Fucking fuming!!


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
You're slowly backing up my argument :cool:
We need to aim higher, the 9x table? counting to 10?
Mundane mathematics is history, we need to build tools that use the enormous knowledge of the human race and run it in the background so the human brain can direct the computers to provide us with greater understanding..design a whole new life form with the sweep of a hand, visually display billions of facts as feelings and sensations..the brain does this allready..and very well.

Two things:

1. You can have every piece of information in the world, but if you don't understand the concepts that make the world work, you don't know what questions to ask. Even a simple example like Google Maps shows that most people couldn't find their arse with both hands, never mind plan a road trip.

2. Google is a commercial service run by not particularly altruistic people. People who certainly don't have an interest in information being necessarily right, just so long as its popular. Not the best entity to hand over the thinking duties to.

The ability to interrogate online services is a skill, and while the algorithims get "cleverer" in their ability to second-guess your requirements, they can't and won't help you make cognitive leaps; they can't, for the simple reason that search always rely on previously searched associations to present a "solution" to a query.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Well yes, you wouldn't actually use Google which is like the McDonalds of search engines.
If you read what I'm saying, it's about leaving the 'facts' to the computers and us to make sense of it and use their enormous number crunching capability to take our thoughts to the next level, it is ahppeneing everywhere, in every discipline, except education , where we think it's cheating.


Can't get enough of FH
Oct 12, 2004
Well yes, you wouldn't actually use Google which is like the McDonalds of search engines.
If you read what I'm saying, it's about leaving the 'facts' to the computers and us to make sense of it and use their enormous number crunching capability to take our thoughts to the next level, it is ahppeneing everywhere, in every discipline, except education , where we think it's cheating.

What's the point if you don't understand the underlying principles?

I could easily take a function and ask a computer to integrate it but unless I have an understanding of the underlying calculus then the result that I get back might as well be gibberish unless I have the learning required to interpret it.

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