatred, cant we concentrate on other things? :(
Noone benefits from all this


Hey gombur as i said i dont hate anyone in albion:p
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