Gilgalad on Prydwen = Lamer bug Exploiter



Brannor McThife:

I also dropped CS about a the same time you did and it was because of cheaters. Would DAoC turn out to become a game in wich everyone cheat and utilize bugs then I would quit this one too. I agree that he should get what's coming to him but I still think you showed really bad taste when saying it the way you did.

And when he apologizes on a public board and waits for a response from GOA then what point is there to kick on him more?

My thoughts anyway...



btw u noticed nearly all the folks accepting his apology are hibs :) prolly hibs from the same guild or who know the guy personally...
and they keep bringing up the bugged bow thing.. well this topic has NOTHIN to do with bugged bows its about somebody abusing a bug . "yes bow bug abusers should get same punishment" the end of the day the guy cheated . he knew he was doing so ., so he should be punished .
cheats/bug abuser fuck upgames and spoil it . so the less of em there are the better it will befor everybody else

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by Melodic NatureL
Gil has apologised, end of story.

As I said...we may as well put up a sign then. "CHEeT0Rz WELk0m" and put in small print: (just make sure you apologise).

And, if you say, 90% of the community accepts cheaters so-long-as-they-apologise and GOA goes with this. Well, then I hope you enjoy it when the game gets flooded by hundreds of cheaters and griefers.

And, since "you all" want GOA to be run "like" Mythic, here's what Mythic would do:

Type of Violation: Exploitation of Bugs or game anomalies. Account has previous exploitation marks or multiple other marks. OR intent to exploit can be proven.

Action Taken:
Suspension or Banishment will occur based on the severity of the issue.
So, like I originally said:

"Gilgalad will, if he is VERY lucky, get ONLY a suspension. Probably banned outright, which he deserves."

Oh, but wait, you want things run the way Mythic does it, but you don't want their rules? Right?



Well I was killed by him while he was in the wall. I must say his nukes suck :p However IMO his apology should be accepted. I do fell that he should still be punished but not a ban. That again is too strong a punishment IMO. He has held his hands up and said that he did it something that never happens in CS. I still play CS and yes the cheats do get right on my tits but i've yet to actually see a cheat go onto a forum hold his hands up and say "Yes I did cheat and I'm ready to accept the consequences". It just doesn't happen.

Gilgalad I thought what you did was lame but by coming forward and openly apologising you have gone some way to making up for what you did.


Just my tuppence from the Midgard side of things...

Please dont throw all Midgard players in together regarding use of a bugged bow... firstly Midgard has One (yes one,) class that can use a bow, unlike Albion and Hibernia, and out of all those bow users I'm sure you'll find the percentage using a bugged bow to be very very small.

So please, stating that midgard has no right to complain is just pathetic


HIbbie thoughts

I know Zeon (have grouped with him) , never met Gilaglad.

I think a suspension is a fair cop - I think banning is a 'little' harsh, but I would understand it. NO offence Gila m8 - I don't know you - I wouldnt want to see anyone BANNED without a second chance tbh.

As regards "hibbies moan about the bow its nothing like that "

What colour is the sky on you world?? Seriously I mean did any others of your race make it to earth when your planet was destroyed

A bug exploit is a bug exploit. Map Hacks/Speed Hacks/Bugged Bows/ Wall Exploits - all the same imo. You are using a flaw in the game engine to get an unfair advantage on a fellow player. Anybody who I know who uses this - well they go down in my estimation - they prolly wouldnt care - but they still go down in my estimation.

This game is at a point now where cheating needs to be stamped on. There are more and more people utilising bugs in the engine to gain an unfair advatantage. This has a knock on effect - players who wouldn't normally cheat will see cheating as a way of 'evening the battlefield'.

It isnt - people who have to cheat to win have already lost imo. Eventually they will get bored of doing what they do and find another game to go ruin.

THere is however, one comment I would like to make.

If this bug is so bad why don't you moan at Goa to fix it?

That is the EXACT argument used to defend the bugged silly distance bow.

I have supported Banner so far - I would however like to see more Midgardians taking a similar stance as regards their own realm - so few of you seem to care about the bow - maybe now you've faced someone cheating to get ahead, you will understand why the other realms hate that bow so much.




Originally posted by Marcus75
Brannor McThife:

I also dropped CS about a the same time you did and it was because of cheaters. Would DAoC turn out to become a game in wich everyone cheat and utilize bugs then I would quit this one too. I agree that he should get what's coming to him but I still think you showed really bad taste when saying it the way you did.

And when he apologizes on a public board and waits for a response from GOA then what point is there to kick on him more?

My thoughts anyway...

BTW, notice that the only people from GoS are, Me, Gil, and Dair.
It has nothing to do with our guild at all. The guild are so aggainst it that they suspened us. Dair has only posted because she is a leader of GoS.

Thurthermore we complain about the bugged bow because we want to get it fixed and you have done exactly the same with the MG wall bug.


Dam you Froler, when I got killed it was bloody hard to get back in with out u lot seeing me :(. It also taught me a lesson, "Ive to come back when im 50"

Only went there twise. Sorry again all.


Originally posted by Dair
I am his Guild leader and I am going to put a stop to it now, cheating is wrong.

If I find he's still doing it after I have spoken to him, I'll kick him out of our guild

Yay! its a shame celtic fist couldn't have jsut said the same on the excal/rvr forum


I think the falling thru walls bug is fixed in the next patch, so it shouldn't be that much of an issue anymore soon.

Oh and to Aph3x, afaik Gilgalad is a ranger so he doesn't nuke much :p .


Re: Froler...

Re: Froler...

Originally posted by Gilgalad
Damn you lol! yeah kinda was gettin close to giving up on the technique anyway when u got me 3 times in a row lol, <sigh> guess it teaches me a lesson... =)
And yeah when i hit 50 ure ass is mine ;)

dont wait until youre 50, just bring some friends and come kill us.

:m00: :m00: :m00:


Originally posted by LegoPirate
If this bug is so bad why don't you moan at Goa to fix it?

aye, because whenever we ask GOA to do something they always do it right away, and as best they can.....oh wait ;)

Plus any bugs need to be reported to mythic really, as it is them who make the code, all GOA really do is tell us that it will be fixed in a later patch.


Originally posted by Jupitus

As time goes on in this community, you will come to learn more about me and the values I hold. I would not accuse someone in this way unless I was 100% sure of their guilt. I posted this here AFTER seeing seconodary reports of the same player usinf the same exploit in a different location, from another E&E representative.

Lets be very clear about something... I am a nice guy, who plays nice, enjoys the game and the community, will kill people in RvR with no impunity (hell - that's what I'm there for :p) and who is prepared to put significant time and effort into the community for little or no reward.

Look Jupitus, I do not care who are you or how nice and fair and rightly-judging you think you are (imho it just shows how arrogant you are). But I DO care when someone comes strolling around these boards, and screams MR XXX IS A CHEATER! TRUST ME I AM A NICE GUY! on a general room. Since you obviously care and trasure your reputation so much you should think about what you are doing to someone elses by posting such messages. Yes, I 100% agree that cheaters should be named and shamed, but theres a tiny little bit of cruical information which is called PROOF and which you didnt have at all! So next time just get some of that before you come screaming on forums and relying on your Mr. Nice Guy reputation.

About Gilgalad: it is obvious that his behaviour was indeed a thoughtful exploiting and not something caused by lag or bad framerates (yes, not everyone who is stuck in wall is a cheater!) and I think he should be punished. But! If actions are going to be taken, then I want them to be taken for every other reported bug abuser in the game. For every hunter that has used Bow of Flamers to kill green and grey con healers/rezzers, for every albion who has deliberately puled their PK guards and for every other "minor" bug abuse. Do not go around screaming JUSTICE!! if it only holds for some people...

Brannor McThife


Jupitus is an Albion E&E, meaning part of his gaming is dedicated to reporting issues directly to GOA/ K&Z. Same as me. Except I serve Midgard. There are those in your own realm which do this too.

Make no mistake. If I catch somebody with that bugged bow, I'll inform him that it is bugged, and then, if I see him using it later, will inform him again, that this time, he has no excuse, and I have no alternative BUT to report him. If Jupitus finds an Albion cheating, I am VERY sure that he will report them. As I am of 100% of my fellow E&E people.

We're there to give you a voice, and to help make the game better FOR YOU AND US.

Jupitus may be my arch-enemy (1-0 to me. :cool: ) and I'll jump on his corpse at every chance, but I trust his word. He's not someone to speak openly of this without proof. Of which, I have as well.

If you believe someone is cheating against you, e.g. a Middie using the bugged bow, then speak to your E&E person and file a Rightnow complaint. Your E&E can speak to our E&E and we can help check up on the person. And so will GOA.



funny now people are using exploits against the middies, we start hearing complaints from them, (I hear you've complained about Albs pulling mobs to get the MoA's to come gank you?)

I wonder just how many middies have reported people in their groups for using the bugged bow? -

Oh and that comment about RL murder, that was pretty lame Brannor.


Originally posted by Svarun

Look Jupitus, I do not care who are you or how nice and fair and rightly-judging you think you are (imho it just shows how arrogant you are). But I DO care when someone comes strolling around these boards, and screams MR XXX IS A CHEATER! TRUST ME I AM A NICE GUY! on a general room. Since you obviously care and trasure your reputation so much you should think about what you are doing to someone elses by posting such messages. Yes, I 100% agree that cheaters should be named and shamed, but theres a tiny little bit of cruical information which is called PROOF and which you didnt have at all! So next time just get some of that before you come screaming on forums and relying on your Mr. Nice Guy reputation.

About Gilgalad: it is obvious that his behaviour was indeed a thoughtful exploiting and not something caused by lag or bad framerates (yes, not everyone who is stuck in wall is a cheater!) and I think he should be punished. But! If actions are going to be taken, then I want them to be taken for every other reported bug abuser in the game. For every hunter that has used Bow of Flamers to kill green and grey con healers/rezzers, for every albion who has deliberately puled their PK guards and for every other "minor" bug abuse. Do not go around screaming JUSTICE!! if it only holds for some people...

Was I wrong? If Gilgalad had come back on these boards denying the charge then I would have acknowledged the fact and gone and found hard evidence, and given that I already knew Brannor had this it wouldn't have been very difficult to do so. Without that knowledge I would not have posted this thread, simple as that.

I do understand the need for evidence when people are accused of wrong-doing, as per my reference to the situation when Sinister accused one of our guild on the old forums, but I also get sick and tired of cheaters getting away scot-free and denying charges with 'show me screenies' taunts. I knew 100% that Gilgalad was cheating, and was fully aware of what he was doing (waving and laughing at one of my group before starting to shoot him again... not a sign of someone who feels in any danger of being attacked very soon, eh?) ... if I had any doubts I would have left it.

As for my reputation? I'd just rather I was a bit better-known for middie-killing... people's views on here about me don't bother me in the slightest.


It's all well and good saying you had proof or knew you could get it easily... but how are we supposed to know that when all you do is come on here and say "So and so is cheating!" All we know from that is that you think he was cheating. No proof, nothing. Next time you could try posting the proof in the first post of the thread, or just ask to speak to his GM privately, or... well, anything other than coming on here with no proof (yes, yes, we all know you could have got some NOW, but didn't before) and accusing someone of cheating.



okay okay... no more naming and shaming from me without screenies... and since I dont like to play the game with my finger poised over the screengrab button that probably means I'll just shut up .... a little.....;)


sorry he should be banned, got caught, apologised..ahhh nice.
how many times has he done it before and not got caught?

He killed me 3 times on the occasion jupitus saw what was happening 1 with full health, once just after being rezzed and once with half health.


Bottom line is it doesn't matter if you or I think he should be banned. It's not up to us, its a matter for GOA. I just feel we should end daft threads like this because theyre pointless....



You all know ive openly admitted what i did and said ill face whatever i deserve. As i say i dislike cheaters and i believe someone stated i saw it as evening up the battlefield. Maybe i did maybe i didnt.
I just wanna say although the cheating i did was dishonourable and lame, i did NOT ever laugh at you or point, imho thats even lamer than gettin in the wall in the first place. The only action i ever did was to blow a few kisses at a rather sassy Albion Gal lol.

And to Froler.... just like to say mate, ure the most human middy ive met lol! Nice to see someone with a sense of humour and a genuine enthusiasm for the game.


Just like to add...

Branner..... btw im not sayin that my apology excuses my actions, just the way ive been brought up since being a lil kid was that if you do something wrong mate, u apologise to the ppl involved....

Brannor McThife

Re: Just like to add...

Originally posted by Gilgalad
Branner..... btw im not sayin that my apology excuses my actions, just the way ive been brought up since being a lil kid was that if you do something wrong mate, u apologise to the ppl involved....

Before or after you're caught?



Re: Jup....

Originally posted by Gilgalad
The only action i ever did was to blow a few kisses at a rather sassy Albion Gal lol.

Sorry then Gil... I still read blowing kisses as a taunt though, so the effect is much the same in my book... I spent about 15 minutes trying to find Thing in emain the other evening as he blew kisses at my betrothed, Lunar, after killing her twice ....



I see ure point then Jup, no intentional rubbing it in that u couldnt get me though mate.

and Brannor... if ure caught ;) no point apologising for something that ppl dont know u do lol



Well it seems people in Hibby dont like me for what I have done, I have had to leave GoS for what I have done, But please anyone I killed please accept my appologies, also, Froler LOL I agree with Gil u r the best middie that eva lived. U r human. Unlike some no names mestioned. I look forward to u killing me on my frequent death trips to emain.


:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:



How do you mean mate? sarcasm was intended...? not a literal sense lol

old.Solomon Kane

A lot of people on here seem to have had a humour by-pass.
Hope they agree with you ;)

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