Forum fun...


Fledgling Freddie
May 4, 2010
It's pretty funny seeing an American's view on Russia :D

What's your view? What were Churchill's view?

The fact is that Russia did nothing other than make an agreement with Germany to divide Poland, then they begged the west to help them after Germany turned on them.

Russia jumped into the war before America did, only they did it from the wrong side. WTG Russia!


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Russia pretty much won the war in europe. Only fat americans think differently. 80% of the german forces were killed on the eastern front v Russia. The Salad Dodgers got their asses kicked so much in the pacific they had to resort to dropping a nuclear bomb because they knew they couldnt defeat Japan by man to man fighting.

As for Korea and Vietnam, oh boy, you sure kicked ass there didnt you.

I have lots of friends who serve/have served in Iraq and Afghanistan and they hate the american soldiers because, and I quote "They're clueless".


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
They are only there to donate kit to the real soldiers.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Morning peeps,

I see one of our American Chumps has managed to work out how to use WhoIs and lookup the domain name and register using some of my details.

Very clever I am impressed :p


Fledgling Freddie
May 6, 2010
Morning peeps,

I see one of our American Chumps has managed to work out how to use WhoIs and lookup the domain name and register using some of my details.

Very clever I am impressed :p
That's not just one of the American Chumps, that is the king of all American Chumps.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
You think Russia came to your rescue to save you from Germany? LOL.

If the Russians hadn't have pitched in the way they did Hitler would have won. They did far more than the US did to win the war.

America was late (again). You joined after the war was already won. All the US did was shorten (albeit considerably) a war that was already won.

Everyone in Britain knows this. In fact, everyone in every European country knows this. We're fucked off with ignorant yanks who think they "won the war" for us.

We're not fans of the US because you think you're more important than you are. When I was over in the US, on more than one occasion I had people come up to me and ask me to say "thanks" for "winning the war for us".

You didn't. You were late. You should have joined much earlier. The war was already won.

We appreciate the help you gave, we really do, but get fucked tbfh :)


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
I wondered how long it would be before someone posted that nonsense.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
A bit back in the thread, I know, but I just got here. :p

Yeah those numbers are staggering really, but then again so are the losses.

Was that before or after they surrendered?

Finnish troopsdidn't want to surrender, it was a political decision. We had no trouble crossnig over and taking Moscow. Then again, that would've f*cked us and we'd be a problematic country right now.

Nothing to do with being drunk. It was to do with lack of equipment.

We owe a lot to Russia. Without the millions of lives they sacrificed there's no doubt o'l Hitler would have won...

In winter war, they had the gear, but they weren't prepared. Finns ate pretty much lard based foods, peasoup, dark bread, even alcohol and kept warm due to having a protective lair of fat ontop of prepared winter gear.

Also the Finnish aviation could keep the russian bombers back mighty well, by rotating the only planes we got. Even to this day we have a 24h patrol, back from those days and we still use the same munitions on the field.

Ruassians had tea and crackers more or less, which help fek all with cold temps :p

Really? What did the Russians do to help anyone, other than themselves? All they did was defend themselves to save their lives and nothing more. The Russians never helped anyone. They were allies with Germany and they had no problem with going into Poland, but they cried like whores when the fight came to them. I have ZERO respect for those fucking Russians. What good has EVER come out of Russia?

You think Russia came to your rescue to save you from Germany? LOL.

Scouse is right, if Russia hadn't been up germanys arse, hitler could've put all troops to other areas and would've had that extra edge that could've weon the war.

And what good?

Category:Russian inventions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rocket boots dude, rocket motherf*ckig boots! :p


Fledgling Freddie
May 6, 2010
As much as I like to poke the Americans, I'd have to say, the war in Europe wasn't already won when the Americans joined. It had however been fought to a stalemate, if it had ended there then Europe would look a lot different.
Trouble is though, it didn't end there. Hitler decided to attack his ally Russia for god only knows what reason. It's often said that they had a "non aggression pact" which is bullshit. Before the war even started, Hitler stuck a deal with Stalin for half of Poland to form an alliance, giving Hitler one front he didn't have to worry about. Why he decided later to take a war on two fronts rather than consolidate his hold on the rest of Europe is testament to the degradation of his mind in the latter stage of the war in Europe. Japan had allied herself with Hitler early on and drew America into the war with the attack on Pearl Harbour some time after Hitler launched attacks on Russia, possibly to distract the flow of American supplies into Europe. Somewhat a reckless move since they bit off quite a bit more than they could chew. This cleared the way for America to completely enter the war in Europe. They concentrated their efforts initially on clearing up the situation in Europe first so they could then dedicate the bulk of their resources into the Pacific and deal with the Japanese.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
As much as I like to poke the Americans, I'd have to say, the war in Europe wasn't already won when the Americans joined.

Yes it was. And, no offence, after my recent month in Oz I'll never take a history lesson off one of you guys :)


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Yes it was. And, no offence, after my recent month in Oz I'll never take a history lesson off one of you guys :)

Err, you're wrong there.

As much as the russians, the US joining had a fair share to do with Hitler not succeeding.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Wow Toht! You're so full of it that you can't even keep track of your own posts:

First post:

Scouse is right, if Russia hadn't been up germanys arse, hitler could've put all troops to other areas and would've had that extra edge that could've weon the war.

Second post:

As much as the russians, the US joining had a fair share to do with Hitler not succeeding.

The Russians won the war. The Americans helped with the cleanup.

Yes, the war would have been much longer if the Yanks hadn't pitched in - and for that we should thank them. But Hitler was going nowhere long before they did...


Fledgling Freddie
May 6, 2010
The Russians had been in it for a mere 6 months before the Americans came into it.
The Germans were getting their arses handed to them by the Russians, but a lot of that was due to logistical reasons. While American Lend/Lease had a part to play, the Russians had some excellent armour and aircraft of their own design. If the Americans hadn't have weighed in, it's very likely that the Russians would have occupied the whole of mainland Europe, and you'd be in a similar situation as you would have been if Hitler had won, just a different totalitarian nutbag would have been in power, that's all.
If the Americans hadn't become directly involved in Europe and instead decided to take care of their own mess in the Pacific then I seriously doubt you'd be hailing the Russians as victors.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Those two statements are not mutually exclusive Scouse.

The war wasn't won, it was wide spread and the russians were succesfully pushing back the germans, but again, without US help, the end result could have been a lot different.

Russia helped.
US helped.

Keep it simple.

But funny that i'm so "full of it" the second i don't agree with you on something :p


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I disagree Toht, but I'm not going to get into a 5-page argument over it with you :)

Without Russia, the war was lost. Without the US? Not lost. A lot longer but not lost.

Britain was safe by the time the US entered the war. Hitler had given everything he had, and come up short. It was only a matter of time...


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
I disagree Toht, but I'm not going to get into a 5-page argument over it with you :)

Without Russia, the war was lost. Without the US? Not lost. A lot longer but not lost.

Britain was safe by the time the US entered the war. Hitler had given everything he had, and come up short. It was only a matter of time...

And i think that with time, Hitler would've had more time to complete his other military projects(they had some nasty plans for you lot), the US could've pulled out of japan and japan could've come help germany etc.

The reason there's no real argument that it's all very speculative, but as history goes, US and Russia helped :p

Longer, lost, it's all a haze and would require a lot of work to speculate through, but the war wasn't won either.

Not to mention, after invading germany, russia could've easily popped over to the UK ;)


Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
Regardless of the US input it was a welcome relief at the time when they entered late or not, not only to help with a final push but raise morale and help with supplies so no matter what you think it was a great thing they helped


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
I disagree Toht, but I'm not going to get into a 5-page argument over it with you :)

Without Russia, the war was lost. Without the US? Not lost. A lot longer but not lost.

Britain was safe by the time the US entered the war. Hitler had given everything he had, and come up short. It was only a matter of time...

Overly simplistic tbh. The real US contribution to the specifically British (rather than "Allied") war effort was in the Battle of The Atlantic, and here, the British could have lost the war (and almost did.), even as late as 1943. Its extremely unlikely the Germans could ever have successfully invaded the UK, but they could definitely have forced an armistice (don't forget that's pretty much what brought the Germans to the negotiating table in WWI; they weren't defeated militarily, they were starved into submission).

These forum debates about who won the war are always overly-simplistic; a lot of the key turning points in the war were as much to do with luck and timing as anything else; but there's one truism that always cuts through the arguments; the British gave time, the Soviets gave blood, and the Americans gave treasure. Unfortunately, amongst the allies the British could definitely be said to have lost the war, although even there, it may have been a blessing because we got out of the empire business (which had been loss-making for nearly half a century before WWII) fairly painlessly compared to other empires.

Son of Sluggish

Fledgling Freddie
May 5, 2010
Since I'm a thick American maybe you could set me straight: Who was the Supreme Allied Commander during WWII? WTF is an Arsenal of Democracy? WTF is a Lend Lease Act??

On a side note, rumor has it that Disney/Pixar is going to remake Battle of Britain and set the story straight once and for all. The plot will revolve around the true story (conspicuously omitted from the Brit movie) of two American test pilots (Matt Damon and Ben Afflec) sent to teach the Brit pilots how to fly all of the airplanes that Roosevelt gave gB. After the enitial wave of German attacks, in which the timid Brit pilots basically take turns weeping and wetting themselves, the test pilots (ignoring direct orders) take to the sky and push the Luftwaffe back across the channel.

The Americans impregnated all of the Brit women and everyone lived happily ever after, the end.


Fledgling Freddie
May 4, 2010
I disagree Toht, but I'm not going to get into a 5-page argument over it with you :)

Without Russia, the war was lost. Without the US? Not lost. A lot longer but not lost.

Britain was safe by the time the US entered the war. Hitler had given everything he had, and come up short. It was only a matter of time...

Churchill felt differently. He wrote that when the Americans entered the war, Britain was saved and that he slept that night knowing that the war would now be won. Read Churchill's Memoirs of the Second World War. I have, twice.

You are pretty ignorant if you think the war was won by the time the US entered.

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