Just been thinking about the time when i first started Doac and how amazing it was, nad look at it now :<
Druncken post ofc but <3 to someone or summin
Yeah give back Excalibur! Prydwen ruined it for us
yep pls take ur zergers with u
Yes really excal had amasses of stealth zergs , i think there was only 1 or 2 active warlocks on excal before cluster then we got a load from you lot all of which loved to hug and shag and bled bridge for hours on end. And from my pov, cluster was still a mistake caused more damage then it did good.more like excal ruined it for pryd tbh
at least from stealther PoV, on prydwen the non-adding rules were respected much more than on Excal, we got used to it and I remember when they clustered I got suddenly added and zerged down, was like wtf those excal zergers
Yes really excal had amasses of stealth zergs , i think there was only 1 or 2 active warlocks on excal before cluster then we got a load from you lot all of which loved to hug and shag and bled bridge for hours on end. And from my pov, cluster was still a mistake caused more damage then it did good.
We know thats complete bullshit as you had warlocks whoreing 200k a day playing 24/7 before the nerf
This thread is going to turn into a oh my server was better than your server because our server was all roses and your server was all cm....... fuck off with the biast shit and stfu
more like excal ruined it for pryd tbh
at least from stealther PoV, on prydwen the non-adding rules were respected much more than on Excal, we got used to it and I remember when they clustered I got suddenly added and zerged down, was like wtf those excal zergers
Think the realm war/community side of the game went downhill soon after cluster, not sure it was the cause or just a stage the game had reached anyhow.
Cluster was a bit of a culture shock for pryd, particularly for the realmwar. Nearly all high rr on pryd had been the 8v8 lot till then. Suddenly you have all these rr10+ albs out of nowhere in every siege situation.
Had to happen tho, it will have to happen clustering with the krauts etc too. Will cause still more fractured, factioned community as noo one knows who the fuck anyone still playing is, has no real realm allegience (well that's been so already a while), and can't even talk to each other.
Disagree with the above post about german not being an obstical on german servers. Sure you can get all the technical stuff in-game done, but you can never be a real part of the server life - you can't understand BGs, read the forums, just casually join grps, etc.. I'm not a very social player, but ultimately, I like to know peeps on the server, be it fighting with em, killing em, or reading their forum posts...even if not friends or talk to em in game.
Excal was ok until Brite came :S
Didnt u have like the worst alb sth zergers ever? =)
Yeh funny how people forget such things, when a stealther popped on you, you had to constantly be ready for the other 5 and be moving all the time so that if they wanted to get you they had to risk unstealthing and sprinting after you and risk getting stealth zerged or mowed down by a full group themselves
5 Stealthers for a bd? nps!
Strafe and lifetap, Strafe and Lifetap! while they tried to kill you and ignored the heal pets xD
Give back those times in HW and Odins soloing jamiesmallicus' groups time after time and he kept coming back for more somtimes even with a bard to mezz the pets