Forum fun...


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Jeros is going to have fun living in Oz when he decides to move. Hope he realises just how anti-socialist and yet controlling the government there is.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
mmm - convinced I posted a reply in here yesterday - have the Forum Fairies been stealing posts again?


Part of the furniture
Dec 27, 2003
Jeros is going to have fun living in Oz when he decides to move. Hope he realises just how anti-socialist and yet controlling the government there is.

Ya i was drunk when i posted that :p

Well i'm a socialist in the sense that i feel:

A: Large scale socialism might work with some extensive modifications.

B: Democracy has failed and continues to fail the people who vote for it. If democracy was less corrupt and actually served the people more i would support it. Leadership is about leading and looking after the people who live in a nation, not filling your pockets or the pockets of your friends.

Also a vote should be a vote, not 0.1253 of a vote of whatever.

I believe leaders should be picked by a panel of elite academic minds who are experts in the fields of science, anthropology, economics etc etc.

It seems governments are trying to mix and match democratic, capitalistic, and socialist ideas, fine for them, they are not the ones left hungry or out of work when it all falls apart.

Someone needs to make a new type of government that is truly for the people and gives the people the power to oust the government if they mess up. Democracy was meant to do that, now all we are left with is a bunch of clones who are painted different colors for each team and have different views but still don't care when us little people are rendered out of work or homeless due to there incompetence. And hey! We screwed up but its ok! The next government will fix it! Its not our problem anymore!

I'm getting old and bitter aren't i?


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Well I'd hope Clegg's speech gives you some hope that we might move towards a fair democracy again, where people have a voice.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
I believe leaders should be picked by a panel of elite academic minds who are experts in the fields of science, anthropology, economics etc etc.

Yeah because putting scientists in charge always works out well...

Someone needs to make a new type of government that is truly for the people and gives the people the power to oust the government if they mess up.Democracy was meant to do that, now all we are left with is a bunch of clones who are painted different colors for each team and have different views but still don't care when us little people are rendered out of work or homeless due to there incompetence. And hey! We screwed up but its ok! The next government will fix it! Its not our problem anymore!

How exactly does this square with your first statement?

I'm getting old and bitter aren't i?

No, but I think you might still be drunk.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
When have scientists ever been in charge?

Have to agree with that sentiment, but don't particularly want a system where "scientists" are in charge.

I would, however, like a democratic system in which policy is legally required to be evidence-based.

Currently any sky-fairy worshipper can propose random legislation based on nothing more than gut feeling and prejudice :(


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Everyone should have a say in who leads them and ultimately makes big decisions for them, the only people who should not be allowed to vote are the criminals and people who refuse to work.

Don't contribute, don't have a say.


Fledgling Freddie
May 4, 2010
Damn, you! You had to go and outdo me by having a gun AND a Jeep in teh pic. :)

I'm the fucking Yank.....I'm supposed to have the guns.

Nice Jeep mate, you got longer suspension on that? Here's mine in England :)



I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Damn, you! You had to go and outdo me by having a gun AND a Jeep in teh pic. :)

I'm the fucking Yank.....I'm supposed to have the guns.

Does the "USA USA USA !!!" world of people really exist ?

Bear with me... I was playing Legends Of Wrestlemania (I know, I know but it was a fiver and a REALLY easy platinum trophy, I can't stand wrestling, sorry Meg) and there's a section in there where you get to replay 'famous' matches from the past. Before the game you get actual TV highlights to view.The 1991 match, around the first Gulf War, one had some guy called Sgt Slaughter who'd apparently sold himself out to the 'Eye-Rack-Eees' and to make it more obvious for those in the audience who didn't recognise the Iraqi flag he helpfully had upturned points on his wrestling boots like all middle-eastern people would. :eek6:

Of course Hulk Hogan beat him and everyone got all patriotic. My jaw was locked to the floor throughout.

Now I'm not so patronising to think that everyone in the US takes this seriously but I had a sneaking suspicion that not everyone in the crowd was taking this on a 100% ironic level.

Seriously... wtf ?


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Does the "USA USA USA !!!" world of people really exist ?

Bear with me... I was playing Legends Of Wrestlemania (I know, I know but it was a fiver and a REALLY easy platinum trophy, I can't stand wrestling, sorry Meg) and there's a section in there where you get to replay 'famous' matches from the past. Before the game you get actual TV highlights to view.The 1991 match, around the first Gulf War, one had some guy called Sgt Slaughter who'd apparently sold himself out to the 'Eye-Rack-Eees' and to make it more obvious for those in the audience who didn't recognise the Iraqi flag he helpfully had upturned points on his wrestling boots like all middle-eastern people would. :eek6:

Of course Hulk Hogan beat him and everyone got all patriotic. My jaw was locked to the floor throughout.

Now I'm not so patronising to think that everyone in the US takes this seriously but I had a sneaking suspicion that not everyone in the crowd was taking this on a 100% ironic level.

Seriously... wtf ?

sadly those kinds of ppl aren't USA exclusive :)

they do exist there tho, as well as in every other country on this god forsaken earth..

pile em up and shoot em imo :)


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
In my experience Wij, whilst they do appear all over the world I think they form the majority of people in the US.

It's why it's the only country I've been to where I've promised myself that, unless I've got a spankingly good reason to do so, I'll never go there again.


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
Had the same dicussion with a friend I told him to remove it from his status, and to not believe 90% of the shit that people post on facebook.

To be fair the world wuold be a better place if they detroyed all of the goons on face book that update their status every 3 minutes with some piece of bollocks.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I always get turned away from pubs during the world cup if I wear a Liverpool shirt - despite it actually being illegal for pubs to discriminate in this fashion.

I couldn't give a fuck about the england shirt/flags etc, but there's no doubt in my mind that the police would love to impose a blanket ban - 'cause as one copper told me "all criminals dress alike" :)


Fledgling Freddie
May 4, 2010
I don't know, but the people that follow "wrestling" are probably some of the dumbest people on the planet.

Does the "USA USA USA !!!" world of people really exist ?

Bear with me... I was playing Legends Of Wrestlemania (I know, I know but it was a fiver and a REALLY easy platinum trophy, I can't stand wrestling, sorry Meg) and there's a section in there where you get to replay 'famous' matches from the past. Before the game you get actual TV highlights to view.The 1991 match, around the first Gulf War, one had some guy called Sgt Slaughter who'd apparently sold himself out to the 'Eye-Rack-Eees' and to make it more obvious for those in the audience who didn't recognise the Iraqi flag he helpfully had upturned points on his wrestling boots like all middle-eastern people would. :eek6:

Of course Hulk Hogan beat him and everyone got all patriotic. My jaw was locked to the floor throughout.

Now I'm not so patronising to think that everyone in the US takes this seriously but I had a sneaking suspicion that not everyone in the crowd was taking this on a 100% ironic level.

Seriously... wtf ?


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
I don't know, but some of the people that follow "wrestling" are probably some of the dumbest people on the planet.

Fixed it for you and that goes for football or any other event too.

Wrestling is fun to watch, it's entertainment and it's impressive what they manage to do in/out of the ring.

Ultimate stunt man show if you will.


Fledgling Freddie
May 4, 2010
My point is that those crowds would get worked up for anything. If a guy in a hotdog suit was the "enemy", the crowd would be whooping it up the same.

Fixed it for you and that goes for football or any other event too.

Wrestling is fun to watch, it's entertainment and it's impressive what they manage to do in/out of the ring.

Ultimate stunt man show if you will.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I don't know, but the people that follow "wrestling" are probably some of the dumbest people on the planet.

If you want to get them really upset, just tell them its all made up.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
If you want to get them really upset, just tell them its all made up.

People don't like to realise they're really fucking dumb so get all pissy and violent when you point it out.

My brother (bless him) is convinced that runes are real. I.E. Mystic Meg style throwing bits of marked stone around can tell you the future crap. (Yes, quite mad, I know, but then he's on the edge of madness so...). He threatened to throw me out of his house in Sydney when I was visitng him when I told him (as gently as I could) that it wasn't real. Almost got violent over it.

Wrestlers don't almost get violent. They're dumb enough to start with the physical threats straight away :)

Edit: My bro will be a millionaire long before me though. His utter blinkered belief in himself makes him a rather good businessman. I scupper myself with self-doubt :(


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Hey Raven- Wrestling ain't fake, and if I ever get a chance I will suplex you.

I didn't say it was fake, I said it was all made up. Choreographed action with the results of the "fights" pre-planned and practised. If they were real then we would see a lot more broken bones and more deaths.

The wrestlers themselves are bloody good athletes and highly professional.

And fucking lol at the threat. Americans tsk


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
The facebook groups about the union jack, Georges cross and england shirt make me sad.

I wouldn't care if it was just idiots on the net that by this bullshit, but I've heard it at my other job as well.


Part of the furniture
Dec 29, 2003
Now I remember why I steer clear of the rarefied heights that General exists at.

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