Fucking Kids


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
It looked like a cute dog too... What the fuck is wrong with these children?


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
Makes you wonder where the fuck these children get their values from. And consequently how the vicious cycle can be ended.

I vote kicking the 13 year old to within an inch of his life, brainwash, then rebuild him from the ground up.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Thats either the result of a warped mind, or extremely poor parenting.


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
I also read that. God fucking help them if I ever see anything like that, I would stamp on their heads. There was a picture of the puppy before it was put down as well.

Absolute scum, waste of skin and air. Like smackheads, no point in them being alive.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Trem said:
Absolute scum, waste of skin and air. Like smackheads, no point in them being alive.

Well said Trem. Unfortunately there are more and more of them around nowadays....dread to think what our little ones will see next as they grow up sometimes. Such a shame.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
I get quite Nazi-ist when I read about chavs etc tbh.
1. IQ test
2. Pass = Live
3. Fail = fox test
4. Fox = Live
5. Minger = Die
6. End


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Yoni said:
Those kids need the same treatment back.

Three rooms.. Put one kid in each room then enter three men in each room.
Those men then proceed to kick the living shit out of them until they are left in the same state as the puppy they were 'playing' with (blind and brain damaged).
The three kids can then be returned to their parents and they can make the choice whether to let them grow up in that state or they can be 'humanely' put down.

An eye for an eye and all that. Disrepect of the life of any creature gets me mightily upset sometimes. I'm no veggie or anything like that but killing another being just for fun really rattles me.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Don't make the mistake of thinking that this kind of thing is new. I'm sure we all have tales of finding a bag full of puppies in the local reservoir, well unfortunately I actually found a bag of kittens in the local lodge, over 20 years ago. They were dead.

People have always been cruel to animals, its not a new disease you know (not condoning it btw).


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel www.lhw.photography
Dec 11, 2003
Tom is correct, however communication means we get to see and hear about this kind of disturbing behavior more frequently.

I am not saying the Isle of Man used to be correct in their methods of dealing with this behavoir however up until very recently you used to be able to leave your doors open, cars unlocked, children outside shops, why, they had the birch. Basically if you broke the law you were thraped with the birch which by all accounts was incredibly unpleasant.

The birch is still legal there however the european court of human rights banned its use.

Again I am not saying this is correct however it does make me wonder whether society is wrong for not letting parents and schools deal with trouble makers, within reason. Unfortunately this in itself leaves itself open to abuse which is why it is no longer acceptable.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Yoni said:
Tom is correct, however communication means we get to see and hear about this kind of disturbing behavior more frequently.

I am not saying the Isle of Man used to be correct in their methods of dealing with this behavoir however up until very recently you used to be able to leave your doors open, cars unlocked, children outside shops, why, they had the birch. Basically if you broke the law you were thraped with the birch which by all accounts was incredibly unpleasant.

The birch is still legal there however the european court of human rights banned its use.

Again I am not saying this is correct however it does make me wonder whether society is wrong for not letting parents and schools deal with trouble makers, within reason. Unfortunately this in itself leaves itself open to abuse which is why it is no longer acceptable.

that's just the thing isn't it? I may well be wrong, but I sometimes believe that the only barrier that keeps a shithead from doing something particularly nasty is the sure knowlege that the punishment will be swift and harsh. I know people who work in the dutch prison systems, and they have told me that (some of) the kids in there really couldn't care less. they're roofed, fed, clothed, kept warm, aired and sported. they have telly, phones, even drugs if they're handy enough. they don't understand that they are being punished for their deeds imo, because it just doesn't get through to them.

imo this kid with the puppy should be made to clear out her majesty's animal shelters' dead pets for the rest of his life. however, that's combating a symptom isn't it? why did he do it? because "it was his"? imo this means he's never been taught the value of property and life itself. I don't particularly want to rest the blame with the parents and schooling, as surely it's a combination of many factors, but it saddens me to see a child ruined because he didn't realise what was being done was wrong. in the case he was fully aware what he was doing, well, then I'd like to meet him. Trem can come too tbh, and we'll both kick the shit out of the lad.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
I've been saying that for ages now. It's a social heirachy, where the more aggressive and uneducated you appear, the cooler you are. That's why my brother gets picked on so much, because he's not so skinny as to look like a pushover, but not so big that he looks like he could definately win a fight. So he's the promotional fight to pick to make you look tough.

There is talk (and god I hope this is a joke) of making Chav: The Movie with the bloke from the Streets playing a role. It's allegedly the Quadrophenia of our time.


Well, the police didnt turn up in the video van to spot the charvers at it last night like they swore they would, so when i see them tonight i am going to chin the biggest one there and hopefully the rest will fuck off.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
Do it! good luck mate and i hope you kick the shit out of them. :clap:


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I got 2 points for having an Alsation, other than that I am a squeaky clean chav scum free zone :)


Luver of Buckfast
Dec 23, 2003
ah chav lol

not heard that word in a while

i got 15 lol so im a happy non chav chap

basically these wee ***** need someone to boot fuck oot them euff times that they learn some disicpline and then if that dont work hang em!


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
19 Due, mainly, to having in my wardrobe:

1 x Purple Burberry Shirt
1 x Black burberry print shirt :)()
3 x Fred Perry polo shirts
1 x Aquascutum jumper.


To be fair the burberry stuff was before it was claimed by the chavs, prolly around 10 years old actually (yeesh, THAT makes me feel old).


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
15 on the chav-o-metre

got extra points for meh exhaust

brother "get a stainless stell exhaust, it has a liftime guarantee"
me "ok then, fit that"
brother "oh btw, it is a 3 inch feking bore!"

bah, when I have the money, I will replace it.


Latest news on the chavs, just got a call from the local plod who arrested 1 of them last night and got the names (for the 3rd time) of the others, letters to parents and if caught again doing what they do, all of them get an ASBO.

The police now have 2 coppers on this case so hopefully the chavs will fuck off.

I am, now waiting for my windows to go through.


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel www.lhw.photography
Dec 11, 2003
LESS THAN 10: Admit it. You couldn't bring yourself to do the test in case you found out the awful truth, could you?

We can't believe you've even bothered to read this far

scored 4 so I'm chav free \o/

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