it'd be a refershing change from me posting pictures of me running about in my underwear!
excal was full of shit noobs, the so called great nolby pride had to run 2fgs on prydwen because they sucked
I still want a copy of those two screenshots of Outlaw at AMG, yelling "CHAARGE!" in the first one and being dead in the next one.
We are clearly all forgetting the one true legend.
Hah, Najwa/Flesh. What a massive trolling dick, I seem to remember him clashing with Gamah actually I think Don't remember him being in PE though. Didn't Gohrim get told to fuck off after the Camlann shenanigans?Do you remember Najwa/Flesh trying to do that with PE once too? He got kicked shortly after. Aile always taunts me about how he farmed that failtrain with Midget Mafia. See also: Gohrim's army of Friars.
Good times.
I played Excal waaaaay back. Hah I only ever had 1 lvl 50 on DOAC. A light eld. Never got inot the game that much really who knows how I stumbled on thos forum at this stage.
And you were in the most awesome guild. No bias there of course.
Excal > Pryd
ofc u weren't hardcore you multicoloured gimpNP will not admit it, but my rog pick up Shadowlord Society group beat them 8 v 8.
I was never really a hardcore PvPer, it was all about laughs with mates for me, but from my limited experience, Prydwen seemed to have the better PvPers
Jack Herer was by far the better group on Excal.
I do remember our trio of (eld/menty/chanter) dropping Zzang and then legging it.. not long after NF launch.. ninja attack from the water surface .
I never played Prydwen much bar when Billargh pl'd my merc with his, but that is going way back. Hand of Chaos represent!
JH used to have fun and laughs exploiting savages and healers on 1.60. I remember laughing with Poon, Lethul and Exi when remembering how they used to obliterate anything and everything on their wake.
It was unfair, yes, but i admit it must've been fun, even tho I, Fasty here, Meg, Ialk and co were on the receiving end many many times
9 sec dragonfang