FoTM cabbys? i think so


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Oro said:
Cabalists have a lot more utility in groups than SMs.

You are in drugs or something like that? Supression SM has str, str/con, dex debuffs, lifetransfer, single target mez and root, dd, pbaoe, intercepting pet, remove mesmerisation.
Summary: they make alot more dmg, they last alot longer and has alot better cc abilitys.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Horsma said:
You are in drugs or something like that? Supression SM has str, str/con, dex debuffs, lifetransfer, single target mez and root, dd, pbaoe, intercepting pet, remove mesmerisation.
Summary: they make alot more dmg, they last alot longer and has alot better cc abilitys.

can SM's rez too?

anyway - you are also forgetting that cabbys have access to:

1) ae disease - highly effective in modern 8vs8 as many "good" mid and hib RvR groups run with 4 healer-types (3 healer+shammy or 2druid+warden+bard) and favour healing over damage output.

2) body debuffs - allows him to debuff his own nukes, as well as the group sorc nukes & minstrel dd's - allowing 500+ damage nukes and 2 x 250+ dd's.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 3, 2004
Horsma said:
You are in drugs or something like that?

Played an SM at 50 for over 2 years. And once again I must point out I was talking about utility, not power - Sup SM has more raw power than Cabby.

More and more I'm beginning to realise that peeps just don't play cabbies as anything other than a DoT spammer in keeps or as a debuffer for others, when its capable of a lot more.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 20, 2004
First of all, the stun proc of the SM pet has the same chance on champion as the lower pet types that proc stun. Only reason to not use champ is in pve when using damageshield since you dont want the bladeturn proc.
And having a pet that procs ; Cold dd, lifedrain, stun, bladeturn and possible a Prevent Flight if specced in summoning isnt that bad.

And the insta AE con/str debuff is ok, it is more like a instant ae dd that takes away 300+ hp and robs the tanks of alot of weaponskills, not bad at all imo. Disease will not be much of a problem since you can just remove it with any healer class that have perfector ML1 group cure disease or single target cure in mending.
Try heal a con debuff :)

And ask any infiltrator that has tried to PA a spiritmaster, the pet intercepts very much. Wouldnt trade that for any other pet.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Spathi said:
can SM's rez too?

anyway - you are also forgetting that cabbys have access to:

1) ae disease - highly effective in modern 8vs8 as many "good" mid and hib RvR groups run with 4 healer-types (3 healer+shammy or 2druid+warden+bard) and favour healing over damage output.

2) body debuffs - allows him to debuff his own nukes, as well as the group sorc nukes & minstrel dd's - allowing 500+ damage nukes and 2 x 250+ dd's.

Thanks for poiting out Albs cant get 4 healer types into their setups :p


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Just replying to this thread as I cba making another one after searching.

Whats the diffrence between a normal aoe dot cabba with a pet with top of the line buffs and a spirit cabbie? All I can see is the melee speed dmg?


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Spathi said:
can SM's rez too?

anyway - you are also forgetting that cabbys have access to:

1) ae disease - highly effective in modern 8vs8 as many "good" mid and hib RvR groups run with 4 healer-types (3 healer+shammy or 2druid+warden+bard) and favour healing over damage output.

2) body debuffs - allows him to debuff his own nukes, as well as the group sorc nukes & minstrel dd's - allowing 500+ damage nukes and 2 x 250+ dd's.

AE disease is on shammy as baseline so no need to bother the SM with that.... and the debuffs on the cabby is on spirit specc if im not mistaken.. and fairly high up in it to if u want anything decent... so there goes the "no need to split spec" argument :) but i must say one thing tho, the lifetap pet albion have doesent proc his LT much more then a sm pet.. ive done some small time testing with that, and at lvl 20 (both chars specced in their buff pet skill line) the sm pet procced way more then the alb LT pet, and got away with about the same ammount of lifetaps as the alb one. just that the sm pet procced stuns and nukes to ontop of that.... so all in all the SM pet deals out way more damage over time then the simulcarum... ok fair enuff. SM pets dont get disease and dot proc on his pet but i cant find that very useful anyway, the dot isnt that good to be worth breaking CC for.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2005
i agree with you cabbys are awsome!!! i love them. i was makeing a cabby (was up to lvl 46) and my comp crashed and now i dotn have DAoc anymore becuase i had lost all the cd keys to the game and all teh expantions. i am now goign to move to WoW but i just wanted to shout out and say that cabbys ROCK!! :clap:

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