Friday News


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
Melachi said:
Wtf? You quote me and then go on about how balance on the server will be bad? You thick? I never said anything about balance on the server

Melachi said:
and to those trying to persuade people to vote no, because it will ruin the servers... bs

Thats the part I was refering to, but in answer to your other question - no, im not thick.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Shagrat said:
Can't really say anymore than Tears already has said.

No Vote from me, ToA brought a lot of new things to the game, some good, some bad.

I dont get this..

Your voting NO to a new classic server, because ToA brought a lot of new things to the game that you like.

Ok, do you understand the poll? Answering Yes, is not going to remove ToA you do realize? Its going to add a new server..


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
RS|Phil said:
You can't tell me that people who are NOT interested in ToA or RvR vs High RR TOA'd players leaving the server to start again on a place they feel more suits them is a bad thing. And you can't seriously think that it'll harm the ToA and RvR as it stands. How would it? These people are NOT A FACTOR.

People are already getting very high realm ranks on the non-ToA servers. There will also be people that have better suits, don't kid yourself - Darkspire/TG/Galla/Sidi farming will be just as much a timesink as ToA ever was.

So, apart from the novelty of the few months after release, the situation will be the same as the current standard servers.

Do you honestly think it's worth destroying the population even more on Excalibur/Prydwen for those few months of novelty?

I don't. I vote no.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2004
voted no for 2 reasons mainly

1) I like the EU community, doing this would only fragment a community that already needs clustering BADLY to survive and would result in the downfall of most/all EU servers

2) classic servers are exciting and "omg let go there" to begin with but the population drop on the US classic servers must say it all, they're not as good as they first appear.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Azathrim said:
People are already getting very high realm ranks on the non-ToA servers. There will also be people that have better suits, don't kid yourself - Darkspire/TG/Galla/Sidi farming will be just as much a timesink as ToA ever was.

You have got to be kidding me, seriously, do you remeber the SI days? I didnt even have SI back then and my SC suit got me by perfectly without any TG stuff. Darkspire ok fair enough thats a bit difirent as it adds stat caps which are nice, but look at the new Epic armor.. It has stat caps, and it allows you to make a capped suit very very easily with a few rog jewels..

Azathrim said:
So, apart from the novelty of the few months after release, the situation will be the same as the current standard servers.

Do you honestly think it's worth destroying the population even more on Excalibur/Prydwen for those few months of novelty?

I don't. I vote no.

Destorying the Excal Pryd population? Seriously consider this..
Players might resubscribe for the Classic servers.
And if Classic servers were such an incentive to stop playing on toa servers, how come our ToA servers arent empty allready? Apparently us EU players have the alternative of just going on the US classic server, as alot of people seem to be hammering down our necks.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
lol a goof guild grp can kit out a Full 8 man team with in a few days.. Darkspire takes about 40min to 1h with a good grp and you get about 20 drops :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Voted no because I think it will be the deathblow to Prydwen and probably turn Excalibur into Prydwen population wise.

Most people that roll there will find out it's not the heaven they thought it would be and then come back to their original server .. but by then people will have left from those servers because it wasn't so busy anymore.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2004
don't think of it so much as classic or toa servers a sec, ask yourself in a community thats as small as the EU one is atm could we afford to open ANY new server?

simply put no, because we would further fragment ourselves which is something we do not need to do (as we're about to cluster the english servers i'll use that as my source).

The community isn't as big as the US community and we have the unique disadvantage that a classic server here would = 5 new classic servers to accomidate all the languages. Hell if we do that we may aswell go all the way and close all the servers and open up our own indvidual ones with a player pop of: 1

Just my opinion on it.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Wai said:
don't think of it so much as classic or toa servers a sec, ask yourself in a community thats as small as the EU one is atm could we afford to open ANY new server?

Heh, EU a small community? Theres 13,844 players according to camelotherald on right now..

Thats not a small community, at all.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2004
its a small community when u consider how many languages are in there


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Wai said:
its a small community when u consider how many languages are in there

Does not compute.

What? The english community is a small community when you consider how many languages there are? Umm, wow. Are you expecting Goa to implement a classic server, with the requirements, "Must be from the Prydwen/Excalibur server to play here, in order to diminish numbers on those servers". No, people from all servers will play on these, much like Camlann.

[Edit]Yeah, and go on.. pull out that arguement, "Yeah and people are allways complaining about foriegn speakers on Camlann!!!1", well I guess thats just something the Classic players will have to get over, not something you ToA server players have to worry about


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2004
English speaking population: 1.8k
French speaking population: 1.6/7k
German speaking popluation: 2.6k

So u're saying that a classic server should be opened that will essentially drain all the other servers to the low points we see atm in some servers (so bad we have to cluster now), and all these different communities and languages get put into one melting pot?

apart from the mass murder of other servers imo what would it achieve?

a server which would have ppl being so isolated its unreal. generally its my experience on camlann that ppl who can't speak the same won't mix, they'd rather solo than grp with someone that can't understand them (which is a shame because that player might be one hell of a player) but thats how i've seen it.

But cba clicking refresh anymore, i don't tend to look at the forums much just post if i see smth that interests me then watch a movie or go out. So i'll leave it at you're entitled to your opinion and i to mine :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Melachi said:
You have got to be kidding me, seriously, do you remeber the SI days? I didnt even have SI back then and my SC suit got me by perfectly without any TG stuff. Darkspire ok fair enough thats a bit difirent as it adds stat caps which are nice, but look at the new Epic armor.. It has stat caps, and it allows you to make a capped suit very very easily with a few rog jewels.

If you look at the templates people post for the non-ToA servers, they contain alot of SI Epic / Darkspire stuff. Surely, that's very possible to get for a reasonable focused player: The Power Player. The casual is back at a less opted suit that doesn't have 2x25 cap stats, etc. Rince and repeat, back at the current situation. You see?

Melachi said:
Destorying the Excal Pryd population? Seriously consider this..
Players might resubscribe for the Classic servers.
And if Classic servers were such an incentive to stop playing on toa servers, how come our ToA servers arent empty allready? Apparently us EU players have the alternative of just going on the US classic server, as alot of people seem to be hammering down our necks.

True. Players might resubscribe for it. Im sure some will and Mythic stated that was the whole idea of doing those non-ToA servers.

Mind you though, at prime times Excalibur and Prydwen share just shy of 2000 players online. 2000 split over 2 servers? That's not alot.

At the release of a classic server, things will be much different. Excalibur and Prydwen will be just about empty. Those few logged on, would be the people that couldn't log on to the non-ToA server due to it being filled up.

That's just for the release though, just for the first 3 months Im sure. Then people will start moving back. But what are they moving back to? A ghost town of a cluster.

That's what happened on some of the smaller server/clusters on US. Quite a few of them are relatively empty now and took a major hit due to these "Classic" servers.

Are you willing to risk that this won't happen on EU? Contrairy to past experience?

I am not. I vote no.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 16, 2004
When they say community they mean the Prydwen and Excalibur community. Most of us have no ties to anyone on the French or German servers, myself included. I've played there once or twice, but it was all too French and German for me. :p

Playing on the US servers, I know, is not a good alternative. However, neither is opening up another server, especially one that WILL drain a lot of people away, atleast for the first couple of months. Look at the Spanish server, even at prime time it's dead. Instead, those Spanish guys should just learn to speak English and join us, same deal for those Italians.

The regular servers will take the first hit, they will sputter and slowly come to a halt. After a few weeks most of the players there get bored and either quit or also go to the TOA-less servers. In the mean time, the people on the TOA-less servers will be largely level 50, some will already be RR5, maybe higher, and completely geared. Then those new guys come in, and again, get owned. "But but but, I thought I should be able to perform well after ding 50!" doesn't work anymore. The high RRs once again keep increasing their lead, and players start leaving the TOA-less servers, they go back to their own server, only to find them comparingly deserted. Then they leave as well.

In my view, a casual player is much better off on a normal server, poke a friend for buffs, play in the zerg. Eventually, even casual players will be TOAd up. Some people take more time getting done than others, but hey, that's life. No new player will reach RR12 anymore anyway. Atleast on the normal servers there's a lot more available to the casual player. PvE and RvR wise. But also in the housing zones.

Seriously, there are three kinds of people I see going to the TOA-less servers. Firstly, and probably mostly, are people that have already decked out several characters and got a decent RR on most of them. They have won the game and are looking for fun like they remembered it. Now, I can imagine the TOA-less servers would be excellent for that, infact, even I sometimes long back to the days of exping with random people you never met. But I rather have my normal servers safe and secure with population than move to a TOA-less server with nothing to do once you ding 50. If I want RvR without needing uber-kits I'll go Thid or Leirvik. And really, I keep trying to make exp groups, announce it on /as, but not many people reply. It's usually my mum, a friend and me exping if we go.

Second type of people I see going there are people who are impatient little kids who can't put in the effort to get themselves TOAd. The wannabe-l33ts. These kids, let em have their own server, glad to be rid of them. This was the only thing that made me reconsider voting no. :p

Thirdly, people who gravely overestimate TOA or have horrible memories of the past. These kind of people never really finished a TOAd template, nor done most of the MLs and fear them, either from hear-say or previous experience far in the past. This is the kind of people should just bite the apple and try TOA with an open mind. It really aint that bad out there.

My vote will stay no, despite the attraction the TOA-less servers have. But no hard feelings if you vote yes. ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Azathrim: You say only people who can't log in to classic would play on normal server, I have to say you miss one key piece of information: A lot of people enjoy toa and realy like raid, do you think such people would consider classic servers? Ok, the "no hibs at celestius for a few weeks, so lets camp it" ideas can make some populated areas and leave the rest underpopulated, but the server wouldn't be empty.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Azathrim said:
If you look at the templates people post for the non-ToA servers, they contain alot of SI Epic / Darkspire stuff. Surely, that's very possible to get for a reasonable focused player: The Power Player. The casual is back at a less opted suit that doesn't have 2x25 cap stats, etc. Rince and repeat, back at the current situation. You see?

No I dont see.
1) 25 stat caps mean very little, especially in group play.
2) Stat caps is nothing compared to, melee bonuses, style bonuses, artifact charges/procs, Masterlevel abilities, ML10 buffstripping cloaks, ect..
3) You seemed to ignore my point about new epic armor, this is the ultimate help for casual players, armor that gives you stat caps and lets you have a fully capped suit with some rogs and quest item, and crafted weapons.

Azathrim said:
At the release of a classic server, things will be much different. Excalibur and Prydwen will be just about empty. Those few logged on, would be the people that couldn't log on to the non-ToA server due to it being filled up.

That's just for the release though, just for the first 3 months Im sure. Then people will start moving back. But what are they moving back to? A ghost town of a cluster.

That's what happened on some of the smaller server/clusters on US. Quite a few of them are relatively empty now and took a major hit due to these "Classic" servers.

Are you willing to risk that this won't happen on EU? Contrairy to past experience?

I am not. I vote no.

I definetly am. I am not, going to remove the chance of a classic server, soley based on the idea that maybe it might harm Prydwen/Excalibur populations.

You anti-Classic Server guys are playing two tunes.

1) It will ruin the current ToA servers.

2) We dont need it since its allready available on the US servers.

These two contradict each other.

And anyway, I'm putting my money where my mouth is and saying, Europe will get defineatly get a Classic server, in one language or another. Because as it currently is, there are some English players who want one, and there is definetly some French/German/Spanish/Italian players who want one, because the US servers are much more uninviting not just because of the time zone difirences, but the language barrier. Having a Classic server, even in English language, usualy ends up with large french/german/spanish communities, however with only a small % population of US classic servers being European this is not possible there.


Dec 23, 2003
melachi are you fucking stupid or somthing? there no doubt about it that a classic server will devide the english server pop and after a while people will get bored of classic and leave and then the old servers will be dead and people will just quit all together

the fact is i dont give a shit if 50% of the population want a classic server, they cant have it without ruining the game for the other 50% of the population, and the fact is you can get it somwhere else, so if you wanted it that badly... you would goto US, those trying to get a classic server here are just stupidly selfish

but i suppose trying to explain anything to a person like you is like hitting you head against a brick wall, getting ToA'd isnt even that hard anymore, get over it it just takes time

go ahead GOA, make a classic server, it will only lose you money, as all the people that would have left due to no classic server have gone already


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Can't understand what GOA thinking tbh,if they go on with classic they destroy both english servers to ghostowns which both together have population of Camlann :mad:

This will make lot of players quit on the end.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Brite said:
melachi are you fucking stupid or somthing? there no doubt about it that a classic server will devide the english server pop and after a while people will get bored of classic and leave and then the old servers will be dead and people will just quit all together

the fact is i dont give a shit if 50% of the population want a classic server, they cant have it without ruining the game for the other 50% of the population, and the fact is you can get it somwhere else, so if you wanted it that badly... you would goto US, those trying to get a classic server here are just stupidly selfish

but i suppose trying to explain anything to a person like you is like hitting you head against a brick wall, getting ToA'd isnt even that hard anymore, get over it it just takes time

go ahead GOA, make a classic server, it will only lose you money, as all the people that would have left due to no classic server have gone already

I so deeply hate to agree with Brite :(

Good post Brite


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Brite said:
melachi are you fucking stupid or somthing? there no doubt about it that a classic server will devide the english server pop and after a while people will get bored of classic and leave and then the old servers will be dead and people will just quit all together

the fact is i dont give a shit if 50% of the population want a classic server, they cant have it without ruining the game for the other 50% of the population, and the fact is you can get it somwhere else, so if you wanted it that badly... you would goto US, those trying to get a classic server here are just stupidly selfish

but i suppose trying to explain anything to a person like you is like hitting you head against a brick wall, getting ToA'd isnt even that hard anymore, get over it it just takes time

go ahead GOA, make a classic server, it will only lose you money, as all the people that would have left due to no classic server have gone already

Brite, your arguement is crap you say its stupidly selfish to want a Classic Server when it will kill the normal servers, yet your being selfish not want a Classic server so your server stays. Fact is, I personally couldnt give a shit if all of the ToA servers ended up empty, Id still be having the fun I pay for on the Classic server.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Brite said:
melachi are you fucking stupid or somthing? there no doubt about it that a classic server will devide the english server pop and after a while people will get bored of classic and leave and then the old servers will be dead and people will just quit all together

the fact is i dont give a shit if 50% of the population want a classic server, they cant have it without ruining the game for the other 50% of the population, and the fact is you can get it somwhere else, so if you wanted it that badly... you would goto US, those trying to get a classic server here are just stupidly selfish

but i suppose trying to explain anything to a person like you is like hitting you head against a brick wall, getting ToA'd isnt even that hard anymore, get over it it just takes time

go ahead GOA, make a classic server, it will only lose you money, as all the people that would have left due to no classic server have gone already

oh dear . . . If anyone is stupid around here it is you "Brite"!.
The best thing GOA could do i to launch this new Classic server . . the sooner the better i might add.
If this new server, "is as explained" without TOA, and almost as important, "range on buff´s", then mythic have finally created a server that is 100% playable for both Casual and hardcore players.
in my view it will also become alot more easy for players to reach the Endgame pvp, and be competetive, both in solo and group rvr/pvp.
To even further this end the new epic armor´s and weapons will surely be alot more rewarding to use on this server, compared to a TOA server.

I really cant see any aguments that should vote against a classic server. The only reson players a voting against it is . . . that they can see the point in its creation, but fear it because they have used /XXX played days on Excalibur/Pry and ofc have used alot of time on TOA.

im almost sertain that a new classic server will be awsome . . . and i wouldent be surpriced if the server would have a average of 2500 - 3500 players at primetime . . . if even that number is allowed by the server cap. some players mention that within 3 months time this server will go down in numbers . . . I dont think so. with this server mythic have finally perfected Dark Age of Camelot!.

Regards Gorrion.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
Brite said:
melachi are you fucking stupid or somthing? there no doubt about it that a classic server will devide the english server pop and after a while people will get bored of classic and leave and then the old servers will be dead and people will just quit all together

the fact is i dont give a shit if 50% of the population want a classic server, they cant have it without ruining the game for the other 50% of the population, and the fact is you can get it somwhere else, so if you wanted it that badly... you would goto US, those trying to get a classic server here are just stupidly selfish

but i suppose trying to explain anything to a person like you is like hitting you head against a brick wall, getting ToA'd isnt even that hard anymore, get over it it just takes time

go ahead GOA, make a classic server, it will only lose you money, as all the people that would have left due to no classic server have gone already

Brite .... without a non ToA server do you honestly think the game has a future?
The appeal of games like WoW is that a casual player CAN compete.

If we DONT embrace a non ToA server then one of two things will happen.
1. The non ToA server will still arrive but it may not be English speaking.
2. DAoC will continue to spiral downwards untill it is no longer a viable option.

We have to make DAoC more appealing to the mass market. Just like WoW is.

Picture yourself as a totally new player. Good God it would be hard enough just getting to level 50 never mind ToA'd and able to compete in big boys RvR.


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
really have any of you "YES" people EVER played the end game of any other mmorpg to compare DaoC to ?

if any of you had, you would stop immeditely with all this anti toa crap.

I love my fop, I like to cure nearsight !


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Zede said:
really have any of you "YES" people EVER played the end game of any other mmorpg to compare DaoC to ?

if any of you had, you would stop immeditely with all this anti toa crap.

I love my fop, I like to cure nearsight !

No, I havent played any other mmorpg and I dont compare it to anything.

And sure, go on, throw that "Grinds are part of mmorpgs" and "PvE is part of mmorpgs"

First of all, no they arent part of mmorpgs. And secondly even if they are part of the mmorpg I play doesnt mean I have to like it.

Fact is, its you people who do play alot of mmorpgs think these grinds are neccesary. And yes I do like insta quake style action in the game, its why I PL my chars, or use "tricks" to level them fast, its because I couldnt give a crap about PvE.


Dec 23, 2003
Melachi said:
Brite, your arguement is crap you say its stupidly selfish to want a Classic Server when it will kill the normal servers, yet your being selfish not want a Classic server so your server stays. Fact is, I personally couldnt give a shit if all of the ToA servers ended up empty, Id still be having the fun I pay for on the Classic server.

"im not selfish your selfish!

i dont care if toa servers die aslong as i get what i want...."

rofl classic ... hahahahahaha too funny


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
Zede said:
really have any of you "YES" people EVER played the end game of any other mmorpg to compare DaoC to ?

if any of you had, you would stop immeditely with all this anti toa crap.

I love my fop, I like to cure nearsight !

Ermmm ..... I started out with Muds.

No longer playing Asherons Call.
No longer playing Asherons Call 2.
No longer playing Everquest 1.
Still playing Everquest 2.
Still playing Final Fantasy XI.
No longer playing Horizons.
No longer playing Ryzom.
No longer playing WoW.

Can you please list your qualifications for an opinion please.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Brite said:
"im not selfish your selfish!

i dont care if toa servers die aslong as i get what i want...."

rofl classic ... hahahahahaha too funny

err no brite

You said I was being selfish wanting a Classic server, and your right, I just said you are also being selfish not wanting a classic server though.

So the irony of this all, is that your actually laughing at yourself :<


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 16, 2004
Rookiescot said:
The appeal of games like WoW is that a casual player CAN compete.
With the result that after they reach level 60 a lot of them get bored pretty soon after.

Also, WoW has an appeal? Noone told me.. :p Hate it. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Rookiescot said:
The appeal of games like WoW is that a casual player CAN compete.

I see this often. Usually by people that doesn't appear to have participated much in the competitive scene.

So, let us for one and all get one thing straight:

Having high Realm Rank, Master Levels, Equipment and level does not equal being competetive.

Even if Dark Age of Camelot was a game where you couldn't go beyond level 1 and only use bronze weapons, some would still outperform others.

Certainly, having extra tools grants an advantage, but it's not the end of it all. What really counts is experience and ... well, skill to use the tools available (be that bronze weapons or super artifacts).

So, the argument that people would be able to compete better really only illustrates that the person saying it have a problem competing. In the end, the newly started player still have to learn the game, the tricks of the trade and get an overview. That takes time, and it really takes the same amount of time if he's on classic or normal servers.

What seperates a newbie from a good player though is, if he realizes this and starts learning instead of blaming some arbitary ToA grind.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Melachi said:
No I dont see.
You anti-Classic Server guys are playing two tunes.

1) It will ruin the current ToA servers.

2) We dont need it since its allready available on the US servers.

These two contradict each other.

No, they don't contradict each other, and this is where you don't listen.

1st: people who realy need the classic servers aren't important for this, they can be already at US servers. But people who just want to try out another realm without turning to PVP or foreign language servers would play on it once in a while, it would reduce population on prydwen and excalibur. They don't need classic server, don't move to USA yet they are problematic.

2nd: People who don't need the classic servers but if they are here, would try the new server type for a while are the main concern for most people who posted about this problem.

3rd: Maintaining a server costs money, it means, GOA has to buy licence for it, buy hardware for it, buy net connections for it, and finally hire staff who will maintain it. If there is no extra income to support the new servers, it means, GOA will use the existing resources at the expense of existing servers.

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