Snowblind, Raindance, Rollercoaster, Dangerous Crossings.. fantastic maps, full of fast paced flag grabbing frenzy, where the skillful teamworking players end up victorious, and the morons who play muscial statues in their inventory room lose horribly.
And so it should be. Until that is, people start (in my mind) cheating.
Last night, we were playing Snowblind. Not the easiest maps to defend in, but passable. There we were, doing our 'thang' when wallop, a mortar lands at my feet. *BOOM*.
Fair enough, these things happen. I climb back up... *zzzzZZZAAP* - a sniper cuts me down.
I don't have a problem with this. I *do* have a problem when I can't find the bastoids who do it because they are playing OFF the map. We're not talking a few metres either, we're talking miles away - a tiny, tiny speck in the distance.
Sure, we all go off the map occasionally, but this is just taking the piss royally. The game has boundaries, it even beeps at you when you cross them, yet still people think its big, clever and very 'ha ha' to go and stand miles away sniping at you.
What is the thought on this? Personally, I rank it up amongst those morons who change sides as soon as their team starts losing. Or the TK'ers. Bastoids one and all.
I would like to see BW put the anti cheat patch on that gives you 10 seconds to return to the mission area before starting to knock large chunks of health off.
Its not big, it ain't clever - its SAD. People that do it are SAD PEOPLE.
And so it should be. Until that is, people start (in my mind) cheating.
Last night, we were playing Snowblind. Not the easiest maps to defend in, but passable. There we were, doing our 'thang' when wallop, a mortar lands at my feet. *BOOM*.
Fair enough, these things happen. I climb back up... *zzzzZZZAAP* - a sniper cuts me down.
I don't have a problem with this. I *do* have a problem when I can't find the bastoids who do it because they are playing OFF the map. We're not talking a few metres either, we're talking miles away - a tiny, tiny speck in the distance.
Sure, we all go off the map occasionally, but this is just taking the piss royally. The game has boundaries, it even beeps at you when you cross them, yet still people think its big, clever and very 'ha ha' to go and stand miles away sniping at you.
What is the thought on this? Personally, I rank it up amongst those morons who change sides as soon as their team starts losing. Or the TK'ers. Bastoids one and all.
I would like to see BW put the anti cheat patch on that gives you 10 seconds to return to the mission area before starting to knock large chunks of health off.
Its not big, it ain't clever - its SAD. People that do it are SAD PEOPLE.