Forum fun...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
No. You've got to have a physical ailment.

I thought so, and though I think it's sensible to make allowances give just how much relief it can provide to certain conditions, it's still illegal for recreational use which was my original point.


Fledgling Freddie
May 5, 2010
A doctor would recommend cannabis for recreational use?

Uh...yes. In fact it's an industry.

Dr. Hopkins' Alternative Medi-Spa - Home - Alternative Medicine, Lakeport, Clearlake, Kelseyville, Cloverdale, Point Arena, Humboldt

The medical marijuana initiatives opened the gates, and in November we'll vote to legalize possession and use in California. Hey, my daughter has a card and when she got pulled over by the police with two pounds of pot in her car they had to let her, and her pot, go.

Up here it's the only industry we have left- the salmon fishing and crab fishing are all but dead and the environmentalists destroyed logging by suing over the lumber companies' logging plans. We still have wine grapes, but they use vaquero labor with few exceptions.

But even without a card the police won't do much more than take your pot. I had the Fish and Game search me after sport diving on the coast and they found a small amount of pot in my car (it works great for sea sickness, BTW- it's not like I get high for fun ya know) and all they did was take it. Had I been in possession of an undersized catch, or more than my bag limit, I'd have been taken to jail, possibly.

It's de facto legalized here... C'mon out and I'll get you stoned. :)


Fledgling Freddie
May 5, 2010
44's the proper page.

Dr. Hopkins' Alternative Medi-Spa - Cannibis Evaluations - Alternative Medicine, Lakeport, Clearlake, Kelseyville, Cloverdale, Point Arena, Humboldt

He has a line outside his door and down the street of "sick" people seeking a cannabis card this time of year. He has a staff member take your vitals, then you sit in a curtained area- one of about a dozen- as the Dr. flits from patient to patient, followed by two or three staffers who do the actual paperwork, so you're in and out in five minutes and your Dr's visit is less than a minute. Like we say in America- time is money.

And in all the years Dr Hopkins has been operating he has yet to NOT recommend medical marijuana to a patient. You could complain of a lack of ability to concentrate, lack of ambition, binge eating, watching really stupid old black and white movies late at night while giggling uncontrollably, and your cure is always the same- dope.

The "medical" part is, like all our rules, designed to be taken advantage of.

We call that "American Spirit." :D


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2010
I love Cuba. I love the cubans. They're probably the happiest people I've ever met in the whole world.

Yes, they live in abject poverty because the United States won't allow them to trade properly - but they're happy.

Also, there's practically zero crime. I could walk from coast to coast in Cuba, covered in cash, and it's unlikely I'd get mugged. But then, I wouldn't have to walk - because if someone who has a car is going in your direction they have to give you a lift! :D

I will also say this - if you have a baby in Cuba, it is more likely to live to the age of five than anywhere else in the world bar Canada.

Yes. That's right. :)

cúando quieras ír a vísitar a cúba prímero de una vuelta por los éstados únidos. yo lo acompañare, y ústed me pódra móstrar esos cúbanos tán nóble de los qúales ústed indicó


Fledgling Freddie
May 4, 2010
storch's family was so happy with cuba, they left. I'm sure Storch could tell you guy about how wonderful Cuba is and how happy they all are.


Fledgling Freddie
May 4, 2010
How did I get the title "glorious beacon of light"? What do the green bars represent? Why are some dark green while other bright green. Why do some have more green bars than others? I need answers, folks.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
The medical marijuana initiatives opened the gates, and in November we'll vote to legalize possession and use in California.

California is progressive enough to potentially legalise cannabis use and yet get all hoighty toighty about gays marrying? Utterly baffling.

Still, presumably there are plenty of other states where it's illegal. If I'm sticking with my picky argument, going back to what I was originally questioning:

Its our birthright as Americans do to shit that is really, really, bad for us if we feel like it.

I could replace my question about cannabis with any number of other personal freedoms you guys don't have in some/most states that don't cause direct harm to others, harder drugs than cannabis and prostitution for example (note I said some/most states). Not that I necessarily agree with either of those being legal but it does somewhat counter Grits original point. There are reasonable limits to your freedoms and some that are unreasonable.

How did I get the title "glorious beacon of light"? What do the green bars represent? Why are some dark green while other bright green. Why do some have more green bars than others? I need answers, folks.

It's a reputation system, make a post people like and they might add to your reputation. The green bars represent your level of rep, not sure what the colour difference is about beyond making it easier to count them. Click on "User CP" at the top of a FH page and you'll be able to check who has added to your rep, for what post and why.


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2010
There's a big difference between Cuba and Haiti; the bulk of the Cuban population have a reasonably good education. Sorry but Cuba's economic woes are almost entirely the result of the embargo. You only have to go there to see the hoops non-American companies who have interests in the US have to go through in order to operate in Cuba. And as you alluded to before; the embargo keeps the Castros in power. Cuba wasn't even communist in the strictest sense until America forced them into the Soviet sphere, and without the embargo Cuba would have been far more likely to go down the Vietnam-style liberalisation route than remain communist. Of course until your politicians can tell the Miami Cubans to give up any hopes of getting their Cuban assets back this is going to continue to be a problem, and open sore in America's relationship with latin America, not just not Cuba.

the economic problems cuba is living with currently is the result of a failed economic model. all communistic and socialistic models depend heavily on the use of other people's money. in cuba's case it was soviet money to the tune of 1,3 billion 1988 US dollars a day. once the soviets bankrupted their stupid selves cuba was damn well slagged. furthermore that system of government turned an otherwise industrious capable motivated and innovative people into a country of thieves. cuba today is a cleptocracy and cubans are the most adroit thieves and pilferers I have ever seen.

you are correct in the sense that cuba hasn't a communist regime per se but a feudal system cleverly disguised by the broad shade cast by a communist banner. basically cuba is the personal business enterprise of the very capable castro brothers.

your claim that the US embargo of cuba has had any effect on the cuban economy is either your complete ignorance of the level of trade cuba enjoys with every country save one or you are lying, or both.

the cuba of the 1950s evolved in the united states. my city miami, florida is the result of what a skilled and motivated immigrant community can accomplish in one generation if allowed to express themselves economically in an unfettered republic. miami is a testament to the success of the free enterprise system that is the cornerstone of the american economy.

I am personally grateful to the generous and kind american people for the grace they extended to myself, my family and my countrymen. I may take issue with certain americans ( the cretins that agree with ..well... people like yourselves here on this amazingly rose colored glass wearing congregation of imbeciles) but I absolutely love the county as a whole. in short I am a naturalized american but you will not find a more patriotic citizen in my adoptive country.

as always free clues are available in the lobby at this is a complimentary service we cheerfully provide to you and the other misanthropic yurotard socialists on this board.

excuse now I feel like I need shower after posting on here.


Fledgling Freddie
May 4, 2010
Maybe this guy would help:


LOL! That's pretty damn funny.


Fledgling Freddie
May 6, 2010
Nuke, where are you seeing this 'beacon of light' title? All I see is regular Freddie near your avi.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Hover over the (in my case) green bar, its the rep bar. Depending on your layout it will either be near your avatar or to the right under your location. Yours is greyed out as you have not activated reputation. The setting should be somewhere in your user CP.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Depends what gun you want. Ask Throddy, he's our resident redneck.


Fledgling Freddie
May 6, 2010
The acquisition of firearms of any type is never going to be difficult for anyone who really wants one irrespective of where they live.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Sorry to disappoint, but there's a serious shortage of criminal guns in the U.K.

To the point where people convert replicas and deactivated pistols, mostly to fire one shot at a time, for these kiddie gangsters in London Liverpool Manchester kind of areas.

Also to the point where legal gun owners like myself are advised to be extra diligent as criminals try to steal ligitimate shotguns for criminal use. In fact someone I know had an attempted theft when leaving a clay pigeon ground near Dartford recently.

As far as shooting legitimately, there's ups and downs.

Pistols are off-limits pretty much to everyone. There are a few people who have them for humane dispatch (deer hunting) but that is rare. This I find terrible, having shot lots of pistols in the old days, but thats how it is.

Shotguns, you need a licence, but these arnt too hard to get really. The police, who issue the licence, have to prove a valid reason for you not to own one. Indeed, I have some criminal convictions to be honest, which I beleive in the USA means I could never ligitimately own a gun, but over here I have a licence no probs. Once you have it, and it has to be renewed every 5 years, you can buy as many shotguns as you like, no wait period either. I currently own a Remington 870 Wingmaster, and a Remington 1100.

Rifles are more of a pain in the arse. Anything bigger than a .22 has to be single shot. So bolt action, or what shooters over here call "straight pull". Lots of people I know own M4 and M16s, and clones, all converted to straight pull, or in .22 cal as a semi auto. .17 HMR is also a very popular calibre over here. A licence is slightly harder to get, you have to prove a need for one, but this can be anything from membership of a .22 rifle club, to having permission for enough land to be able to shoot on. There is pretty much no such thing as "public" shooting land in Great Britain.

Me, I shot rifles for years and years, but they bore me nowadays frankly, I'll stick with my shotguns.

Moderators, incidentally, although very hard to get in the States, are easy here, you just put it on your licence. Hell I have one on an air rifle that I shoot in the garden occasionally.

Go figure :)


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Philip Luty hardly seems deserving of much pity. I doubt the case revolves around anything so simple as "a bloke who wanted to build his own guns, for a laugh".


Fledgling Freddie
May 6, 2010
I never said anything about pity. What he did do is make it perfectly obvious how easily obtainable simple, effective firearms can be.


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2010
Sorry to disappoint, but there's a serious shortage of criminal guns in the U.K.

To the point where people convert replicas and deactivated pistols, mostly to fire one shot at a time, for these kiddie gangsters in London Liverpool Manchester kind of areas.

Also to the point where legal gun owners like myself are advised to be extra diligent as criminals try to steal ligitimate shotguns for criminal use. In fact someone I know had an attempted theft when leaving a clay pigeon ground near Dartford recently.

As far as shooting legitimately, there's ups and downs.

Pistols are off-limits pretty much to everyone. There are a few people who have them for humane dispatch (deer hunting) but that is rare. This I find terrible, having shot lots of pistols in the old days, but thats how it is.

Shotguns, you need a licence, but these arnt too hard to get really. The police, who issue the licence, have to prove a valid reason for you not to own one. Indeed, I have some criminal convictions to be honest, which I beleive in the USA means I could never ligitimately own a gun, but over here I have a licence no probs. Once you have it, and it has to be renewed every 5 years, you can buy as many shotguns as you like, no wait period either. I currently own a Remington 870 Wingmaster, and a Remington 1100.

Rifles are more of a pain in the arse. Anything bigger than a .22 has to be single shot. So bolt action, or what shooters over here call "straight pull". Lots of people I know own M4 and M16s, and clones, all converted to straight pull, or in .22 cal as a semi auto. .17 HMR is also a very popular calibre over here. A licence is slightly harder to get, you have to prove a need for one, but this can be anything from membership of a .22 rifle club, to having permission for enough land to be able to shoot on. There is pretty much no such thing as "public" shooting land in Great Britain.

Me, I shot rifles for years and years, but they bore me nowadays frankly, I'll stick with my shotguns.

Moderators, incidentally, although very hard to get in the States, are easy here, you just put it on your licence. Hell I have one on an air rifle that I shoot in the garden occasionally.

Go figure :)

you are dilusional


Fledgling Freddie
May 6, 2010
Oh and your country was founding on the ability to get natives drunk and sell them guns they couldn't use, while raping their young girls.

Actually, we were British North America when that started, so its really your fault.


Fledgling Freddie
May 6, 2010
I could replace my question about cannabis with any number of other personal freedoms you guys don't have in some/most states that don't cause direct harm to others, harder drugs than cannabis and prostitution for example (note I said some/most states). Not that I necessarily agree with either of those being legal but it does somewhat counter Grits original point. There are reasonable limits to your freedoms and some that are unreasonable.

I agree. Obviously that statement was a generality intended to elicit a response. To your point, I am a Libertarian, I feel that as long as a person is not harming some else, they should be allowed to do what they want. Even in my perfect Libertarian world, there would still have to be reasonable limits to freedom, the problem is who gets to decide what is a reasonable limit.

Marquis de Curval

Fledgling Freddie
May 7, 2010
Sorry to disappoint, but there's a serious shortage of criminal guns in the U.K.

To the point where people convert replicas and deactivated pistols, mostly to fire one shot at a time, for these kiddie gangsters in London Liverpool Manchester kind of areas.

Also to the point where legal gun owners like myself are advised to be extra diligent as criminals try to steal ligitimate shotguns for criminal use. In fact someone I know had an attempted theft when leaving a clay pigeon ground near Dartford recently.

As far as shooting legitimately, there's ups and downs.

Pistols are off-limits pretty much to everyone. There are a few people who have them for humane dispatch (deer hunting) but that is rare. This I find terrible, having shot lots of pistols in the old days, but thats how it is.

Shotguns, you need a licence, but these arnt too hard to get really. The police, who issue the licence, have to prove a valid reason for you not to own one. Indeed, I have some criminal convictions to be honest, which I beleive in the USA means I could never ligitimately own a gun, but over here I have a licence no probs. Once you have it, and it has to be renewed every 5 years, you can buy as many shotguns as you like, no wait period either. I currently own a Remington 870 Wingmaster, and a Remington 1100.

Rifles are more of a pain in the arse. Anything bigger than a .22 has to be single shot. So bolt action, or what shooters over here call "straight pull". Lots of people I know own M4 and M16s, and clones, all converted to straight pull, or in .22 cal as a semi auto. .17 HMR is also a very popular calibre over here. A licence is slightly harder to get, you have to prove a need for one, but this can be anything from membership of a .22 rifle club, to having permission for enough land to be able to shoot on. There is pretty much no such thing as "public" shooting land in Great Britain.

Me, I shot rifles for years and years, but they bore me nowadays frankly, I'll stick with my shotguns.

Moderators, incidentally, although very hard to get in the States, are easy here, you just put it on your licence. Hell I have one on an air rifle that I shoot in the garden occasionally.

Go figure :)

I felt this way about my little island of Bermuda. Up until a year ago you could count on the fingers of two hands the total number of gun deaths.

We just had ANOTHER shooting this morning at 4am. Give Bermuda gun crime a google and keep in mind the fact that we are a TINY little island that should logically be able to completely control the imporatation of weapons and they have been banned since the 1970s.

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