Gilgalad on Prydwen = Lamer bug Exploiter



Gilgalad on Prydwen... deliberately falling into a wall and shooting from within is expoiting a bug.

It is also very cowardly.

It earns you nothing more than a bad reputation and realm points which everyone will know you do not deserve.

Stop it.


there will always be those who think that it is fun, its the same with those who run around and shoot greys, and you cant really blame him... blame mythic who cant make the 3d engine goon enough, I havent checked the RvR zones for holes but in jordheim for example there are at least 6 or 7 places when u can go thru the wall.


Yes, you can blame them. Just because there are areas in the game which you can exploit to your own advantage/amusement at the expense of others, does not make it right. It's called having responsibility for your own actions.


I am his Guild leader and I am going to put a stop to it now, cheating is wrong.

If I find he's still doing it after I have spoken to him, I'll kick him out of our guild


If something is lame, then it is coming to such big forum, going to most general room and calling someone names or accusing without any shed of proof from your side. Lamer.

Dair perhpas you as a GM should show a bit more support to your followers and investigate things first, acting on a basis of a "innocent until proven guilty" philosophy.


Svarun, where is he supposed to say it, should he /send him is unlikely jup knew which guild he is in, so he couldn't go to a guild website.
And if you knew jup, you would know it is pretty unlikely that he is making it up, and due to the fact he plays and assasin class, it is easy for him to get close enough to the wall

although.....unless Gilgalad fell into the wall more than once, it might have just been an accident, and he thought what the hell...still shouldn't be done though.

Brannor McThife

I have a screenshot of his "location" in the Midgard MG wall. He was shooting my party from inside the wall. This was NOT a once off. Has been reported to Rightnow and to the E&E group. This was blatant cheating, as it happened at multiple locations multiple times.

Gilgalad will, if he is VERY lucky, get ONLY a suspension. Probably banned outright, which he deserves.

Flame me all you want. Cheaters should be banned, full stop. And he knew what he was doing.



I was there at the wall... he was inside of it, and killed 4 casters... then he decided to shoot me, so i did stick, hit him 3 times and allmost got him before he backed back in to the wall and stealthed... :touch: he had like |-| this mouch life left...

Burn him !


I was there too, couldn't hit him - but could pick him up with F8.

Bloody Elves :)


I do have proof thank you.

I do support my Guild and I do ask and investigate when ppl report stuff to me.

GoS will not tollorate cheaters


Not having a go at Del as hes been defending himself a few weeks ago non stop on many issues blabla but....

Is falling into the wall where you cant get hit or targetted so serious that you guys reported that guy to the E&E and right now and think he will get banned or suspended? WOW well what would the difference be then if i used the technique that Del admitted he uses to push the forward key as the game logs you in then quickly jump so you can get on the roof of the mile gate where again nobody can target you or shoot you?

This was done with a healer character of his and done because he could rez ppl around him i think he said up into the roof area where noone could target them. He also kept blubbering on about using his healer as a buff bot there but i guess it would be easier to ues a second account and leave it in the pk unless you are getting some advantage with rezzing etc from having it at the mile gate.

Isnt all that you guy are saying here relevent to this issue too? Should i report this exploit in rightnow? Im not accusing Del here to name or shame as he blatently admitted on these boards he did it and went on to explain how.

An archer in a wall killing enemy and not being able to be killed or a healer on the roof of the wall rezzing the dead and not being able to be killed is pretty much the same exploit if you ask me. Whether you jump onto the roof using some method or fall into a hole in the wall the end result is the same its technically a map exploit when noone else can get to you or attack you.

Is this an exploit? If it is i will report it to rightnow.


Go for it, it's up to GoA to decide if it's a exploit or not.

Brannor McThife

It is an exploit. Report it, time, server, realm, person, location.



Originally posted by Svarun
If something is lame, then it is coming to such big forum, going to most general room and calling someone names or accusing without any shed of proof from your side. Lamer.

Dair perhpas you as a GM should show a bit more support to your followers and investigate things first, acting on a basis of a "innocent until proven guilty" philosophy.

As time goes on in this community, you will come to learn more about me and the values I hold. I would not accuse someone in this way unless I was 100% sure of their guilt. I posted this here AFTER seeing seconodary reports of the same player usinf the same exploit in a different location, from another E&E representative.

Lets be very clear about something... I am a nice guy, who plays nice, enjoys the game and the community, will kill people in RvR with no impunity (hell - that's what I'm there for :p) and who is prepared to put significant time and effort into the community for little or no reward.

What I am not prepared to do is mince about letting other players use lame tactics to spoil the enjoyment of the game for others.
Ganking grey cons in borderlands, even if resulting in xp death? All within the game engine and design and hence feel free (not something I would deliberately do myself, but up to the individual).
Exploiting a bug to attack players and enjoy near invincibility? Bug exploiting, not in the game design or engine, and against the code of conduct. Simple.

Dair - I applaud your actions. If you wish to wait for evidence of this then feel free to do so.... I did the same a while ago when Sinister reported one of our members as a speed hacker... later demonstrated to be a false accusation, but I would understand your approach perfectly.

If I see first hand people using exploits, I will report them. I will also name players if I feel it appropriate to do so.

As for the sitting on top of buildings? Also a bug exploit in my opinion, and under investigation from GoA I believe. Do these things at your own risk.


WOW...Mids complaining about people using an unfair method to kill people using a bug and a bow.

What will be next?



Aye, I must apologise for my stupid and childish behaviour. I realise i was doing the wrong thing but still acted upon it at the time due to childishness and a will to exact revenge for all those killed at the bolg raid by Sylvia and her Bow of Flames, No excuse i know....
Let me assure you that im willing to face whatever punishment GOA choose to exact and should i survive it I'll not utilise this again...
Once again Sorry for it, i had my moment of fun but now its passed, and id like to emphasize that the guild had no part in it only one or two others who shant be named. GoS had no knowledge of it and did not endorse it in any way, manner or form.

Gilgalad - "Lamer, Cheater, Bug Exploiter"


As far as I am concerned (at least) apology accepted :)

If I was hit by you every singe time I went to the MG, then I would be annoyed. If I had died, I would probably have been annoyed, but I didn't (you put plenty of arrows into me tho :))

Certainly in the group I was in last night, there were no cries of 'cheat!' - just 'Find that bloody Elf'

The whole banning / reporting thing seems a tad excessive. But then like I said, I never died :rolleyes:

Brannor McThife

Apologies don't cut it.

"Oh gee officer, I'm really sorry that I took that pump action shotgun and wasted half my classmates. I promise I won't do it again."


Bye bye.



the way i see it is ALL cheats/bug abusers should be punished ...

not punishing them will give a sorta free run for other bug exploiters cheaters to do similer things and if/when goa try punish them . they will just say "YOU DIDNT BAN <name>" and it will snowball to more sinister bugs/cheats being exploited . sure he apologised . but cheats are NOT wanted in this game by any person who wants to play properly and fairly which i think 99%? of daoc population want . if any goa guys read this main forum but not others im asking you to goto rvr forum in excal and take a look at the hib cheats thread . there are screen shots of many hibs inside a keep wall exploting this bug ,cheats/bug abusers should all be banned/suspended regardless of there apologies .


Thank you for being so frank Gilgalad. We can let it rest there and see what GoA say, but I hope this serves as a notice to other potential exploiters that people are prepared to stand up and point at those who cheat.:rolleyes:

<Leaves the room>



Originally posted by Brannor McThife
Apologies don't cut it.

"Oh gee officer, I'm really sorry that I took that pump action shotgun and wasted half my classmates. I promise I won't do it again."


Bye bye.


Jeez Brannor. You're comparing real life murder with someone exploiting a bug to get some rps/revenge in a computer game !!!! You need to get some sense of perspective my friend.

And, imho, apologies DO cut it. It takes courage to make a post to the forum like that. Lots of other exploiters don't have the balls to hold their hands up and take it on the chin like this.

+10 points to Gilgalad for his bravery and honest fessing up and making a public apology. -10 points for cheating in the first place. That makes him even in my book......


In reply...

Thanks for the comments,
"apologies dont cut it"
- u think i dont know that mate? but what else is there to do other than apologise, i said in my post that im willing to face whatever punishment GOA see fit, if that means a banning then fair play, if u cant see that someones trying to make the best outta a bad situation then you have a lil problem my friend. And i wish you the very best for the rest of your life coz u might find it a lil hard at times with your attitude.
As for the others, sorry once again, and shoudl i not be banned i look forward to hunting in the frontiers in a more fair manner lol :D


So he was exploiting a known bug... remind me again what that Bow of Flames was you all defend so much?

Like we said before, once it is the Mids on the receiving end they go crying to their mommy. If I found and used an exploit like that I would use it against Mids (not against Albs, they don't seem to cheat). It is called evening the battlefield. You cheat, we cheat <shrug>

BTW, I'm probably to dumb to figure it out so don't bother reporting me just yet.


Originally posted by Lianuchta
So he was exploiting a known bug... remind me again what that Bow of Flames was you all defend so much?

Like we said before, once it is the Mids on the receiving end they go crying to their mommy. If I found and used an exploit like that I would use it against Mids (not against Albs, they don't seem to cheat). It is called evening the battlefield. You cheat, we cheat <shrug>

BTW, I'm probably to dumb to figure it out so don't bother reporting me just yet.

The person who started this thread, Jupitus, is an Albion player, so I assume this bug was being used against albs..


Gil nothing worse than anyone else.

The Middies have the bugged bow, yet some people complaining are middies! How the hell can they have the nerve the post about this when what they are doing is much worse?

So what Gil anyjoys killing lvl 50 midds, its ovuous to me hes retaliating from what happened at bolg where that stupid hunter was using buged bow and wiping all the casters out.

If GoA want to show they can handle something like this then they should give him a warning, unless all u middies want nearly all ur hunters to be baned from the game.

And I have the bottle to say this :

-------------I USED THE BUG TOO!---------

I went in there once and didnt realy think about wat I was doing, when i relised i shouldnt be doing it because it was a bug I ran out and let em kill me.

But it sure had the lvl 50 middies fooled, it taugh em a lesson in ganking poor lvl 30s.

I will also make an apology to the alb that I killed, Im very sorry whoever U were, I only used this to get my own back on the buged bow situation.


And no more bloody middie complaints plz, albs complain all u wnat since I gather Gil killed some of u.

Zeon - 30th season - Ganking orange con middies in Pyrd

GL all, and plz show some concideration u hunters out there that have the bow.



I couldn´t agree more.

Brannor McThife:

How on earth could you have such poor taste to compare this to a such a tragic event in real life??? I can´t understand how u got the responsability to be a MOD at the official site.

You should get outside more and try to get that while cheating is really sad and I hate cheaters I do realize when the game end and real life begins. Get over yourself... :rolleyes:


Re: Gil nothing worse than anyone else.

/y mohaha!

i got both Zeon and Gilagad in that wall a few times and spammed /laugh at u...

cu out there (not in there..) .

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Brannor McThife

Yes. It's a game. But someone cheating, spoils my game, and costs me time, which costs money, and is a RL issue. For me to spend 15-20 minutes to run somewhere and have someone cheat and kill me and/or my party, and then spend 20 minutes working out that he's actually cheating, means he's spoiling my game, and my day.

I stopped playing CS more than 6 months ago because of cheaters. And should the community here decide that "cheating is ok because it's a game and after all, he DID say sorry", then this will become nothing more than a cheater's paradise.

As for the "bah, it's just the middies whining", well, my first character was a Hibbie. And if I catch a Mid using the bugged bow, I'll report him as fast as I did Gilg. Because it IS a game, and games are meant to be played fair. And really, what purpose does an apology serve other than to win brownie (no insult meant towards the Lurikeen faction) points with the rest of you? GOA shouldn't, and hopefully doesn't judge you on the opinion of your fellow gamers. You are cheating on their servers, and that can drive THEIR customers away, which is RL money.

So, before you accuse me of differentiating between RL and a game, consider the long term consequences of "awww gee, isn't that sweet, he apologised". At present, I'm more shocked that the rest of you can actually "accept" his apology. Hey, great, he admitted it AFTER he was caught and have conclusive evidence against him.

And yes, perhaps the shotgun comparison was a bit extreme; couldn't think of another analogy at the time.

Gilgalad, dude, "nice" of you to apologise, but I hope you get your just rewards. If you're not banned. Well, why don't we all cheat and then apologise... :rolleyes:



This is different to Middies using Bow of Flames to kill healers and casters how?

I know Gilgalad and find him to be a pretty stand up guy.

Dair - please try to show some understanding towards your members. Gos has a good rep yes, but Gil doing this will not have a negative impact on your guild.

Brannor - you're an ass as usual. Gil has apologised, end of story. How you have the balls to come to these forums and continue to make assinine comments that attract the derision of 90% of the community is beyond me. I know you don't care what peope think, but really there are times when you should...



Damn you lol! yeah kinda was gettin close to giving up on the technique anyway when u got me 3 times in a row lol, <sigh> guess it teaches me a lesson... =)
And yeah when i hit 50 ure ass is mine ;)

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