Fucking Kids


FH is my second home
Dec 25, 2003
Hm.. I have never really considered it, or doing such a thing. I always recalls when i was about 7/8, i was at a market with my aunt, we kinda seperated (ie, i walked away in a crowded area). I knew the market, but i walked to one of my uncles house not far from were the market was. It was a busy saturday, lots of cars etc...

Needless to say, my dad found out and made sure i didnt do it again. Which i didnt :s. I since knew it was wrong to walk away without being accompanied by an adult (family). But i dont think the kids of today are like the ones from 20years ago.

We didnt get the cane, as im sure the law would have changed in the 80's restricting teachers from doing that, altho it did happen so my bros (alot :p). But i heard somewhere that teachers are starting now self defence stuff? What use is it :/.

When i was at high school, i seen a teacher defending himself against a pupil who did attack him, the pupil was punching, but all the teacher did was push him away. That cost him his job coz we didnt see him again :/


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
The worst kids are the 16-17 yr olds that have just left school and have'nt bothered going to college/6th form and are hoping to get a job at 16.. they find that they cant get the job they always dreamed of..

So they hang about in the local shopping centre just pissing about for a full on 6-7 hours.. its pretty sad at -15-16 i was down the woods wiv me brother and a few mates just having fun and stuff down there..

I mean whats so fucking interesting about town anyway :eek:


Dec 22, 2003
I don't think the cane is the way to go, but something has to be done about kids in schools. Teachers can do NOTHING to them.
They used to lock our teacher out of the room, laugh at her when she tried to get in, she ended up leaving. They would mock our irish teacher for being irish.

Every time her back was turned, oranges, yoghurts, bags, matchs, paper, drinks, what ever you can think of was thrown. All damn chavs. They simply should not be in school, they need to be sent to gas chambers as well as their parents who brought them up that way.


Part of the furniture
Dec 19, 2003
Cyfr said:
I don't think the cane is the way to go, <snip> they need to be sent to gas chambers as well as their parents who brought them up that way.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I was wallopped when I did something stupid as a child. Didn't stop me doing stupid things, just stopped me from being seen by my parents doing stupid things.

Ooooh, I'm so crafteh! :p

[EDIT: Oh, and about something mentioned earlier (By Gray, I think);
My mum was a primary school teacher - if a pupil had attacked her in the classroom at any time, she was not allowed to do anything in self defence other than press the "panic buttons" which the school has placed in every room. If she pushed the child back, slapped him/her, anything, her job would be gone.]


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Aada said:
The worst kids are the 16-17 yr olds that have just left school and have'nt bothered going to college/6th form and are hoping to get a job at 16.. they find that they cant get the job they always dreamed of..

Bring back apprenticeships tbh. Apprenticeship or sweep the streets, or you get no giro.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Yeah, I don't see the problem with making people work for the dole - it's not like there's no jobs out there that people can do for it. Like you say, sweep the streets or whatever, community service, that sorta stuff.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Brynn said:
I just popped down to the shops to get some stuff to drink (irn bru :p) and there were about 100 bout 13-15 year olds down at the shops just "hanging out".

They were moving a "Road Diverted ->" sign into the middle of the road as i was driving home.

There has to be something the police can do for this, im a 20 year old resonably fit guy, but 100 kids scare the bejeebus out of me.

It happens to alot of shops, my dad has a newsagents, and he has drunk/high kids hagging around even mooning and threatening customers going in, worst was when i was helping him and just before closing time i found kids in the back yard dealing crack when asked to leave they told me to "fuck off its a free country" i walled one of the ***** head first to side of me dads van, and made em leave. 10 mins later coppers paid me a visit." still they havent been back since i did it.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
mank said:
What law are they breaking?

New one isnt there? Anti-social behaivior, social disorder act or something? Basically meaning the babs can disband large groups of youths if they are being unruly, and if necessary escort them home.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Gef said:
New one isnt there? Anti-social behaivior, social disorder act or something? Basically meaning the babs can disband large groups of youths if they are being unruly, and if necessary escort them home.

Yup - thats the one.

BUT!! sometimes (at least where we stay) there is a reason why kids hang about (not excusing the behaviour) is the fact the there is NOTHING else for them to do.

No recreational facilities, sports halls etc.

Mind you "when I were a lad" I never though to hang around street corners. Always managed to find things to do.

I blame Wij tbh


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Lazarus said:
Mind you "when I were a lad" I never though to hang around street corners. Always managed to find things to do.

indeed, as did I. I was busy every day of the week. I tried a couple of times to "hang" with some of the kids who did, but it bored me to death and didn't thrill me at all. girlies I could meet going out, booze I could get going out or at mates places, mind altering substances I could get going out or at mates places. much more comfortable than windy street corners tbh.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Lazarus said:
Yup - thats the one.

BUT!! sometimes (at least where we stay) there is a reason why kids hang about (not excusing the behaviour) is the fact the there is NOTHING else for them to do.

No recreational facilities, sports halls etc.

Mind you "when I were a lad" I never though to hang around street corners. Always managed to find things to do.

I blame Wij tbh

Lies :eek:


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003

Most areas of the country, if you're young and don't have any money in your pocket there is nowhere you can go. Except out in public with each other.

And then the public run away screaming, oh noes, there's a group of 10 people standing around. THE DANGER !!!


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Swift^ said:

Most areas of the country, if you're young and don't have any money in your pocket there is nowhere you can go. Except out in public with each other.

And then the public run away screaming, oh noes, there's a group of 10 people standing around. THE DANGER !!!

Unfortunately Waz, there is a danger.

Neighbour of mine, harmless old guy who is retired, likes his "beverage" of an evening.
Way home is through the park where these twats like to congregate. Not sure of what happened, but there was an "incident" which left him with a sore face. End of the matter? No. 2 or three twats also decide it would be good to visit his house and cause trouble (spitting on windows, kicking in his front door)
Unfortunately, he wasnt at home, and his wife was in the house petrified. I told her, if it were to happen again, to phone me and *we* would come over and chat to them.

*we* = me and my "persuader"


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Yes but there's danger everywhere.

The point trying to get accross is almost all of the groups of youths hanging around are not there to give grief/violence to people. Yes there's a few of them, but that doesn't mean people should be scared of all groups of young people.

Plus if you act worried they're a lot more likely to pick up on it and respond in inappropriate manners (spooking people etc) - because after all, they're kids.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Swift^ said:

Most areas of the country, if you're young and don't have any money in your pocket there is nowhere you can go. Except out in public with each other.

indeed. it's hard being young, I know, I was young once*. thing is, I seem to recall having an after-school job that netted me 3 guilders and 16 cents an hour when I started it. back in the day that was less than a pound. staggering as that may seem I did it cheerfully cos if I pooled my dosh with my three mates we could get some weed, rent a video and have enough left for crisps and something to drink. if we were really rolling in it we might have even got some 3.5" disks to copy games for the amiga and swap demos. woo. not everything is as cut and dried as it would seem.

*may seem like lies


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
One of the other major problems is that whilst it is very easy for young girls (under the age of 17 say) to get part time work, it is almost impossible for boys to as they carry an unecessary bad rep. So earning money is out of the question for a lot of people without the choice.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
I can only conclude that it sucks to live in england Wazz :(


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Depends if you're over the age of 40 or not.

If you are I'm sure it's quite lovely. :)


You need to get an ASBO sorted, get the coppers to send you an incident log and record all the chav behaviour, its the only way to stop them.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Is it just me that thinks that it is not outrageous for people to spend time in PUBLIC places?

My god, there's a group of people standing in a public place, BAN IT! BAN THEM!

There's no logic. At all.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
and the fact that they harass people on a daily basis and do drugs in public places doesnt bother you at all? You dont mind graffiti, vandalism and shoplifting? not to mention the horrific sight that is burberry anyway?
Not to say all kids that loiter about the place are like this but some are and the lot in discussion sound like they were the type to cause trouble. (All speculative I might add!)


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
jaba said:
and the fact that they harass people on a daily basis and do drugs in public places doesnt bother you at all? You dont mind graffiti, vandalism and shoplifting? not to mention the horrific sight that is burberry anyway?
Not to say all kids that loiter about the place are like this but some are and the lot in discussion sound like they were the type to cause trouble. (All speculative I might add!)

This is exactly the type of Daily Mail mindset of scaremongering that I've been talking about throughout the thread.

I see groups of youths all over the place. And the amount of times I've seen groups causing problems? 1 or 2 in my life, out of about 10-15 sightings A DAY.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
the only thing I personally really can't stand is the litter. why is it that these people (and I shamelessly generalise) can't be arsed to walk three paces to a dustbin?? (naturally this applies to dutch chavs only, as there are no dustbins in england because they might explode unexpectedly) surely it's a bit naff to stand about in a pile of empty cans, candy wrappings, spent ciggerettes and spit? ugh!


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Wading in your own spit has been an English passtime since the Medieval days.


Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
brooky said:
You need to get an ASBO sorted, get the coppers to send you an incident log and record all the chav behaviour, its the only way to stop them.

Unfortunately all this has to be declared to potential house buyers when you're selling your place. Catch 22. Write a log and get something done but put off potential buyers or say nothing and try to get out as quick as you can before the neighbourhood really turns to shite?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
Swift^ said:
This is exactly the type of Daily Mail mindset of scaremongering that I've been talking about throughout the thread.

I see groups of youths all over the place. And the amount of times I've seen groups causing problems? 1 or 2 in my life, out of about 10-15 sightings A DAY.

Well I dont know where you live, but it does happen, maybe in someplaces more than others but I have had trouble with the shits on quite a few occaisions. I agree that papers like the daily mail do scaremonger but its not bullshit like you seem to think and is a problem getting more common with each passing year.

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