Give ingame CSR's



Originally posted by razorboy
English aint that easy to learn :) It's easy to learn the most basic stuff, but a lot of things are pretty hard in detail, like the hyphon etc.

Think english is like the 3rd hardest language to learn in the world, the top place being taken by mandarin (or japanese - can't quite remember).


Originally posted by succi
I think we should all just accept frenchies are crap at being service providers

yes that's why the first english provider is ... french (freeserve)


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Give ingame CSR's

Originally posted by tildson
Not even close they've got the same high amount of LD's we got, and if they happend - 90% of the times are with a notice either ingame or on herald.

What LDs? I play a lot, but in almost 2 years I've had maybe 4 LDs total that weren't due to my ISP or some routing problem on the way to France/Paris.


Originally posted by ssera
Think english is like the 3rd hardest language to learn in the world, the top place being taken by mandarin (or japanese - can't quite remember).

I bet you're from the United Kingdom :)
Seriously, I've learned 6 languages in school and my girlfriend has studied English at university. I assure you English is one of the easier languages to learn.


Originally posted by Thorarin
I bet you're from the United Kingdom :)
Seriously, I've learned 6 languages in school and my girlfriend has studied English at university. I assure you English is one of the easier languages to learn.

I dont think it is one of the easier languages to learn, was it not for the fact that english is such a common language. It used in movies/TV series/games/internet so people will see/hear it more and will learn it faster. I doubt english is one of the hardest languages to learn, but I also doubt it is one of the easiest (was it not for you seeing/hearing it so much easier than any other language).


Esperanto is easier to learn.
English is a nightmare for pronunciation.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Give ingame CSR's

Originally posted by Thorarin
What LDs? I play a lot, but in almost 2 years I've had maybe 4 LDs total that weren't due to my ISP or some routing problem on the way to France/Paris.

You would be one in a million in a figure of speak then.

I wish it were that way, but LDs are pretty frequent for the major population.


I can't believe people keep comparing Mytic to Goa and vice versa; they are both different companies that happen to host the same game.

We don't know their policies, aims, amount of working people, service level agreements with third parties and stuff like that so what's the use of comparing anything without this relevant information?

I personally think the uptime from this game is amazingly high (e.g. my isp gets more disconnects a year then GOA brings down DaoC, and my isp charges a lot more). Furthermore customer support works well too i think. Most problems get fixed quick enough and some take a little while because some things have to be investigated. A game that's up 24 hours a day does not need the same amount of hours for customer support imo. Most problems aren't urgent so why pay massive amounts of money to people for that?

I think the main problem is simply that GOA will never satisfy some people cause certain people simply can't be satisfied ever. These people are probably the same people saying "they are bored" all the time and yet they manage to continue playing the game for a large amount of time. It's easier to kick on everything and everyone around you so you don't have to admit it might be time for you to explore another game. "New" stuff is allways fun at first and might get boring in the end, just understand this and move on :)


Originally posted by Ziva
I can't believe people keep comparing Mytic to Goa and vice versa; they are both different companies that happen to host the same game.

And thats why people keep comparing them. Any companies that offer the same service or product should be open to comparison.

Brannor McThife

Was on Holiday till today...and though I do agree that there are times that GOA hasn't performed to my liking, in general, I found that the service wasn't as bleek as some like to paint. 99% of LD/Ping issues are due to ISPs and not GOA. Sure, we've had server rollbacks, but you whine for a day/week, and then get on with it. I got a really nice axe when I was levelling Glauthrong, and lost it in a rollback, bitched about it, then went back and got 3 more...seems they weren't that rare.

Hehe, so you know they got suspended except GOA couldn't tell you that? Or did you just ask them whilst you were crossrealming? Do you even know which necro I'm talking about?
I know they were suspended, and I'm not going to say their name, that is not within my rights.

Would've hoped you'd have sorted yourself out now and weren't still the same old bitter twisted loser you always were, still holding a grudge
Heh, bitter, twisted...amusing. As many people can vouch, I am neither of those. The only reason you may see me as that, is because I think you're a prat. In fact, if asked to compile a list of people I most disliked in DAoC, you'd be at the top, way above kr0n or Teh Krypt. You always did love trying to strike nerves IRL as apposed to in character. Somehow, I think that makes you the bitter and twisted one.

As for a job, yeah, sure, they turned me down, that's part of life. However, I have a B.Sc. degree in Statistics and Computer Science, and am now making more than double the salary I was making 2 years ago...oooh...poor me...


Oh, and I have logs of me asking for ingame CSRs around May/June 2002.



Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Give ingame CSR's

Originally posted by tildson
Explain all the ping-charts that go kaboom when entering france then ;) Then my ISP support US better than EU, but i highly doubt it. Not only LD's, but very instabile ping and packet-loss is frequent on EU - it is not on US.

From my experience, i know many others who tend to agree with me on this.

simple your isp uses opetrans and opentrans blows.
My isp doesnt use opentrans so if half a server LD's becuase some opentrans router went up in smoke I still got 0% loss and low ping to goa. t

GOA only has controll over their network, they cant controll routers and backbones outside their network

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