Ic but... warrior has 50+11+rr in shield, mob3-4 and more dex in any case. That's my point of view. Even if thane specs 50 shield and gets mob3-4 pure guard bot is not acceptable anyway.yaruar said:That's a bit harsh. Personally I have 42+13 shield, moblock 2 and over 300 dex when fully buffed. I guard just fine.
Summoner said:Ic but... warrior has 50+11+rr in shield, mob3-4 and more dex in any case. That's my point of view. Even if thane specs 50 shield and gets mob3-4 pure guard bot is not acceptable anyway.
But .. sorry, if i meant to be a bit aggresive in my explaination.. realy wanted to make a point that warriors is a way better on the Dragon as a thane and thane is great as exit guard.![]()
friars is a support class, thane isnt. That's the difference. Support classes lack determination but they suppose to support and they do. Thane doesnt have any useful group abilities. Ok, thane is able to guard but warrior is able too and warrior is a way more useful... unless for guarding exits.Margaret said:I was comparing friars' and thanes' usefulness and ability to avoid a raid wipe even with lack of determination, Summoner. I wasn't saying that the two should be equal.
immagine some were even not lvl50, like a half were using crap drops. Even mercs were missing deter. Yes, it was still possible to kill the Dragon, failed at 6-7% after ae stun and pbae + ae while stunned.And besides, all the raids I've been on have had low-RR people, too. There hasn't been a single raid wipe. All it takes is listening to the raid leader and -doing- what they tell you.
Summoner said:friars is a support class, thane isnt.
Summoner said:immagine some were even not lvl50, like a half were using crap drops. Even mercs were missing deter. Yes, it was still possible to kill the Dragon, failed at 6-7% after ae stun and pbae + ae while stunned.
protect is ok but it's not necessary to deal damage from the distance/interrupt casters on DRMargaret said:Protecting healers, interrupting casters, dealing damage from a distance...
Summoner said:dont even try to compare friar (acolyte) with thane (vicking).
u must use friars in group, it reduces dmg from pbae/ae dd. Friar buffs, friar heals when necessary. So please count friar as a secondary healer and buffer, such as shaman on mid.
we use shamans as well cos it's required.
albs use paladins and friars for end regen cos it's required.
hibs use warden and bard in group cos it's required. Well i've heard hibs can kill their dragon with 2 animists and 1 fop bot, so it's a bad example![]()
EDIT: and beside once i've took part in leadership on albs DR as well (not on Excal). Yes, we used friars, we used scouts. Too bad most ppl were low rr, had mostly crap equipment and had no expiriece. So the raid failed but i was there mainly to provide em ideas and tactic schemas.![]()
Sanzor said:You refer to Pallies...understand why they are on dragon raids. But now for the wicked part..they lack determ too, right?
old.anubis said:healers/shamans lack as well, whats yer point?
support class is support class
wtf does thane support?
Bhalage said:u talking about the dragon raid, well keep in mind those raids are for 25ppl and with as balanced grps and layout as possible
thanes because the lack of DETERMINATION do not fit in.
thats all.
u can purge one, but next mezz/stun kills you, and your grp.. keep that in mind. DETERMINATION greatly reduces CC on your char, ive played det5 chars and its was a true joy, when i got mezzed and it faded away so fast.
its nothing personal mate, but thane charachters have disadventage in this situation.
my thoughts
ps: ive never heard any other raids (tg or ml) didnt want thanes...
Thats because they don't have a class to replace them?Arawn said:Hi mistul fotm...Albs raids with etc paladins , Minstrel on dragonraids and they do lack DET aswell
Skip the fucking bs and try to act like a "realm" and not 1fg sav/wars :wub:
inviteme said:Well thanes might suck in most aspects but they are excellent zergers, so if you wanna RvR just zerg.
yaruar said:and this is why people will still not invite thanes, people really are clueless.....
the only real disadvantage thanes have in RvR is lack of det. they do not "suck"
A well played thane can (depending on spec and ml) guard, bodyguard, interrupt both single target and AE, stun (with slam), assist with ranged damage, assist with melee damage, intercept. And pretend to be a healer to confuse the enemy
DPS might not be equal to pure classes, but there is no class who has the versitility of a thane in midgard.
inviteme said:If people where clueless enough to mistake a thane for a healer (not saying you are not) I whould be surprised. And the lack of det is kinda big, the only thing a thane does better than other mid classes is a pbae shout on 30 sec timer. Anyway, im sure there are alot of people who dont care about classes in RvR so why not zerg around with them instead of trying to convince elitistic pricks that thanes aren't gimps?
yaruar said:A dwarf thane with a small shield looks exactly like a healer until they cast, seeing as most gorups immediately go for the shamen/healer it can give a group time. And you miss the point i was making slightly, a thane (like other hybrids) strength is in their bredth rather than their depth. If you want to build a group which serves a single purpose then it's not the class to have, but if you want a group which is adapatable to various situation then thanes and other hybrids are more useful. There are other ways to play the game apart from huge zergs and fotm gank groups.......
Arawn said:Hi mistul fotm...Albs raids with etc paladins , Minstrel on dragonraids and they do lack DET aswell
Skip the fucking bs and try to act like a "realm" and not 1fg sav/wars :wub: