Gilgalad on Prydwen = Lamer bug Exploiter



Naturally and logically this is wrong...
Originally posted by ViU
you cant really blame him... blame mythic who cant make the 3d engine goon enough
This has to be the DUMBEST excuse ever to use bugs, I have said the same thing many many times.


Might be, but its like putting candy on the table and telling the kids not to eat it.


Originally posted by Melodic NatureL
Dair that is so lame... in your own words you said that if Gil did it again after you talked to him then you would kick him out.

Now you have kicked both him and zeon out because of what? Did they do it again? You made a public statement of what your course of action would be and then caved in to whatever pressure was brought to bear here.

It would be nice to think that a Guild leader is a strong character, but I guess in this case GoS is led by a jellyfish.

I made a comment in an earlier post that GoS has a good reputation, but I am afraid I have just lost all respect for anyone who remains in your Guild.

Gil admitted he did the exploit and said he did it in realiation for the use of bugged bows earlier that evening. I see no distinction to what Gil did and what the middies have been doing for ages now, and what they continue to do. Whilst I am not in favour of exploiters per se I have absolutely no sympathy for anyone on the receiving end of Gil's exploit. As long as other realms continue to exploit bugs then they both deserve whatever they get.

As for zeon - as far as I am aware, and I am sure you will correct me if I am wrong, Zeon had not been caught. He owned up entirely of his own volition, and then apologised. Both of these are mitigating factors.

completely lame Dair

For your information both Gil and Zeon were suspended from the guild and both have been given the opertunity to rejoin if they wish.

thats my last coment on this subject I have spoken to both Gil and Zeon and the rest of the guild,

if you have any problems with me talk to me in game don't just flame me here


Would just like to say on a seperate topic, that these bugs(I dont believe in calling something a cheat or hack when it isnt proven it was intentional[although stated as such in this case{anyone else hate having to be pc?}]) anyway i digress. The wall bug isnt half as bad as people make out, so you cant see your target? WOW...
I cant see 90% of the assasins right up until i die.
Whats my point?..... Well if you all stopped yelling and tried to figure a way to deal with the cheaters instead of screaming, you may actually realise you CAN retaliate. Yes thats right you can shoot them if they are in the wall just as they can shoot you, thanks to Mythics wonderfull los coding, if they got los on you it works vice versa.

Just trying to point out this can be dealt with if you know how, not trying to condone exploitation of bugs.


Proffesional hibernian wall chewing defender.


Originally posted by ViU
Might be, but its like putting candy on the table and telling the kids not to eat it.
But are we kids? To my knowledge there are a very few kids playing.


Originally posted by Dair

For your information both Gil and Zeon were suspended from the guild and both have been given the opertunity to rejoin if they wish.

thats my last coment on this subject I have spoken to both Gil and Zeon and the rest of the guild,

if you have any problems with me talk to me in game don't just flame me here

Discuss it with you in game? Had you kept this a private matter and not posted your actions on the boards I would have done so...however you posted publicly so I let you know what I thought of it just as publicly.


Now heres a problem
Dark Age of Camelot

Version 1.50C Release Notes



Up until last Tuesday, Assassin characters were able to remain hidden if they killed their target in one shot. This "ability" has been in the game since the inception of Critical Strike Combat Styles. However, we never intended for it to work that way - it is generally not a good game dynamic to have stealthed characters killing people and not becoming visible. Some assassins (not all, just some) were abusing this "ability" to one-shot kill "gray" level enemies and kill them with no chance of being found. But, at the time that we found out that assassins were able to do this, the assassin classes as a whole were still a bit underpowered, so we made the choice not to fix the bug.

As most assassins know, in the 1.50 patch, we inadvertently fixed the "one shot kill but remaining stealthed" bug (by fixing a few bugs relating to hidden players attacking monsters). Now that assassin characters are no longer underpowered, and no longer need any additional advantages, we have decided to keep this fix in. So, assassins will no longer be able to remain stealthed after one-shot kills. Assassins will still be able to kill some lower level (and probably "blue" level mages) characters in one shot, but no longer will they be able to do this with the impunity that they have enjoyed.

Mythic have now stated that all ROUGES who use stealth to remain hidden after one shot killing people have been using a bug...
Well thats there excuse for fixing it now in patch 1.50

So all you self righteous larges ones out there kindly tell me that armed with the knowledge u now know....

1: Are all rogue class people using stealth to remain hidden after 1 shot killing people cheats:?
2: Will you be reporting them as well for exploiting?
3: Can you realistically use the excuse well we aint patched yet so it aint relevant......

Double standards dont ya love em :mad:)

See you all soon i am off to Arizona for a holiday :)




Originally posted by SFXman

But are we kids? To my knowledge there are a very few kids playing.

To my knowledge using this "wall exploit" or cheating in any other way isn't very common.


According to the news on daoc main page the buged bow has been fixed today so all the peeps that moaned about it and rightnow the said bow have got it sorted :) As for the peeps that liked to use it to get more rp's tought luck guys guess you will have to find a new bug to exploite :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Brannor McThife

Oh...but it's still nice to know that Gilgalad is still around...saw him kill someone last night in Odin's Gate.

Nice one GOA... :rolleyes:

Two possibilities:

1) GOA is going to take as long to ban/suspend cheaters as they take to translate;
2) They haven't banned him, which implies that you're actually allowed to cheat once, and then get a warning...maybe...

For option 2:
Can we make this like the dark ages? Where we can buy those letters from the Catholic Church to forgive us before we commit the sin...

So, um, I'd like to say that I'm really really sorry for cheating. Sometime, somewhere in the future...will have to find something worthy of the warning.

Any high level crafters able to make me a "Ch33t045 W3lc0m3" sign?

For option 1:
Um, ya. Nothing new there...wonder if they'll simply warn all those albs that used the Yggdra wall bug too.



This should be good... and what bug in Yggdra's wall would that be then Brannor? I go to Yggdra alot when I can get past Cruz and co. So I would like to know.


Hey, if Mids/Hibs/Albs warn their realm mates first before reporting to them to GOA if they catch them cheating then it's only fair that we give a warning to enemy players on these boards before reporting them isn't it?


... entirely up to the person with the evidence. I think if you take the CoC to the letter then you are obliged to report bug abuse (don't quote me on that... I'd need to double check) but in practical terms that could never be enforced. If I saw a player exploiting a bug, be they Alb/Mid/Hib then I would try to gather appropriate evidence for GoA to investigate, but at the same time I can perfectly understand that some players would prefer to warn them first before doing so. What I would say is that anyone who does exploit a bug should not say' where was my warning?' if they get themselves banned...


Originally posted by Brannor McThife
Oh...but it's still nice to know that Gilgalad is still around...saw him kill someone last night in Odin's Gate.

Nice one GOA... :rolleyes:

Two possibilities:

1) GOA is going to take as long to ban/suspend cheaters as they take to translate;
2) They haven't banned him, which implies that you're actually allowed to cheat once, and then get a warning...maybe...

For option 2:
Can we make this like the dark ages? Where we can buy those letters from the Catholic Church to forgive us before we commit the sin...

So, um, I'd like to say that I'm really really sorry for cheating. Sometime, somewhere in the future...will have to find something worthy of the warning.

Any high level crafters able to make me a "Ch33t045 W3lc0m3" sign?

For option 1:
Um, ya. Nothing new there...wonder if they'll simply warn all those albs that used the Yggdra wall bug too.


if 2, hmm.. I think I saw a gearhack (speedhack) a while ago.. the link was followed by "will get you banned" but that might only be if I'm on the mythic servers... maybe I should get it and get my tradeskill to 1000 in a few hours, after all GOA doesent seem to care about cheaters as long as I say "sorry, I wondo it again"


Brannor is refering to the bug that allows you to jump over the zone wall. Which brings you out in yggdra right above the guards. Since you cant reach the guy because hes past the zone wall, only non tanks stand a chance against him.

And no, im not gonna say exactly how its done, so that further exploiter wannabe's dont find out.



Proffesional Hibernian wall chewing defender.


Cheers guys for the info, and sorry Brannor. I thought you were going to try and tell us all that following the nice mounting ceiling was cheating.



Will you please shut up!

Im 14 years old and not so pathetic,

You moan and moan, its GoA's decision, the guy did wrong he admited it and said sorry.

We all make mistakes in our life, are you saying you will never forgive someone if they do one little thing wrong?

Well you must have a dam lot of people wanting you to stop making things worse and to just SHUT UP!

Ive been reading these forums and all you come out with is a load of **** **** you say the same thing in every post just changing words.

As for the "warning" for the bugged bow, since when did Gil get a warning? He just got a load of spam from you. Its bloody different when someone in anouther realm dose something.

I bet you wouldnt't "grass" up a load of lvl 50 middies if they all did something wrong.

Now for ur info Gil has been punished but im sure GoA have replyed to ur 100 e-mails saying "Gils been cheating, Gils been cheating, Gils been cheating. "

So now he has his punishment you can now go and complain about the cheaters welcome middy bug, yes the bows been fixed, but why didnt GoA just fix the wall bug? I think you should go and look up what people have been doing in your own realm. We have our own E&E so he/she can tell GoA about anyone in Hibby cheating.

IMHO, you need to concentrate on your own realm since you have caught no1 for using the buged bow, and stop being a little asshole in hibby.


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