Fucking fuming!!


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
Jeez, for a bunch of nerds , you're rather backward looking.
Ask not of what you can do for your electronic computing device, but what it can do for you.
And this was where evolution stopped


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Reading this thread must have damaged my brain as I can't tell if Job is just trolling or actually believes what he's typing (which is worse)

I think he may actually believe it, it's not the first time he's posted about this sort of nonsense. Either that or it's a long term trolling effort.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Jeez, for a bunch of nerds , you're rather backward looking.
Ask not of what you can do for your electronic computing device, but what it can do for you.

Ahh the brave new world!

Tell me, how did you google brain help you when you had all those virus problems?

You are a complete and utter bafoon.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Well...*thinks about it*...if we could integrate google into our brains, or in other means remove the need to learn things and have a no-fail way of picking up the info with a snap of fingers, it would be better.

Other then that, databases are a backup, not a necessity.


Can't get enough of FH
Aug 22, 2005
We got kicked out of Uni, no questions asked if we were found to be guilty of plagiarism...

and its BUFFOON :p


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Jeez, for a bunch of nerds , you're rather backward looking.
Ask not of what you can do for your electronic computing device, but what it can do for you.

You are aware that computing power is a LONG way away from being able to do as much as a human brain can in the same amount of time, aren't you? Oh wait, no, you're talking utter bullshit from your rancid arse again.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
that's shit Corn. hope you can work it out man.

in skool groups, I am used to people shoring up each other's weaknesses. for example last year my groupmate did most of our access stuff and I did most of the java, but being as blatant as you described is really poor. at the least I would never want to work with those people again :(

And Job:

View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8qcccZy03s


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
I am well aware of the 'mechanics' of learning, I am just pointing out that they are soon to be extinct, 'copy paste' is a blunt tool that will soon evolve into something a million times better than human memory.
The confines of today that seem so important and hung onto by the old skool scholars will die with them, we just need to embrace it rather than fear the change. It is happening right now, Google translate/goggles/search/maps are the tiny roots of a new relationship with knowledge and I know why they do it, but they really need to stop and think.
And until this evolved super-Google memory actually exists (pretty sure it will), we are better to actually do it the way we're supposedly hardwired to do it, dont you think? You, my friend, is talking bullshit. There is a whole field in engineering, cognitive neuroscience and cognitive psychology entitled to cognitive enhancements linked to memory and learning. This does not mean we should stop actually UNDERSTAND things.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Personally - even if it existed Super Google would still be useless compared to the human brain - unless of course it made the intuitive connections between seemingly disparate pieces of information to come up with astonishingly innovative solutions to problems - something we take our brains doing for granted.

If that was the case we'd simply hand over the running of the world to Super Google and just sit about smoking weed and getting laid.

I, for one, look forward to that time. Until then learning properly is of paramount importance to the continuation of the human race.


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
If everything was Googled and copied there would never be introduced new products or ideas. As I said, it would be the end of evolution


Part of the furniture
Dec 27, 2003
Also is memorising something the same as true intelligence?

Plenty of A grade students who can regurgitate complex physics equations from their heads and memorise tons of facts but cannot apply this knowledge when it is required to do something "out of the box" or that involves "real world" problem solving.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Allready 'scientists' (picture white lab coat and specs) have noted that google is changing the way humans think. we rely less and less in our daily lives on facts, this will evolve to processes, eventually in the quite near future, we will start to concentrate on using this huge knowledge base to release our minds to do what they do best, something computers are a long, long way off, but they can help us like a cherry picker helps you get up high, it's not cheating, we need to get over this concept that is ingrained in our self centered education system.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
If everything was Googled and copied there would never be introduced new products or ideas. As I said, it would be the end of evolution
You're thinking so small, evolution doesn't rewrite the whole thing each time, it copies what we've got and makes a small change, evolution is the poster boy for copy-paste and a little tweak to improve.
Or education system and culture revolves around learning all the basics for years..you don't need them, just go straight to the front of the queue.
If you want to move your hand, you don't start by consciously making a potential difference across your synaspses..it just works and that's where we need to go..and in fact we are.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Dont have time to actually write a proper argument Job. Yep, you are right. The western generation, with our speedily processing of information available to us, have changed the way we think. To a certain degree. We will not have to process and memorise as much facts, as the old generation did (in exams for example). However, this is not what this is about. Memorise facts have never been a huge part of intelligence, or learning. What makes us humans unique is our way of learning concepts and critical, initutive thinking and associations, metaphors. To do this we need a deep exposure, deep processing of information. Something Google can't do for us, but computers may be able to simplify and speed this process up for us.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Plenty of A grade students who can regurgitate complex physics equations from their heads and memorise tons of facts but cannot apply this knowledge when it is required to do something "out of the box" or that involves "real world" problem solving.

Frankly, that's bullshit.

The A-grade students who know their shit tend to be much better than the others. "Real world" is used as a cop-out by people who are jealous of academic achievers...


Part of the furniture
Jul 26, 2007
Hardly bullshit. The best mathematician I know is a lazy fucker who doesn't memorise anything and always underachieves in exams. Give him an unseen problem however and he will work it out quicker than anyone I know.

Some people have a knack for problem solving because they are clever fuckers. Others do very well in exams because they can remember facts and solve problems they have seen before quickly.

I guess scientific subjects are a bit unique in that way.


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
We got it sorted.. You guys handle Job now


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
FUCK OFF! :eek:

That's the People's Front of Judea.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Unexceptable. That's the kind of high school behavior that wont last long in universities. Perhaps best to have a talk and tell them that you have to actually want to learn. Unless they are using quotes, but then you'd have to apply a bookmark anyway. This is why working together is such a bad idea 9/10.


Part of the furniture
Dec 20, 2008
Hardly bullshit. The best mathematician I know is a lazy fucker who doesn't memorise anything and always underachieves in exams. Give him an unseen problem however and he will work it out quicker than anyone I know.

Some people have a knack for problem solving because they are clever fuckers. Others do very well in exams because they can remember facts and solve problems they have seen before quickly.

Have you heard of "active laziness"? Pratchett covered this in "Moving Pictures" with Victor Tugelbend.
It's when you excel at something because it's the fastest way to get things done, giving you more time to do what you WANT to do. :)


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
You're slowly backing up my argument :cool:
We need to aim higher, the 9x table? counting to 10?
Mundane mathematics is history, we need to build tools that use the enormous knowledge of the human race and run it in the background so the human brain can direct the computers to provide us with greater understanding..design a whole new life form with the sweep of a hand, visually display billions of facts as feelings and sensations..the brain does this allready..and very well.

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