Games Generation 8 consoles


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
The document has been pulled from the website at the request of 'Covington & Burling LLP' so it looks like it may POSSIBLY be real.

The "Xbox 720" described in the planning document will be six to eight times more powerful than the Xbox 360 (depending on where you look in the document). A vague "snapshot" of the Yukon architecture for the system shows a core application architecture featuring six to eight 2Ghz ARM/x86 cores, with two additional ARM/x86 cores powering the system OS and three PowerPC cores handling backward-compatibility functions. The document strongly suggests that this base hardware will be available in multiple configurations with different feature sets, using an the architecture is "designed to be scalable in frequency/number of cores," and a "modular design to facilitate SKU updates later in lifecycle."

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I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Generation 7.5 console Wii U specs announced....

In the presentation, Iwata also revealed that the system will feature 1 GB of "game memory" (read: RAM) and an additional gigabyte of "system memory." Games will be stored on a proprietary optical disc format capable of holding up to 25 GB of data, which can be read at 22.5 MB/s. The system will consume a maximum of only 75 watts of power, with an average power consumption of 40 watts, Iwata said.

1GB of usable memory just isn't going to cut it for the top end AAA developers, they are going down the same route as Wii again, lets have a gimmick controller then rely upon 1st party development and kids games. It's also alot of cash considering 32gb of flash memory is the best storage option and flash memory is dirt cheap. Obviously Nintendo will be in profit from day 1 again with this console, can't fault their business model, cheap shit in a nice case with a fancy controller at a premium price. :D


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Oh and it seems the touchpad controller sells sperately, which will probably place the cost of an entire unit beyond the price of the new Xbox or PS4. :D

Nintendo: Bringing you the lowest end technology, at the highest price ®


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I think you'll find that's actually Apple and they've got a patent on that ;)


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Just reading up on the Wii U. Are Nintendo trying to be funny or something?


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
nope this is ninty, they know how many of their own games they will sell for the next 5 years. and now they know peeps will splash out for pointless dlc ( marios racoon suit for £2 urban marks on samus armour, uber sword for link, seasoned updates for smash bros, gimmicks for your avatar etc) after 2 years expect 3rd party games to fall by the way side. tho fuck knows why they are copying ms with a basic and a premium console.

the ninty of the 90s is long gone not surprising considering what happened to sega


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Nintendo sell toys, sometimes gaming journalists and fanboys mistake them for consoles.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Next Xbox will crush Sony if Sony are not careful with their pricing on launch the days of £600 consoles on release day are gone and in the current economical climate it would be suicide for them to release a console above the £400 mark. The Xbox brand is huge now compared to the original Xbox and Xbox Live is also a huge thing in my opinion PS3 has been dogged by shitty ports of major releases since it launched.

Fallout 3 the frame rate problems down right killed the game, Battlefield 3 PS3 users still report problems to this day and lets not forget Skyrim, then there is the Playstation Network debacle that infuriated players to the point i know several people who traded in their PS3 and bought Xbox 360's.

These things leave a sour taste in your mouth and only the most hardcore Sony fans will 100% buy the next Playstation for other more casual people they could be looking at what their friends have had for a while, the exclusive timed DLC that Microsoft pays a lot of money for example could be a huge factor especially to COD players.

The Playstation 3 sold well because of Blu-ray it was THE defining thing the console had, now since homes have 1-2 Blu-ray players anyway it won't be the reason people buy a Playstation 4 this time.

Also if you compare software sales for the Xbox 360 to the Playstation 3 the Xbox 360 software outsells the PS3 by a big margin.

The Playstation 4 is make or break for Sony if it fails this time i am pretty sure you will not be seeing the Playstation 5 for some time.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Adaa, Sony will be alot smarter this time, likely dropping CELL and going with off the shelf parts as MS are also likely to do. Neither will come in above £350 for the base model, the market cannot sustain it.

The hardware won't matter so much next time as long as they use tech that isn't over 2 years old, we have kind of hit a plateau in performance required to drive 1080p anyway. The biggest factor will be who goes with the most RAM, the bravest wins the next generation and developers will flock to that platform because it will save them 1000's of man hours less work having to optimise to fit in highly constrained memory space.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Aren't both consoles going higher than 1080? Not that either used Xbox or PS3 used 1080 anyway...except for a tiny handful of games.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Well Epic had a big say in how much RAM the 360 had and Sony went for less RAM which is the source of most of their problems with ports.

No doubt Microsoft has consulted all its major developers about what they want in the console and I fully expect Microsoft to deliver the goods.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
No, they are doing 1080 with AA/postprocessing.

They cant make a console <£300 that will do anymore, and there isn't a new TV spec for it anyway ( 4k - but consoleslol, won't do that unless they are £2k - maybe the next next gen )


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Lol at the pathetic MS crusade from Aada.

Why not actually wait to see what they do? Oh wait, no, that doesn't fit your agenda. Lulz.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
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FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
To be frank I think the PS3 has life left in it, I don't see that with the 360. This purely driven by the fact that I view 360 owners as wanting more performance out of their box. I don't care about my PS3's graphical capabilities anymore, it is what it is.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Lol at the pathetic MS crusade from Aada.

Why not actually wait to see what they do? Oh wait, no, that doesn't fit your agenda. Lulz.
Heh your a known Sony fanboi I expect nothing less.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Aren't both consoles going higher than 1080? Not that either used Xbox or PS3 used 1080 anyway...except for a tiny handful of games.

1080p 60fps with AA for gaming, 4k for video support.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
peh 4k/8k for gaming as well not just for videos.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
peh 4k/8k for gaming as well not just for videos.

Won't happen, video memory alone would need to be in excess of 3gb if you want to be able to use any post processing and high quality texturing. 1080p is going to last at least one more generation, market penetration has been very high and 1080p will be all but ubiquitous by the time the new machines from MS and Sony launch.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Aada said:
Next Xbox will crush Sony if Sony are not careful with their pricing on launch the days of £600 consoles on release day are gone and in the current economical climate it would be suicide for them to release a console above the £400 mark. The Xbox brand is huge now compared to the original Xbox and Xbox Live is also a huge thing in my opinion PS3 has been dogged by shitty ports of major releases since it launched.

Fallout 3 the frame rate problems down right killed the game, Battlefield 3 PS3 users still report problems to this day and lets not forget Skyrim, then there is the Playstation Network debacle that infuriated players to the point i know several people who traded in their PS3 and bought Xbox 360's.

These things leave a sour taste in your mouth and only the most hardcore Sony fans will 100% buy the next Playstation for other more casual people they could be looking at what their friends have had for a while, the exclusive timed DLC that Microsoft pays a lot of money for example could be a huge factor especially to COD players.

The Playstation 3 sold well because of Blu-ray it was THE defining thing the console had, now since homes have 1-2 Blu-ray players anyway it won't be the reason people buy a Playstation 4 this time.

Also if you compare software sales for the Xbox 360 to the Playstation 3 the Xbox 360 software outsells the PS3 by a big margin.

The Playstation 4 is make or break for Sony if it fails this time i am pretty sure you will not be seeing the Playstation 5 for some time.

That's like, your opinion man.

It's also a great load of hairy bollocks. How much do MS pay you to post such drivel? Given that you are the other person in the world who likes Windows Phone I am guessing it's quite a lot.

Question. Are MS going to design the hardware properly this time, or are they going to rely once more on people buying second consoles to replace a dead one to boost their hardware numbers?


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
personaly i know more peeps who had a b0rked 360 than a ps3.

either way wish both would design the next consoles so its much more easier to clear out dust from the fans but thats never gonna happen


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Quite comical that he thinks the 360 outsold the PS3 was because of people buying replacement consoles though :D

It outsold it because it had more popular (not better!) games and a better online experience. I bought a PS3 because the few console exclusives that interested me were on the PS3 and it made a better media centre.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
ps3 66mill vs 68mill xbox 360, xbox released over a year before ps3, ps3 is selling > 2 mill units a year easily, tldr, ps3 is outselling xbox in europe and japan, xbox wins hard in 'murica.

not sure what narrative you fags are trying to sell, but it's retarded. xbox outsold ps3 because it released a year earlier and ps3 will probably overtake xbox, but it's so close anyway that it's basically a tie, so wtf are you pissing about?


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
The thing is, go back and look at the threads from 5 years ago. All the hyperbole was PS3 will utterly crush 360, it just didn't turn out to be case, MS ate a big fucking peice of the Sony pie and Ninendo ate half of the pie with a clusterfuck of a console that had a gimmick controller. Sony may finish second or third this generation, last gen they had 70% or more marketshare yet they are down to something like 30%. PS3 has not delivered the revenues, 360 has sold a similair amount of consoles but the software attach rate is so much higher that Microsoft have more than recovered their investment even after the RROD billion dollar hit is taken into account.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Exactly. A lot of people bought the ps3 for the blue ray player alone. I only bought 2 games for mine gt5 and ff


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
It's all the same crap tbh. I've got PS3 and 360 and have games on both.

IMHO: XBOX would have dominated this round if it had contained a blu-ray player and Sony would have dominated if PS3 updates weren't the most annoying badly implemented crap ever.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
tbh meg bd was not that important, out side the tech related media no one gave a shit. ms woulda sold far more if they had done some things right. paying for xbl is one kinect is the other great potential of which has compleaty shit software. also the fucking prices of hdds is retarded.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
You say that mate but it's the only reason that I bought a PS3. Whilst I'm happy to admit that I use it now if it wasn't for that it wouldn't have gotten touched. Especially the day one release with it's £600.00 price tag.

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