Tribes: Just no fun any more



I have been playing Tribes 1 since it first came out a couple of years ago. Over the last year, or so, I have found playing the game has become more and more frustrating. This is because an increasing number of moronic people who play the game, making up their own rules as they go along. Slagging off, or attempting to kick, someone who doesn't go along with their philosophy.

You're not allowed to trash the other teams bases, you're not allowed to snipe offensively, you're not allowed to disc-mine. You not allowed to use the turrets.

It has now got to the stage where you can get kicked from a game just for repairing the base. Yep, that's right, kicked for repairing a base (and I don't care what the map was). Which I was tonight. Now how bloody stupid is that ?

What’s wrong with attacking the enemy base ? If you can take out their base, it limits their ability to fight back.

If someone is offensive sniping, then the opposing team should go and take the sniper out. I get o’sniped sometimes, but I don’t complain about it or try and kick them. I'll ask my team to go and get the sniper, and if no one does, then I’ll try myself. Yes, some people say that offensive sniping causes the flag carrier to hide in their base, but that should all be part of the fun in playing the game. If the enemy flag carrier is in the base, then your team should attempt a mass assault on the base. It’s what the game is supposed to be about; Team work.

What’s wrong with repairing your own base ? If your base is up, then you and your team can equip as required to do your attacking or defending.

What’s wrong with using turrets manually, especially the mortar turret which can only be controlled manually. They have unlimited ammunition, and can be a useful weapon in defence and, if there is a turret placed appropriately, for attack.

I find most of these complaints about what you can and can't do come from players belonging to a Tribe, and their usual message is “You can't do that on a public server”.

Well, not all of us belong to a Tribe (yes, I have been a member of a Tribe on a few occasions), and so only play on public servers. So why should we pay good money for a game, pay good money to use the internet to play that game, and then get told by some idiot that we can't play the game as it was supposed to be played ? Most of you Tribed players have access to private servers, so if you want to play by your own rules, then you should play on your own servers.

In my opinion Tribes was supposed to be a game about team work and co-operation. I find most games tend to work well, with some people who prefer defending (like myself), and others who prefer attacking. Ok, the team skills aren't always balanced, with one team tending to lose more often. But after a few maps, you generally find that some people leave, new people join and the team skills change. Plus, if you find yourself against a weaker team, you can adjust your playing style. You don't have to run around chaining every newbie you come across. Wound him, and let him run away, for example.

I think many of the people playing Tribes are playing the wrong game. They should be playing Quake where, although it is still team oriented, it also seems a bit more free-for-all (i.e. everyone just runs around with the rocket launcher blowing up anything and everything they can).

Well, I’ve finished my whinging for now, and I’m sure I’ll get some stick for it. But, hey. Nothing I haven’t heard before.

I’m in the middle of building a new PC which should be gutsy enough to let me play something else, like Tribes 2, or C&C Renegades (when it comes out), so you shouldn’t have to put up with me for much longer. My Celery 466 and Voodoo 3 just doesn’t have the power for these newer games.


P.S. In case you’re wondering, I’ve been playing as -> Loony Tune -< for the last few weeks. This was an experiment. When using the name Harmless, I found I was getting whinged at more and more frequently, so I thought I’d try a different name just to see if the same thing happened. I played exactly the same way as before, with the same groups of people, and guess what; hardly anybody said anything to me, until today, when I was kicked for repairing the base. Says a lot about those whingers.


Move to T2 asap m8 less hastle there

Too many whingers as u know on the T1 servers and they aint gonna go away.


I agree! Come and join us in T2 - although once you've got the hang of the maps'll find that you're stuck with them - noone seems to want to try anything new - that is, as far as the server admins go!

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